Something important really stands out in Nuclear Relativity VI if you're paying close attention, but it may be too soon for you to recognize it.
*Energy* ex-change!
And this is the point! Modern science still wonders what Time really is, what and where Space comes from, if Relativity actually exists. They don't understand "dark energy" and "dark matter," suppose there may be wormholes but can't find them, ponder quantum entanglement but haven't a clue how seemingly disconnected entities simultaneously interact, insist "no one can predict earthquakes," let alone "...the future," argue about weather/whether, become livid at the suggestion that "feelings" be included in their work, and approach their research from a detached, audience-like observation, all the while in search of...Unity?!
Nuclear Relativity takes you directly to all those Answers, and so much more, helping you experience them all first hand, directly for yourself, and it uses your own Balance and Truthfulness with yourself as repeated proof.
Higher Answers are not-so-hidden but simply overlooked, going unrealized by collective unconscious convention, its scientists and other authorities who adhere to a mistaken reasoning and logic that prevents them from processing the .s.t.r.e.t.c.h.i.n.g. and constricting (aka breathing) of the Universal Tapestry.
Time is seen as a rigid-in-itself construct absolutely real and in place, when in reality it is simply the plasticity/relative energy fluctuations between projection vs reflection, between Universal Core Truth and perception/behavior, between The Something vs The Nothing!
Recognizing that "time" is NOT a "carved in granite" barrier between *Now* and science's "centuries from now" wait for Answers stirs all sorts of other extraordinary recognitions/realizations about "history" and assumptions that need to be revisited. With Time as linear convention experiences it merely the ongoing mean of collective unconscious world mindset (similar to a child wearing a clothing size until he or she outgrows it), it has to be realized that if, in ancient times, their collective social culture/shared mindset was Conscious enough, they may well have had technologies (Antikythera Mechanism, etc.) reflecting the *energies* of that Awareness.
Time is simply the plasticity filling the void between reality and assumption, with Space reflecting the ever-changing *state of the art of the heart* of that plasticity, the translucent musical chair that only appears to be still/*still.*
The only real thing that transpires over time is *energy exchange.* A changing of mind, with mind simply a receiver/transmitter of that Universally shared "WiFi:" Quantum entanglement. Universally SHARED *Empathy*/Energy/Translucence.
As I've previously pointed out, the Universe is a system of ever-changing polar opposite *Energies,* moving from passive Yin to aggressive Yang, through everything in between, mathematical energy recognized thousands of years ago in Asia's "I Ch'ing" (Book of Changes) and the pendulum-like Tao Te Ch'ing (Way Things Work), Universal Truths still/*still* relevant *Now.*
Currently/current-ly, as the Universe's patriarchal/Patriarchical energies (Nuclear Family Relative's father/Father superimposition we'll address soon here as your outermost "environment") gradually loses his/His stance in lieu of the approaching matriarch/Matriarch, world society unconsciously reflects the energy resistance/compliance in the form of religious and political overthrows, as empty places of worship and design pour out into the streets in protest, while icebergs warm and melt and threaten the globe.
It's all *energy exchange,* moving and motivating everyone and everything, with sleeping world society mere puppets on a string to it without Conscious Awareness. Awakening exponentially expands your "parade view" to that of a much more Universal Perspective, and that mathematical energy to a place of attentive redirection, giving you a fairer chance in its Great Universal Chess Game.
Resistance, Compliance, Synergism and Universal Energy
It's incredibly important to recognize here, so you don't miss the whole point, that while you *do the work* of your own personal, individual Nuclear Family Relatives/Relatives *within* yourself, the actual relative/relativity energy dynamics moving and motivating everything *without* yourself, out there in the rest of the world, in the rest of the Universe, microscope to cosmos, including seismology, biology, medical and other research, sociology, psychology, religion, culture, world society, the truth about language, math, chaos vs order, physicality, etc., including, of course, timeXspace, dark energy, dark matter, wormholes, black holes, inflation/expansion of the Universe, etc... are all also being revealed for what they really are, reflectively. Resist as you may, it is ALL an exact copy of yourself, and vice versa. Hence, the entire Universe and all its only seemingly vast, complex goings on staring back at you, right there, in your mirror! So the more truthful you are with yourself about your own higher and deeper, more complex reality, and yourself as a fully integrated entity sharing and participating in the synergy of it all, the more *access* you have earned to the higher, deeper, more complex Answers to everything else!
The stress you are likely feeling right about now is coming from your beginning to lose your conventional spontaneity and semblance/illusion of control. Suddenly you begin realizing that your mind is not the personal, private inner sanctuary you always trusted it was, and it never has been, as MIND is actually a Universally SHARED receiver and transmitter of reflective, synergistic *energy* accessible by other entities outside yourself, and your stress in being slowed down here, and sped up at the same time, is your timeXspace signature (address, place to be, presence in the Universe) being altered, redirected, as you begin your awakening.
It isn't enough, and certainly no where near Consciousness, let alone superConsciousness (fluently applicable *access*) to simply know about this reflective, relative energy system we all call "the Universe." With only a slight beginning to your Nuclear Family Relativities under your belt with your "mother" superimposition, and we've only barely touched on that one so far, there are thousands upon thousands more yet for you to directly experience and realize, and thousands upon thousands more in your extended relatives/relativities, with seemingly countless *aha!*s in every direction you go, as your increasing realizations multiply exponentially the more *work* you do toward your Awakening. *Experience* is the key word here, because as you permit yourself to actually LIVE your new and increasing *higher realizations,* you are constantly confronted with and exposed to more and more challenging recognitions. It is this relentless challenging of yourself that helps you consistently *wear* your higher, more complex awarenesses, making it increasingly difficult for you to live in denial of the True Universal Process. The more committed you are to the Truth, from INSIDE that process, owning and inescapably *wearing* its higher and higher realities as your own as well, and vice versa, the less in denial you will find yourself, and the more fluently Awakened you will become.
Higher reality forces you out of your shortcut, escapist, impulsive behavior, into contemplation, mindfulness, personal ownership and reflective examination, which slows you down and causes you to feel left behind, abandoned, alone, removed from the social flow (that powerful appeal of unconscious convention). We are social animals, and sociological research studies have shown that humans and other animals alike will practically "sell their souls" to feel as though they belong, even to the extent of agreeing with others in groups, knowing all the while they are not being honest with themselves, even participating in highly questionable behaviors (like harming or being cruel to others), whatever it takes, to feel socially included. This is the energy, as well, behind world cultures and traditions, popular culture, the type of music one enjoys, sports teams one roots for, politics, religions, peer pressure, and so on... It takes a special level of maturity and self-respect to embark on the journey of one/One into higher Consciousness. Scientists, themselves, are having to risk tenure, reputation and disapproval from old boys' school "authorities," but younger generations are increasingly realizing that science's persistence in doing what it has always done will continue to get it what it has always gotten, and are daring to look outside that box for higher Answers. Hence, this blog, so I can help guide them, and everyone interested in taking higher responsibility for themselves, over that important threshold.
Lay person and scientist alike, you are venturing out of your conventionally-based comfort zone/safe place, where the rules and regulations of its mistaken reasoning and logic no longer apply at this level, so be attentively aware of that and anticipate that this is going to continue to be a challenge, a resistance for you to deal with, and allow yourself to back off, as needed, to give your natural defense mechanisms "time" and "space" to catch up with you, comfortably redefined and expanded.
After a while, particularly as you realize yourself "crossing the never-go-back threshold" of higher awareness, your natural defenses, previously established in conventional misinterpretation of reality, will have you recognizing that your real "safe place"/comfort zone is in realizing and owning the Truth, the true Universal Process, and you will be starving inquisitively to learn as much as you possibly can, as quickly as you can, such that your new stress will be coming from the joy of finding yourself among the *realizers,* and the curiosity to apply your *higher realizations* to just about everything you encounter in your everyday life, your work, your entertainment, your relationships, as well as your spirituality, aka the spirit that personally moves you meaningfully through your life, your work, your sense of purpose, your dream for yourself. Mass exodus again? If so, you are not ready to process the True Scientific Method! Aka...the REAL NonLinear reality!
*Energy* ex-change!
And this is the point! Modern science still wonders what Time really is, what and where Space comes from, if Relativity actually exists. They don't understand "dark energy" and "dark matter," suppose there may be wormholes but can't find them, ponder quantum entanglement but haven't a clue how seemingly disconnected entities simultaneously interact, insist "no one can predict earthquakes," let alone "...the future," argue about weather/whether, become livid at the suggestion that "feelings" be included in their work, and approach their research from a detached, audience-like observation, all the while in search of...Unity?!
Nuclear Relativity takes you directly to all those Answers, and so much more, helping you experience them all first hand, directly for yourself, and it uses your own Balance and Truthfulness with yourself as repeated proof.
Higher Answers are not-so-hidden but simply overlooked, going unrealized by collective unconscious convention, its scientists and other authorities who adhere to a mistaken reasoning and logic that prevents them from processing the .s.t.r.e.t.c.h.i.n.g. and constricting (aka breathing) of the Universal Tapestry.
Time is seen as a rigid-in-itself construct absolutely real and in place, when in reality it is simply the plasticity/relative energy fluctuations between projection vs reflection, between Universal Core Truth and perception/behavior, between The Something vs The Nothing!
Recognizing that "time" is NOT a "carved in granite" barrier between *Now* and science's "centuries from now" wait for Answers stirs all sorts of other extraordinary recognitions/realizations about "history" and assumptions that need to be revisited. With Time as linear convention experiences it merely the ongoing mean of collective unconscious world mindset (similar to a child wearing a clothing size until he or she outgrows it), it has to be realized that if, in ancient times, their collective social culture/shared mindset was Conscious enough, they may well have had technologies (Antikythera Mechanism, etc.) reflecting the *energies* of that Awareness.
Time is simply the plasticity filling the void between reality and assumption, with Space reflecting the ever-changing *state of the art of the heart* of that plasticity, the translucent musical chair that only appears to be still/*still.*
The only real thing that transpires over time is *energy exchange.* A changing of mind, with mind simply a receiver/transmitter of that Universally shared "WiFi:" Quantum entanglement. Universally SHARED *Empathy*/Energy/Translucence.
As I've previously pointed out, the Universe is a system of ever-changing polar opposite *Energies,* moving from passive Yin to aggressive Yang, through everything in between, mathematical energy recognized thousands of years ago in Asia's "I Ch'ing" (Book of Changes) and the pendulum-like Tao Te Ch'ing (Way Things Work), Universal Truths still/*still* relevant *Now.*
Currently/current-ly, as the Universe's patriarchal/Patriarchical energies (Nuclear Family Relative's father/Father superimposition we'll address soon here as your outermost "environment") gradually loses his/His stance in lieu of the approaching matriarch/Matriarch, world society unconsciously reflects the energy resistance/compliance in the form of religious and political overthrows, as empty places of worship and design pour out into the streets in protest, while icebergs warm and melt and threaten the globe.
It's all *energy exchange,* moving and motivating everyone and everything, with sleeping world society mere puppets on a string to it without Conscious Awareness. Awakening exponentially expands your "parade view" to that of a much more Universal Perspective, and that mathematical energy to a place of attentive redirection, giving you a fairer chance in its Great Universal Chess Game.
Resistance, Compliance, Synergism and Universal Energy
It's incredibly important to recognize here, so you don't miss the whole point, that while you *do the work* of your own personal, individual Nuclear Family Relatives/Relatives *within* yourself, the actual relative/relativity energy dynamics moving and motivating everything *without* yourself, out there in the rest of the world, in the rest of the Universe, microscope to cosmos, including seismology, biology, medical and other research, sociology, psychology, religion, culture, world society, the truth about language, math, chaos vs order, physicality, etc., including, of course, timeXspace, dark energy, dark matter, wormholes, black holes, inflation/expansion of the Universe, etc... are all also being revealed for what they really are, reflectively. Resist as you may, it is ALL an exact copy of yourself, and vice versa. Hence, the entire Universe and all its only seemingly vast, complex goings on staring back at you, right there, in your mirror! So the more truthful you are with yourself about your own higher and deeper, more complex reality, and yourself as a fully integrated entity sharing and participating in the synergy of it all, the more *access* you have earned to the higher, deeper, more complex Answers to everything else!
The stress you are likely feeling right about now is coming from your beginning to lose your conventional spontaneity and semblance/illusion of control. Suddenly you begin realizing that your mind is not the personal, private inner sanctuary you always trusted it was, and it never has been, as MIND is actually a Universally SHARED receiver and transmitter of reflective, synergistic *energy* accessible by other entities outside yourself, and your stress in being slowed down here, and sped up at the same time, is your timeXspace signature (address, place to be, presence in the Universe) being altered, redirected, as you begin your awakening.
It isn't enough, and certainly no where near Consciousness, let alone superConsciousness (fluently applicable *access*) to simply know about this reflective, relative energy system we all call "the Universe." With only a slight beginning to your Nuclear Family Relativities under your belt with your "mother" superimposition, and we've only barely touched on that one so far, there are thousands upon thousands more yet for you to directly experience and realize, and thousands upon thousands more in your extended relatives/relativities, with seemingly countless *aha!*s in every direction you go, as your increasing realizations multiply exponentially the more *work* you do toward your Awakening. *Experience* is the key word here, because as you permit yourself to actually LIVE your new and increasing *higher realizations,* you are constantly confronted with and exposed to more and more challenging recognitions. It is this relentless challenging of yourself that helps you consistently *wear* your higher, more complex awarenesses, making it increasingly difficult for you to live in denial of the True Universal Process. The more committed you are to the Truth, from INSIDE that process, owning and inescapably *wearing* its higher and higher realities as your own as well, and vice versa, the less in denial you will find yourself, and the more fluently Awakened you will become.
Higher reality forces you out of your shortcut, escapist, impulsive behavior, into contemplation, mindfulness, personal ownership and reflective examination, which slows you down and causes you to feel left behind, abandoned, alone, removed from the social flow (that powerful appeal of unconscious convention). We are social animals, and sociological research studies have shown that humans and other animals alike will practically "sell their souls" to feel as though they belong, even to the extent of agreeing with others in groups, knowing all the while they are not being honest with themselves, even participating in highly questionable behaviors (like harming or being cruel to others), whatever it takes, to feel socially included. This is the energy, as well, behind world cultures and traditions, popular culture, the type of music one enjoys, sports teams one roots for, politics, religions, peer pressure, and so on... It takes a special level of maturity and self-respect to embark on the journey of one/One into higher Consciousness. Scientists, themselves, are having to risk tenure, reputation and disapproval from old boys' school "authorities," but younger generations are increasingly realizing that science's persistence in doing what it has always done will continue to get it what it has always gotten, and are daring to look outside that box for higher Answers. Hence, this blog, so I can help guide them, and everyone interested in taking higher responsibility for themselves, over that important threshold.
Lay person and scientist alike, you are venturing out of your conventionally-based comfort zone/safe place, where the rules and regulations of its mistaken reasoning and logic no longer apply at this level, so be attentively aware of that and anticipate that this is going to continue to be a challenge, a resistance for you to deal with, and allow yourself to back off, as needed, to give your natural defense mechanisms "time" and "space" to catch up with you, comfortably redefined and expanded.
After a while, particularly as you realize yourself "crossing the never-go-back threshold" of higher awareness, your natural defenses, previously established in conventional misinterpretation of reality, will have you recognizing that your real "safe place"/comfort zone is in realizing and owning the Truth, the true Universal Process, and you will be starving inquisitively to learn as much as you possibly can, as quickly as you can, such that your new stress will be coming from the joy of finding yourself among the *realizers,* and the curiosity to apply your *higher realizations* to just about everything you encounter in your everyday life, your work, your entertainment, your relationships, as well as your spirituality, aka the spirit that personally moves you meaningfully through your life, your work, your sense of purpose, your dream for yourself. Mass exodus again? If so, you are not ready to process the True Scientific Method! Aka...the REAL NonLinear reality!