Sunday, June 23, 2013

Synergy: The Holy Grail of Seismology X

Please read the Two-Part Review in Synergy VIII and Synergy IX, immediately below!

Please also click on the "...superConsciousness for Scientists" link in this post, to see the timeXspace/wormhole/fabric/multidimensionality, etc., posts that began this blog.

X *Relativity* X speaking...

This is where The God Particle so duly comes into place, so let's (timeXspace) *address* this, as we move on...

The best REVIEW is a Universal overview, and *Now,* to include one of the most revealing, incredibly intriguing new editions/additions to this *Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness blog set...

Please be sure to explore all FOUR (4) connecting blogs, and *do the work* provided for you in all of them, toward your superConsciousness, your *Ultimate Answers!*

I have previously warned you that as you genuinely *do the work* required of your Awakening, you will discover that the folks you've held most dear to you will become total strangers, and strangers you thought you never knew will be *realized* as closer to your heart than you ever imagined!

Will the Quantum Christ be one/*One* of them?  Ancient documents strongly suggest that the historical Jesus was a NonLinear, superConscious/Enlightened scientist of his day, 2000 years ago, as was the Buddha 2500 years ago!  Will it take another 2000 years for the conventional world, and its scientists, to wake up?  To catch up?

Science...  On behalf of billions of people the world over, who ~ need you ~ to selfLESSly resolve your lifelong battle with your dreaded ego/nemesis, Philosophy, PLEASE STAY and put forth that selfLESS effort to *do the work* required of you to once and for all come to terms with that nemesis, and let's get on with the business, extraordinary responsibility, and TRUST of saving and protecting people's lives, in Truth!

With so much more to come, unless and until you *do that work,* you will not be able to *process* what I am trying so hard to teach you here!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Synergy: The Holy Grail of Seismology IX

REVIEW, continuing from Synergy VIII, before we move on...

As the past moves into the future, the future moves into the past, *suspending* the *Now* in *relative simultaneity.*

past > present > future
past < present < future

This means that the past and future cancel each other out, leaving the...

 >< present >< 


 *NonLinear Now*

... as the only true *reality.* 

That >< present >< can be *realized* more accurately as simply...

*Translucent Presence.* (*Emptiness*)

Ultimately, *Empathy!*

This *Translucent Presence,* as observed (realized or not) by all in Existence, is pulsating multidimensionality, projecting away from, reflecting toward, the *Universal Core.*  It is The Nothing at its perfectmost center (Emptiness/absence of projection), The Something (Existence/Life as sentients *experience* it) away from itself, where "the God Particle" begins with that very first *one grain of sand!*

Everybody and everything in Existence is SHARING  the very same physics (Soul!) at the *Universal Core!*  (Reality of *Oneness*)

The "spooky action" of quantum entanglement is, most basically, that *Universal Empathy!*  That *Universal Empathy* is *experienced* by everybody and everything in Existence via NonLinear Mathematics, which when taken *higher* (toward the *Core*) is simply *patterns in the (chaos),* which are projections/reflections of *Energy,* >< *Universal Empathy!*

Sentient (experiencing) beings can *realize* these Universal Truths Empathically, because we, as part of the Universal process (along with everything else) are NonLinearly mathematical, multidimensionally linguistic, moved and motivated by that SHARED *Universal Empathy!*  The more Conscious one is, the more mathematically, multidimensionally *realized* one is, of what is going on in the Universe, *within* as well as *without!*

Scientists have been trying to figure it all out, conveniently leaving the human being/mind/their personal selves out of their processing, but you know what they say about finding what you were looking for in the last place you look!

Despite what the "collective unconscious convention" (99.9999% of people in the world) does with its distracted notions of reality, the *Universal Core* remains undaunted throughout.

All life events, including disasters and tragedies, whether Nature or human-initiated, manifest because...

...the conditions are in place for them to happen!

While distracted convention assumes what it sees (or, rather, allows itself to see) is "all there is," conveniently storing anything and everything too complex and abstract to process on notions of "past" and "future," those complexities and abstractions are actually just as much a part of the ongoing *Now,* the Empathic Presence, as the limited reality they permit themselves to acknowledge or recognize!

Because we all SHARE that Empathic Presence, that NonLinear mathematical, multidimensional, multi-linguistic physics, as all else, with *higher* Consciousness we have the ability to readily *ACCESS* what is happening on layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of pulsating *presence/reality,* where those conditions are forming, congealing empathically with one another, all very much a part of the *Now,* as they evolve toward manifestating on a level of multidimensionality that CAN be seen and experienced by the (JOLTED) collective unconscious convention!

Unfortunately, that is when it is TOO LATE to take precautionary action, except by linear scientists, who relish in studying that AFTERmath as their respected "science!" With Universal Empathy *higher* than math, can you see why and how there is a *higher* WARNING  of imminent processes?

Important to repeat this:

Universal EMPATHY is much *higher* than mathematics!

Fearing their mistaken, conventional pop-culture notion of "philosophy," which they also mistakenly assume cannot be observed, measured or captured in some element of solid "proof," they miss the essential clues ever-present in the Universe about imminent earthquakes, tsunamis, etc., etc., etc., because they won't allow themselves the *higher Consciousness* required of them, to notice, preferring instead to continue on with their AFTERmath!  Science needs to evolve beyond borrowing the collective unconscious convention as its model, to far more Consciously *realize* their dreaded "Philosophy" as a much, much *higher* Universal process (order) than ever before respected and appreciated!

With Universal superConsciousness, scientists would *realize* that what they have been missing all along is the CONSISTENCY of the undaunted *Universal Core Process!*

Scientists who persist in projecting their notions of "probability" onto the Universal process are not realizing that when they approach the Universe from a place of linearity, they inadvertently REPELL their Answers from themselves as they go!  But when they STOP, the Universe STOPS, too/two, reflectively, and their Answers appear!  This proves that the Universe is, indeed, NonLinear, because when you persist in playing a game of chess with it, it persists in matching you until you do learn to STOP projecting!

The easiest, most accessible route to *accessing* what is happening, forming, congealing, on layers upon layers of multidimensionality, is to learn how to traverse relative timeXspace!

Traversing relative time and relative space is most immediately *accessible* through the fluent *realization* and *grasp* of multidimensional language!  As I have earlier pointed out...

"Language is to humans as Exhaust is to a vehicle!"

Despite what distracted convention has done with it, locking itself into notions it won't allow itself to evolve beyond, language is the expulsion of mathematical *Energy* as it ripples and flows throughout, an encoding (mapping) of the entire *state of the art of the heart* of the Universe, and all that is happening throughout!

With superConsciousness, *One* is fluent in NonLinear, mathematical, multidimensional, multi-linguistic *access,* far more highly evolved in *realizing* and traversing relative timeXspace than the narrow limitations and expectations of the "collective unconscious convention!"

At the pinnacle of extreme superConsciousness/Enlightenment, all physicality disappears.

Even/*even* mind!

x Translucence x


Science's elusive...


Saturday, June 8, 2013

Synergy: The Holy Grail of Seismology VIII

Let's REVIEW (in Synergy VIII and IX) some essential points to *grasp* here, before moving on:

....  The Universe is NOT linear (line-ar), as convention, aka 99.9999% of the world's population, so mistakenly assumes!  (This is readily observable, when one is superConscious / Enlightened, which basically means fluent in *accessing* multidimensionality (math, language, etc.) and relative timeXspace signature reality, etc., *far more highly evolved* than the "collective unconscious" convention).

....  Therefore, the Universe, and life itself, are NOT past > present > future!  (NOT "past to present to future!")

....  When you project a linear perception onto the Universe, and everyday life, you inadvertently REPEL the Answers from yourself as you go, placing "the future" in that unreachable, inaccessible place you persist in repelling from yourself, and make dangerous and deadly assumptions from that mistaken notion that cost millions, billions, of people their lives, generationally.  You also then make seriously WRONG assumptions and claims, such as...

"No one can know the future/predict earthquakes/etc...!"

If you are in a position of authority as a respected scientist, making such assumptions, you then empower emergency management services, law enforcement agencies and government personnel, to IGNORE all WARNINGS of early detection, costing many people their lives, and causing billions in damage!

....  The Universe IS...NONLinear!  Hence, that "future" is neither WHAT nor WHERE  unconscious convention and its trusted "authorities" assume it is!

Essential to repeat this:  BECAUSE the Universe is actually NONLinear...
The "future" is neither WHAT nor WHERE  unconscious convention and its trusted "authorities" assume it is!

 ....  Draw a dot "in the middle" of an empty page.  Now draw a circle around that dot, and then another and another and another and another...until you have filled your page with harmonics.

....  The Universe is a living, breathing, pulsating "creature" (entity) of sorts.  It is a system of opposites: The Nothing, at its *Core,* and The Something, when projecting away from its *Core.*  The Nothing is Emptiness and Pure Empathy.  Androgyny (*Balance*)!  The Something is Existence/Life projecting and reflecting over (Yin-passive X Yang-aggressive) polar opposites.  The home of all sentient life, it is forever drawn to return to that Emptiness (of all projection) *Core* at The Nothing (while also trying to protect itself from dissolution)!

....  Draw arrows beginning from your "dot in the middle" out in every direction, on your system of circles, and then reverse those arrows as well, to make them also point back toward that *Core!*

....  Hold up your hand and close your fingers to a point.  Open your hand all the way.  Close your fingers again.  Open.  Close. Repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat...  See the pulsations?  Look (physiologically) familiar?  Speed those pulsations up as fast as you can, until you can no longer witness/observe/detect/see them anymore, at your typical human level of conventional processing!  That is your relative timeXspace, frequencyXintensity, hinting at you their multidimensional *signatures* (universal addresses) you cannot hope to see in your unconscious, conventional (very limitedly accessing) interpretation of life! (The "collective unconscious.")

....  Now *realize* your system of circles as spherical.  With Nothing *in the middle* of your sphere, you have a donut-shaped Universe.  Read throughout these blogs here and you will *realize* the fabric of your spherical Universe as resembling your very own DNA.

....  Limited to human capabilities, there will never be a time or space in which we can process the Universe except through our very own brains!  But more than 99.9999% of human beings throughout the world are UNconscious, having inadvertently bought into the distractions of convention, through inherited traditions, cultural and personal meaningfulnesses, projecting those beliefs onto the true Universal process they have long ago *forgotten,* trying to function and survive in a world they've loooong ago inadvertently distracted themselves from *realizing* for what it actually is, establishing defense mechanisms and warring violently to protect those comfort zones/cultures/traditions/beliefs.  All throughout human history, anyone trying to re-awaken them to Universal Truth has been severely punished, persecuted, imprisoned, and/or put to death! Artists quietly hid their Enlightened *realizations* in their paintings, while politicians and others created "secret societies" to have a place to share, discuss and find social life with like-minded others.  Scientists, hiding behind their linear notion of "rigidity," are now running into their dreaded "philosophy," the inevitable *balance* demanded of a NonLinear Universe, in Truth!

....  The Universe is multidimensional!  Layers upon layers of *higher realities* and lower ones are making up those circles within circles, those pulsating waves around the Universal *Core!*  ><((((((((O))))))))><

....  While unconscious conventional minds can only process one dimensional problems, the "less than 1% of the entire world's population" (Awakened/Enlightened) folks can traverse and process many, many layers of multidimensional *reality!

....  No matter what the "collective unconscious" convention assumes, the NonLinear Universe still/*still* applies consistently throughout, as if a statue of adamant-cy with folded arms, determined/*determined* NOT to move, though all the while that convention naively dances around it, persisting in living in denial of their own inherent *reality.*  The result: chaos!  (Personal and domestic abuse, mental and physical illness, daily struggles with personal identity, religious fighting, endless warring, etc...)  Another result: being suddenly JOLTED by natural and human-initiated disasters, because they blinded themselves to seeing them coming, too distracted with their mistaken notions to notice!

....  The CONSEQUENCES of the "collective unconscious" convention's having *forgotten* their original *reality* is that the Universe, intent on maintaining *balance,* catches them up to that original *reality* when *higher processes* (earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural and human-initiated tragedies) occur, to JOLT them (at least momentarily) into the real, real world!

....  People can live very beautiful, meaningful lives Consciously *remembering* their own, and the Universe's, *inherent original truth/reality!*

....  "Science" is rooted in conventional understanding of past to present to future perception, aka AFTERmath, depending on that AFTERmath (aka: too late!) for "legitimate" answers.  Inadvertently repelling actual Universal Answers away from themselves in that process, they are now running into their dreaded "philosophy" and don't want to "go there," perceiving and holding onto only their mistaken "rigidity" as valid!  Problem is, they are demanding that conventional rigidity in a Universe of quite the contrary!  Until they evolve beyond that (for many, ego status) need, they are never going to have their Ultimate Universal Unity they so desperately seek!

....  Neglecting the other side of the Universe, they are inadvertently neglecting to include themselves in their work (the mind processing that work!), and hence, their work lacks essential Universal *balance!*

....  Science has inadvertently established a hard-nosed, "hard-science," dogmatic "religion" around itself, naively based!...that something first has to actually manifest (at its extreme-most conventional manifestation/devastation), to be able to be accurately observed and measured.  But that conventional assumption of "all there is" to life is causing millions of lives to be lost, in tragedy after tragedy after tragedy!

....  Life/the Universe is NOT ..."only"... happening where it conveniently reaches levels of conventional awareness/observation!  (Aka, too late!)  It is happening on those layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of multiple dimensions!

....  Therefore, those *ripples* (waves) pulsating through all of us, through everybody and everything in the Universe, are ALSO pulsing through those extremely abstract, complex layers ><((((((((O))))))))>< as well, and when scientists evolve enough to finally allow themselves to traverse those layers, those "parallel universes" of genuine *higher reality,* above what the collective unconscious convention permits itself, they will very genuinely ALSO *realize* that...

....  Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanoes, etc., along with other tragic devastations, are FORMING, congealing themselves, on those layers upon layers of multidimensionality!

....  But without superConsciousness, scientists cannot *access* that extremely vital information!!!!  I am trying sooooo hard to TEACH YOU *how to* actually *access* those multiple dimensions, and hence, that data needed for...what???? 

....  EARTHQUAKE  (etc.) prediction!

....  But scientists/YOU still have to *do the work!*  You cannot conveniently *access* it by keeping it safely projected away from yourself!

Relative TimeXSpace and Multidimensionality
....  Those layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of multidimensionality are actually relative timeXspace signatures (addresses), so you have to have the courage, self-trust and superConsciousness to traverse time and space, without reservation, without unconscious projection, to *access* them, and to actually be able to observe those abstract, complex formations congealing, long before they manifest where the collective unconscious convention can see them, JOLTED by their devastations!

Review continues in Synergy IX...