Monday, May 20, 2013

Synergy: The Holy Grail of Seismology VII

As we've been discussing, anything you want or need to know can be detected in the physics, and that physics is most immediately present and available to you through language, and...its built-in NonLinear mathematics!

Most folks who have attended a college or university, or who have dabbled in philosophy, are familiar, at least, with the ancient book, and game of sorts, I Ching (pronounced ee-ching).  It is certainly entertaining to ask it questions, toss its coins, and explore its intriguing *suggestions.* Many a superstar musician have proudly displayed their copy of the phenomenon on their pianos over the years, borrowing that suggestiveness to stir their creative insights!  But how on earth can something written/created many thousands of years ago have answers to your questions in the Now?

Well, it's that NonLinear Universe of ours, again!

Everything still/*still* applies!

What I am hoping to do here is teach you precisely *how to* create very accurate technology that will help you actually apply these *far more highly evolved,* NonLinear, Universal physics truths, based upon genuine multidimensionality and relative timeXspace, that is NOT lost in mistaken, conventional projection!  It canNOT be conventionally driven (unconscious, distracted, unowned, linearly-based) and have any hope of accuracy.  It has to be genuinely *reality* based!  It also canNOT be 100% technology-dependent!  The scientists and others working with that technology have to be fluently superConscious, as well, because the NonLinear Universe demands *balance,* and there is no *balance* otherwise!

The Human You, Inside the Technical Scientist
You have within yourself the most important "computer" of all/*Awe!*  No machine can touch it!  You have the ability to actually *access,* process and comfortably live within layers upon layers of multiple dimensions, to traverse relative time and relative space, to actually capture, recognize and fall through very genuine wormholes (described in other blogposts here), and *realize* your way out of their other sides! You were born with it, everyone is, but convention too quickly rushes in to claim your *original, inherent physics reality* away from you, replacing it with its own.  So often it is recognized that small children have incredible abilities while they are very young, that they "lose" eventually, such as photographic memory, for instance!  Young children often talk of such things as having lived somewhere else before coming into this life, and of having imaginary friends. These are original, inherent physics at work, *energy*-driven multidimensional language and NonLinear mathematics, and those *patterns in the order-turned-chaos-by-convention* I am trying to re-teach you here!  You still "have it!" You've just *forgotten* to *remember,* that's all! These blogposts can help you *remember!*

Humans are not what they think they are!  They are soooo much more!  But they throw it all away, desperate to find themselves "fitting it" to society, social creatures and all!  Beware that society!  It is established in a *state of the art of the heart* of the blind leading the blind!  It's mistaken notions and fear-based religions daring anyone to be so bold as to make themselves anything but forever "less than" to a "Forever More Than" guarantees that they will maintain imbalance in their lives and seek to compensate themselves by looking for those they can bully and war against!  Nice gig if you can get it, huh?  NOT!  Human history is filled with warring excuses and the impoverishing and severe oppression of anyone attempting to evolve beyond all that.  Conventional science has soooo bought into that convenient imbalance that it is currently shocked at finding itself running into its dreaded "philosophy!"  The reason for that is, indeed...*imbalance!*

Let's talk about that technology a little more!

As I have been pointing out, anything you want or need to *know* can be detected in the NonLinear physics, but you cannot hope to computerize the data in exclusion of yourself, and hope to assume accurate results.  You would only be accomplishing imbalance, inaccuracy, further distraction, and get yourself into one heckuva mess!  Intellectualizing away from *balance* is a polar extreme that's almost as bad as making no attempt at all!  It just creates more conventional "chaos!"  There are just soooo many more factors involved, so many extraordinary *insights* to work through, and these require a human, or at least *sentient,* factor!  There is no *balanced* Universe, otherwise!

An analogy would be: You could recognize an activity in life called, say, "figure skating," and learn how to put on skates and balance yourself on the ice.  But your performance is going to require the depths of your heart and soul (far more serious physics factors than science has yet learned how to respect and trust!), your *spirit,* your fluent dream and grace and integrity, the mastery and fluidity of complex technique amidst the eloquency and proficiency of your storytelling, your ability to accurately *convey* the message, selfLESSly and responsibly!  *Balance!*

You ARE that *messenger,* after all, the one/*One* who journeys to the Universal *Core* to empathically align, observe and identify, and who then returns to attempt to convey to and share your multidimensional *accesses* *experience* with the sleeping convention, in the only language (and *relative timeXspace* signature) it will allow itself to function within.

Science cannot continue to lock itself within conventional expectation and mistaken linearity and hope to grow!  It must recognize its mistakes, get past the ego dynamics of needed *rigidity,* smile it off and get on with acknowledging the NonLinear Universe for what it truly is!  An incredibly intriguing and very weird and wonderful *place* of the heart!

I am going to extend the physics of the *Nuclear Family* to *higher places* in both multidimensional language and mathematics, on the primary blog, where these and so much more are being addressed, and these will be profoundly important for you to study and master, toward the application of the NonLinear Cognition physics here.  The further you take yourself into multidimensional language, the more you recognize the *higher mathematics* not-so-hidden inside it all, and the more you learn to appreciate and respect  and TRUST the *higher reality* of those *processes,* because you must simultaneously *do the work* of applying them to yourself and your own truths, which can be very painful getting through!  You are redirecting your mistaken path through life, and that path is filled with traditions, beliefs, and defense mechanisms that can no longer be as they were!  It can be terrifying!  YOU are the one who projected it all!  YOU are the ONLY one who can UNproject it, to redirect yourself!  But once you get yourself on your way, you begin to "turn around" and see the pure joy of Universal *Balance* and *Truth,* realizing yourself as far more *Worthy* than you ever imagined possible!

*Pure Unobstructed Observation*
How do you even/*even* then *know* to notice when something devastating to communities is in need of attention?  How do you *realize* what language among the Universe of data floating around out there goes with what?  Where is it showing itself in others around you, though they aren't recognizing the important ripples of their own *inherent origins* they are experiencing?  These and other such questions, and their Universal Answers, require your comfortable fluency in the NonLinear physics involved, your ability to establish and maintain *balance* within your own self, and your respect and appreciation for *pure (unobstructed) observation.*

You cannot really go looking for your earthquakes, etc., in other words.  (You can, however, assist the process!). They have to come to you, because you cannot PROJECT onto the physics and hope for anything accurate!  But it all really does "arise in you" via that "pure (unobstructed) observation," and it does that very beautifully if you are prepared to receive the information, through your fluent Awakening (superConsciousness) and, well, you are likely familiar with the saying, "Success is preparation meeting opportunity!"

As I have explained again and again in these blogs...

Linear processing means forever REPELLING the information from yourself as you go!

...because you are projecting, which is why distracted scientists persist in their notion of everything being nothing more than "probability!"  But when YOU stop, the Universe stops, too/two...and your Answers appear!

And this all happens through Universal Empathy!

(Much more to come!  Adding and editing here...)