Friday, September 3, 2021

Shangri-La Shambhala: Ready to *Go There*...Right Now?

Shangri-La - VI

What everyone is perceiving the world to wrong!

(Process that as..."overall." It's okay to have/keep your meaningfulnesses.)

There is something entirely different going on, all throughout all in Existence.

Consciousness/Enlightenment is the fluent *realization*/*recognition* of what that "something entirely different" actually is, along with the ability to process that higher physics fluently.

That profound level of the real Shangri-La! Shambhala.

This Universal Truth has been realized/recognized for thousands upon thousands of years! But only by <less than 1% of the entire world's population.

That leaves >more than 99% of the entire world's population asleep, very genuinely.

It is not projected, it is not opinion. It is simply... *realized* / *recognized.*

It is a physics dynamic that 100% proves itself!

So...what, then, is going on?

We'll talk about!

I can't tell you, I can't hand it to you, but I can guide you toward seeing it for yourself.

Who, among us, *knows* ??

Very highly advanced Buddhist monks, Taoists and Hindus (at that highly advanced level), very high functioning psychiatrists/clinical psychologists/professors of philosophy, and some rare "geniuses" born with it.

Who else can *get there* ??

Everyone...if they are willing to *do the work* required by the Universe itself to become Enlightened / Awakened to it.

Buddhas and Meditation

So, first, what do all those Buddha statues all over the world, especially throughout Asia, and the significance / importance of all that meditation, have to do with it?

The Universe is Non-Linear! There is no linear past>present>future> as collective unconscious convention has mistakenly perceived and built and established their whole entire lives around. So deeply embedded in thousands of years of storytelling, with lifetimes, societies, cultures and religions firmly and meaningfully locked into place to support those stories, they will go to war to protect what they have established.

To even/*even* begin to see it, and all the many, many things you're missing, you need to get yourself out of your relentless need to project and back into the forever Now. Meditation quiets your noisy mind and gets you out of your own way to help you do that. It helps you *reflect* instead.

There is one physics, One Energy, ultimately going on, SHARED throughout all in Existence. Language itself is *energy,* made up of grunts and groans empathically recognized interconnectedly. But it's not just people we share that energy with! We share the very same energy as earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, disasters, everything you see on the evening news!

The word "buddha" is simply a Sanskrit word for "realizer," so essentially all those buddha statues are simply "realizers" of the real reality! One Energy, shared throughout all/Awe.

We are, essentially, being underwritten by that One Energy, each merely a domino being knocked over by it every moment of our lives...unless Enlightened!

Coming up... Questions (as brought up on Expedition Unknown) Answered, next...

What All Are You Missing, and How Can You Begin to See It?
Can you get there with your mortal body? (As Buddhist monk mentioned.)
What does it mean to have no sense of self, there?
Place of peace, no suffering, no sickness?
Live forever?