Monday, December 31, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe -XXXIX

The Polar, the Patriarch, the Plasticity and the (God) Particle
(*Doing the work,* continued...)

With your personal Nuclear Family/Relatives/Relationships notes in hand about your father/Father, you are now getting into the really scary stuff, potentially, (because you may suddenly feel as though the rug has been pulled out from under you, as your lifelong defense mechanisms are feeling the threat of confrontation, and everything you thought you knew about "reality" is being challenged), here take some time to first go back to your Contact-inspired Wormhole videos of Ellie recognizing the Translucent Universe, and see if you can find her father/Father in her journey.

From there, *listen* to their conversation very closely, and take notes, because those notes will become very revealing and helpful to you as you proceed. Every word is an important clue!

This would also be a really good place for you to videotape yourself, close up, talking about your father/Father. Read your several pages of writing out loud, or simply discuss what you have written into the camera. This is a great way to advance yourself further along in your journey. I will explain why later on. Keep your videos private, for your eyes only.

If you are a scientist, you have a responsibility to *do the work* toward your superConsciousness/Awakening. USGS / Pacific Tsunami Warning Center folks, I am walking you directly into HOW to recognize congealing geological events long before they manifest to devastate people's lives. The NonLinear Universal Synergy/Relationships will become more and more apParent as you go along. For now/*Now*...earthquakes, tsunamis and other devastating events "have a voice," a constantly changing *energy signature* in the world, and that "voice" flows throughout all/Awe, that *energy* shared throughout, and with everybody and everything being synergistically *connected* and interactive, what those earthly dynamics are 'doing' loooong before they manifest to traumatize the world can be recognized in time to save lives. That *energy* (quantum physics' elementary particles and waves) actually converts itself to language (the "decorations" we put on it), and with superConsciousness you can recognize that language (relative to all other) when it presents itself. It is simply *energy* from the Core, flowing throughout, doing what *energy* does, that's all! But sentients were never intended to be mindless dominoes getting knocked over by it as it comes their way!

If you are a social authority or politician, you likewise have a responsibility to elicit change in the world. Millions, billions of people are emulating you, and that resonates for generations to come. There is no distant, safe place upon which to keep it all detached from yourself as you just stay tucked away in your comfort zone/defense mechanisms in hopes of simply "knowing about" as opposed to directly *wearing* the Universal Dynamic involved. You will just wind up hiding out in the "control room" with everyone else trapping themselves in collective unconscious convention. You have to directly experience it all for yourself. The Universe itself made that rule. It's a math thing. If you mess with the math, as opposed to respectfully humbling yourself to it, into *pure observation,* you will not *realize* higher Consciousness. The math/patterning you directly experience as you *do the work* multiplies exponentially the more *work* you do, and you cannot experience it, or multidimensionality, relative timeXspace, etc., unless your confrontational *work* has taken you deeper and deeper into layers of yourself, your *sensitivities* you never *even* realized existed, and has guided you to heights of intelligence you never thought yourself capable of. That's where the Universal Truth is Empathically *Realized* as it arises within you, one confrontational *aha!*/balance at a time.

Now, having revisited Ellie's wormhole in search of her father/Father, and videotaped yourself discussing your father/Father, go back over what you have written to be certain you are comfortable with what you have included. When ready, re-read all of your notes back to yourself, this time *hearing* that, physics wise, your father/Father is your ultimate outermost self, in detail, your environment, the world around you. It is all an exact superimposition of your dad. *Remember,* you are mapping the world *without* yourself by locating the *reflection* of your world *within.* The more you read and re-read it, the more you will realize that Universal Truth as inescapable, and the more you accept that reality, and the Universal Dynamic involved revealing itself to you, the more Conscious/Awakened/Enlightened you are becoming. (And revisit Tao 47, for more confirmation!)

Don't traumatize yourself with fear. (Anger is usually the first emotion. But don't throw your computers across the room! Bastian, NES). You have plenty of time to go back over it, and you will be hearing your father/Father superimpositions revealing themselves to you for the rest of your life, including outta no where, when you least expect it. "Aha!s" will be happening everywhere for you, if you continue *doing the work,* so...just allow them to happen naturally, and learn to smile an acknowledging smile at the beautiful Dynamic involved. There is so much more *work* for you to do.

And...don't worry about your sanity! Or mine! The more you *do the work,* all the while trying to deny or flee your awakenings, the more each new *aha!* closes in on you from every direction, proving the validity of it all/Awe, bringing along an occasional rush of *even* more *aha!s* Sometimes you will be inching your way through that wormhole, and sometimes..."Whoaaaaaaaa!" as your increasing *realizations* multiply exponentially and multidimensionally along the way/Way!

After a while, your anger and fear will turn into curiosity and intrigue, as you get yourself across that threshold, away from collective unconscious convention, and you will begin loving your new reality-based comfort zone/safe place/defense mechanisms, and you won't be able to learn more and More and MORE fast enough!


The (God) Particle
Modern science's "god particle" begins when mass begins to matter/turns into matter. Hear that super(im)position?

It is all/Awe the same *energy,* the same timeXspace signature, being personally "decorated."

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXXVIII

Robotics, Telepresence and Artificial Intelligence 
Dialogue with HH Dalai Lama in Amsterdam, Netherlands


During graduate studies, a particular science of psychology course I enjoyed was one I repeatedly took, again and again, over several semesters, because as long as the professor kept changing the topic, new credits were awarded for each. Many of my classmates were university professors themselves, including from the medical school, keeping their educations current, so we had some really incredible topics and conversations to play with, such as Chaos Theory. One semester the topic was Automaticity, Roboticism and Artificial Intelligence. I had some ideas of my own, superConsciousness wise, and those ideas came back rather quickly while attending to this truly intriguing, fun and fascinating dialogue between HH Dalai Lama and various panels with special interests in these talks on Robotics, Telepresence and AI/Artificial Intelligence, and how technologies can improve the lives of folks of all ages.

There is much discussion on the possibilities and potentials for advancing robots toward "learning" empathy and compassion, at least at a basic level, and whether or not robots (aka "smart computers") capable of anything material or mechanistic, could ever "evolve" into having a human-like (basic) consciousness.

Conversation included problems with over population, longevity, global warming, ethics, ethical leadership/"who decides" (technologies, politics, etc.) how far society should go with technologies relative to sentient life and caring for our planet, and religious interests. Archbishop Desmond Tutu made a bit of an "appearance" via HH Dalai Lama, and both had some strong concerns of their own.

HH Dalai Lama and Dr. Jinpa discussed "Indian Knowledge Acquisition" in which "conviction" arises over decades via words and intellectual understanding, critical reflection, integration and experience.

Genome Therapy (editing the human genome to improve it) was also brought into the mix.

HH Dalai Lama discussed what I call here (from Contact) that "awful waste of space" side of humanity that convention and emulating conventional scientists have disposed of, "amygdala"/feelings/meaningfulnesses ("wasteful without investigation" - DL). He said around 200 million people were killed in the last century through violence, what humans decided to do with their intelligence (over animals), and are only slowly realizing that "sharing a common goal (on this planet) is more important than national sovereignty."

Artistic creativity of Yoko Ono was addressed and Philip Glass,** a Buddhist, was thanked for his musical contribution.

Compassionate technology: What is progress? How much do we need? Where do we draw the line? Will a robot be able to fall in love? (That brought an emotional moment!)

A 30-second ending meditation was shared, upon which to reflect.

This is a truly intriguing, insightful and very touching dialogue/presentation.

** Philip Glass, wonderful place.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXXVII

Why Can't We Go Back in Time?...(Yet!)

It is all/Awe about *recognition.*

A phenomenon I have always enjoyed all my life has been as much fun as it has been frustrating. When I walk into a room the circular clocks go backward! For real! The second hand reverses and goes back one or two or three seconds or so. It won't do it if I am looking for it to happen (because that messes with the math). It has to catch me off guard.

The frustrating part is that it is so incredibly and profoundly intriguing that I want so much to hold it in place, to not lose it, to observe it longer, loving the experience. But of course, again, that means I'd be messing with the math, and it won't let me do it. (See what I mean about the Universe having a mind/consciousness/Consciousness of its own?!)

When I was 18, a clock started going backward and just kept going and going and going, but I digress. Surely that had to be a malfunctioning in the clock itself. But it was so interesting to see happening, anyway. It seriously just suddenly started going backward and wouldn't stop. To add to the fun, though, I just feel such a need here to include, just for the heckuvit, that I am often awake and asleep at the same "time," which really became prominent when I was running a crisis center all night long, 11 pm to 7 am, during college, where I had to be awake all night long enough to handle the crisis lines and intakes, but if things were slow I could go lay on the couch and doze off...just a few feet away from the office and phones.  I had to go straight back to campus when I got off at 7 am, or thereabouts, and my college classes would go on, off and on, until 9:15 pm, at which point I still didn't have enough time to go home (between Tuesday and Thursdays) and had to go right back to work again. I was taking 6 courses at college at the time, and though I have always hated to sleep at all, all my whole life being a night owl, I would occasionally be exhausted and doze off.  But it was so much fun! I would be "sound asleep and dreaming a very active dream," all the while my eyes could be open and attentive to clients in the safe house who would come out in the middle of the night wanting to talk. Of course,  then I had to let the dream go and wake up the rest of the way, to be there for the clients.

The most magnificent dream I have ever had, and certainly the most curious, dynamic wise, happened about 2000-ish or so, when I was fully asleep and nearly my entire visual field was filled, in giant cartoon conversation bubble mode, with Einstein videos, dozens, more like hundreds of them, each of them eye-shaped, tightly packed into that cartoon bubble filling every possible space, overtaking nearly 100% of my visual field, and each and every one of them was all actively "playing" as the "videos" they were simultaneously! As if that isn't fascinating enough, each "video" was different, in that Einstein was wearing different clothes, was with different people, in different settings and scenery, every one of them perfectly normal (furniture in place, clothing of his era, etc). He and they (also all different) were all moving around, talking with each other, doing different things in different places, which fascinates the heck outta me! I mean, my mind was producing all those dozens/hundreds of Einstein videos, all simultaneously! Whoa! I quickly became aware that I was dreaming and consciously tried so hard to "hold it" all in place, to capture the moment, so I could watch them all, and explore the phenomenon, not wanting to lose a single moment. I can still see them, at least overall, and it still amazes me! I mean, geesh, talk about multidimensionality! Multi-tasking! What was going on with me at the "time" that was able to produce each video as a video in its own right, let alone soooo many, and to keep every one of them in place, appropriately! I've had some super-fascinating dreams, and awake and asleep experiences, but that one tops them all, I think. It was really cool! And they were all black and white. It was kind of like falling through an Einstein-themed wormhole. I cherish having had that experience and have always wished it would return.

Relative Time, Relative Space. and Traveling Back in Time
We are already "time traveling," of course. What one believes/assumes/perceives (aka, projects) away from the real Core Truth, and how long it'll take to get back to the Universal Truth, happening with every breath we take and move we make, is what determines "time." It is the difference between Core Reality and non-reality, between the Something and the Nothing, between the God Particle and the Goddess Particle. Between scientists linearly waiting centuries for answers vs NonLinearly *recognizing* their availability in the *Now.*

Space, then, becomes the manifestation of those projections, as everything in Existence manifests the difference between perception and reality.  Overall, time "out there" is simply the mean statistical average of the collective unconscious convention's *stories it tells itself* and space is the manifestation of those moment by moment projections. Sounds weird, but you can really see this, up close and personal, when you *do the work* to position yourself to directly recognize it for yourself.

In our NonLinear Universe, where there is no beginning and no ending, everything simply being *Now,* there is no actual "future." Without a "future" there is no real "past" to be traveling back to, right?  But what is there are the broader and broader *accesses* you have with increasing Consciousness, meaning that what you see and experience in that *Now* is larger and larger, like a much larger "playing field" for you than for those who are lost, confining themselves in linearity. Your Universal "parade view" becomes vast, relative to human capability overall, compared to unconscious convention's tiny parade view of only seeing that "parade" as it appears in front of them. With a vast parade view you are sitting on a cloud, watching it forming, congealing, coming into being, watching its approach, seeing its *presence* in the immediate, and then watching as it moves on until it dismantles and disintegrates into wherever that energy is going next.

What is really, actually *changing* as "time" appears to move on, one "second/minute/day..." to the next, is not really a forward linear moving "time," but rather the constantly reconfigured mean statistical average of collective unconscious convention's constant redefinition/re-perception/re-experiencing of each and every "current" mean statistical average.

Some extremely simplifying examples: relentlessly re-perceiving an abstract painting; a jigsaw puzzle where each piece (to make it easy here) is a different color, making a different picture with each change, an ever-changing possibility of childrens' building block formations, random numbers jumbled and resettled into "new" formations, except that one individual or collective perception slowly morphs into the next via relative/relationship connections, everything always *Now*...just redefined, remorphing, NonLinearly, in the *Now.*

Plasticity of TimeXSpace Transcendence
Relentless morphing and remorphing/ever-*changing* Translucent *Energy* is plasticity, like perception getting up, turning and sitting back down again. Getting back up, turning and sitting back down again...and again and again and again... Constant redefinition.

Going back in time is already there, as a process, as it would be in a NonLinear Universe...

<--------- o ---------> 

...but of course it comes in partnership with its own dependent origination. Problem is, collective unconscious convention only sees reality one-sidedly...


...and so it is only going to recognize what manifests their projections in that direction. We all only see the manifestations of our perceptions, so if you are able to process reality NonLinearly, you will at least get glimpses of backward "time" travel, such as my clocks going backward, etc. I have had all sorts of flashes of "previous" life experiences throughout my life, that are profoundly interesting to at least play with, and respect, and no doubt this is where scientists are getting their notions of parallel universes and that all of us have thousands of ourselves "out there" simultaneously on all those parallel universes, all living every possible possibility (required in a NonLinear Universe where everything is actually already all said and done)! I've seen all this myself all along. It's just a simple math reality of NonLinearity. It is extraordinary to experience and enjoy observing. This also goes along with Tibetan Buddhist notions that a worm could be your mother.

In a Universe where you have to experience every possibly possibility, where everyone and everything goes "next" would be in keeping with wherever the natural physics left off in a previous experience. It doesn't jump around. It smoothly continues morphing. With all my many animals, I never have enough arms and hands, so I figure I'm destined to become an octopus in my next life, haha! When a NonLinear Universe collapses in on itself, into the Nothing (Translucence, Emptiness), every possible possibility for all has to have taken place.

Remembering that everybody and everything has its own timeXspace signature, or ever-changing address in the evolution of Awakening, and hence stretching time and space back out to where we all are in the now/*Now,* traveling back in time can simply be appreciated as requiring our mindfulness, enough of our Consciousness, to be in place enough to have its partner, space, manifest (where we can see it) the inversion.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

2004 Indonesian Tsunami of December 26, 2004 - *Remembered*

Fourteen years ago today, nearly a quarter of a million people died in this horrific tsunami, but it didn't have to result in all that devastation.

NonLinear Physics revealed the congealing event, including its massive death toll and location, over a year prior to its manifestation, but in a world of unconscious "modern" science founding itself upon the mistaken linear notions of collective unconscious convention, it was all just worthless information.

This site teaches evolving scientists HOW to recognize the real Universal Physics Truth/Dynamic by taking you INSIDE the physics, confronting you with your own, where you cannot help but see and experience it DIRECTLY for your very own self, inescapably. There is no "unified theory" without YOU in it! The Universe confronts you with your truths to prove its Truths. Most folks run away...screaming! (NES)

Quantum physics were *realized* thousands of years ago. Relativity did not originate with Einstein!

"The future" is neither what nor where most folks assume it is.

Time and space are completely *other than* most folks assume. Learn what and where they really are! Everything is Translucent Energy. Ultimately...*Empathy.* There is recognizable, measurable, teachable *Structure* in that Translucence/Empathy. This site teaches you that *Structure.*

The Universe is NonLinear! Learn how those Universal Core Energies *interact* with everybody and everything throughout, and discover the Truth, in detail, of Quantum Entanglement.

One-sided >Past>present>future>, along with the linear, cerebrally-neglected "clock" projections, are the most detrimental of all human inventions, creating relentless warring naivete *within* society that manifests relentless warring naivete *without.*

Scientists, *do the work* required of you to *realize/recognize* the real Universal Physics Dynamic, which reveals the Truth, microscope to Cosmos and everything in between, to what is actually going on, and guides you to what is tragically congealing toward the evening/*evening* news loooong before it gets there. Whether nature or human-initiated tragedy, the NonLinear Universe *already knows.*

Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, hurricane paths (before they even begin), the weather, accidents, catastrophic human-initiated tragedies, etc... none of it begins as an isolated incident. An earthquake is never just an earthquake. A tsunami is never just a tsunami. Everything, everybody, every's all interactively *connected.*

NonLinear *Now*'s Universal Parade View is ...ENORMOUS... compared to the notions of tiny human linearly-misdirected parade view.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXXVI

*Tools* for Going Deep *Within* Yourself to Position Yourself to Discover, Locate, Recognize, and Experience Consciousness and Mind *Without* Yourself

Taking you deeper and deeper inside yourself, which takes you deeper and deeper INSIDE the real Universal Dynamic, so you can see and experience it all happening, in action, in its real process, in any and every *Now,* which, challenge it as you may, can never, ever be usurped, is actually a literal .s.t.r.e.t.c.h. for me, in that I am so fluent in all this, so experienced in it, born with it and all, that I can *realize* everything, congealing manifestations included, without going through long detailed processing to get there. Relative simultaneity for me is often simply...simultaneous!  To teach what all is there, however, I need to stretch it, and myself, back out enough, to explain everything. (It's a timeXspace thing!) What is really great about that is that of all the really big obstacles to get yourself past, your defense mechanisms are topping the list, grounded in conventional expectations and notions (your natural safe places, comfort zones, belief systems you aren't quite ready to relinquish), and all the places you try to use as excuses/reasons not to go any further, which I am intentionally addressing for you to help you not escape, and to learn to feel safer realizing the Universal Truth that has been shadowing you all your life, trying to get your attention.

Here, as you pick up where you left off on your Polar, Patriarch, Plasticity and (God) Particle *work* I'm providing you with some important *tools* you can use to advance yourself through your very genuine "Wormhole" journey. These tools include: I Ching, Tao Te Ching, dependent origination, meditation as actual physics, polar opposites, Yin x Yang, left brainXright brain, LEMS, and mapping *Within* to Consciously recognize/realize *Without.* And then...we'll move on to the significance of some very, very basic mathematics. (Not "chicken scratch formulas." Just very meaningfully applicable patterning to be attentive to).

All along, as you proceed, be ever mindful of those reasons you may want to become more "ap-Parent."

I Ching/Book of Changes
When I was a child, I found myself with a puzzling dilemma. If I were to choose to go right, what would happen to left? It had to still be there, right? I mean, left! I about "empathy!" Whatever it was that I were to choose to do, attend to, or have, etc., I felt like I was leaving the other side out, which caused me distress because I just *knew* that side had to be just as important.

I was such a *sensitive* (to *energy*) child. Okay, and adult! I still/*still* have issues with that. Of course, that was, and is, my NonLinearity.

A wonderful way to experience NonLinear *Energy*/Truth for yourself, before even/*even* doing your Nuclear *work,* is through the 3,000 year old "I Ching," or..."ee-ching" (Book of Changes). It is an incredible experience, one that conventional minds would find very hard, though, to find credible. But if you most basically *connect* that if all there really is is NonLinear *Now,* anything written 3,000 years ago would be relevant right now/*Now* as well, and based on NonLinear math principles of Core Balance, and being highly interactive, you really can "ask" it a question and discover its Answer eerily and quite credibly accurate! As in The NeverEnding Story, where Bastian throws the book across the room when it starts hitting a little too close to home, you could easily wanna do the same with the I Ching, because it is a powerful wake up call and "up close and personal" experience with NonLinearity that could help you perhaps find some courage and intrigue to *work* on the INSIDE Truth. It uses the principles of Universal Balance and *connectedness* throughout to rope in your projections and guide you into reflection.

Tao Te Ching (The Way Things Work) 
The Tao Te Ching (Dao) was written about 2500 years ago and is made up of 81 poems, or pages, that serve as a pendulum, swinging you left and right, back and forth...

/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \

...capturing all your projections and helping you turn them back around toward reflection, toward *Balance.* It can be quite challenging and is full of important *aha!* experiences for you.

Intriguing yourself with smaller tasks, such as these, they help to build your courage and confidence increasingly so along the way, so when you find yourself confronted with the really hard stuff that gets really personal, you are less likely to slide right back down that (Dalai Lama's example) "ladder" into the arms and advocacy of collective unconscious convention.

Dependent Origination
As I have mentioned previously, dependent origination, which you will often hear the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan Buddhist monks talking about, though hardly exclusive to them, is similar to playing the card game of "Old Maids," in that it is simply the recognition of opposites, matching and canceling their way to the Center, or Core. No up without a down, no over without an under, that sort of thing.

Meditation as Actual Physics
Another important assistance in your *work* toward Awakening/Universal Consciousness is meditation. Often misunderstood, devalued, even laughed at by scientists and non-scientists alike, meditation is perceived as some useless, silly nonsense dreamed up by "college kids" and "flower child" types, when, in the real Reality, as in NonLinear Universal Reality, a purpose of meditation is to *still* your linearly distracted, unconsciously projecting self as a means of getting out of your own way, so that *Balance* so lacking, so missing inside yourself, can move toward re-establishing itself back toward NonLinear reflection. Like a circle with a dot *in the middle,* the practice assists you in gathering your many escape attempts heading for that outer circle, turning them around, and redirecting them toward the Core.

Put a rubber band around a pen and tug on it. The pen represents the Universal Core Truth, which is also your inherent truth, as well. Tugging away from the Core, notice the stress, the resistance, the more you distance yourself from it. Invertedly, notice the relief, the reduction in stress, relative to how much you end that resistance and move back toward Balance and peace.

*Now* see why meditation has such wonderful health benefits? Your body and mind and all your other parts know their own truths, but they just need you to stop dragging them in all the wrong directions, mindlessly projecting away. Once you are out of their way, they know exactly where to go! ...Om...

Polar Opposites
The Universe is a system of opposing forces, relative to dependent origination, creating a Patriarchical x Matriarchical Exchange of *Energies.*  See Yin x Yang (next), and revisit Quantum (Cosmic) Christ to see how that exchange affects the everyday social world.

Yin x Yang
Thousands of years ago the ancients were highly *sensitive*/attentive to the interactive *energies* in things and beings, within ourselves and without ourselves, throughout Nature, in the Cosmos, etc.. They recognized frequencies, intensities, patterns and consistencies, and, as in Plato's Symposium, that opposite energies attract and unite into Symmetry, or Love...*Balance.*

Observing opposite *energies* all around themselves, in everything big and small, vast and miniscule, the Universe, they realized, was a living dynamic where polar opposite energies swing aggressivelyXpassively, the Patriarch morphing itself into the Matriarch, aggressive/male/sun/Yang, and passive/female/moon/Yin,** moving toward, moving away from. Locating these *energies* in the everyday world, they *realized,* would lead them to the True Universal Dynamic. Everything has its own unique, particular timeXspace signature, or temporary *state of the art of the heart* address, relative to its current *energy* status.  (See Left Brain X Right Brain, next...)

Left Brain x Right Brain
Neurologists/brain scientists, especially those not yet evolved enough to transcend conventional notions of physicality/materialism/biology, often quickly scoff at any suggestion that left brain x right brain would have anything whatsoever to do with male x female, Yang x Yin, aggressive x passive physics of Existence, but if you allow yourself to evolve enough to transcend time and space into Translucent/Empathic Reality, you cannot help but see and *experience* the Truth directly for yourself, soooo accurate in fact that they exposed the 2004 tsunami Indonesian locations AND massive death toll over a year before it manifested, the details and locations of 9/11/01 6 years prior, along with both space shuttles' demise, the Vegas Mandalay Bay massacre, earthquakes congealing toward the evening/*even*-ing news, the train derailment over the freeway in Washington State, and on and on and on. Accidents, incidents, weather, everything!

You have to *far more highly evolve* yourself beyond the trappings of conventional linear logic! It is all about *energy.* Your *doing the work* of your Nuclear Family/Relatives/Relationships evolves you into the heights and depths of your natural, inherent *sensitivities* to *energies* within yourself, helping you mindfully *connect* with those relatives and relationships without yourself. It's like learning another language, *energy recognition,* because language evolved from raw energy, and humans "decorated" that energy (as unconscious linear convention), and Consciousness reverses linear language back to its *energy origins,* realigning you with raw Truth before human convention gets a hold of it and conveniently distracts and selectively *forgets.*

And, to help you *remember*... check out your LEMs directly for yourself, next.

Lateral Eye Movements (LEMs)
Just when you think Left Brain x Right Brain Yangs and Yins aren't enough to convince you (until you *do the work* where they become inescapable), LEMs, or "lateral eye movements," capture more than your attention when they reveal that *energy* phenomena in ways you may never have realized have been with you all along.

When you are speaking, how you are processing your own convictions/truths is "an open book" to anyone mindful enough to notice. Which side of your brain you are using, a natural reflex happening so quickly it is impossible for you to usurp it, "tells on itself," and on you, moment by moment, word for word, expression for expression, by darting your eyes, your gaze, to its opposite visual field, such that right brain/feelings/yin/passivity project out to your left visual field, and left brain/thinking/yang/aggression project out to your right visual field. If faced with a sudden emotional confrontation, your eyes and your whole head are jolted to your far left. Invertedly, a strong need to intellectualize/think things through darts your eyes far to your right, from left brain, and suddenly turning/jolting your eyes and head to your extreme right indicates potential lying and/or hesitancy to be honest, truthful, genuine with others, and perhaps with yourself as well.***

Looking up or down in any of these exposes intensity. Maintaining a central gaze reflects lateral symmetry, *balanced* conviction.

Mapping *Within* x *Without*
The more truthful, the more accurate your *template* is within yourself, the more accurately you realize its significance without yourself.

The more Conscious/Awakened you become, the more you will be able to recognize Universal Truth throughout, as it applies to everybody, everything, every event, everywhere.

Suddenly, the Cosmos is no where near as vast as it seemed just a while ago, and microscopic organisms and elementary particles are no where as near as small.

There's a lot more to this, but we'll save that for when you are in a much better position to process it, and hence, mindfully apply it.

Mathematical Significance/Patterning 
As you *do the work* toward your Nuclear Family/Relatives/Relationships, you learn to recognize patterns in the *energies* that repetitiously expose a basic mathematical significance that helps you learn how to anticipate (and hone into) what is congealing in its simplest form, "simply" because you are increasingly able to recognize *presence* vs absence of what's there and what is missing and has no choice but to be coming into fruition.

See what I mean about the Universal Translucent/Empathic Dynamic having a (higher definition of) consciousness/Consciousness?

Seriously simplifying here, you could easily *know* to anticipate the missing elements of:

 0, 2, 4, 6, _, 10, _, 14, 16, 18

When lots of these are congealing toward manifestation all at once, or simultaneously (simultaneity being relative), and there are many, many congealings approaching all the time, all at once, from every direction, it becomes very obvious what details are going to emerge on the evening/*even*-ing news. Visualize ocean waves constantly depositing bits and pieces of debris (missing elements) onto the sand with each wave. While there's so much more to this, of course (consistent experience, depths and heights of NonLinear Access, Translucent and Empathic Alignment) persisting and persisting over hours, days, weeks, months, years, frequency and intensity relative, this is an incredibly important threshold to cross as you transcend timeXspace, process parallel worlds and broaden your own *accesses* in the NonLinear *Now.* Each congealing is "traveling" on its own timeXspace signature, or "address," such that "what belongs to it" can be realized because each has its own energy intensity.

For *Now,* as you *do the work* of your relatives and relationships physics, be ever mindful of passiveXaggressive *energies* involved and where and how they are manifesting and retrieving the *energies* going on deep inside!


** All language applies, so there are thousands of these super(im)positions! The more *work* you do, the more fluent you become in hearing them spontaneously, simultaneously, throughout.

*** About 11% of left-handers' LEMs are reversed, but consistency exposes their truths, as well.

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXXV

Consciousness and Materialism Interchangeable with Universal Translucence/Empathy

It is its own dutiful adherence to its own NonLinear Physics Principles that Universal Translucent Empathy has and is interchangeable with "Consciousness," that needs to be recognized and respected. It is not about the Universe adapting its way/Way to fit into the lives and perceptions and notions of collective unconscious convention (sleeping world society). It is about ourselves responsibly doing what we need to do to Awaken ourselves to exactly what the Universe is doing. As fully integrated within those physics, inescapably, we were born to *realize* what is really taking place.

Universal Translucent Empathy, at the Ultimate Core, as well as throughout all/Awe, IS Consciousness, in that it goes exactly where it is supposed to go, and does exactly what it is supposed to do, and it applies to absolutely everybody and everything, everywhere, and there is no usurping it. Try as humans may to make up *stories* to get it to bend to their naivete, it just never, ever bends. All they are unwittingly doing is creating their own karma destined to bring experiences into their lives to make them adhere to its Core Truths.

It is what it is, and it does what it does, and its dynamic has been *realized* for thousands upon thousands of years (and far longer than that, to the earliest beginnings of sentient beings, not to mention nature's "living" scenery whose physics of Existence it also is, etc.), by the highest of sages escaping the lures of collective unconscious convention to position themselves to actually directly see and experience it, "up close and personal," and if countless billions of people all *did the work* for the fullest Awakening/Enlightenment, it undauntingly would Ultimately reveal itself as the exact same Universal Physics Dynamic/Truth to each and every one of them.

That exact same Core dynamic affects everything, every event, every seeming "physicality," whether applied to an earthquake, a river, the seas, a building in Times Square, India's Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, the ancient pyramids, creatures of all species, or what have you. It is the exact same dynamic moving and motivating everybody and everything throughout. Every single thing happening on the evening/*even*-ing news is there because of it. There is no escape.

Materialistic science (aka "modern" science) is science of neglect and naivete, because there IS no difference, in Truth, between materialism/physicality and feelings/spirituality/Consciousness/Translucence/Empathy. Materialism, taken much *higher* into Awareness/Awakening, is *realized* at the Universal Core as having a *spirit,* that Translucent Empathic Structural Integrity, and *Spirit,* feelings, Consciousness, Translucence, Empathy all have physicality.  *One.* The more you *do the work* of your Relatives and Relationships, the more that all becomes inescapably obvious. Humans have invented all sorts of walls and boundaries to try to make sense of Higher Reality, but keep in mind that those walls and boundaries are in place to protect convention, not Truth.

The Universal Core, Translucent Empathy, is Aware of itself, or all that beautiful Order would be Chaos all over the place, and while it may seem just that, given what Existence/Life/The Something does with it, it still/*still* never, ever loses sight of itself. Again, that becomes astonishingly obvious when you commit yourself to *doing the work* to experience it directly for yourself.

What is important, therefore, is to acknowledge that what convention may do with or perceive of the word "Consciousness," it needs to be taken *higher* so that it is respected on a level most folks have a long way to go to humbly *access* as yet, in appreciation of Truth at the Translucent, Empathic Core level. Kinda like a Cosmic royal guard, it won't break ranks no matter what humans may try to do with it.

Likewise, the word *empathy* needs to be taken much *higher,* and not relegated to mere conventional notions of psychology. With everybody, everything, every event, everywhere all SHARING the exact same physics at a far more highly evolved level than most folks are prepared to recognize or accept, it can at least be appreciated that in a world where the entirety of Existence and Empathy are all of *One* Shared Dynamic, there would have to be a Universally Empathic *wink* throughout.

In other words, when the Two Truths, The Something and The Nothing, become *One* at the Core, when everything from all sides is "gone" except for the Core/*Emptiness* itself, it becomes very difficult to *even* talk about it, because..."No words! No words! Poetry!" (as Contact so beautifully describes). Stillness/*still*-ness.

*Emptiness* does not mean there's nothing there, by conventional logic, but rather it is *empty* of all projection and distraction. Pure Clarity. Hence...*Balance.*

That is where the word *Empathy* takes on a much *higher* definition than just some "soft" psychology word. It is the overall NonLinear Universal Process, similar to "felt sense," not guessed though, but much more Translucently and NonLinearly respected and appreciated.

*Empathy* at the Universal Core level IS "Consciousness" outside the brain because everything knows where to go by its physics, what to do, how to do it, when to do it, why to do it, whether we are there or not, and it is only with superConsciousness that you directly (and mathematically) experience the Process enough to *realize* and respect that it exists in its own right.

So, it could be said that IT is teaching us. We are not teaching it! No matter/*matter,* it is that Higher Than Everything *Dutiful Adherence* to the Universe's own "laws of behavior."

When you *do the work* of your Nuclear Relatives/Relationships toward Awakening/superConsciousness, you learn the power and purpose of *reflection* vs projection. You learn to acknowledge the Two Truths, *within* X *without,* and dependent origination. The more you become aware of yourself within yourself, the more you are then appreciative and respectful of the reflection of what you have newly learned outside yourself. You respectfully recognize that there is *interaction,* and that humans have a looong way to go to step out of their collective unconscious distracted notions of the real reality, far beyond the *stories they tell themselves.*  We are a mere part of the process, not the process itself, and have a "timeXspace signature," which simply means that we are a dot** in its process in search of Truth.

When you do your *work* of your Nuclear Relatives and Relationships, you get to see the process in action, and just how very much *alive* it is. For instance, if you were to try to lie to it, or lie by convenient absence, or try to overpower it, you would quickly discover that it is onto you at every turn, and that there will be hell to pay if you don't get your truthful act together. There is a *presence* you cannot deny, and if you dare, well...go test that one out for yourself. And...good luck with that!

Likewise, time and space are equally dutiful in being exactly what and where they really are. That is a tremendously intriguing experience to directly witness, and if nothing else has earned your respect before that, the Universal Truth of Time and Space will surely get your attention. They are nothing at all like what convention assumes them to be, and they are just as inescapably and dutifully integrated in Translucent Empathy, respectful of the role they play in the Universal Process.

In an upcoming blog post (NR: XXXVII), I will answer the question: Why can't we go back in time? (Yet!)

 ** Draw a circle, add a thick dot in the center, then fill the circle with other dots. One of those other dots would be the current *state of the art of your heart* in terms of realization and understanding. *Where* each of us is, toward balancing ourselves to *access* that Balanced Core/dot, is our ever-changing timeXspace signature, or "dot" address constantly changing, moving toward, moving away, along the way.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXXIV

The Relevance of Ancient Indian Knowledge

w/HH Dalai Lama in Mumbai, India
December 14, 2018

Please also see: Tibet *Remembers*...Quantum Physics *realized* in Ancient Times
(Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXV)

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXXIII

Inside Quantum Entanglement (Continued from NR - XXIX)

Keeping in *mind* that everything is Translucent Energy/Empathy throughout, that *mind* is SHARED throughout all, sentient or otherwise, and that those *energies* flow through us as "wifi" and are expelled in part as utterances/sounds (ugh! aham...)** that have evolved "over time" as constructs/object-ifications/meaningfulnesses, into words, into phrases, sentences, paragraphs...into the *stories* we tell ourselves about life, reality, survival, spirituality and, yes, notions, definitions and redefinitions of "science"...quantum entanglement, shared throughout all, through everybody, everything, every event, every happening, weather and evening/*even*-ing news alike, it all begins to get a lot easier to *grasp,* and to make a lot of sense.

As if it isn't enough to *do the work* for your own personal Awareness/Awakening, here*** we are transcending timeXspace, falling through actual wormholes, advancing "modern science" lightyears (nightyears) into the...*NonLinear Now,* and overcoming the seemingly daunting vastness of the Cosmos.

If scientists have something tangible/physical to hold onto, which they consider to be the only real "Truth," they are more likely to continue listening and learning. In Awakening, superConsciousness reveals feelings and physicality as equally Translucent, the Cosmos as Empathic as all else, and the overall process as having a *spirit* and Consciousness/Awareness.

Translucent, Empathic Scientific the way/Way (Tao) to go.

As in the (NR - XXIX) Contact/pod/control room scenario, an awakening scientist would be one/One so increasingly deeply/empathically/multidimensionally and respectfully *reflective* that she or he would simultaneously *hear* clear out into the Cosmos or under their most powerful microscopes, and everything in between, how their own personal truths *within* themselves so accurately reveal/expose the Answers they seek *without* themselves. A scientist unaware of reflective reality, dismissive and adhering to collective unconscious convention and its cerebral neglect, would actually require their coveted "centuries" wait, and the timeXspace requirement would reflect how deeply lost and distracted they would be, and how long it would take to untangle all their projected chaos drudging through linear perceptions. Can you see Now where and what "time" and "space" really are? They are simply imaginary storage, similar to doing macrame, where you set "strings" aside while you work on knotting what is immediately at hand.

If you adhere to "old boys' school" notions, object-ifying science as some elitist segregation detached/disjointed from all else, including yourself, it is not really scientific Answers you are searching is your perception of yourself instead.  "Science" as a discipline with guidelines is a human invention like any other, such as religion. When you know better, you do better. You grow, discover, reconsider and evolve. Sciences, like religions locking themselves in place, rigidly refusing to evolve/grow/change need to realize themselves as shallow (however inadvertent) and self-defeating, not living up to their own responsibilities to elicit change in the world, and keeping themselves from the most extraordinary Universal Truth they were inherently born to *realize*/Awaken into.

What I am hoping to do here is help scientists and other reticent folks *realize* how all the "loose ends" that seem to have no relationships whatsoever come together, to help them see how everything is related to everything else, everyone else, every event, every happening, no matter where anything's timeXspace signature is in the Universe, and how it all directly relates to you, and you to all or any of it outside yourself, so you can *realize* those relationships as very real, and just as tangible as any "physicality" currently recognized by modern science in its current status, with a goal being to help you/science cross that essential threshold out of collective unconscious conventional reasoning and into the Awakening of the superConscious.

Oasis and Einstein
About 20 years ago I was feeling almost haunted by something congealing toward manifestation in the NonLinear physics and feeling somewhat agitated. When horrific events are within 48 hours/2 days (language and math matters here) of winding up on the evening/*even*-ing news, I tend to recoil/retreat to protect myself. I become incredibly agitated, *knowing* **** what's about to transpire, and despite by then having pretty much every detail, I rarely "interfere" with what is about to happen because if authorities haven't taken me seriously despite my repeated efforts at that point, they are only going to invalidate and negate me yet again when I least need to have to deal with that, so I retreat to protect my sanity and to prepare myself for the AFTERmath.

On that particular day, I decided to act upon something I had hoped to accomplish for a two-book set I was writing (text and accompanying workbook) on the physics of superConsciousness, and how NonLinearity so accurately reveals congealing events (earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.) quite simply because it transcends conventional notions of timeXspace, etc.. ("Future" is linear projection in a NonLinear Universe!). My hope was to have a quantum physicist parallel my superConsciousness writings, the two evolving/dissolving/resolving into one/One, as the Dalai Lama himself is trying to help science do in his talks with scientists nowadays. But this was 20 years ago, and I knew it was a long shot that a physicist would risk "reputation," let alone tenure, for modern science's mistaken perceptions of Awakening/Enlightenment/Consciousness, but my agitated *energy* got me in my car and on my way to my beloved university anyway.

Once there, I discovered a Philosophy Conference about to begin and decided to ask some visiting philosophers standing around talking just outside the event's doors what they thought of my plan. Two words had been haunting and taunting the heck outta me in my agitated concern mentioned earlier, and as I approached the philosophers, down to two just as I reached them, the very first words I could hear them saying were precisely, exactly, the very two words that had been taunting me into action: "United Nations." It was not a "current event" at the time, so that was weird. Shocked/jolted by that pestering physics phenomenon, I just kept on walking by to process it and wound up hanging at the open double doors to the Conference getting underway. It looked almost cathedral-like inside, church-like, and I felt somewhat amused and curious seeing all those philosophers sitting in pew-like formation.

Getting my *focus* back to why I had driven to the university in the first place, I left them to their Conference and walked the roly-poly campus grounds to the physics building, where I forced myself to approach various physicists in their offices, accidentally walking in on one nursing a newborn (Oops!), and wound up having a brief encounter with another young female who specialized in nanotechnology, who suggested a particular physicist down the hall who would be my best bet in sitting down in conversation with me. As I turned to head out her door, she gestured her own personal approval, interest and curiosity.

She was right about the next physicist's love for conversation, because he welcomed me in and quickly engaged in a very highly-energetic, animated dialogue with me. I could barely get a word in edgewise. Problem was, he was almost inadvertently, essentially, laughing at me, negating and trying to usurp everything I was saying. He just could not see any connection at all between my beloved superConsciousness and his quantum physics. All the while he was highly energetically almost performing his animated talk, I was reading a print-out upside down on his desk between Albert Einstein paper that, ironically, was agreeing with me!

"Hadn't he read his own Einstein paper," I wondered. "Could he perhaps not *hear* it as I was *hearing* it?" He was clearly enjoying himself, at my expense.

And then he was off, rushing to his next lecture, only his Einstein print-out in hand, and as we hurried down three outside flights of stairs together, his playfully rambling away (I got the impression I didn't even need to be there for all the fun he was having), I couldn't help but wonder how he was going to interpret his Einstein lecture to his students, and so wanted to be a little fly on the wall there, to witness how it all would go down. Would there be a potential "Whoa! Wait?! What?!" kinda *aha!* moment? Probably not.

So, in my agitated and by then depressed/rejected/dejected state of mind, I headed back to my car, cutting through a beautiful courtyard surrounded by super high ceiling'd glass-walled classrooms to hasten my retreat.

Suddenly, I caught a glimpse that could well have been a "mirage in a desert moment"... a Buddhist monk in full beautiful monks' robes was sitting all alone in the middle of a glassed classroom, appearing to be studying. I opened the tall door and asked the ridiculously obvious. "Excuse me! Hi! Are you a Buddhist monk?"

His robes were as familiar to me as somewhat unfamiliar, not the typical Tibetan maroon color or local color I had been used to. He said he was, and I asked permission to interrupt his studies to sit down with him for a few moments. I was feeling so down, so oppressed as always, so hushed and sent away, and to find him right there, right when I needed my soul to be rescued... Wow! That karma! Ahhhh....

I explained to him *where*  I was in my superConsciousness, about my books I was writing, and what my intent with the physics department had been, and my "barely-could-get-a-word-in-edgewise" conversation (attempt) with the quantum physicist, and immediately my precious new friend came to my defense. Hours, years of trying to be heard to no avail, and he could hear me inside and out in a blip-second! It was a pivotal moment in my whole life I will always *remember!*

His name was "Thich," and he was from Vietnam. Hence, his brown robes. He wrote his full name for me in a book I was carrying. He looked directly into my eyes and restored my *balance* and trust in my own heart in a single instance. I cherish his *presence* and our time together, and what he did for me so selflessly that evening. We had a wonderful talk, and as we departed he smiled and gestured a *within*X*without* hand wave with me that I can still see as if it is happening right now/*Now!*

Later, I tried so hard to find him again and elicited the assistance of student registry, who were delighted to help! But there was no one! It was like he didn't exist! I tried and tried to find him and began to wonder if my beloved Vietnamese Buddhist monk had truly only been a mirage.

But when I opened my book to the page in time we had so beautifully shared, there he was.. "Thich ... ..."

Twenty years later, and the sphinxes' eyes are juuuust beginning to open.

The Polar, the Patriarch, the Plasticity and the (God) Particle
In ancient times, universal/Universal *energies* were often included in their languages, such that moon, for instance, was feminine, passive, while sun was masculine and aggressive. Panini even built Consciousness into Sanskrit, which can be beautifully revealing to one who chooses to *hear.*

It is the Universal *energies* that are most important to recognize, acknowledge and respect, as you *do the work* toward your Awakening/Enlightenment.

Conventional minds dismissive of Nuclear Family/relativity/relationships *work* for the comforts of the collective unconscious inadvertently trap themselves in the Chaos/"random" destiny, when there is such a beautiful, extraordinary Order to it all/Awe. To those folks, I would suggest:

"Stop the world! You wanna get off...long enough to take a picture!"

At any place/point/timeXspace signature in the entire Universe, that "picture" has the power to reveal the whole entire Dynamic, to serve as the *Core* while all else is discerned around it.  Likewise, any one of us can "dissolve"/resolve ourselves to our own Core Truth, via dependent origination (no up without a down, no over without an under...), because the journey of one/One, taken alone, is required of each and any of us, because what keeps us from Consciousness/Awakening/Enlightenment are our own personal projections/distractions and subsequent misperceptions, and once ultimate *Balance* is *accessed,* (and that magnificent ultimate wormhole!), it ultimately results in the EXACT SAME Universal Answer for all/Awe.

Everybody and everything dissolves/resolves into all else. One. Quantum physics and Universal superConsciousness alike. Hence, Translucence. Ultimately, *Empathy.* The only difference is that Quantum physics, approached linearly, conventionally, will truly take "centuries" to resolve in Time and Space.

The NothingXThe Something, the elusive-seeming "big bang," IS...the *NonLinear Now.*

Stretching time and space back out to us again, we could muddle through our lives as tangled balls of chaos, or...we can *do the work* of untangling all that chaos to responsibly contribute Truth, Order, and humble respect in the world on behalf of all sentient (experiencing) beings, and *processes,* and peace.

Scientists can still be scientists, but *far more highly evolved* ones/*Ones* advancing science "night-years" (darkness travels faster than light...because it is already nonlinearly there!), into the "future" of NonLinear Now.  Just imagine what all/Awe awaits simple-most basic *recognition* so blatantly right there in relative simultaneity (the dependently originated chicken and the egg) just waiting to be mindfully acknowledged.

To discover yourself that far more highly evolved, you have to humbly give up the fight, lay down your weapons of faith (in modern science's inadvertent elitism), and fury, and *do the work* needed to reclaim your inherent *Balance.* Your wormhole awaits your courage to propel yourself through it, to our SHARED Universal Core, one personal Truth/confrontation owned at a "time."

You are about to go INSIDE the Universal Dynamic, which is also your own personal physics as well, and what you are about to learn about yourself cannot easily be escaped. Proceed at your own discretion. You will need a notebook and pen to continue. Keep all of your personal writings "for your eyes ONLY," and NEVER share them with others, including those you will be writing about.  YOU are the one choosing to *do the work* and if continuing, you are *ready.* They are NOT, and it is cruel to invade other people's personal physics space. You also may inadvertently reveal things about yourself that you never intended, as you learn to process the Universe, and the universe of you, multidimensionally and NonLinearly.

The Patriarch/Quantum/Cosmic Christ/(God) Particle
Write several pages (minimum of one) about your father/Father, being as honest and as truthful as can be. Include the hard stuff that may not feel so good to have to write about. Try to include a balance of good, bad and indifferent. The more you write, the more advanced you will become, and the more deeply you will be taking yourself INSIDE the True Universal Physics Dynamic, in action, in the *Now,* toward learning to *recognize/realize* what it is really, actually doing, throughout the whole entire Universe, microscope to Cosmos and everything, everybody, every between, inescapably.

Keep all your writings "for your eyes only," remember! You are committing yourself to profound, irretrievable confrontations and realizations about yourself, your loved ones and acquaintances, total strangers, and everything, everywhere, going on.

Be careful what you ask for! 
This is life-changing information, so 
must own your own decision 
*do the work.*

You will be working with your private writings very extensively, as your journey into superConsciousness continues in the blog posts above.

There is soooo much more to come, as you *work* on your Nuclear Relatives/Relationships.

NOTE: I have this, and dozens of pages more, handwritten and ready for these. Just need to have a chance to get them here.

I am intentionally breaking everything down into language and interests of scientists and authorities in place to implement action plans and *change* because it is exceptionally difficult for them to respect and acknowledge the Universal Process *within* X *without* when they haven't yet evolved enough to respect and appreciate what, where and how there is *structure* in translucence. "On the surface," Nuclear Family/Relatives/Relationships *work* looks like some "unprovable" psychology's psychobabble, but if you allow yourself to transcend conventional notions of "physicality," you will discover the *structural integrity* of the whole entire Universal Dynamic in your very own mirror, advancing science "centuries" and saving countless lives in the process/Process. It has been there all along. Allow yourself to Awaken.

** In Sanskrit, "aham" represents the first and last sounds/utterances we make when we first open our mouths, and then close them. See Upanishads, Panini and Classical Sanskrit.

*** I am intentionally writing these Nuclear Relativity articles slowly and casually to help scientists (and others interested) slow down enough to recognize the Cosmos and all their other disciplines as actually revealing themselves in their mirrors/reflections/*reflections.* Unless and until it is *worn*/owned/integrated, the raw Universal Truth of it all will never be taken seriously. It has to be experienced long enough for you to find yourself in Awe, respectful and *worthy.* A huge transformation goes on inside yourself that prepares you to accept the real Reality.

**** The movie "Knowing" brilliantly and accurately shows the mathematical and linguistic *energies* revealing horrific events reflectively congealing toward manifestation. Similarly, the Scorsese movie "Kundun" (Tibetan for *Presence,* the everyday name for the Dalai Lama, which he himself (DL) collaborated on, and which features his own actual family members playing his family in the movie), beautifully shows his own relentlessly being taunted by congealing *realizations.* Likewise the Dalai Lama movie "Seven Years in Tibet," which shows his experiences with them in childhood, and in which HHDL's real life sister plays his mother.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXXII

Teachings and Talks from Japan - Dalai Lama in Japan 
Science and Religion

Update: January 6, 2019

I found myself somewhat amused by the parallels in these dialogues with the Dalai Lama, as with others, and as with serious science and discovery documentaries on those channels, because Universal Answers are right there, shadowing the scientists' own conversations, but lacking superConsciousness they simply cannot hear themselves providing their own Answers.

All language is energy, and that energy superimposes and superimposes, like nesting tables getting bigger or smaller in ever changing dimensions.

Spooky Actions of Quantum Mechanics on Porpoise 
Here, a Japanese quantum physicist was discussing the spin states of two atoms. Before folks get lost and run away, I'm going to first give you a wonderful parallel that will help you understand what is being revealed here.

In my graduate studies on comparative psychology (animal psychology, language in animals, etc) I had the extraordinary occasion to study intelligence and language acquisition in dolphins. In this research, a graduate student, wearing goggles (so the eyes could not contaminate the research) would use a sign language to communicate with one dolphin, while its partner dolphin was blocked from being able to see the instructions being signed. (Sentences, such as "go move (such and such object), then push the basket to the ball, then put the ball in the basket, then move the person to the instructor." That kind of thing.) Then the barricade blocking the second dolphin from seeing the signing going on was removed, and BOTH dolphins simultaneously went off and carried out all those instructions, though only one dolphin actually received the instructions!  What a magnificent experience to witness with my own eyes!

Now, with dolphin echolocation in mind...

The Japanese quantum physicist was explaining that in the spin states of two atoms, somehow the second atom is instantaneously "fixed" after the measuring of the spin of the first atom, and that somehow there was "transmit of information at infinite speed." Albert Einstein called this "spooky action of quantum mechanics."

The Japanese physicist said this was "contradictory to common sense" that "no time was needed, so no energy was needed either," showing that "cause and effect can be simultaneous". Einstein said this was wrong.

Mechanistic Albert was actually on his way to becoming Conscious/Awakened/Enlightened, which someone such as myself can easily recognize in his writings and processing, but he had some ways to go on that. In other words, if he was putting together a puzzle of the Universe, similar to a computer's refresh circle arrow, his circle wasn't quite completed, which is probably why he hadn't been able to finish his final work. It just never came back around to *connect.*

But this simultaneity of dolphin and atom communication is relative, of course, all simultaneity being relative.

Gravity, Singularity and Universal Consciousness
First and foremost, gravity would simply be the Universe and all within it adhering to its own Dynamic Principle of NonLinearity.

Everything simply goes where it is supposed to go, and does what it is supposed to do. There is no escaping NonLinear Truth in action. Of course, collective unconscious convention escapes being evolved enough to see it directly for themselves, but at least that can change.
That Japanese scientist went on to talk about gravity as being a very difficult problem to understand, particularly, though it is important so science can grasp the "quantum effects of gravity relative to the big bang singularity," the single point in which there is no time and no space, and "so no mathematics" they can use to try to figure it out.

Listening to him talking, from my superConsciousness/multidimensional/NonLinear perspective he was not realizing, I *heard* that dependent origination would cause/manifest gravity, in that the Two Truths (the Nothing X the Something), "Conscious" (at a much higher level/definition) of *reflection*X projection that keeps the Universe still/*still,* in NonLinear Translucent Empathy, would force/*force* the continuation, that *still*-ness. Meaning, still, in a state of singularity, or single point, but also *still,* as in still happening.

In other words, that consciousness/Consciousness of the Universal Dynamic I have been discussing here, undaunted, uninterrupted, no matter/matter what, everything always exactly where it is supposed to be, doing what it is supposed to be doing, forcing/*force*-ing both movement toward the Core (the Nothing/Emptiness (of all projection/distraction)/*reflection*/Translucence/Empathy/*still*), and movement away from the Core (the Something, Existence, projection/still going on) would cause everything to gravitate to "behave" as that Ultimate Undaunted Consciousness demands.

I'll write a lot more about gravity as we go along. It is so much easier to *grasp* if you are Conscious enough in your own right to directly experience it for yourself.

The physicist, still processing linearly, said that "in the beginning, time and space were so small they were in a high energy state." You can *clearly* see that this is perfectly in keeping with all my writings here about the Nothing being a state of *Energy* that is *Empty* of all projection/distraction. Aka...


*One* day, modern science will eventually *realize/recognize* that their elusive "big bang"...IS...


Update: December 29, 2018
Trying so hard to get to these, and so glad I had some time today. It is always so intriguing to me to *listen* to scientists/quantum physicists talking about their work, with their not hearing, not recognizing, what they are saying multidimensionally, superConsciously/NonLinearly.

Topics include quantum mechanics, Einstein's "spooky action" of quantum mechanics, gravity, singularity, evolution relative to consciousness, consciousness as emerging in the Universe itself (as opposed to evolution of species), interaction of elementary particles, integration information theory, etc..

Sounds perhaps intimidating, until you *realize* that all it is is different made-up words by humans to try to understand the very same Universal Dynamic that superConsciousness exposes in everyday language. Hence, Nuclear Relativity/Relationships.

I am really looking forward to getting some of my notes on here so you can see the simplicity, the intriguing parallels, for yourself. Just imagine what all today's quantum physicists could be *realizing* (and doing with it) if only they were superConsciously approaching their work!

November 14 to 22
Yokohama, Tokyo, Chiba and Fukuoka

Update: November 18: Wish the Dalai Lama would have spoken English on these because without Dr. Jinpa (his primary, long time translator, ex-monk, scholar and author in his own right) present, things are a bit hectic and stressful, as his other translator rushes to keep up with him. Add to that the translator having a cold and, well, notes soon to come.  Note: HHDL does speak English later, quite brilliantly.

Update December 7, 2018
Wonderful talks. Neurobiologists and quantum physicists are unwittingly (but eagerly/searchingly) presenting analogous physics of the Universe new to modern science but already long ago *realized* via superConsciousness, and the Dalai Lama is recognizing this and constantly drawing attention to it by asking challenging questions they struggle to answer, as they are still trying to make *connections* and understand Universal NonLinear *relationships.*

Brilliant folks, though, so intriguing to listen to. Fascinating what superConsciousness can do to advance science, and it's fun to imagine what the *realizing* ancients did with their scientific Awarenesses in quantum physics thousands of years ago.

Lots of wonderful notes to get on here, as "time" permits.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXXI

The Answer to: What on Earth is Going On in Society Right Now?

Continued from Nuclear Relativity - XXI: Impulsive Society/TimeXSpace/Social Media

There's a complex, cause and effect, high tech, hidden "mental illness"** spreading throughout society right now, a Time X Space signature issue (state of the art of the heart of realization, feelings, understanding, ability to process), the result of such rushes in advances with little to no consideration, mindfulness, or the taking of responsibility for how those rushes to advance would affect countless millions of people. As a result, society's "Timing" is seriously off and needs to be "reset." Keeping in mind that humans are being inescapably moved and motivated by a far more complex Universal/Nonlinear Core Physics Process than most have a clue about, authorities, if only Conscious enough, could take mindful steps to quietly correct it and bring about important change. Lacking that very necessary change, things are only going to become a lot worse before they get better.

It is tremendously frustrating to be in a position of superConsciously recognizing what is going on in extremely disturbing, unhealthy society right now and have important Answers needed to redirect it toward healthy equilibrium that EVERYONE can be happy and comfortable with, and not be able to communicate it to them.

But I am going to try anyway.

For *change* to be accomplished, folks need to sloooow down, calm down, take a step back, and restore the lost art of *listening* to one another.

This is precisely where the problem begins, but unfortunately also precisely where hope for *change* ends.

Convention is behaving at its worst, completely lost in selfish, self-serving immediate impulse. Much like a vehicle whose "timing" needs to be reset, society is unconsciously "acting out" a far more complex physics dynamic that is moving and motivating absolutely everything they do, but they remain totally unaware of it, and are so totally wrapped up in the "acting out" part that, with billions worldwide participating, it is going to be quite a feat to wake them up.

But I am going to try anyway, because it is the right, and correct, thing to do!

The problem: Selfish, Self-Serving, Immediate Infantilized Impulsiveness

To recognize and realize what is going on, folks have to pretty much behave as if the problem has been resolved, because the solution, the Answer, is actually superimposing the problem.

Let's go through the primary culprits:

Reality TV
With the onset and popularity of  "reality" TV several years ago, where regular, everyday people starving for attention throw childish, impulsive temper tantrums like infants far too immature to recognize and acknowledge, let alone care about, anyone else around them, anyone's else's needs, came the mistaken "permission" that the way to get what you want in life is to totally invalidate everybody around you. Rather than sloooowing down, restoring the art of *listening* to one another, everyone is holding what is known in psychology as "toddler dialogue," where babies babble nonstop with no intention to include anyone else in the conversation because they are far too immature to even notice there are other people in the world besides themselves, everyone else completely invalidated.

Society's obsession with "reality"/temper tantrum TV has infantilized countless millions of people idolizing and emulating that behavior, taking/seeing it as permission to rush themselves to the "stage" to "act out" their own infantilisms, dragging essentially anyone else remaining "in the audience" up to that "stage" as well, in defense of themselves. So everyone is "acting out" all at once!

Twitter (and Other Social Media)
Just in time, twitter has come along to provide countless millions of infantilized "actors" with the perfect platform to impulsively talk and behave over top of one another, as they carry out their "toddler dialogues" all at the same time, valuing NOT what each other is saying but primarily every next reason, every next excuse, to spew even more self-only-serving infantilisms.

So, so far... Everyone is up on that "stage" all at once, no one wanting to be "in the audience" feeling left out or overtaken, chaotically behaving like mindless infants AT each other, with little to no consideration of anyone else's needs, sensitivities, meaningfulnesses, mindfulnesses, interests or contributions.

Destroyed in this behavior are empathy, compassion, ability to *listen* attentively, or at all, to learn from one another, to gain insight, and to humble themselves enough to *respect* each other.

Vulgarity (as Every Dangling Participle of Speech and Personal Best Friend****)
It's not so much the words themselves as it is the profoundly important physics dynamic behind the use of them.

It is the extreme immediate-most defiant impulse (even if unintentional) to invalidate the needs and sensitivities of everyone else present (including an aspect of themselves) that ripples out into the world, en masse, and pops out with all that *Energy* behind it as...horrific tragedy, relative to the frequencyXintensity, and relative simultaneity in which it originates.

It is outrageously, hugely popular, particularly with younger generations, to impulsively spew F-ulgarities at one another, so "in your face" that mindless contributors in the music world have named entire albums obscenities! They think they are "hip and happening," but what they really are is...scared! Terrified! Soooo afraid that someone may just step in front of them and steal away their extreme, immediate-most, infantilized cherished impulse to express themselves in the face of everyone else, that they shut out everyone else, anyone else, from having any space whatsoever to contribute. It is a fearful "I'll get you before you get me!" defensiveness before anything has actually happened to deserve such a reaction.  Problem is...when countless people across the globe are behaving like terrified infants, it's hard to decipher threat vs lack thereof. They just imagine, and overreact. With everything multidimensional, superimpositional and repetitious, all that "wifi-like" massive *Energy* moving and motivating everybody and everything, every event, etc.... ripples like ocean waves washing bits and pieces of every next *even*-ing news event onto the shore, and when done en masse (as with world leaders, for instance) those ocean waves present themselves in the form of tsunamis.

"repeating R-epeating RE-peating REP-eating REPE-ating REPEA-ting REPEAT-ing REPEATI-ing REPEATIN-g REPEATING!"

See the increasing frequencyXintensity repetitions of the very same dynamic rippling throughout?! It is all happening at the *energy* level, carrying information throughout all. And not just through sentient (experiencing) beings, but all in existence.

To demonstrate the same dynamic involved, building/congealing/picking up momentum  (snowballing) those *energies* across the Universal tapestry (multiple dimensions) more graphically:

invalidation Invalidation INvalidation INValidation INVAlidation INVALidation INVALIdation INVALIDation INVALIDAtion INVALIDATion INVALIDATIon INVALIDATIOn INVALIDATION

What begins so small gathers momentum and manifests as devastation.

Words, Labels, and What Society Does with Language
I remember years ago in psychology texts in college reading that around the turn of the century (1800s into 1900s), words like moron and imbecile and the like were actually medical terminology that only later became as they are heard and used today, after society got a hold of them and selfishly object-ified them as weapons to sling at one another.

Once people hear what they want to hear, to feed themselves further into the fray, the chaos, they won't let in anything else.

Example: "Politically Correct"
This is a really sad situation that is happening right now in world leadership, and needs to be addressed. The stoicism of most other previous presidents and world leaders, including those mindfully cringing nowadays, comes from the following.

When uneducated, unsophisticated, unworldly-aware minds get a hold of expressions like "politically correct," they, in all their infantilized rush to attack and make it all about themselves, process it as children not wanting to obey their parents, not able to realize that there is something else really important going on entirely that they actually may have to grow into understanding, respecting and appreciating, that there's so much more going on in the world that doesn't always begin and end with themselves.

From an educated, sophisticated, worldly-aware perspective, "politically correct" is rooted in the psychology of *balance,* Consciousness, selfLESS mindfulness of the needs and sensitivities of others, including those who are different, and that unless and until all folks are included in the decision-making processes, NO ONE will ever have healthy peace and *balance.* A whole lot of advanced education and experience, and history, goes on behind the physics of psychology of inclusiveness, of domestic and international relations. Things may take a lot longer to get done because of the needed diplomacy, protocols, tactfulness, patience and regard for others, but that is how things are done when handled maturely and appropriately. A responsible, mindful person does not just barge in and take over a political arena, for instance.

Example: Mental Illness
(See recent article showing how this expression is sorely misplaced in world society overall!)

Technological Advances
Not only are devices becoming smaller and smaller, but along with them so are MINDS! Neural connections (unused critical thinking, reasoning, balanced logic, dependent origination, patience, empathy, compassion) are falling by the wayside like outdated old cell phones and yesterday's computers. Reflection, needed to sloooow down and acknowledge, value and respect other people, and their traditions, cultures, religious values, etc., is overtaken by selfish impulsivity.

Technology is feeding the "I want it and I want it now!" childself in people, leaving out any reminders from their polar opposite adultself that they are swimming in the shallow end of the pool.  There's a different mathematical "timing" required, for instance, to spew/tweet sarcasms, "one-ups," and vulgarities at people 24/7 on Twitter and other social media than to put down the devices and directly interact with real life human beings face to face, with your family, friends and community, and even total strangers and acquaintances.  Looking into your loved one's eyes, seeing their facial expressions, making physical contact, sharing their personal space...all require folks to sloooow down and use their higher mindful resources, critical thinking, feelings, empathy, compassion, caring and selfLESSness.

Everything Else Resonates...
...and emanates from the connections/*connections* you make. "Take care of the pennies and the dollars with take care of themselves."

Empathy and compassion begin at home, in your mirror, when you love and trust yourself enough that you don't fear others on immediate impulse, when you realize enough *worthiness* within yourself that you are able to realize others as *worthy* as well!

People are object-ifying one another, as if they are apps to dismiss, game tokens to destroy, demons to ward off like garlic to dracula, and all that fear, the REAL F word going on, is coming from how people define themselves, to themselves. Lacking the courage to process and deal with it, there, they project it all onto others, and go on the attack!  Unfortunately, some are so terrified that they physically "go on the attack!" as so tragically seen on the even/*even*-ing news.

Reflection is an art, an inherent physics no one can escape being held accountable to.

Tao 47


Palm facing yourself, palm facing away... 



If YOU want to feel *worthy* and validated, put others' needs and sensitivities before your own, and make it happen in your very first impulse. Everything else ripples from there!

Everything in the Universe is a manifestation of what you believe and how it interacts with the REAL REALITY/Universal Physics at the Core (how far "The Something" (linear illusion) is projected from "The Nothing" (NonLinear Truth)), and the clash between the Two Truths becomes the karma (destined confrontation) Universal Reality brings into your life to wake you up!

It's/we're all...Energy..., everything taking place on a far more complex physics level, and with billions of minds swimming in the shallow end of the pool, infantilizing away without a life vest, a massive tsunami is destined to topple the divide.

Where will YOU be?

Take the *higher* ground!

It is all about *timing!*

Taking Responsibility for Solutions
You can't fix what you won't acknowledge!

It's like playing musical chairs, where suddenly all the chairs have been pulled out from under millions upon millions of people all around the world, so folks, energy wise, have no place to sit back down again. Suddenly, everyone is left hanging, their personal defense mechanisms/comfort zones/safe places have all become threatened, and so the masses are reacting by becoming fearful and suspicious of one another, and have moved into a "fight or flight" mode of defense vs offense.

What had been a much sloooower timeXspace foundation/life pace for people in their everyday lives, all around the world, where instead of living on the internet 24/7, hiding behind impulsive social media accounts without any accountability, folks had been used to participating in activities that .s.t.r.e.t.c.h.e.d. their mindful impulses further out across time and space, has now become an almost reflex-like rush to judgment. Person to person relationships, going to movies, plays, playing tennis, bowling, dance, international games of meaningfulness and tradition, participating in tedious hobbies, painting, all sorts of meaningfulnesses that required *presence,* insight, higher mindfulness, appreciation for and need of one another, and direct personal ownership, etc., activities accomplished in a much slooower life pace, way too quickly have evolved into distant, detached-from-others interactions where essentially little to no one actually has to take any responsibility for themselves or be held accountable for their impulses toward others. How can there be any wonder that they are springing forth leaders likewise acting out that chaotic status quo?

If television productions are going to drastically change how people experience what they are seeing and emulating (such as replacing mindfully scripted programming for cheaper, infant-impulse temper tantrum "reality" shows), if technologies are going to rush countless millions of folks around the world toward immediate mindless impulse, if universities around the world are going to pull the rug out from people by teaching students beyond their traditional religious, historical and social "status quo" traditions, then leave them hanging with no where to sit back down again, etc., they must take ownership and realize they have higher, selfless responsibilities to the world than just stuffing their own deep pockets.

Everything else would resolve itself, social chaos wise, if conventional industries unconsciously feeding impulsive infantilisms to the masses would *wake up* and *realize* how life actually works, that no one is an independent, detached, disjointed individual somehow magically plopped down into the world with a mind all their own that no one else, anywhere else, could ever possibly *access.*

Universal Synergy
There is a Universal Synergy going on, *realized* (not invented!) for thousands upon thousands of years by the highest of sages, in which everything going on in the entire Universe, sentient or otherwise, is inescapably being moved and motivated by the Energies pulsating across the Universal tapestry/fabric like wifi, to and from the Universal Core (see all my other articles here detailing precisely how that is), and multi-billion dollar agencies affecting billions of unconscious but inescapably synergistic minds all at once, all around the world, have no choice but to take one heckuva lot more responsibility for themselves for what they put out there, and that when they don't, in their own first, immediate, selfish impulse, it is then inescapably their responsibility to Awaken themselves enough to fix the mess they have inadvertently made of society!

Collective unconscious convention (>99% of the entire world's population) is mindlessly, directly, "acting out" what they have been irresponsibly fed indirectly, and all that chaos is only going to go around and around and around and around, because the problem is much *higher* than folks slinging opinions at one another.

Sloooowing down the masses,*** resetting that all-important "timing" issue, can be *quietly* accomplished as if slowly removing sugar from children who are hyperactively climbing the walls, losing their minds!

Industries, take *higher responsibility* for what you have done, and what you rush out there to the masses in the future. If you don't, karma, a very real Universal Physics Balancing Process, holding you accountable for your own actions, will come back around to make you wish you had!

** Not an individual person having a "mental illness" (See previous article in support of this.) The current collective behavior of ...society itself... is where the imbalance is. (The mean statistical average of the collective *energies*!)

*** Bringing back quality message boards (not filled with relentless distractions of ads ruining people's ability to stay *focused* and to process at length and keep their minds on matters elongating timeXspace), would be an important start in resetting the timing of infant-impulse society.  Message boards would be like children playing in backyards/gardens, with fences around them, where they can't be so easily unaccountable for their actions, vs Twitter, for instance, which is like children playing in dangerous streets, with essentially no accountability whatsoever, open to toddler dialogue and infant impulse, "looking for a reason," object-ifying one another.

**** Inanimate object.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXX

Dialogue with Chinese Scientists on Quantum Effects - Dalai Lama/India

Quantum Physics and Ancient Buddhist Realizations: 3 sessions, 3 hours each.

Topics include: space-time symmetry, entangled world, quantum biology, superconductivity, linearity, nonlinearity, etc..

Update: November 21:

"What is science?"

Chinese (Taiwan) scientist: a language used to communicate with nature, to communicate with tiny little particles..."We are part of nature!"**

Dalai Lama: a place "to investigate what's the reality, and Why, why, why, why, why?"

Me: a playground to explore the nature of reality, but NEVER the Answer in itself, because *cerebral neglect syndrome* (all the "awful waste of space" rigid scientists have dismissed, disdained) has to be acknowledged, *worn,* directly experienced and worked through, into Balance.

Discovery has to be balanced with feeling to have superConsciousness.

I love the expression in the movie "Yentl," by the teacher/scholar: "Wisdom is the means. LIVING is the end!"

Science is a tool, a language, a projected formula for wondering and taking notes, but ultimately it has to be *worn,* directly experienced, challenged, *realized* and re-*realized* again and again until you find yourself humbled by it, enormously *respecting* its interactions with you, its reassuring you of your *worthiness* to come face to face with the Answer, and the smile you cannot resist when you do.

Next, now everyone (except the presenting scientist, the first Chinese scientist/quantum physicist presenting after the very down-to-earth and funny host physicist) is quietly laughing among themselves because the physicist could not realize/*connect* that he was presenting so much boring, rigidly detailed complexity that he essentially lost his audience in the first couple minutes. Even when requested by the Dalai Lama and Dr. Jinpa, on behalf of a packed audience, to sum up his complexity into human terms, he could not do it. He could not get his own self out of all that to have human conversation or interaction and wound up reading his own chart dialogue word for word to his audience, to the end, including through time that had been designated for questions. He was essentially presenting his talk on symmetry and timeXspace balance, through (dare I say) lack thereof, via cerebral neglect (only one side of the brain, his or theirs). In brief, energy relative to The Something vs The Nothing, linearity vs nonlinearity.

This next Chinese scientist/physicist is essentially reading my blog here, re: Core/emanating Energy manifestation using wonderful graphics, and much respect for his ability to do it in his complex physicist terms outside his own native language.

To be continued..

Update: November 18:
Wonderful, intriguing notes to include here, as time permits. Dalai Lama laughs (in general) at rigid scientists who haven't *evolved higher* enough to separate MIND from BRAIN, and I have some fun notes from myself on how to easily see where consciousness/Consciousness (on all levels), outside the brain, would be!

Update: November 10:
Link updated.
Can't wait to have the chance to watch and write about these!

Dalai Lama is so much fun, and so wise in how he connects how everything relates. And Dr. Jinpa, his long time primary translator almost always with him in quantum discussions (though he lives in Canada, a scholar in his own right), is an ex-Tibetan Buddhist monk and such a sweetheart. I love how so many scientists come with so much seriousness and rigidity, and leave with an Awakening heart.

Update: November 12:
Watching these conferences and it is wonderful seeing Chinese scientists meeting with the Dalai Lama for the first time! Such a joy! I've studied both Chinese (Mandarin) and Tibetan (including monastic Tibetan) (along with Sanskrit, Hindi, and Japanese was my language in college (upcoming: Japanese scientists starting tomorrow night)), and now I feel so inspired to get back to them.

Really enjoying listening to HH Dalai Lama right now! :)

Update: November 15:
Taking great handwritten notes to bring here...soon!

** Many important points that I have been addressing in my "Nuclear Relativity XXXI The Answer to: What is Going On in Society Right Now" article, etc., are being brought up in this discussion between quantum physicists and the Dalai Lama, my article already written before seeing this, as I am just now getting to these talks with the Dalai Lama. So far, at only an hour and a half into their talks, about a dozen points I've been making through superConsciousness have been acknowledged through these Chinese quantum physicists (and of course the Dalai Lama).