Friday, September 1, 2017

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - IV

Speaking of proximity... A timely discussion: Pennsylvania (2001) was no accident!

There are so many things rushing forth that I want to say here, all at once, because that statement speaks volumes on why I write this blog in the first place, and why I feel such a need to redirect modern scientists toward becoming far more highly evolved. To prioritize...

The Universe already *knew!*

Awake to the Universe's true physics dynamic, so did I.

It was worthless information. Science was sound asleep. So were the rest of conventional authorities. They couldn't process higher reality when confronted with imminent catastrophe. You and the whole world witnessed the outcome! "Science" rushed forward with its AFTERmath "scientific method," but of course it was, as usual, too late.

The Universe had already known, about all of it!  Imagine the different outcome had scientists, and conventional authorities emulating and trusting them, been Awake!

Secondly, since the Universe already knew, as it does about all events and goings-on, this brings up the suggestion that we are all just sitting ducks buying time before what's already in the cards catches up to us! Or, are we? Would higher Consciousness intervene? Could it? Let's explore...

It is extremely difficult to express in conventional timeXspace what is required on a much more highly evolved level of processing to realize and recognize nuclear relativity in your own mirror reflection. It's that "reflection" part that causes the biggest problem.

A few months after the events of 2001, devastated by my inability yet again to communicate higher physics truths to the world in such times of need, and advised by highly (physics) realized Buddhist monks I'd consulted to teach people _how_ I knew, I turned the TV off one day, never to turn it back on, not even for a moment, to slow time and provide myself more space in my life to essentially escape into a place I just really needed to be in at the time. I wanted to be in an environment of deep exploration, almost as if escaping into "time travel," and by that I mean to go deeply into language and thought and feelings where most people rarely dare to go. I passionately love language exploration because I experience language very mathematically, multidimensionally and translucently. I just wanted to be in an environment of "question everything." I am rarely ever content with accepting status quo. My mind always needs to know more, to explore deeper, higher, to go where folks rarely ever go. I am way too NonLinear to live in a linearly distracted world. So I sat down at my desk and poured myself into my passion for language aka "how the heck can I reach these people before the next major world event?" I disappeared into more than 25 world languages, including Hindi, Urdu, Tibetan, Mandarin, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Farsi, Aramaic, Hebrew, Tamil, German, Latin, Cherokee, Navajo, and on and on and on... I'd even previously taught sign language, so I was covering all my bases. I explored origins and connections, mindsets and cultures. Essentially, I was studying energy, basquing in the translucency of human processing and expression when merged into sentient motivation.

When I was a child, I not only questioned conventional logic and reasoning, but also the origins of concepts and words and ideas, like... What was going on in the minds of people who first used or made up particular words or sounds? Where did those sounds come from in relation to what they were supposed to represent? What were they thinking or feeling at the time? What was going on in people's minds before that? And before that? And before that?... and so on. I'm so translucent myself that nothing ever stays in place very long with me. I'm already off to what's next, and next and next...

I realized then that everything reduces to energy, every sentence, every word, every letter, every sound, every tiny nuance, and that language under a microscope reduces to feelings, instincts, which carry energy values from one timeXspace address in the Universe to another, relative to the *state of the art of the heart* of the expressor. Feelings carry ideas from one "musical chair" to the next, and when those ideas "sit down" in time and space, that only gets to be temporary before they're forced back up and floating around again, looking for a place to remain. But nothing ever remains in place in a Nonlinear Universe, except that Core Nothing. It is all simply *energy,* Balance vs balancing, with sentient beings the purveyors/conveyors of that energy process.  We are the Universe's neurons, its thoughts and feelings, as it turns around to ...reflect... upon itself.

But conventional minds get lost in their inadvertent determination to master the art of non-reflection, of mere impulse. If we get lost in our own selfish agendas, we "muck up"/interfere with the process, and create wars and catastrophic jolts to people's lives that just do not have to happen.  People have lost sight of the reality that they are a fully integrated part of a much bigger process, and have made up *stories they tell themselves* that lock them into very self-ish, personalized agendas, with blindfolds to anything else going on.

A major part of the "glue" that keeps that unfortunate scenario going is "attachment."

One of the most debilitating stories folks tell themselves has to do with perception. The vastness of mountainous regions, such as the Himalayas, are barely a tiny noticeable freckle to the planet, let alone the Universe, but to humans they're overwhelming. The world around them, and the cosmos, are seen as unfathomable, unconquerable background scenery to the main event: themselves, as if it's all about humans as the highest functioning on earth, yet impossible accessors to cosmic and even religious understanding, when in reality conventional collective mindset proves just how naïve that really is. Animals not distracted by personal agendas are shown to exhibit all sorts of nonlinear recognition behaviors prior to earthquakes and other calamities of nature that humans have devolved to being oblivious to, though most researchers on the subject seem to miss nonlinearity and its very revealing math-of-mind as the cause, and scientists have somewhat become attached to a social status within convention that feeds a particular elitism and ego in their self-perception and sense of importance, work, and "scientific method," which in turn collectively feed into notions of feelings, philosophies, hobbyist insights, and even patterning, as anything but science, and as a result their unified theories are anything but all-inclusive and everything cerebral neglect. Fortunately, some brave scientists are evolving enough to recognize that exclusion of higher truths, let alone anything, including the personal minds of the scientists themselves, is never going to lead to unified anything, and have responsibly attended meetings throughout the world with Tibet's Dalai Lama, Buddhism and its Awakening/Enlightenment being rooted in and founded upon Universal Core Physics going back thousands of years. "Buddha" simply means *realizer* of higher truths in Sanskrit, and "the Buddha" was simply a regular man like any other who realized Universal Reality.

Nuclear relativity physics are *the great equalizer,* the solution that dissolves the glue of conventional misperception, carrying everyone beyond the rut of personalized agendas and straight into the balance of higher reality. It doesn't care what your background is, your education level, your status in society, how much money you have, or what titles you may hold. It tears down what convention has inadvertently established and challenges everyone who dares to "go there" on an equal basis to be completely truthful with themselves. It leaves no stones unturned, no egos, selfish agendas, or personalized, customized *stories,* subjectivity, or conjecture or even scientific method intact.

In the process, which can agonizingly feel as though you're giving birth to yourself, all the redirection, confrontation and challenging you go through tears down and rebuilds you to feel feelings deeper than you ever fathomed existed, reach multidimensional levels of intelligence, awareness and *higher realization* even Einstein would dream for himself, and *access* Universal Answers *in the Now* that no amount of "centuries" could ever linearly prepare you to encounter.

Time and space, as you will directly be taken into on levels you never dreamed possible, will prove themselves as nothing more than coordinates that pinpoint *where you are,* where everyone *is,* in the Universe, relative to Universal Truth, Consciously, behaviorally, intellectually, emotionally, *where everything is,* including objects/physicality, events, wonderment, science, religion... Nothing can escape Nuclear Relativity. Nothing!

Einstein simply recognized the plasticity/flexibility involved in relative timeXspace, which has nothing whatsoever to do with subjectivity.

SuperConsciousness via Nuclear Family Relativity recognizes these timeXspace signatures/coordinates (addresses) for everything in the entire Universe (and for you, how to discover them as the need comes into your attention/focus, and most importantly to a more immediate human agenda, how to process life from a place of reality, so those stories people tell themselves for meaningfulness in their lives can survive the dynamic Universe and all its calamities unjolted).

Let's face it, most humans explore the Universe not so much for genuine Answers, but for advocacy and support of those *stories they tell themselves.* But that advocacy is a dime a dozen within likeminded convention itself. If you want actual Answers, come what may, and have the courage, selflessness, and sense of responsibility to go after them, and the endurance to sustain those Answers as they unfold reflectively and not run away, then Nuclear (Family) Relativity (yes, Einstein's) is the way to go.

Modern scientific method can no longer feed the elitist, ego-driven, status needs of a self-select few, forcing countless billions/billion$ to wait out "centuries" for life-saving Answers, but instead needs to be open, humble, selfless, ASKING not telling from its inception, and has to be directly worn/experienced firsthand, from the INSIDE, not safely merely observed uncommittedly from an audience stance from without.

True unified theory has to be inescapably YOU-nified!  Universal/You-niversal rules!

(Updated 09/19/2017!  Wonderful intrigue to come! Truth is soooo much more fascinating than unconsciousness.)