Monday, May 20, 2013

Synergy: The Holy Grail of Seismology V

Becoming aware of an imminent manifestation is somewhat like observing the spiking of a seismograph, only you "do the math" (well in advance of that manifestation) all within your own head, across parallel realities and multiple dimensions, through the echoes and harmonies of the pulsating universe pulsing through you, and all from the NonLinear, dot(less) dot *in the middle* of its spherical Universal *Core!*

Over on the primary blog, I introduced you to the beginnings of multidimensional language, walking you through the *higher realities* and parallel physics of the nuclear family of mother/father/sister/brother analogies.  "Introduction" is the key to understanding just how much I mean "beginnings" when, as profound as those nuclear revelations and their physics can be, scaring off just about everybody who dares to check them out, ALL language is the exact same way!  Look around you!  All those things sitting there in your environment "behave" the very same way!   The objects of your work or home, for instance, have come from humans interacting with them, all the while unconsciously applying language and *energies* to them that they (disjointedly) thought were simple words or labels or ideas to them, having no idea they were remnants of that "vehicle exhaust" that flowed through their creations from the rippling *energies* coming from the Universal *Core!*  (And also from your highly interactive earthquake, etc!) The people around you (who likewise experience the ripples and pulsations of life) offer many clues, as well!  They inadvertently "tell on" precisely "where you are" in your understandings of your earthquake or tsunami, etc.!  There are clues everywhere, because everything and everybody in the entire Universe are sharing the same physics as your earthquake or tsunami!  Extraordinary, isn't it?  A bit too much to fathom or comprehend, and yet it is all 100% true!  Like one great big conference call or phone line!  (The Ancients *realized* this thousands upon thousands of years ago!). The more fluent you become in multidimensional language and NonLinear math/patterns in the "chaos," the more you *realize* the enormous abundance of clues the Universe is sharing with you about your imminent event.  Hang onto your Dalai Lama "ladder rung," protecting *where* you have grown to, so far, and I will give you some "unfathomable" examples of the Universe essentially SCREAMING imminent events at you through everyday life:

...  athlete Kobe prominent in the media, as the Kobe, Japan earthquake approached manifestation

...  politician for Oklahoma paralleled the persistent repetitions of the words "federal" and "building" along the same physics prior to the bombing of the Oklahoma Federal Building on April 19, 1995.

...  talk show hosts Regis and Kelly persisted at a "nine eleven" vs "nine 1 - 1" emergency dialogue on both their morning show and night time sitcom (Kelly as star, Regis as guest), in the months leading up to the tragedy in New York in 2001

...  the young teacher on the first space shuttle to explode paralleled the language of "too soon," and circular math showing up loudly to hint at the O-rings involved.

...  parallel math of two/too and things happening in pairs preceded the double (and near-simultaneous) embassy bombing attacks in Kenya and Tanzania, Africa

And these are only tiny bits of data that revealed themselves with each of these events!  The clues for each were many, and everywhere, like ants on syrup!

Are you still holding on to your ladder rung?  Or, have you slipped back down and begun running away? Thousands upon thousands of these are noisily floating around you every day, but if you are lost in unconscious conventional distraction, they mean nothing at all to you, other than the isolated surface event they convey in their immediate (conventional) moment.

And still this is only the beginning!

Likewise creepy is the *reality* that, when you are superConscious (mind you, this happens for everyone, though missed and dismissed by most!), you will find yourself almost compelled to express very revealing and oftentimes unusual-to-yourself words, names, expressions, etc., very specific to an imminent event, that seem to "come outta no where!"  (Although, being Enlightened, of course, you totally *know* what is happening, and so they really get your attention!)  With soooo much fluency in the NonLinear math, multidimensional language, and soooo much more involved, the *energy*-into-data just simply flows through you so fast (wormhole-like) that it doesn't get hung up on distracted neurons and neural pathways, so to speak, resisting the data, and...wham!  It just goes straight to the top, to reveal itself as the serious data it is!   It's like a huge clue that was determined to be heard, and *knew* precisely who to go to, to make that happen! You even/*even* find yourself using unusual words that you personally tend not to use, but those are "super clues" to what is nearing manifestation, and you recognize them as such. That may seem like a chaotic place to have to live within oneself, but it isn't at all, because for an Enlightened One, there is just soooo much fluency, so much order and organization, with everything comfortably in place, and there's such an enormous respect and appreciation for the *process.*  You're so used to it, it's just all so intriguing! The Universe is beautiful in what it is doing!  What a tremendous shame that more than 99.99999% of the entire world's population are missing being an Awakened part of it all/*Awe!*

It is downright...fascinating!  Incredibly humbling!  Profoundly instilling...

ALL language, every word, phrase, sentence, paragraph, essay, what have you, reveals layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of ever-present Universal Truths, (edgeless) parallel dimensions, and every-day goings-on, all a step away from the *higher math* and even/*even* *higher* patterns and *energies,* that determine manifestations long before convention becomes aware of what it is *experiencing.*

Synchronicity and Math/Patterns in the Chaos
The information you need is always there, always ongoing, ever-present, even/*even* omnipresent!  When folks say they "had a feeling" or "a dream" about something happening, whether they could define it or not, THAT is coming from those rippling *energies*-turned-patterns-turned-mathematics-turned-concepts-turned language, as they pulsate through the minds and hearts of the distracted, unconscious conventional expectation and "reasoning," where all the revealing data would flow...only to be dismissed, again and again.  Occasionally, a speck or remnant may be caught just long enough to stir momentary curiosity.  If it stays a bit longer, then the math of two/too becomes a clue, as synchronicity comes onto the scene.  But a superConscious/NonLinear/Awake mind recognizes and acknowledges the Universal data for what it ...really... is, can define and refine its persistent repetitions for what they are, and are attempting to communicate, and can put the data together accurately, long before the actual manifestation of the event. (The more Conscious one is, the sooner the recognition of an imminent manifestation, and the more data one/One will have!)

An example of NonLinear Language working together with the likewise NonLinear math/patterns in the chaos: two weeks = too weaks = too weeks = two weaks!  (Perfect way to *grasp* relative simultaneity!) Sounds weird, I'm sure, but the *realizations* to come from such *higher* recognitions of Universal truth are enormous, and believe it or not, this process is already being used at far more complex levels of psychiatry, used by masterful, highly advanced doctors (rare as they are) to predict specific reactions in their patients and when those reactions can be anticipated!  It is something science needs to *realize* the value of in their work!  Our brains are very mathematical, and everything we do, thoughts, feelings, behavior, is mathematical!  I will be addressing this more on the primary superConsciousness blog, and have already provided the framework for it there.  But it is crucial information toward the process of accurate prediction!

Extraordinary Details, Beyond Conventional Belief!
Data from Conscious recognition can reveal not only the most noticeable event itself, such as an imminent earthquake, but actual details of the event, such as where the event will manifest, names of areas/locations/countries/streets, names of people involved, actual faces, activities going on, dates, geometric shapes (such as of distinct buildings), and the intensity of the event/devastation/death toll, the frequency involved, the distribution of the devastation! And soooo much more!

How on earth????  Every one of those dissolves out of conventional processing/reasoning/boundaries/distraction, and back into the *higher reality* of ...*Energy*... as *processed* by the Universe itself! is all language turned math turned *energies,* and it is those *energies* that are YOUR original, inherent, *higher* language!

To be more precise:

*energy* > patterning > mathematics > concepts > language > distraction (moving toward The Something) >>>>

*energy* < patterning < mathematics < concepts < language < distraction (moving toward The Nothing)       <<<<

See the pulsations?

See where animals are getting their information from, in that they are so often able to detect an imminent event?  Animals are not distracted by human invention-convention, as humans are!  They haven't lost their original, inherent communications from the Universal *Core!*

Easy enough to *visualize:*


More accurately:   language><math><*energy*><math><language

See where your earthquake *energy* is coming from?  The Universal *Core,* as it pulsates and flows, ripples and SHARES, throughout!  Language is frequencyXintensity *energy* expression, hidden by human distraction.

We really are the weather><whether!

If you have gotten yourself lost in the distractions of convention, with its horse-blinders interpretations of one-dimensional language and its narrow applications of everyday words and expressions, well...look what all you are missing!:

Your imminent earthquakes, tsunamis, etc....!   Your essential data...pulsing unnoticed in timeXspace *relativity!*