Friday, November 27, 2020

Nuclear Relativity: Prince, Parent Trap and Pope

How are these all related?

We'll get to those soon enough (fascinating, though!), but for now...

(A personal aside...)

This is my happy place, my healthy place! When the world is beating me up and beating me down, the Universal Truth is my "...aaaahhhh!!!!" At least the Universe hears, acknowledges and validates me! I'm in excellent company with HH the Dalai Lama, other *highly realized* Buddhist monks (actual doctoral level physicists), Einstein and "his" relativity actually recognized for thousands of years.

I feel like an undercover agent. Nobody knows who I really am! I'd say it's from these childhood experiences, just as profound for me then as now. And the original Starsky and Hutch! I loved the bumbling Starsky because in real life he was very highly educated! And maybe the FBI showing up at my high school to fingerprint me and invite me to join because of my "excellent grades" is encouraging my fun-intended hilarity here further. But this really is a very serious matter! So much more is going on here that only a rare few know to recognize, respect and appreciate. So bear with me and hopefully we'll get through this together.

I didn't invent/create the situation. I was born with it, and gosh knows I've had quite a few "discussions" (okay, arguments) with the Universe for giving me such a beautiful gift, only to make my life a living he(ck) full of obstacles in my trying so hard to share it. Folks the world over, born into other oppressive yet permanent situations such as color, orientation and the like, could identify with that!

You wouldn't expect a toy balloon maker to make critical decisions about launching a human-perched rocket into outer space, right? So why is it supposed to be okay for collective unconscious convention to override the highly-informed decisions of a repeatedly documented nonlinear mathematical superConscious  "genius" (Grrr...! I hate that "genus"/origins spin-off, given what people do with it, but it's just a cut-to-the-chase magnitude word helping me get to the point I'm making!) whose life's work has been, and continues to be, devoted to Awakening convention's sleeping authorities, toward protecting and saving the lives of thousands, hundreds of thousands (2004 tsunami in Indonesia), millions for ages to come, loooong after I'm gone, via superConscious applications of nonlinear physics going unrecognized by those distracted conventional authorities?

Try living with all that on your shoulders! This stuff is the real deal!

Where were they, if they know so much, when earthquakes devastated entire cities full of unsuspecting people (Mexico City, Kobe, Japan, L'Aquila, Italy, to name a few), when horrific human-initiated tragedies traumatized the lives of thousands in New York, Washington, D.C., London, Paris, Oklahoma, Kenya, Tanzania, Vegas, etc. ? When those space shuttles killed all those astronauts? And so much more?

Sleeping, that's where! In total lalaland! So where do they get off trying to usurp and invalidate my very important work I do, reaching millions of folks around the world (literally)! How dare they assume the right to tell me how to do my life's work? They have not a clue in...well, yeah! There! Precisely! (Ah, feels soooo good to get my frustration out! =P)

They haven't begun to earn that right!

I have been repeatedly officially documented in real time warning of the imminent manifestations, via observable, teachable, measurable nonlinear mathematical, multidimensional superConsciousness physics,** of all these, and many, many more over decades, ZERO anything whatsoever to do with "psychic" malarkey, which I recognize for the amateurish distraction it is from the real reality.

My childhood, all throughout, was incredibly mathematically mindful and attentive, and to this day I have never lost my photographic, videographic, audiographic memory, which are lost in young children because they are distracted away from their/everything's nonlinear reality by unconscious convention. At 3 years old, I clearly wanted nothing to do with collective, unconscious convention, because they never questioned anything and blindly bought right into "what everybody else was doing". I questioned everything, including origins of words, patterns in mathematics, other ways of defining concepts others didn't bother to see through... Soooo much more!

After repeatedly being punished throughout grade school (I never did get that Hershey Bar!), thank goodness college began with official diagnoses of my "functioning beyoooond the doctoral level" and my being "far more highly evolved," followed by changes in the curriculum at times so professors and I "could talk freely" without my "scaring the hell out of the students"!

I rarely talked in class, afraid the professors didn't want me to. I'd already been given an "A" for the semesters and told not to come back, two months before the end of those terms, after the dept head told me she'd gone around to my professors and told them about me. I'd always wished I'd pursued her further to find out precisely what she'd told them =P, but nevertheless they each cheated me out of several months of a social life on campus and being in classes with my friends.

Remember that! Because you can't have it both ways! Throughout my life I have been repeatedly ganged up on and gotten rid of, by neighbors, at work, even a few times at the hospitals and rehab I was recently in over the last few months. I'd mentioned India's revered elephant Ganesh, Remover of Obstacles, as prominent in my huge Asian art collection, and at another time was overheard talking with the most adorable-personality'd doctor from Africa who was interested in the ancient quantum physics/superConsciousness realizations recognized thousands upon thousands of years ago she and I were discussing. Both times practically got me thrown out by others who darned near lost their minds wanting every tiny sound byte out of their lives forever. Any wonder I stay away from them?

"Get rid of the toxins, to make room for the healthy people you need!" - Professor of Psychology, Dept. Head

You can't have it both ways!

How am I supposed to do what I need to be doing in every healthy sense of the word, when the world is relentlessly beating me up and beating me down for keeping those toxins out of my life so I can accomplish the important work I do!?

You saw thousands of people severely traumatized and running for their lives through the streets on TV? So did I, long before they got there, in nonlinear physics. If I didn't have to relentlessly apologize my life away to sleeping convention, I may have been able to prevent it altogether! And those imminent! It's the worst feeling in the world, and the worst abuse happening to me right now, with collective unconscious conventional lalaland determined to position itself between myself and the important work I do!

Don't assume yourselves in any position to tell me how to do my life's work! You haven't a clue in hell!

Am I angry? Darned right! About time! Loooong overdue!

I didn't ask for this. I was born with it. But recognizing how rare it is (likened to a child born on ice skates vs one trying to learn how to ice skate as an adult), I take my unsolicited but beloved gift very seriously and responsibly.

And recognizing imminent events congealing toward manifestation, profound as they are, is only an unfortunate? side effect of the main event, which is the fluent recognition of all the translucent *structural* physics going on from microbiology to cosmos, from basic science to quantum physics, from everyday event to event, from mirror to mirror in human psychology and psychiatry, global warming, everything! It's all in there, inescapably, sharing the exact same physics, interactively. Existentially. In reality!

It's just that the imminent human tragedies that could have been avoided really take a toll on your soul! Like the 2004 Indonesian tsunami that killed nearly a quarter million people, not counting traumatizing all their loved ones who had to live through all that! It revealed itself about 18 months earlier! Again, who was there to warn? Certainly not collective unconscious conventional lalaland still trying to shut me up to this day!

How on earth can anyone possibly know about a tsunami, its location and, of all things, death toll, 18 months before it actually happens? Parade View! We'll revisit this in my next article above!

I'd promised all those precious infants whose nursery was blown up in the Oklahoma Federal Building in 1995 that I would "climb the highest mountain and SCREAM at the top of my lungs to be heard 'next time'", and despite many incidents I'd detected in between, I failed them miserably in 2001. My every effort was sabotaged and defeated by, you guessed it, sleeping convention.

I poured myself into my work after that, and vowed no one would stand in my way ever again! I postponed two books I was preparing for two publishers who wanted them, having gotten past the initial synopses packages you send first. My books, 27 chapters each, were already written and ready to go, but after 9/11 I felt they were in need of editing, too revealing of the physics involved that needed to be in the hands of authorities instead.  I turned off the TV, never back on even once over the next year, to study about 26/27 world languages to explore communications origins, began working with noted students, and devoted myself to being heard!

And I sought advice from highly realized Tibetan Buddhist monks, who suggested I "teach people HOW (I) *knew,*" and also "not to intervene," saying "those are lessons to be learned by world society." That's always been such a painful struggle for me! But I took their advice (as much as I could, anyway), and devoted myself to teaching people the specific *structure* in translucence, guiding my students through intricate processes involved, enjoying my world language studies, and helping HH Dalai Lama reach the quantum physicists and other scientists in his many symposiums to hear him and take him seriously by my breaking it all down into basic everyday language that's a lot harder to escape without religion in the way to use as an escape route.

All throughout human history, gifted minds/individuals have isolated themselves out of mindful necessity so they (we) can do the complex work we do without the chaotic sabotaging attempts by convention to defeat us. It is that very important! Buddhist and other high lamas head to the hills, as did the Buddha himself (simply, Sanskrit *realizer* of these physics) in search of Enlightenment.

So now, about those opening concepts... Prince, Parent Trap and Pope?

When I was a child, profoundly mindful of nonlinear mathematical multidimensional physics not-so-hiding in ...everything, I felt like there were two of me...the me the world could see and hear, and the me they couldn't begin to recognize, appreciate, empathically *know.* Hence, my empathic love and identification with the movie The Prince and the Pauper, as they exchanged places to experience the other side of themselves.

The Parent Trap had me passionately rushing home from the theater to grab my broom guitar to sing "Let's get together, yeah, yeah, yeah..." along with the movie's identical twins, played by Hayley Mills in the original version.

And my beloved Shoes of the Fisherman, in which the becoming-Conscious/Enlightened/Awakened Pope "ran away from home." Aka, the Vatican, where he "just had to get out", into the dark streets of Rome, to experience how the other side lived, very reminiscent of the Buddha escaping his princely palace for much the same adventure into Truth!

I know what I'm doing! It's about time the world respect me and BACK OFF!!!!

I deserve to be RESPECTED for the choices I make and not relentlessly sabotaged and overridden if I'm not choosing for myself and my work as collective unconscious convention would choose.

So if you're waiting for an apology, world, you've got a long, loooong wait!

I "do NOT have the right to enable people NOT to grow!" That includes you! Back off, lalaland! Learn! Awaken yourselves! 


I am waaay more than fine! Worry about yourselves, instead! 

I am doing precisely what I was born to do! I have enormous responsibilities that inescapably come with my giftedness (no apologies), and I am living up to those responsibilities. 

I love my life's work! This IS how I play!

This IS how I "toss a ball around!"


(Darn, that felt soooo good to write/get out! Ahhh...!! ;)

NOTE: When I read this, there's just soooo much more I want to say, with really important insights and information on how *realizing* how to decipher super(im)posed energies can change essentially everything going on in the world. Everything (everybody, every event, every object, everywhere...) disintegrates into energy (translucence) and re-congeals, all nonlinearly in any and every *Now.* Just imagine what scientists/authorities/even the everyday person could do with that, if only they knew how!

I was born super hyper sensitive to these energy processes and am fluent in them. Please let me teach you "how to."

I am trying soooo hard to Awaken/Enlighten the world.

** I intentionally keep saying/writing these all together because I'm trying to help folks put it all together in one place for themselves. Kind of like their opening a package and checking to make sure all the parts are there. It's a lot for anyone to wrap their mind around, but Universal Truth requires the ability to process multidimensionally, simultaneously so I'm helping you learn to feel comfortable there!