Rather than leave you to your own devices, abandoned to your notebooks and pens if you are *doing the work* on Facebook ("The Physics of superConsciousness") that you'll need to *process* your Nuclear Relatives (Yes, Einstein's Relativity, reflectively! Assignments provided, step by step...), required by the Universe itself (not me) to actually...
...to directly experience it all happening and proving itself within and right in front of you...
...(which you still need to actually do), I am going to take you into the Nuclear Relatives/Relativities, right here, to help you realize that there's a whole lot more going on in the Universe, and the universe of you, that will hopefully get your attention and stir your curiosity and thirst for more. You will have to do some self-confronting here, though, so if you are not yet *ready* for higher truths about the Universe and yourself reflectively, read no further, because this is where things can really start becoming terrifying for you, and you can't undo what you allowed yourself to become exposed to!
So here, let's walk you into the beginnings of relative (and transcendent) TimeXSpace, the physics of past life *accesses* and reincarnation (Remember! Don't get lost in conventional concepts and definitions! Past life and reincarnation are mentioned here because the Dalai Lama and Russian scientists discussed the topics in their recent meetings in India, but these hold important and intriguing physics relative to Nuclear Relativity that I am addressing here!), and if you haven't made a mass exodus for the door, even begin connecting these physics to, of all things, the very dark energy and dark matter modern science is trying so hard to find and define.
What does one have to do with the other?
Everything connects, so let's start helping you make those connections!
It all begins and ends in your mirror!
* Transcending Relative Time, Relative Space
If you've ever watched a time lapse video, or simply sped up or slowed down any other, and most folks have, you can see that things look very different, that perspectives are very different, in experiencing that, and if you're insightful enough you may even allow yourself to wonder if there's anything people may be overlooking about everyday life in general, something that could be gained from your momentary glimpse into another way of perceiving.
Well, there is! And it's not so temporary, and not so fantasy-filled. It's reality, the real reality, sort of like switching channels from some scripted movie you were watching to live news or weather.
Modern science's "centuries from now" would be that scripted movie, the script being the rules and regulations, artificial boundaries, and distraction of collective unconscious convention. It's already all done for you, so you sit around and wait to see what else it tells you to buy into.
Moments of higher Consciousness would be your glimpses into what all else may be going on that you otherwise were not even considering. SuperConsciousness would be your mastery of the otherwise unseen, and the more fluency and comfort you have in your maintaining yourself in that seriously broadened perspective, the more you are able to recognize and realize a higher synergy taking place, a Universal "wifi" of all mind and matter(s), the superimposed truths between yourself and your environment, between microscope and cosmos, between language and math, between math and energy, between energy and empathy, between empathy and translucence.
Nuclear Relativity helps you recognize that you are *suspended* in time and space "relative to" the *state of the art of the heart* of your processing, of the stories you tell yourself about reality.
Collective/likeminded processing is what *suspends* collective unconscious convention in its timeXspace signature (address in the grand scheme of things). The more Conscious you become, the less trapped you are in its "earth is (religiously, domestically) flat" and "relative time and space are okay as long as they stay in Einstein books" notions where nobody has to be bothered with them or in any way have their lives changed or disrupted by them.
Many scientists do that very same thing! They cherish what they find in physics books but disjoint it from any sort of integration into their own personal lives.
That's not true science, and it makes a mockery of true scientific method.
Not only does real reality and its real Universal Answers have to have no such relegation to scientific books and formulas (language made up to communicate ideas with one another), but it has to be directly worn, directly experienced, to be fully, inescapably *realized.*
So lay person and scientist alike cannot escape confrontation with reality and emerge conventionally intact.
When I mentioned earlier that "either you want the real Universal Truth or you don't," I wasn't being sarcastic. I was expressing the physics of the Universe demanding extreme, fully-committed integration and Balance in those it reveals itself to, in order to *even* be able to see it via empathic alignment.
It's kinda like needing Draino every time you get stuck in a wormhole. Only Balanced Truth within yourself propels you into higher and higher dimensions, higher and higher *accesses,* ...relative to... your truthfulness. Like I said, the Universe holds its True Physics "ransom" over you until you have successfully earned your way to them! In reality, it's just the way the math goes, but you can anthropomorphize that any way you'd like!
So, if you feel stuck and need something more comfortable to "slip" into, get out your notebook and *do the work* (Step by Step underway on facebook) of your Nuclear (Family) Einstein Relativity.
Language is a whole 'nother matter/*matter* when approached from a place of higher Consciousness, aka very different timeXspace signature. Rather than being locked into conventionally-driven (socially sanctioned if you dare escape) rigid, narrow/allow-able processing, higher Consciousness tears down those artificial boundaries and loosens the way you hear and speak and use language, the way you perceive and believe in concepts, words, sounds, and *energy* within it all.
Higher Consciousness, it would be fair to say, expresses and represents many different words, sentences, ideas, concepts, revelations all at once, layers upon layers in fact, and the more fluently aware you become, the more fluid and comfortable you are in your usages of that Nonlinear, multidimensional language.
So, anticipate what can only feel like chaos, as you learn to tear down and rebuild your processing of your Nuclear Relativity Physics, your mirror, your defense mechanisms/safe places, your world, your Universe, prepared to loosen your hold on your beliefs and previously held perceptions, as carved in granite time and space notions of convention are transcended in lieu of relativity, multidimensionality, and incredibly basic, elementary mathematics where none seemed to ever be before, powerful enough to reveal everything going on in the entire Universe, way out there in the cosmos, in your mirror, and beyond.
Your new native language, if you choose to proceed, will *Now* be...translucence.
Approached from conventional minds, the following seems ridiculous, silly, charlatan malarkey, and all sorts of other not so innocent expressions thrown at it (resulting from ANGER being among the first reactions when folks are confronted with higher reality), but it is 100% Nuclear Relativity physics leading to higher Answers than convention could ever provide, and it only gets way more eye-rolling questionable from here. If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got. If you don't want to wait out those "centuries" for real Universal Answers and be irresponsibly responsible for the horrors on the evening news, brave your way through. Conventional linear logic and reasoning are not the way to go!
Remember, the only thing that really transpires between now and "centuries from now" is...a changed mind! Change it *Now!*
There are many actual parallel worlds going on simultaneously, and the more fluent you become in processing layers upon layers of multidimensionality "all at once," the more *higher accesses* you have to GO INSIDE them, to actually visit them, to see it all directly for yourself.
On facebook, in "The Physics of superConsciousness," if you've gone there, you've begun your journey with profound physics truths about yourself and your family that most folks go through their entire lives never realizing. Your Nuclear Family begins with your Mother, Father, Sister(s) and Brother(s), all actually physics aspects of your very own self, and if you make it through your opening notebook assignments with these, there are thousands more waiting for your attention from there. It's potentially very, very painful *work* for you to do, so most folks run away before getting that far, so you can see why Albert Einstein stood out so unfathomably and still does. He stuck it out! If you want your "genius," follow his courage to do the same for yourself.
Let's explore what makes it all so scary! Folks are asked on fb to write about (or to) their mothers, being as blatantly truthful as can be. This is NOT for you to share with your mother, because, as pointed out there, YOU are the one who is choosing higher physics truths for yourself, not your mother or other relatives, so it is very cruel to put them into a position of confrontation with reality that they may well not be anywhere near ready for! The Universe actually has a built-in "whack you upside the head" dynamic if you dare to be selfish with any of this, so be forewarned! The Universe is a living, breathing, highly interactive entity (albeit painful confrontation physics), so any deviation for selfish purposes will be met with some nasty retribution it'll send your way!
So, let's explore the beginnings of your new Awakening... (Any scientists or others rushing out the door here, thinking this is all psychobabble and/or unprovable gobbleygook had better think again! That is your unconsciousness/naivete leading you into Exodus! Language under a microscope is *ENERGY,* mathematics, and that is what I am teaching you here. If you want True Universal Answers to the Cosmos, your microscopes, your Unified Theories, stick it out, because nothing in linear, unconscious convention is ever going to get you there! There is STRUCTURE in the chaos, the Energy, the translucence of it all! I am teaching you that very Structure!)
Say you wrote the following statement in your assignment to write about your mother:
"My mother lives near a police station."
Seems simple enough, and harmless...enough, doesn't it? But, as pointed out on fb, your:
Mother...is an actual inescapable physics superimposition to YOUR very own "ultimate innermost self!" Anything and everything you could say about your mother, whether she is still with you or not, adopted you out, lives on the other side of the planet, is an astronaut on the space station, or whatever, no matter what her actions may be from her perspective, is ALSO a confrontation and revelation of who you are, way deep down inside. Mother is your..."I, me, my" physics.
But there's more...
"My mother lives near a police station" also says:
Your (ultimate innermost self) (stays close to) (rules and regulations)!
Here, you see that it isn't only your immediate family that superimposes to "tell on you!" (Oh, you haven't seen anything yet! (Be brave! Be verrry brave!!)
Imagine, before we go on, the seeming complexity in the physics that are happening "behind the scenes" that actually brought about your mother living close to that actual police station (had you written that)! Just think about that, because once you allow yourself to explore higher reality, you find that there are all sorts of "spooky actions" (Einstein) that are happening, as well. It's the true "quantum entanglement," which you will also learn to fully grasp here, as you continue. It's the Universal fabric, weaving itself, and it doesn't miss a trick! The intrigue is profoundly fascinating, as with every action you take in your *doing the work,* with all sorts of incredibly interesting intricacies becoming *aha!*s and OMG!s in all this, so if for no other reason than delving into a profoundly fascinating mystery, stick it out, because the reward is far beyond anything you could otherwise hope for yourself! Already so much to wonder about, and we've just begun! But remember, the more truthful and honest you are with yourself, *owning* your deeper truths and not escaping them back into convention, the more you evolve, via balance, to becoming Awakened, with the most extraordinary revelations, microscope to cosmos and everything in between, in your very own mirror!
The most important lesson to take from this, already, is that while convention would likely not hear anything beyond the surface statement about your mother (though comedians can sometimes have a leg up on the competition, but there is no comedian more hilarious than the Universe itself, as you'll discover in your *doing the work!*), higher Consciousness leads you, through your becoming aware of multidimensionality, into physics that lead you to discover "dark energy" and "dark matter," wormholes, black holes, very important mathematics in language and all else that you do, relative time and relative space, translucence, *emptiness,* and on and on and on... All those hurricanes coming through the Atlantic are being driven by these very physics! The earthquakes in Mexico recently, the same! The chaos happening around the world, the threats of nuclear war, random attacks throughout Europe, and on and on and on...are ALL 100% driven by these very Nuclear Relativity physics! I am taking you INSIDE the physics, to see it all directly, inescapably, for yourself! If you want those truths, you have to weigh them against your own truths! Enough to make anyone lift an eyebrow about that living, breathing, pulsating Universe within yourselfXwithout yourself! It seems to have a mind of its own!
These Nuclear Family Relativities/superimposed truths about you begin to dissolve the artificial boundaries that were keeping you locked inside mistaken linear convention, broadening your ability to process multiple dimensions of reality, which are profoundly wonderful to become fluent in, and to visit! These physics stretch/.s.t.r.e.t.c.h. the tight weaves of your attention into Einstein level perspectives and curiosities, opening your mind to a more universal interaction going on between all things, all events, all people, all "objects," all imminent manifestations, all...everything! Your newfound heightened awarenesses, reasoning and logic are just beginning! So remember, to grasp "what all else" is going on in the Universe, you need to be mindful and open to what all else is going on with...you!
As you begin weaving this tapestry, the resistance you feel is your conventional timeXspace signature (the place in the Universe you've been used to) being challenged, which threatens your natural defense mechanisms/safe places, and causes you to run back to your familiar comfort zone. The Dalai Lama refers to this as a ladder, saying it takes intelligence to hold onto your every next ladder rung you've managed so far to earn your way to. Otherwise, when the going gets rough, you slide all the way back down to convention, where advocacy and safety overtake you. So recognize that you are in good company, and hold onto your ladder rungs! Give yourself time to process everything comfortably without setbacks, and your defense mechanisms time to redirect themselves to catch up! It is perfectly natural and expected that you take two weeks/too weaks ( ;) ) to take a breather and work stuff through, here and there along the way!
Most importantly, as you *do the work* of these Nuclear Relatives, so many other insights and *accesses* are coming into your awareness, many of which you won't even recognize are coming to the surface from deep within you, and they won't become obvious as present for a while, until you have one *aha!* that unexpectedly sets off a host of others, inundating you with magnificent "Whoa!s" seemingly outta no where! You had them in you all along, but your new *work* is simply uncovering them, that's all! You'll become aware of them the more *work* you do! A simple math truth will sneak in. A conversation with someone will suddenly become a wormhole you fall through, revealing all sorts of major *aha!*s unexpectedly. Parallels and patterns will begin becoming obvious. You'll notice previously committed beliefs in your conventional understanding redefining themselves. As you *do the work,* you'll experience yourself as no longer resisting, but rather realizing just how very real these Universal Truths really are, and you'll find yourself starved to learn more and More and MORE, like you just can't learn enough, fast enough!
And you'll discover yourself having crossed the threshold into the beginnings of your higher Consciousness/Enlightenment/Awakening...and vow never to go back to sleeping convention ever again!
NonLinear Translucent Structure, Past Life and Reincarnation
The more work you do toward your ability to process NonLinear Translucent Structure, the easier it will be for you to recognize that there are no broken lines, no disjointedness in the physics, no hopping around from one place to another. Everything is smooth transition/*change.* Everybody, everything, every event, every happening all connects, and all consistently reduces to Energy/Empathy, experienced directly for yourself when you put forth the effort to *do the work* required by the Universe itself for you to *access* and realize the Answers.
With so much more Nuclear Relatives for you to become directly Aware of, for now recognize that your mother/mother superimposition was fully, integratedly in place long before you were conceived (hear these words nonlinearly), so the Nuclear Relativity physics don't just magically, conveniently, selectively begin at your conception or birth. The physics don't just suddenly begin with you! Long before you "existed," your mother/mother's Nuclear Relatives were ongoing clear back into her own childhood, infancy, birth, conception, and so on, as were her mother's, her grandmother's, her great grandmother's, and theirs and theirs and theirs....
Invertedly, their and your Nuclear Relatives continue to be true of your own children and other relatives (which you'll see directly for yourself as you do that *work* yet to come here), so they continue on long after you're gone. Hence, reincarnation. NonLinearly, these physics all collapse in on themselves and become higher and lower *accesses* of...*Now.*
The more fluently aware you are, the more you can easily see/wear/recognize that it is all *Energy,* and that that energy does not become lost, disjointed, disconnected or distracted at its Core level of processing.
So, in your very own mirror if you are truthful with yourself at the level the Universe itself demands, you will recognize your very distant Relatives (great, great-great, great-great-great...grandparents, aunts, uncles...which we'll get to here) as influencing your *Now* life, your interests, dreams for yourself, your work, etc., as aspects of your deeper, more complex reality, and reflectively your environment! (Take note of your "environment," coming up next in your Nuclear Relatives.)
Hence, the all-inclusive, fully integrated physics of... *One.*
* My use of *asterisks* is intended to help you slow down as you read, and speed up at the same time, so you aren't just whipping right over *these* as your mind reads from a conventional perspective, in that process losing important hints and clues they are providing, preventing you from hearing them multidimensionally, higher, and timeXspace transcendently. Any stress you may experience running into *these* is the energy of your timeXspace signature you are accustomed to being challenged, which stirs both stress and anger as an initial reaction. (If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got!) See this stressor as an early hurdle to get yourself beyond if you want higher Consciousness, because transcending timeXspace and convention, etc., can be very uncomfortable until you learn to feel at peace with yourself in processing Universal Truth in your everyday life.
Go INSIDE the Universal Physics Truth
...to directly experience it all happening and proving itself within and right in front of you...
...(which you still need to actually do), I am going to take you into the Nuclear Relatives/Relativities, right here, to help you realize that there's a whole lot more going on in the Universe, and the universe of you, that will hopefully get your attention and stir your curiosity and thirst for more. You will have to do some self-confronting here, though, so if you are not yet *ready* for higher truths about the Universe and yourself reflectively, read no further, because this is where things can really start becoming terrifying for you, and you can't undo what you allowed yourself to become exposed to!
Proceed at your own risk!
So here, let's walk you into the beginnings of relative (and transcendent) TimeXSpace, the physics of past life *accesses* and reincarnation (Remember! Don't get lost in conventional concepts and definitions! Past life and reincarnation are mentioned here because the Dalai Lama and Russian scientists discussed the topics in their recent meetings in India, but these hold important and intriguing physics relative to Nuclear Relativity that I am addressing here!), and if you haven't made a mass exodus for the door, even begin connecting these physics to, of all things, the very dark energy and dark matter modern science is trying so hard to find and define.
What does one have to do with the other?
Everything connects, so let's start helping you make those connections!
It all begins and ends in your mirror!
* Transcending Relative Time, Relative Space
If you've ever watched a time lapse video, or simply sped up or slowed down any other, and most folks have, you can see that things look very different, that perspectives are very different, in experiencing that, and if you're insightful enough you may even allow yourself to wonder if there's anything people may be overlooking about everyday life in general, something that could be gained from your momentary glimpse into another way of perceiving.
Well, there is! And it's not so temporary, and not so fantasy-filled. It's reality, the real reality, sort of like switching channels from some scripted movie you were watching to live news or weather.
Modern science's "centuries from now" would be that scripted movie, the script being the rules and regulations, artificial boundaries, and distraction of collective unconscious convention. It's already all done for you, so you sit around and wait to see what else it tells you to buy into.
Moments of higher Consciousness would be your glimpses into what all else may be going on that you otherwise were not even considering. SuperConsciousness would be your mastery of the otherwise unseen, and the more fluency and comfort you have in your maintaining yourself in that seriously broadened perspective, the more you are able to recognize and realize a higher synergy taking place, a Universal "wifi" of all mind and matter(s), the superimposed truths between yourself and your environment, between microscope and cosmos, between language and math, between math and energy, between energy and empathy, between empathy and translucence.
Nuclear Relativity helps you recognize that you are *suspended* in time and space "relative to" the *state of the art of the heart* of your processing, of the stories you tell yourself about reality.
Collective/likeminded processing is what *suspends* collective unconscious convention in its timeXspace signature (address in the grand scheme of things). The more Conscious you become, the less trapped you are in its "earth is (religiously, domestically) flat" and "relative time and space are okay as long as they stay in Einstein books" notions where nobody has to be bothered with them or in any way have their lives changed or disrupted by them.
Many scientists do that very same thing! They cherish what they find in physics books but disjoint it from any sort of integration into their own personal lives.
That's not true science, and it makes a mockery of true scientific method.
Not only does real reality and its real Universal Answers have to have no such relegation to scientific books and formulas (language made up to communicate ideas with one another), but it has to be directly worn, directly experienced, to be fully, inescapably *realized.*
So lay person and scientist alike cannot escape confrontation with reality and emerge conventionally intact.
When I mentioned earlier that "either you want the real Universal Truth or you don't," I wasn't being sarcastic. I was expressing the physics of the Universe demanding extreme, fully-committed integration and Balance in those it reveals itself to, in order to *even* be able to see it via empathic alignment.
It's kinda like needing Draino every time you get stuck in a wormhole. Only Balanced Truth within yourself propels you into higher and higher dimensions, higher and higher *accesses,* ...relative to... your truthfulness. Like I said, the Universe holds its True Physics "ransom" over you until you have successfully earned your way to them! In reality, it's just the way the math goes, but you can anthropomorphize that any way you'd like!
So, if you feel stuck and need something more comfortable to "slip" into, get out your notebook and *do the work* (Step by Step underway on facebook) of your Nuclear (Family) Einstein Relativity.
Language is a whole 'nother matter/*matter* when approached from a place of higher Consciousness, aka very different timeXspace signature. Rather than being locked into conventionally-driven (socially sanctioned if you dare escape) rigid, narrow/allow-able processing, higher Consciousness tears down those artificial boundaries and loosens the way you hear and speak and use language, the way you perceive and believe in concepts, words, sounds, and *energy* within it all.
Higher Consciousness, it would be fair to say, expresses and represents many different words, sentences, ideas, concepts, revelations all at once, layers upon layers in fact, and the more fluently aware you become, the more fluid and comfortable you are in your usages of that Nonlinear, multidimensional language.
So, anticipate what can only feel like chaos, as you learn to tear down and rebuild your processing of your Nuclear Relativity Physics, your mirror, your defense mechanisms/safe places, your world, your Universe, prepared to loosen your hold on your beliefs and previously held perceptions, as carved in granite time and space notions of convention are transcended in lieu of relativity, multidimensionality, and incredibly basic, elementary mathematics where none seemed to ever be before, powerful enough to reveal everything going on in the entire Universe, way out there in the cosmos, in your mirror, and beyond.
Your new native language, if you choose to proceed, will *Now* be...translucence.
Approached from conventional minds, the following seems ridiculous, silly, charlatan malarkey, and all sorts of other not so innocent expressions thrown at it (resulting from ANGER being among the first reactions when folks are confronted with higher reality), but it is 100% Nuclear Relativity physics leading to higher Answers than convention could ever provide, and it only gets way more eye-rolling questionable from here. If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got. If you don't want to wait out those "centuries" for real Universal Answers and be irresponsibly responsible for the horrors on the evening news, brave your way through. Conventional linear logic and reasoning are not the way to go!
Remember, the only thing that really transpires between now and "centuries from now" is...a changed mind! Change it *Now!*
There are many actual parallel worlds going on simultaneously, and the more fluent you become in processing layers upon layers of multidimensionality "all at once," the more *higher accesses* you have to GO INSIDE them, to actually visit them, to see it all directly for yourself.
On facebook, in "The Physics of superConsciousness," if you've gone there, you've begun your journey with profound physics truths about yourself and your family that most folks go through their entire lives never realizing. Your Nuclear Family begins with your Mother, Father, Sister(s) and Brother(s), all actually physics aspects of your very own self, and if you make it through your opening notebook assignments with these, there are thousands more waiting for your attention from there. It's potentially very, very painful *work* for you to do, so most folks run away before getting that far, so you can see why Albert Einstein stood out so unfathomably and still does. He stuck it out! If you want your "genius," follow his courage to do the same for yourself.
Let's explore what makes it all so scary! Folks are asked on fb to write about (or to) their mothers, being as blatantly truthful as can be. This is NOT for you to share with your mother, because, as pointed out there, YOU are the one who is choosing higher physics truths for yourself, not your mother or other relatives, so it is very cruel to put them into a position of confrontation with reality that they may well not be anywhere near ready for! The Universe actually has a built-in "whack you upside the head" dynamic if you dare to be selfish with any of this, so be forewarned! The Universe is a living, breathing, highly interactive entity (albeit painful confrontation physics), so any deviation for selfish purposes will be met with some nasty retribution it'll send your way!
So, let's explore the beginnings of your new Awakening... (Any scientists or others rushing out the door here, thinking this is all psychobabble and/or unprovable gobbleygook had better think again! That is your unconsciousness/naivete leading you into Exodus! Language under a microscope is *ENERGY,* mathematics, and that is what I am teaching you here. If you want True Universal Answers to the Cosmos, your microscopes, your Unified Theories, stick it out, because nothing in linear, unconscious convention is ever going to get you there! There is STRUCTURE in the chaos, the Energy, the translucence of it all! I am teaching you that very Structure!)
Say you wrote the following statement in your assignment to write about your mother:
"My mother lives near a police station."
Seems simple enough, and harmless...enough, doesn't it? But, as pointed out on fb, your:
Mother...is an actual inescapable physics superimposition to YOUR very own "ultimate innermost self!" Anything and everything you could say about your mother, whether she is still with you or not, adopted you out, lives on the other side of the planet, is an astronaut on the space station, or whatever, no matter what her actions may be from her perspective, is ALSO a confrontation and revelation of who you are, way deep down inside. Mother is your..."I, me, my" physics.
But there's more...
"My mother lives near a police station" also says:
Your (ultimate innermost self) (stays close to) (rules and regulations)!
Here, you see that it isn't only your immediate family that superimposes to "tell on you!" (Oh, you haven't seen anything yet! (Be brave! Be verrry brave!!)
Imagine, before we go on, the seeming complexity in the physics that are happening "behind the scenes" that actually brought about your mother living close to that actual police station (had you written that)! Just think about that, because once you allow yourself to explore higher reality, you find that there are all sorts of "spooky actions" (Einstein) that are happening, as well. It's the true "quantum entanglement," which you will also learn to fully grasp here, as you continue. It's the Universal fabric, weaving itself, and it doesn't miss a trick! The intrigue is profoundly fascinating, as with every action you take in your *doing the work,* with all sorts of incredibly interesting intricacies becoming *aha!*s and OMG!s in all this, so if for no other reason than delving into a profoundly fascinating mystery, stick it out, because the reward is far beyond anything you could otherwise hope for yourself! Already so much to wonder about, and we've just begun! But remember, the more truthful and honest you are with yourself, *owning* your deeper truths and not escaping them back into convention, the more you evolve, via balance, to becoming Awakened, with the most extraordinary revelations, microscope to cosmos and everything in between, in your very own mirror!
The most important lesson to take from this, already, is that while convention would likely not hear anything beyond the surface statement about your mother (though comedians can sometimes have a leg up on the competition, but there is no comedian more hilarious than the Universe itself, as you'll discover in your *doing the work!*), higher Consciousness leads you, through your becoming aware of multidimensionality, into physics that lead you to discover "dark energy" and "dark matter," wormholes, black holes, very important mathematics in language and all else that you do, relative time and relative space, translucence, *emptiness,* and on and on and on... All those hurricanes coming through the Atlantic are being driven by these very physics! The earthquakes in Mexico recently, the same! The chaos happening around the world, the threats of nuclear war, random attacks throughout Europe, and on and on and on...are ALL 100% driven by these very Nuclear Relativity physics! I am taking you INSIDE the physics, to see it all directly, inescapably, for yourself! If you want those truths, you have to weigh them against your own truths! Enough to make anyone lift an eyebrow about that living, breathing, pulsating Universe within yourselfXwithout yourself! It seems to have a mind of its own!
These Nuclear Family Relativities/superimposed truths about you begin to dissolve the artificial boundaries that were keeping you locked inside mistaken linear convention, broadening your ability to process multiple dimensions of reality, which are profoundly wonderful to become fluent in, and to visit! These physics stretch/.s.t.r.e.t.c.h. the tight weaves of your attention into Einstein level perspectives and curiosities, opening your mind to a more universal interaction going on between all things, all events, all people, all "objects," all imminent manifestations, all...everything! Your newfound heightened awarenesses, reasoning and logic are just beginning! So remember, to grasp "what all else" is going on in the Universe, you need to be mindful and open to what all else is going on with...you!
As you begin weaving this tapestry, the resistance you feel is your conventional timeXspace signature (the place in the Universe you've been used to) being challenged, which threatens your natural defense mechanisms/safe places, and causes you to run back to your familiar comfort zone. The Dalai Lama refers to this as a ladder, saying it takes intelligence to hold onto your every next ladder rung you've managed so far to earn your way to. Otherwise, when the going gets rough, you slide all the way back down to convention, where advocacy and safety overtake you. So recognize that you are in good company, and hold onto your ladder rungs! Give yourself time to process everything comfortably without setbacks, and your defense mechanisms time to redirect themselves to catch up! It is perfectly natural and expected that you take two weeks/too weaks ( ;) ) to take a breather and work stuff through, here and there along the way!
Most importantly, as you *do the work* of these Nuclear Relatives, so many other insights and *accesses* are coming into your awareness, many of which you won't even recognize are coming to the surface from deep within you, and they won't become obvious as present for a while, until you have one *aha!* that unexpectedly sets off a host of others, inundating you with magnificent "Whoa!s" seemingly outta no where! You had them in you all along, but your new *work* is simply uncovering them, that's all! You'll become aware of them the more *work* you do! A simple math truth will sneak in. A conversation with someone will suddenly become a wormhole you fall through, revealing all sorts of major *aha!*s unexpectedly. Parallels and patterns will begin becoming obvious. You'll notice previously committed beliefs in your conventional understanding redefining themselves. As you *do the work,* you'll experience yourself as no longer resisting, but rather realizing just how very real these Universal Truths really are, and you'll find yourself starved to learn more and More and MORE, like you just can't learn enough, fast enough!
And you'll discover yourself having crossed the threshold into the beginnings of your higher Consciousness/Enlightenment/Awakening...and vow never to go back to sleeping convention ever again!
NonLinear Translucent Structure, Past Life and Reincarnation
The more work you do toward your ability to process NonLinear Translucent Structure, the easier it will be for you to recognize that there are no broken lines, no disjointedness in the physics, no hopping around from one place to another. Everything is smooth transition/*change.* Everybody, everything, every event, every happening all connects, and all consistently reduces to Energy/Empathy, experienced directly for yourself when you put forth the effort to *do the work* required by the Universe itself for you to *access* and realize the Answers.
With so much more Nuclear Relatives for you to become directly Aware of, for now recognize that your mother/mother superimposition was fully, integratedly in place long before you were conceived (hear these words nonlinearly), so the Nuclear Relativity physics don't just magically, conveniently, selectively begin at your conception or birth. The physics don't just suddenly begin with you! Long before you "existed," your mother/mother's Nuclear Relatives were ongoing clear back into her own childhood, infancy, birth, conception, and so on, as were her mother's, her grandmother's, her great grandmother's, and theirs and theirs and theirs....
Invertedly, their and your Nuclear Relatives continue to be true of your own children and other relatives (which you'll see directly for yourself as you do that *work* yet to come here), so they continue on long after you're gone. Hence, reincarnation. NonLinearly, these physics all collapse in on themselves and become higher and lower *accesses* of...*Now.*
The more fluently aware you are, the more you can easily see/wear/recognize that it is all *Energy,* and that that energy does not become lost, disjointed, disconnected or distracted at its Core level of processing.
So, in your very own mirror if you are truthful with yourself at the level the Universe itself demands, you will recognize your very distant Relatives (great, great-great, great-great-great...grandparents, aunts, uncles...which we'll get to here) as influencing your *Now* life, your interests, dreams for yourself, your work, etc., as aspects of your deeper, more complex reality, and reflectively your environment! (Take note of your "environment," coming up next in your Nuclear Relatives.)
These are all part of the *work* you need to do for yourself, *within* yourself, which becomes extensive, but reflectively, superimpositionally, multidimensionally and mathematically prove to you, directly for yourself, the Higher Physics *without* yourself, "out there" in the Cosmos, under researchers' microscopes, etc... It not only teaches you who you really are, but it shows you the reflective physics involved, within yourselfXwithout yourself.
Tao 47 (Tao Te Ch'ing, The Way Things Work, recognized over 2000 years ago):
Without going out of my door
I can know all things on earth
Without looking out of my window
I can know the ways of heaven
The farther one travels (linearly projects, is repelled from the Truth)
The less one knows
Again, the most important thing to look for in your Nuclear Relativity *work* is the Higher Reflective Physics of relative time, relative space, timeXspace transcendence, nonexistent "future" or "past" as convention gets lost in them, of quantum entanglement, wormholes, dark energy, dark matter, relative physicality, Energy as Empathy as Structural Translucence.
Without going out of my door
I can know all things on earth
Without looking out of my window
I can know the ways of heaven
The farther one travels (linearly projects, is repelled from the Truth)
The less one knows
Again, the most important thing to look for in your Nuclear Relativity *work* is the Higher Reflective Physics of relative time, relative space, timeXspace transcendence, nonexistent "future" or "past" as convention gets lost in them, of quantum entanglement, wormholes, dark energy, dark matter, relative physicality, Energy as Empathy as Structural Translucence.
* My use of *asterisks* is intended to help you slow down as you read, and speed up at the same time, so you aren't just whipping right over *these* as your mind reads from a conventional perspective, in that process losing important hints and clues they are providing, preventing you from hearing them multidimensionally, higher, and timeXspace transcendently. Any stress you may experience running into *these* is the energy of your timeXspace signature you are accustomed to being challenged, which stirs both stress and anger as an initial reaction. (If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got!) See this stressor as an early hurdle to get yourself beyond if you want higher Consciousness, because transcending timeXspace and convention, etc., can be very uncomfortable until you learn to feel at peace with yourself in processing Universal Truth in your everyday life.