Without the benefit of higher, far more *realized* Universal physics
processes/superConsciousness perspective, this article is probably going to be
difficult for most readers to fathom, but in keeping with realizations
thousands of years ongoing, these insights are important for the concerns the
world is having with global warming nowadays.
Everything, everywhere, is shared energy. Shared interconnected
Language itself is energy, made up of energy values built over nonlinear time
from moans and grunts, to recognizable purpose and meaningfulnesses pieced
together, to what we share with each other today as purposeful dialogue,
exchanging thoughts, feelings, ideas, wonderment...
In ancient times folks were exceptionally attentive and mindful of the
energies going on in the world around them. They recognized the differences in
aggressive energies, like storms, earthquakes and the like, vs passive
energies of peaceful, gentle evenings.
To communicate and discuss these energies around them, they likewise likened
passive vs aggressive energies to the natures of female and male earth events,
assigning likenesses to them such as yin, female, matriarchical passivities to
yang, male, patriarchical aggression.
They incorporated their acknowledgments of male and female universal energies
into their languages, assigning aggressive vs passive energy opposites, and
all levels in between, to such words and concepts as yin, female, right,
feelings, intuition, warmth, gentleness, etc., and yang, male, left, thinking,
cognition, cold, harshness, etc..**
Panini even wrote Consciousness into Sanskrit, for anyone advanced enough to
be assisted toward Awakening/Enlightenment.
The Universe is a system of energies that swing from one polar opposite to the
other. In other words, from aggressive energies to passive energies (and of
course through everything in between).
Professors in Canada have estimated that it takes about 26,000 years for this
exchange to happen. As it is happening, the natural forces of our planet
(weather, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.) go through changes relating to and
reflective of the ever-changing shifting of the polar opposites
The weather, earth elements (geological, etc.) are not the only life matters
being influenced by the natural shifting of the ever-ongoing polar opposites
We, ourselves, are also being influenced/affected by this process.
Nowadays, as the patriarchical aggressive energies swing over to the
matriarch, the cold to the warm, humans are unwittingly pouring out of their
chuches, temples and other authoritative gatherings and into the streets in
protest of established authority. Collective unconscious conventional minds
are woefully unaware of the much higher than convention forces/physics
processes going on in the Universe influencing what they are doing. They think
everybody and everything are all disjointed, and that everything they do in
their mistaken notions that each of us is somehow magically plopped down into
the world completely disconnected from each other and from all else,
everywhere else, is all their idea, completely under their control.****
It seriously is NOT!
The more unconscious the collective unconscious convention is, the more they
are unwittingly little more than dominos being knocked over when the Universe,
in all its polar opposite energies, flows their way.***
Move anything, anyone, move everything, everyone. Nothing and no one can opt
out of that reality!
So, does this mean global warming is science based?
Absolutely, but...!
In keeping with Western science, in particular, and Eastern scientists today
finding themselves caught between their ancient countries'
realizations/*remembering* the higher Universal physics realities and modern
sciences' conventional lack of mindful reflection, today's scientists/science
overall, are only looking at the (conventionally/linearly conceived) physical elements in their attempt to
understand global warming and dangerously leaving out the other side of
themselves, blinding themselves to the higher processes taking place within
that higher *balance.*
There will never be a true "unified theory" recognition of *reality* until
modern science evolves enough to accept that its determined physical-only
acknowledgment leaves out the higher Truth that everything is ultimately
Translucent, and that there is *structure* in that Translucence, which
includes modern sciences' disrespected feelings, intuitions and "soft science"
(psychology, philosophy, etc.).
Psychology is actually quantum physics in disguise! (It is
not loosely out there floating around in an unprove-able state,
but is actually adhering to serious physics, as we are ourselves!) The two
become *One* at the Core, dissolving into each other. Quantum physicists are,
again, not the first to know about quantum physics.They are the
to know! Even HH the Dalai Lama in his many week-long symposiums with them
tries so hard to help them process and grasp that Buddhist monks figured out
quantum physics thousands of years ago!
They weren't the only ones. Other sages before them figured it out, as well!
The Universal Truth is that consistent, through Nonlinear space and
time. Over thousands upon thousands of years, the Answer is always the
Modern (and in particular Western) scientists have inadvertently founded
themselves in a faith-based notion of the Universe, determined that it all
"has to be" physical, not yet evolved enough to recognize that both time and
space are Nonlinearly relative and that the Universe is Translucent!
Feelings, the disdain of many unevolved scientists today, are essential
guidelines constantly warning us how far away we are straying from perfect
*balance.* Energy forces rush in whenever we lean too far to the
left, for instance, bringing into our lives right experiences
that remind us to *turn around.*
Left (thinking) ><-------|------------O------------------->< Right
Invertedly, the left comes forth when we lean too far to the right:
Left (thinking) ><--------------------O------------|-------><
Right (feeling)
It is a quantum physics concept that there are no forces at equilibrium state,
that imbalance causes those forces. Can you see here how there are serious
physics behind meditation? There is a long article I've long ago written here
the physics of meditation.
There is no such thing as "soft science psychology"! Psychology (again) is
quantum physics in unintended disguise, but it is only/primarily
Western-minded collective unconscious convention that is sleeping on the job.
We wouldn't exist without the reality of these shared physics.
We ARE these physics! They (we) are also the physics of all else in Existence,
including the forces of natural earthquakes, tsunamis, other geological
events, weather (including global warming), all events/happenings
including human-initiated activities (terrorist attacks, murders, kidnappings,
accidents, space shuttles' demise, domestic abuses, the "even"-ing news (hear
that?), all 100% realizable as congealing toward manifestation by anyone
mindful enough to notice. See why you may have "had a feeling" about some of
these, though it wasn't Consciously developed enough to carry it through?! It
was all there! It always is! The entire Universe in all its profound Truths is
forever within yourself, and it is your place in life to figure that out!
*One* physics, interactively shared throughout. Translucent and
*structured*, inescapable, persistent and rigidly determined. A
beautiful process...we are!
This blog teaches you that *structure* in *Translucence.*
** A wonderfully insightful book written decades ago by June Singer, called
"Androgyny", beautifully explains these further.
*** The benevolent Taoist based martial art Aikido teaches one/*One* how, with
mindfulness, to simply ~ step out of the way ~ when aggressive opposition
comes rushing their Way, in keeping with Universal Truth and the benefits of
**** The 2012 apocalypse scare was actually folks' unwittingly acting out
their having run their energy projections to the ends of their conventional
notions, that then could not come full circle into fruition because they were
missing important higher truth elements required for manifestation. So, it was
back to the drawing board for them to try again.