Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Nuclear Relativity: Disintegration X Re-Congealing: Trusting the Process

I finished my last post with the following:

NOTE: When I read this, there's just soooo much more I want to say, with really important insights and information on how *realizing* how to decipher super(im)posed energies can change essentially everything going on in the world. Everything (everybody, every event, every object, everywhere...) disintegrates into energy (translucence) and re-congeals, all nonlinearly in any and every *Now.* Just imagine what scientists/authorities/even the everyday person could do with that, if only they knew how!

I was born super hyper sensitive to these energy processes and am fluent in them. Please let me teach you "how to."

I am trying soooo hard to Awaken/Enlighten the world.

...but it is waaaay too important to leave there.

So I brought it here, so I can teach you "how to" begin being able to process and function within that disintegration >< re-congealing process, building the TRUST needed to comfortably "go there." That trust has to come from *within.*

This is the physics of...EMPATHY!

When you learn to experience both disintegration and its recongealing (reforming) simultaneously, you learn to experience nonlinearity and translucence! But conventional minds, thanks to their emulating their unconscious scientists being allergic to feelings, are frightened and suspicious of anything that doesn't have a rigid stronghold. But it's not all about them. Either "them." Their refusal to balance themselves and wake up is the origin of relentless warring, both foreign and domestic, religious rivalry, unsolved medical cures, political and social unrest, delayed-for-centuries scientific break-throughs...

It all begins with TRUST and the COURAGE to "go there!" To let go of all the indoctrination collective unconscious convention (the everyday social world) has inadvertently and unwittingly bestowed upon you throughout your life. It wasn't a conspiracy! They just genuinely didn't and don't know any better. When you know better, you do better, right? But trying to find your way out of that can be really hard, and terribly frightening! 

Most folks' first impulse/reaction is anger! But if you take your time and allow yourself to be guided through the process of Awakening/Enlightenment/becoming Conscious, by yourself, you'll soon realize yourself as having bridged a beautiful threshold that has so captured your intrigue and passion and joy that there is just no turning back to anything sleeping convention has to offer! You are soooo much more than you think you are, soooo much more than you've been led to believe.

Everything is!

What begins as a simple sojourn/gaze into your mirror evolves into the Answers to quantum physics, to what's reeeeally going on in the cosmos and under the world's most powerful microscopes!

Be careful what you wish for! 

GO NO FURTHER!...if you are NOT READY to confront and commit to your own personal truths, taking 100% full responsibility for yourself! The real reality is hard to un-see!

You have to go through those truths in your mirror to get to those Answers! It's like the Universe itself is a living, breathing entity of sorts that only allows its Ultimate Answers to those who have earned them and have proved themselves *worthy* of having them. Creepy, for sure, but it's just the nonlinear mathematical physics processes aligning themselves within your confrontation with reflective Balance. The Universe uses your ability to be truthful with yourself way deep down inside to lead you to its Ultimate Truths.

Ostriches are Everywhere!

I've seen scientists on serious documentaries demeaning analogies like an allergy and defiantly protecting their rigid adherence to conventional notions of linear physicality, totally mindfully unaware of just how much they are faith-fully blinding themselves to the real REALITY! I've even been attacked on a famous theoretical physicist's message board for my use of exclamation points! !!! How dare any feelings show up or be expressed in the same context as science!!!! ;) (Just had to do that!!!! =P ) And there I'd only used one! Got relentlessly threatened I'd be banned forever if I mentioned that ridiculous "Consciousness crap" again.

I've been thrown off of geology boards trying to help geologists/seismologists locate earthquakes' true timeXspace signatures in the grand scheme of all things. They'd rather endanger entire cities full of people than step out of their elitist notions of "science!"

TimeXSpace Signatures and the Fabric of the Universe

Every time you change your mind, think another thought, feel another feeling, you change your placement/address in the Universe. Time and space are ever-morphing and relative to the state of the art of your heart/status. What everyone collectively sees is the mean statistical average of their immediate-most perceptions. It's like improv theater! Everyone's (and every-thing's) spontaneous contributions determine their immediate-most experience!

The more *balanced* you are, the closer to the Truth overall, and the more you align yourself with the Universe's "parade view."

When you watch a parade while sitting on a sidewalk, you essentially only see what winds up right there in front of you. But if you watch that parade from the top of a building, you get to see its parts coming together, congealing, forming into the bands and floats and decorations, etc., their early movements as a parade, its/their increasing approach and imminent presence, and then its fading/exiting...disintegration!

The more you align yourself with your own truthful reflection, the more you align yourself with the ability to allow in higher and higher realities around you, cozying up to the Universe and how it "sees." You are falling through a very real wormhole, inching your way through it with every successful confrontation propelling you on.

So you need to decide if you are ...ready... to live in the Truth of what the Universe is really doing, if you are ready to be responsible having and handling that much information, accepting and owning that it's not about you, and that it never has been!

Are YOU ready?

Be careful what you wish for!

aham! **

Really need to add here that the Ultimate Universal Truth is not frivolously floating around out there somewhere. There IS solid proof! It's just proof founded upon an enormous wealth of reflective confrontational "data" experienced and re-experienced by generation after generation over thousands upon thousands of years that is lightyears/nightyears well beyoooond anything conventionally-conceived notions of linear physicality have to offer.  That confrontational "data" uses your ability to look deeply into your own mirror to own your own truths to recognize and realize its/everything's Ultimate Truth!  It forces you to directly experience/witness the higher physics involved, directly, which establishes the necessary foundation of TRUST and RESPECT involved/required.

It's all about learning how to ASK the Universe what it actually IS, not persisting in TELLING IT what it has to be! You cannot be a safely detached audience. You have to directly participate in its Truth! Fascinating, for sure!

** Sanskrit: I am! First and last breath!

Writing...lots more to come! Subject to editing...