Sunday, September 5, 2021

Shangri-La / Shambhala: Profound Questions, Answered

Shangri-La - VII

Working on answering some of the questions brought up on "Expedition Unknown, and others, about the reality vs myth of Shangri-La/Shambhala

  • What all are you missing, and how can you begin to see it?
Everything, essentially! Everything is completely other than what most folks throughout the world have been led to believe. The consequences are humongous, to both oneself individually and everyone else collectively. Your whole life becomes a Sisyphus (trying to push that boulder uphill) climb.

You're living in a world that is doing something completely other than what you are personally believing and behaving and relying upon, and it unfortunately takes the even/*even*-ing news to get your, and everyone else's, attention, but even then that "wake-up call" is only momentary, because your defense mechanisms rush you right back into your unwitting (bordering on delusional) "safe place."

A problem is that, without anyone in your life to mindfully redirect you and keep you on task and going in the right direction, you genuinely don't know what else to do, other than what you've already established your whole life and all your vested interests around.

All the Answers you are relentlessly searching for about your own self personally, clear to the cures for the most horrific diseases and disorders, all social and environmental situations, including the seeming impossible to understand cosmos, tragedies, catastrophes, the weather... are ALL not-so-hiding in that other side of the Universe that one-sided linear convention, its scientists and authorities simply will not allow themselves to see and wake up to!

All the Answers are right there, but useless information to sleeping collective unconscious convention. It's the biggest human tragedy of all!

  • Is it religious-specific?

"Imagine no religion," John Lennon once sang.  People were furious with him, so furious, in fact, they never were able to hear what he was actually saying!  Imagine what would happen, he was offering, coming from a place of *realization,* (having studied the 3000 year old Bhagavad Gita with his spiritual guru / Sanskrit teacher), if folks would lay down their weapons of faith, ~ just long enough ~ to *realize* what they are ~ really ~ doing, when they pick them back up again!  That's all!   A peeling away at the onion of *change!* - me

As I wrote about a few articles back, in Shangri-La - II, religion is simply the coming together in the same place (space and time) of likeminded individuals who are in close proximity of one another, mindfully, in their attempt to make sense out of what seems next-to-impossible to ever otherwise know, and while for those willing to grow that place may be only temporary as they continue on their journey,  for most it is a comfort zone they spend their entire lives unwilling to relinquish, even when exposed to the contrary. War, without as well as within, is a tragic result.

  • Can you get there with your mortal body? (As Buddhist monk mentioned in Expedition Unknown)
Yes, you can actually! Just not with your (shall we say) "mortal" (conventionally lost) mind. Because Shangri-La is the world as it really is, if only you would allow yourself to actually see it!

  • What does it mean to have no sense of self, there?
No one has a sole proprietary ownership of "mind." Mind is SHARED by all/Awe, inescapably. Everything is being moved and motivated by a Universal Energy: humans/animals, all sentient (experiencing) beings, all objects, places, spaces, time itself, events, happenings, the weather, volcanos, earthquakes, tsunamis, biology, the cosmos...everything! We are a part of a much higher process underwriting everybody, everything, everywhere! Once you fluently *realize* this, you realize you have no way or right to make anything all about just yourself. You also empathically identify with everyone and everything else, which is an amazing experience, a deeply profound Awakening. It is the epitome of Enlightenment.

  • Place of peace, bliss?
It is definitely peaceful to align yourself with universal reality, and to recognize where the consequences and karma of your actions and choices made from places of imbalance come from. Without Enlightenment you are forever searching, feeling your way around in the dark, a domino knocked over, over and over. Awakening to/Consciousness of just how truly *worthy* and entrusted you are is extraordinary.
  • No suffering, no sickness?
A way to really grasp this is in the higher timeXspace reality that the Universe is NonLinear, *realized* for "thousands of years," conventionally speaking. There is no actual past>present>future, which means that all Answers, including all cures for all diseases and disorders, however horrific, along with warnings of natural and/or human-initiated tragedies and disasters, are realizable/ the Now! Time and space are relative to the *state of the art of the heart* of one's Consciousness. 

  • Live forever?
There is no death in a NonLinear Universe. Only *change.*
  • Ancient Dwarka/Krishna Consciousness (same thing as Shangri-La/Shambhala): "...thousands of years ahead of its time" ? How is that even possible?
Quantum physics were realized and resolved thousands of years ago! It is the fluent realization of NonLinear Consciousness, which Answers...everything! Modern scientists, founded upon and lost in collective unconscious convention, are still trying to figure out what the ancients knew and how they knew it. Until they Awaken themselves to the importance of their own sensory development, they'll have a long way to go! Feelings are just as much physicality as conventionally-conceived physicality is sensory! Feelings are the NonLinear Universe using gravity, magnetism, mathematics and energy to lure us back into *balance.*