Monday, May 20, 2013

Synergy: The Holy Grail of Seismology VI

(Because of the importance of the data in these Synergy blogposts, these are being repeatedly edited as needed to ascertain that the complexity of the physics of earthquake (etc) prediction are being successfully conveyed.)

The mind can only do so much!  It has so many other functions to have to be concerned about, and we all know the expression that most people only use about 1/10th of their brain's neurons.  But the brain is an extraordinary device.  I would highly suggest, having formally studied the brain for many years, and having been born with a NonLinear, mathematical super duper Consciousness, =) , that the reason the brain can seemingly store soooo much information is because it ISN'T, in fact, storing that information at all! Certainly not the way convention assumes! What the brain is actually doing, under my estimation and with decades of observing how my own brain manages to process and hold sooooo much information all at once, to detect what is happening on layers upon layers of multiple dimensions, etc, is that it is simply trying to store *its own inherent, original physics,* such that whatever it comes in contact with can be filtered through all those physics, and returned to wherever their current place may be!  Imagine, for instance, that the brain is like a television, such that it can process whatever is thrown at it, from the most incredibly intriguing brainy documentary to the most shallow and mindless mess it is exposed to!  But all the while, it holds true to its own!

Because unconscious convention keeps itself in such a tiny, narrow-minded place in the world, it creates so much chaos for itself that the brain does everything it can to untangle the tangled webs it weaves, and tries to move them to whatever the next step may be, but there they are, quickly reducing themselves to life without their ladder rungs.

Most life is happening on the subconscious level, because there is just soooo much to do that we'd go nuts trying to hold everything on the surface at every moment.  When you can walk from one side of your house to the other, without thinking about it, or drive for miles while your mind is on other things, and then suddenly realize you were not the one driving your car, so to speak, you can see the subconscious mind in action.  It takes on such tasks so we can do other things with our surface minds, like introducing ourselves to new things going on.  When horrific and devastating events occur, it's like every neuron and neural pathway from every aspect of your surface and sub-surface minds become attentive, every "light" in your "house" comes on!  Unfortunately, for most folks that "lighting ceremony" is very short-lived, fading back away into complacency and distraction, once assured of one's immediate security.  And there it all lies in wait of whatever the next horrific tragedy will JOLT that pretentious *quiet* place.

I've occasionally enjoyed having the fun of saying that "I think with my feelings and feel with my thinking!" It has always been very clear to me that what my brain is doing is processing NonLinear mathematics/patterns in the (non-existent to Consciousness) chaos of everyday life, with layers upon layers of language so fluently and comfortably "dissolved" into the *dance* of The Nothing vs The Something, the relative *energies* that ripple and pulsate, revealing themselves and their *momentum* for what they are.  I don't get distracted, in other words, by conventional expectation.  I thoroughly enjoy that beautiful dance of Universal opposites as they forever seek and maintain *balance!*

It is Written...
I have documented thousands of events over the years, and a couple decades ago I was determined to share these documentations in real time with professional colleagues, under confidential circumstances, with the intent of pulling out every tiny detail of the mathematics and language and *energies* and other physics data involved, for the purpose of sharing precisely what I am trying to teach you here!  It doesn't do me any good keeping the information all to myself!  I wanted to be far more assertive in my genuine attempts to awaken science and society, and save people's lives!  It is devastating *knowing* these things, watching the news and being the person in the room who...already *knew!*  In the movie "Knowing,* (also discussed in other blogposts here) you can see how the information was so overwhelming to that child, and also to the professor who *realized* its accuracy and desperately raced against the clock to WARN, only to be totally ignored and treated like he had something seriously wrong with himself.  As I have addressed in these blogs, Tibetan Buddhist monks, at least the highest of lamas, including the Dalai Lama, likewise fluently *realize* these *higher NonLinear physics!*  But they are just as ignored as myself!  Various monks I've befriended over the years have advised me not to intervene, saying that the world perhaps needs to learn something from the devastations.  Of course, they *know,* as well, what treatment they are in for, dare they ever attempt to share.

The only thing I needed to learn is that I needed to share the physics of how I *know* all these things, because those physics have far-reaching applications, in every walk of life, and I feel such a responsibility to devote my life to communicating these physics on that behalf!  Billions of lives, for ages to come, are at stake!  Wars upon wars could be redirected into *balance!*  How dare I NOT share the physics of NonLinear Cognition?!

And so I did...and I spent years, decades, tearing apart every minute particle of information, conveying the consistencies and complexities involved, and there are many!

Time and Space Relativity
Time and Space relativity are such a prominent issue, because to convey what is happening on distant layers of timeXspace (parallel universes) by bringing it into the only layer or dimension of timeXspace the world of convention can (or rather allows itself to) process, requires holding ENORMITIES of data all in place, on that conventional level, that otherwise so easily "speak for themselves" at those distances.  I can hear them quite easily, but I recognize that others cannot.  Getting that data to them is...quite a task, to say the least!  It's kinda like trying to fit millions of people through a single doorway all at once!  That is because the data is using different qualities and quantities/frequencies and intensities of time and space than convention and its current "set up" is all about!  Visualize, if you will, how decades ago it would have taken huge amounts of physical space to house the tiniest of computer devices and their capabilities available today.  See the time and space differences involved?  All you have to do is learn to recognize that in other aspects of life...such as in earthquake prediction, and bring that relative time and space into unison!  Notice that I said..."visualize!"  I visually can *see* relative time and relative space!

Let's play for a moment, so you can *experience* time and space over various dimensions.  While this is going to be majorly simplified, for sure, if the Universe is maintaining itself at...9, with time and space being each the other's me, then:

Time has values of  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Space has values of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

On the side of The Something, however, these are *breathing,* fluctuating, reflecting, creating multiple dimensions and parallel universes of *reality!* So...

Time has a value of 0, Space has a value of 9
Time has a value of 1, Space has a value of 8
Time has a value of 2, Space has a value of 7
Time has a value of 3, Space has a value of 6...  and so on...

Each of these (in fact, every possible combination, every possible possibility) would be a different dimension of *reality!*

Ripples, pulsating throughout, flow through these dimensions (not just confining themselves to human conventional life), and the information there flows across dimensions (because they are edgeless *accesses*), and if you keep yourself ONLY within unconscious convention's ability/permission to *process* life, (aka, its distractions) you are ONLY going to recognize and *experience* that life on that one dimension! Everything else is lost to you, because you won't allow yourself to *go there!*  To become *far more highly evolved!*

Easy for me to wander and explore, and totally respect and be comfortable living across and within, multiple dimensions, I acknowledge.  As a very small child I recognized and attended to the NonLinear Universe and my many *accesses* with incredible intrigue, joy, passion, and...sure, sometimes intimidation! But always with the utmost respect they deserve!  The more fluent I became, as I applied my *realizations* to everyday life, the easier it became to humble myself to it.  I was only 8 years old when I happened to catch a sci-fi program that showed a child a few years older than myself who had somewhat similar capabilities, albeit with a horrible twist.  The child seemed to be able to kill people simply by looking at them, and the only reason I identified with that was because I realized that once I became aware of an imminent event, people involved would indeed meet such a fate, but, unlike the child in the program, I needed to compassionately find a way to warn and protect them. I remember feeling as though all my years (at only age 8) of being all alone with this may have come to an end!  "Somebody else knows/*knows,* too!," I'd told myself at the time.  Sadly, I would learn that the world was NOT ready for what I would have to share.  Now, however, I profess that the world is never ready for anything until it has been meaningfully exposed to it!  Immediately coming to mind is the fun and frustration I've played with over the years of *seeing* an Egyptian family sitting in their pyramid, thousands of years ago, each with a modern technology device, playing video games or whatever! Supposedly they weren't, as history goes, but...what on earth was stopping them, but their own *realized accesses?!*  So why wait centuries or more to *realize* that everything is right there waiting for you to acknowledge it, in the accurate prediction of your earthquakes or whatever?!

Anything you want or need to *know* can be detected in the physics, at any moment, in any place.  You can go home and dig out an old journal, yours or anyone else's, and discover the *evening news* had already been written there, long before manifestation!  For real!  Brings to mind the curious-to-many "Bible Code" that seems to reveal events before they happen, as well.  EVERYTHING would do that! What would be happening there, though, is that, the more *focused,* or centered, one's energies would be, at least toward that "dot in the middle," such as with someone in prayer  (folded hands being like a meditation) or someone attending in that manner to a chosen deity, the more the NonLinear Universal data would make itself available to them, at least on some level of parallel or superimposition.  In other other words!  It may not get them to the Universal *Core,* but it's a meditative *focus* that carries them closer to a center point!  So, just as the primary blog suggests in The Goddess Particle discussion there, you can drive yourself to the *Core* of the Universe in whatever "vehicle" you may choose (religion, science, general focus, etc.), but you must leave your "vehicle" and walk into that Universal *Core* all alone, with no defenses, no projection, no reservation.  That leaves an awful lot of individualized "vehicles" parked outside that *Core,* in position of the The God Particle, ready to serve as your "one grain of sand" into life/Existence.

Language is to humans as exhaust is to a vehicle.  The more eclectic your vehicle, the more eclectic your *accesses.*

Let's talk about those eclectic *accesses* Synergy VII.