Coming soon...
(To explain and detail my recent series of tweets on this physics further.)
In the meantime... Begin here: (an earlier post)
(An earthquake goes into a psychiatrist's office...)
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Attention Seismologists, Geologists, Weather and Medical Researchers...
Mind is Sentience is Universal
No one has proprietary ownership of MIND! Mind is Universal ENERGY, synergistically SHARED (like wifi) throughout all in Existence...including with earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, weather, tragedies on the *even*-ing news!
So, an earthquake, feeling its sentience, goes into a psychiatrist's office...
Psychiatrist: What seems to be the matter/*matter*?
EQ: I feel invisible! I make every effort to be seen, to be heard, but nobody *even* notices!
Psychiatrist: Tell me more...
EQ: I dunno, doc! Um, well... Okay, well...I admit it! I have an anger issue! I'm just tired of it, ya know?! So I LASH OUT!
Psychiatrist: Wow! That's a lot of energy! Where do you think it's coming from?
EQ: I just feel soooo unappreciated, ya know? So...unacknowledged! Nothing I ever do seems to be good enough! I mean, I try and I try, but I get...nothing! NOTHING! So I get mad! So I make a lot of noise! And still they don't even/*even* bother to notice I exist! It breaks my heart!
Psychiatrist: So that's when you lash out!
EQ: Yeah, I mean... Something's gotta give! Something's gotta change! I just never get any feedback, you know?! Nothing I ever do seems to be enough! Only time I get any attention is when I get loud, throw things! Overturn tables, knock things around! Next thing ya know it's all out chaos! I just can't stop myself!
Psychiatrist: How do you see things being different if they did notice you?
EQ: Well... I probably wouldn't get as angry! I mean, if only they'd give me credit for all the little things I do... Maybe that would be enough! I just wanna be appreciated now and then, that's all!
Feedback, *Interconnected* Interaction and Redirection
The Universe is a system of feedback, of reflection (vs projection), where nothing is "an awful waste of space"!** Every everything is at all times accounted for. (Relative simultaneity)
Tragedies on the *even*-ing news wouldn't necessarily wind up there if that energy was redirected via mindfulness!
When earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, weather, tragedies are building toward manifestation, all that increasing *energy* is going unnoticed, unacknowledged, and hence unobstructed! Unextinguished.
(See link above to read the rest of this earlier post.)