Monday, April 4, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XXII

Detailed for Scientific Replication Purposes... XXII  (Continuing... Answering Taiwanese quantum physicists' questions with @DalaiLama )

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...

*Structure* in *Emptiness*

Recognizing Manifestation: Coming into Being - Part 3

NonLinear Physics Reality *Accesses*
> < ((((((  (((((  ((((  (((  ((  (  0  )  ))  )))  )))) )))))  )))))) > <

Mistaken Linear ("Modern") "Science" Accesses
o ) >

Attention Seismologists, Geologists, Weather and Medical Researchers...

Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Quantum Physics, Structure and Sentience

Mind is Sentience is Universal
No one has proprietary ownership of MIND! Mind is Universal ENERGY, synergistically SHARED (like wifi) throughout all in Existence...including with earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, weather, tragedies on the *even*-ing news!

So, an earthquake, feeling its sentience, goes into a psychiatrist's office...

Psychiatrist: What seems to be the matter/*matter*?

EQ: I feel invisible! I make every effort to be seen, to be heard, but nobody *even*  notices!

Psychiatrist: Tell me more...

EQ: I dunno, doc! Um, well... Okay, well...I admit it! I have an anger issue! I'm just tired of it, ya know?! So I LASH OUT!

Psychiatrist: Wow! That's a lot of energy! Where do you think it's coming from?

EQ: I just feel soooo unappreciated, ya know? So...unacknowledged! Nothing I ever do seems to be good enough! I mean, I try and I try, but I get...nothing! NOTHING! So I get mad! So I make a lot of noise! And still they don't even/*even* bother to notice I exist! It breaks my heart!

Psychiatrist: So that's when you lash out!

EQ: Yeah, I mean... Something's gotta give! Something's gotta change! I just never get any feedback, you know?! Nothing I ever do seems to be enough! Only time I get any attention is when I get loud, throw things! Overturn tables, knock things around! Next thing ya know it's all out chaos! I just can't stop myself! 

Psychiatrist: How do you see things being different if they did notice you?

EQ: Well... I probably wouldn't get as angry! I mean, if only they'd give me credit for all the little things I do... Maybe that would be enough! I just wanna be appreciated now and then, that's all!

Feedback, *Interconnected* Interaction and Redirection
The Universe is a system of feedback, of reflection (vs projection), where nothing is "an awful waste of space"!** Every everything is at all times accounted for. (Relative simultaneity)

Tragedies on the *even*-ing news wouldn't necessarily wind up there if that energy was redirected via mindfulness!

When earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, weather, tragedies are building toward manifestation, all that increasing *energy* is going unnoticed, unacknowledged, and hence unobstructed! Unextinguished.  

Imagine how different things would be if humans bothered to notice enough to provide early feedback...AS those energies are congealing toward manifestation!

MIND is THAT powerful! Because it is UNIVERSALLY SHARED! We have the power to redirect, but only with NonLinear Consciousness! Empathic realignment of ourselves with...the real Reality!

In martial arts, Aikido, potential assailants throw themselves with their own aggression, while their mindful intended targets simply, Consciously...and timely...step out of the way!

Collective unconscious convention and its equally unconscious scientists/authorities position themselves not to mindfully "step out of the way* but instead to be dominoes getting knocked over when the Universe and its Truth / REALITY / *energy* comes their way! They don't feel their own worth! They don't even begin to appreciate the *other side*... of themselves, which is anything but...

"An awful waste of space"!

The Universe is a system of opposing forces. If you don't see it coming, you provide no opposition!

Just as it is with any one individual, likewise collectively... if the Truth of any given situation is 9 and the collective behaves 3, the NonLinear (ever present, everything already said and done) Universe will bring that missing 6 into their lives via relative simultaneity! It's inescapable! If 4 then 5 becomes the karma / destiny, if 1 then 8...

So imagine how consequences would be so physics-ally different if earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and other tragedies on the...listen up...*even*-ing news were Consciously *recognized* as congealing, forming, coming into being (surfacing) months, years, in advance!

It's inescapable physics!

With "waaaay less than <1%..." of the world's population (of nearly 8 billion people / SHARED MINDS) Conscious, that's waaaay more than >99% passively providing no opposition whatsoever to what's coming their way, and that's one heckuva lot of *energy* projected onto their karma via relative simultaneity! Think about that! 

The Universe is completely *other than* what collective unconscious convention assumes! We are ALL inescapably UNDERWRITTEN and *interconnected* by... 

*One* Empathic Energy Simultaneously Shared Throughout!

... Nobody is individually and conveniently just magically plopped down into the world disconnected from all else, selectively able to make up the rules as they go! delusion.

The following is my blog article here that, in real time, set off my suddenly *recognizing* the Vegas massacre. I was re-reading and editing it when I suddenly *realized* I was detecting another, seriously didn't want the pain and trauma of all that, quickly backed away (physically pushed myself quickly away) from my computer and...*flash* - "Vegas - Mandalay Bay!"  My post note to the victims followed. Directly addresses sleeping scientists re: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, the cosmos, even NASA! 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe  - V

Special Note to the Folks Going Through the Vegas Tragedy (All of  Humanity!): There's a Much Higher Universal Physics Truth going on in life that most folks have not learned to recognize. It reveals these horrific tragedies long before they manifest, NOT from any "psychic" malarkey, but from very, VERY real Einstein/Relativity physics that are hiding in YOUR very own personal mirror.  

Awakening to your own personal reflection *within* your own heart and soul reveals what's REALLY going on "out there" in the world, *without* yourself! With soooo much sadness and heartbreak, so many life questions stirred, this (eclectic) blog can really REALLY help you to understand, to process *higher,* and most importantly, to heal! *Hugs* (Please read ***this footnote first! Despite initial appearance, all you need to process this entire blog are your deepest feelings and heart! That's where all the Answers are not-so-hiding, *realized* THOUSANDS of years ago!)

*One* Universal Truth, Synergistically SHARED by all/Awe!

A profoundly disturbing situation is going on in the world that more than 99%** of people/world society are not recognizing.  The <1%** aware of it see the devastating results and feel the stress, the conflict involved, in trying to help them become aware of it.

That >99% of world society is very genuinely asleep, truly physiologically asleep!

Most disturbing is that it is that >99% genuinely asleep collective mindset that is ruling the entire world on behalf of all sentient (experiencing) beings, and because they have no shortage of advocacy, and all the civil power to punish the *realizers,* those of us who are fluent in the true Universal reality have little choice but to relegate ourselves to the frustration of observing the very backward and immature energy overtaking this planet.

The infrastructure of planet earth is that of a bunch of naive and highly unguided children who are so deeply lost in their personal, selfish agendas, so immensely entangled in their make-believe, that even those they look up to or delegate to handle important affairs (in convention, scientists, world leaders, protection authorities), equally haven't a clue.

What makes it so hard to reach people and convince them that they are seriously distracted from real reality is that everything seems to be accurately in place all around them to manage their lives and provide for their needs, but that's only because everything's in place to support and continue...what else, but convention itself.  And folks are way too heavily invested, far too busy within that conventional infrastructure, to uproot their entire lives for any other way to be.  With dissenters of unconscious convention so few and the cost of dissent so high on nearly every level, the sleeping planet continues to snore away, and any and all nightmares it encounters have a vast array of deities and enemies to blame.  Hence, relentless wars and sudden catastrophic jolts they didn't see coming.

When those wars and "sudden" jolts get their collective attention, they look for broader stories they tell themselves collectively to get through them, but so quickly they return to their personalized agendas, strenghtened further by the collective event that they're going the right way.

There's nothing wrong with dreaming for oneself, and along with the collective, likeminded dreamers, until the chaos of all that sleeping through their entire lives meets the horrors of all that sleeping...the *even*-ing news!

Relentless warring, within themselves and without, can hardly be seen as worth all that subjective slumber.

Sudden, unforeseen earthquakes devastating entire cities full of people, tsunamis killing thousands of people, hundreds of thousands, can hardly be worth the price.

Murders, kidnappings, accidents, incidents, the weather...are they really not enough impetus to wake up?

As I write this, powerful, destructive hurricanes, one after the other, are wiping out millions of people's lives, homes, possessions, meaningfulnesses gone in the wind!

Terror threats the world over lurk and loom, and world leaders threaten nuclear wars as if they're playing with tinker toys instead of your lives!

Are those ego-driven, personal, subjective, made-up, keeping in (delusion of) control stories really worth all that?

What people don't realize is that all that chaotic energy is a direct reflection of the choices they individually and collectively make.

They don't realize themselves as far more physics-ally driven and influenced, and influential, and that the chaos of their slumber is the feedback they live, as the NonLinear Universe demands Balance in every *Now* and plays chess with them with every breath they take, every move they make, in its unnegotiable stance to be still/*still.*

Verrrry simplified example just to make the point: If its Core is 9 and you subjectively behave 7, it brings the missing 2 into your life via relative simultaneity (detailed more later). If you behave 4, then 5 comes into your life.  If 3, 9, 6 or 1, then 6, 0, 3 or 8 becomes your inadvertent destiny.

Science appears to be making magnificent strides in its technologies and space exploration, but that's because it has that place for itself in linear, projected, conventionally-driven life. But while its head is in the cosmos, it is seriously overlooking the more immediate basic needs of everyday people in everyday life, in particular their basic survival needs.

Instruments measuring earthquake movements in the ground provide important data, but their "5-second warning" so proudly currently displayed is primitive relative to the days, weeks, months, a year or more warnings of NonLinear Truth!  Waiting for an unexpected earthquake to provide a tsunami warning following it just moments away is tremendously naive and irresponsible when NonLinear Truth can provide that warning a year or more before manifestation! Nearly a quarter million people lost their lives and others their loved ones, homes and livelihoods in the 2004 tsunami on December 26, that science, with its head in the clouds, didn't see coming!

Look what happened to Japan with its historical tsunami, as the world watched.

And look what happened on 9/11/01 and all the devastation then and relatedly since, while science and other conventional authorities slept away!

Why aren't these, and relentless others similar, worth waking up to higher reality?  What has to happen to make modern scientists and other conventional authorities recognize the bigger picture of where they're going wrong and need to redirect themselves?

And what about that >99% of people making up that collective unconscious convention and their responsibility in all this and for themselves? They put those "authorities" in place, in science, in government, in protection agencies, and that will only continue until the people themselves become aware of what they're doing wrong!

The frustrating thing is that the Answers are all right there, immediately available to them all! And the more immediate problem is that the people of world society, and their scientists and other essential authorities, genuinely are unaware, for the most part, that anything other than what they are already doing actually exists. They have been born into, and bought right into, the design of collective unconscious convention, and having lived it all their lives, unimpeded, have tangled their webs so tightly that any suggestion of redirection is experienced as loss, and anger and disdain rush forth to insure any such invasion is punished, ganged up on, and destroyed.

The Buddhist practice of accepting and soliciting very young children into monastic life as novices has been ridiculed by conventional naivete as abusive to these children, with the argument being that they should first grow up and become of an age mindfully mature enough to choose for themselves.

But what convention isn't realizing is that those chosen children are being protected (far more than their own) from having their lives and minds so deeply enmeshed in the cerebral neglect that is like a disease that makes later in life redirection/Awakening incredibly difficult and painful, and likely never to happen. By then a person has told himself/herself so many tangled stories and bought so into convention's toxic, contaminated infrastructure of fables, and become so profoundly invested in those tangled stories that *even* convincing them otherwise is next to impossible.  And the responsibility involved in realizers even allowing folks to get lost in all that when they have the ability to protect them from it is immense, on behalf of all sentient (experiencing) beings. And that responsibility weighs very heavily on the minds of the Awakened *realizers.*

In 1995, devastated by the deaths of all those precious infants in Oklahoma, I promised them that I would "climb the highest mountain and SCREAM at the top of my lungs" to be heard "next time."

I failed them miserably!*** I did climb the highest mountains! I did SCREAM at the top of my lungs to be heard!  And the highest authorities in those mountains said "we don't employ that technology!" Others whisked it all away in their coveted file folders and looked for ways to heal my unhealthy thinking. I got hung up on, doors slammed in my face, fired from jobs, told to move out of my home, ganged up on, called a quack, a charlatan, mentally ill, blah, blah, blah... I have always wanted to be a little fly on their walls when the events I detailed manifestated, and they had no where to go to hide what they had done to help those manifestations manifest!

I had every detail. It was worthless information.

When I turned off the TV to immerse myself in all those languages, I still detected the demise of the second space shuttle.  I'd also detected the demise of the first in 1986. It's simple, basic physics, that even NASA couldn't process in time...and space!

Nuclear Family Relativity, very VERY real physics of all life itself, of everything within and without yourself, microscope to cosmos, knocks down the artificial walls and boundaries of convention, and challenges you to reflectively recognize and realize what's REALLY going on, in your mirror, and reflectively "out there" in your environment, in the world, on planet earth, in the cosmos, and microscopically.

As I've said, it is incredibly intriguing to observe and directly experience the world, the Universe, your own life, from a *realized* place actually mindfully INSIDE the entire dynamic IN ACTION, where absolutely nothing is going on that is not a reflection of your very own self inescapably...and it has the audacity to hold it ransom until you face the truth of yourself every step of the way!  It actually uses your Core Truth of yourself to prove itself.  Whodathunkit? (That part's for you to decide!)

Nuclear Family Relativity shows you directly what time really is, what space really is, what relativity is, and how it all works together. It takes you into multidimensionality, parallel universes, and through very real wormholes.

It teaches you what gravity is, from INSIDE, magnetism, and what dark energy and dark matter are, and why and where they are!

Doctors and patients and their families actually unwittingly reveal the cures for diseases and disorders in their general conversations, and scientists exploring their microscopes and distant cosmos reveal an enormity of revelations about passions they spend billions building and sending equipment to!

And all of it is totally missed by all of them, because they've lost themselves in collective unconscious convention and its mistaken linear logic and "reasoning" that, without guidance, they cannot hear, they cannot see, and they spend their whole entire lives having never realized who, when, what, where, why and how they really are in Universal Truth.

Are tangled *stories* really more important than all that?

** About 20 years ago, while writing books, I interviewed a very prominent university department head with whom I'd suggested <5% of the world's population being aware, from previous exposure. He quickly corrected me with such a rush. His exact words were: "Oh, it is waaaay less than that! Less than 1%!"

*** Failed again, apparently.  Editing this blog post last week, I was painfully taken back to my promise to all those infants (and others) in 1995, which then set me off into remembering soooo many others, and my feelings of anger took me way too deeply into my Nonlinear, multidimensional math mind, as I told myself...I don't EVER want to *know* another (what I used to call) "pre-realization." My brain immediately responded with...Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay.  Really, really angry right now.  Couldn't care less who believes that or not, and haven't in ages.  Reality is reality, but the ANGER I feel is intense.  Almost feel as though my own brain has betrayed me. Darned Nonlinear Math!  Same feeling as 2004 tsunami, with a quarter million lives lost.  After 9/11, I tried soooo hard never ever to *know* any of these ever again. Worthless information.  Excruciating. Born seeing the multidimensional math! Enough already, world. Wake the hell up!  (Lateral physics "portal" here would be the anger/intensity connection, all 100% observable, measurable, teachable physics!)

Thinking right now about the Tibetan Buddhist monks advising me not to "interfere" with Nature, saying that these are lessons for the world to learn, but I can't accept that infants and innocent people should have to go through such horrors to learn lessons they are no longer around to benefit from in any way.  Buddhist monks, high lama level, are fluent in the physics as well, and I respect and trust their advice. They did also advise me to teach people HOW I *know* all these things, because it really is actual teachable physics, but will conventional authorities listen?

** "Contact" - Carl Sagan movie. Aka..."The NeverEnding Story" for scientists. Pretty pathetic when blatant physics truth has to be disguised in a "fantasy" (quoting scientists of the movie) because scientists refuse to process Reality! Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands, millions, lose their lives so they can enjoy their "fantasy"..