Instead of losing my passion and joy for the physics of Nonlinear mathematical supeConsciousness, through a personal health trauma, I am even more profoundly Aware.
Can't wait to share my physics realizations here, asap.
I am soooo baaaccckkk! Even created a new twitter account in honor of a young Thai surgical resident who helped save my life! @drbuddhathai
Long, highly insightful article to write here. Gonna be slow going for a while, but we'll get there. Been in and out of hospitals and rehab (currently), because my severely damaged left hand, wrist and forearm had to be amputated (just last week), and trying to go from totally isolating myself from convention, in all its chaos, to being suddenly saturated by medical staff coming at me in every direction, has been quite challenging. Working with people who can comfortably hear me, to communicating with folks who can't begin to process where I'm coming from, has been, shall I say, an adventure. Through it all, I've learned that meaningful dialogue can help pave the way to at least some basic interest, and that I wanted to share my basic explanations here, on my way back to my Nuclear Relativity writings.
Why "nuclear relativity"? Because the ...exact same physics... underlying our very own "nuclear family" dynamics are the very same physics revealing all else going on in the Universe itself, nanotechnology to cosmos, earthquakes to human-initiated devastations, it's all there! Two nuclear physicists from Los Alamos Nuclear facility in New Mexico, aka atomic bomb,** Nagasaki and Hiroshima top secret facility, once read a two-book set I had written, and loved them. It's important for folks here to learn to comfortably recognize the super(im)position Oneness of all in Existence!
Right-Clicking to Instant "Ah-ha!"
One of the quickest and most comprehensive explanations I shared with curious folks comes from a simple right-click with your mouse!
When you right-click on your mouse and choose "View Page Source" from the small list that pops up, the page you're on turns into code (like html), revealing/exposing the underlying dynamics creating the page we all see "on the surface" (font type, colors, pictures, design, etc.)
Well, that's a great analogy to how life works! Underlying everything going on "on the surface" (that nearly everyone ONLY sees), is the highly complex (and yet incredibly simple) higher physics dynamic underlying all things, all processes, all of life itself, ourselves included!
I was born seeing that higher dynamic (aka with a nonlinear mathematical, multidimensional superConsciousness*), which clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, certain professors, and very highly realized buddhist monks also learn to recognize. It has been realized/recognized for thousands of years!
Elusive "Big Bang"
Another cut-to-the-chase way of explaining the underlying dynamics of superConsciousness and its enormous importance to science is that, while scientists search the cosmos for evidence of the elusive "big bang", it isn't really out there, exclusively expanding away. It's everywhere!
Another cut-to-the-chase way of explaining the underlying dynamics of superConsciousness and its enormous importance to science is that, while scientists search the cosmos for evidence of the elusive "big bang", it isn't really out there, exclusively expanding away. It's everywhere!
The *Now* IS the "big bang," nonlinearly happening again and again with every *Now*.
Try this: Hold up your hand and close your fingers together to a point. Open your fingers out as far as they can go, close them again. Open, close, open, close... See the nonlinear "big bang"? It's pulsating, like a heart! It's happening right now...every now! (See the "expansion"? As in...linearly conceived?)
The more Conscious you are, the broader your simultaneous *Now* accesses. In other words, the more you are able to see and recognize/realize as transpiring simultaneously in every direction all around you, multidimensionally, represented by your hand outstretched relative to those Conscious *accesses.*
Thing is, in keeping with "dependent origination," (which HH Dalai Lama and other highly realized buddhist monks adhere to: No up without a down, no over without an under, etc..) your outstretched Conscious *accesses* also reverse, allowing you, if you're really paying attention, to see what is congealing/forming toward imminent manifestation, which is how I am able to recognize, report and warn of horrific events as they approach, hopefully in time to save people's lives. Teachable, measurable physics! Earthquakes, tsunamis, other natural and human-initiated devastations, space shuttles' demise! You name it! The nonlinear universe already knows! It is ourselves who are catching up!
Convention (everyday blind acceptance to what everybody else is doing) has inadvertently established itself in linear/one-sided perception. (Read on...)
Past, Present, Future
Quite simply, there is no linear (line-ar -->) one-sided past>present>future, which is why we can never step out of the Now. Sure, it all seems to work perfectly well, but that's only because conventional mindsets have no other expectations, no other ways and means of processing/functioning that makes sense out of everyday "reality." Folks worldwide buy into the mistaken notion/belief that if "everybody else is doing it", it has to be correct, because how could soooo many people otherwise be wrong?! They are!
Quite simply, there is no linear (line-ar -->) one-sided past>present>future, which is why we can never step out of the Now. Sure, it all seems to work perfectly well, but that's only because conventional mindsets have no other expectations, no other ways and means of processing/functioning that makes sense out of everyday "reality." Folks worldwide buy into the mistaken notion/belief that if "everybody else is doing it", it has to be correct, because how could soooo many people otherwise be wrong?! They are!
Selective Convenience
Conventionally minded folks (99%+ of the world's population) are in good company. Western scientists have themselves fallen into the conventional, linear establishment.
Conventionally minded folks (99%+ of the world's population) are in good company. Western scientists have themselves fallen into the conventional, linear establishment.
Quantum physicists, realizing that quasar 2 immediately / simultaneously knows / recognizes / acknowledges any changes to quasar 1 without any time or space for them to measure between that phenomenon are baffled and distressed in their linear approach toward understanding. Quantum physicists insist "this is all new" to the dismay of HH the Dalai Lama, who tries so hard in his symposiums with them to help them understand that Buddhist monks realized the Answer to quantum physics thousands of years ago! As I often say here: modern scientists are not the first to know! They are the last to know!
Earthquakes are still argued to be unpredictable because "no one can know the future." How very, very wrong that is! Scientists in L'Aquila, Italy escaped prosecution a few years back, using that defense, after shutting up another who was desperately trying to warn of an imminent quake. It killed hundreds of people! That acquittal sent science lightyears behind in its missed opportunity toward growth and Awakening. I had recognized for a year and a half the imminent approach of the tsunami that would go on to kill nearly a quarter of a million people in Indonesia in 2004, location and death toll intensity included. Who was there to warn? Convention persists in learning the hard way. Everybody and everything is connected and influencing everything else. It's all shared energy! Move any one, move every one!
The Universe is Non-Linear! "Future," as collective unconscious convention assumes it, does NOT exist!
Everything is *Now,* and higher and lower *accesses* of *Now.* The more Conscious/realized you are, the broader/more vast your Now *accesses,* including their reverses congealing into/toward manifestation.
All natural and human-initiated phenomena reveal themselves to those who are Consciously paying close enough attention.
This blog teaches you every essential "how to." You just have to "do the work" required by the Universe itself to see it.
* Of course, I had to grow into it, but by the time I was 3 years old I was way beyond the threshold into Consciousness and adamant I was having nothing to do with sleeping convention. Documented, dissected, repeatedly proved by doctoral level professionals.
** Statement on the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons - Dalai Lama
Much more to come... Subject to editing.