Sunday, October 28, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXIX

Psychology, Continued... 

Science, Unrealized: Inside Quantum Entanglement

Getting folks to invest themselves into *doing the work* toward becoming far more highly evolved is at least somewhat easier if they have the opportunity to get a feel and glimpse into what all is *there,* waiting for them in their higher realizations/Awakening. Otherwise, that *work* is too quickly dismissed.

For this reason, I am providing all these Nuclear Relativity posts to help those interested begin to recognize "relationships" throughout. Beginnings of Nuclear Family How-to... *work* was previously posted on my (The Physics of superConsciousness) Facebook page, and on my parallel blog to this one, "*Clear Path*...for Everyone."

They will all eventually come together, right here.

It can seem as complex as it is actually easy, especially when you're distracted by everyday life demands. Never mistake distraction for inability. If you're carrying a full bucket of water, it's hard to fit more water into it, right!? Don't allow yourself to become overwhelmed!

Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Family, Nuclear Relativity, 
Nuclear Relationships/*Relationships*

*Doing the work* of your Nuclear Family begins your journey into *higher consciousness* and takes you on the most extraordinary, most eye-opening, mind-opening, heart-palpatating adventure into the REAL UNIVERSAL REALITY, where absolutely everything in the entire Universe, microscope to Cosmos and everything in between, is *realized* as...*One.*

Nobody wants to be apPARENT anymore!

We begin here because unless folks have immediate intrigue they can identify with, they too quickly escape, and everyone has been on one side of the ap-parent dynamic or the other, so...

Over the last several decades an unfortunate naivete has evolved in family dynamics where parents have taken the lazy way out, by choosing to be first and foremost, and for many nothing more than, "best friends" with their children, instead of protecting and respecting, first and foremost, the role of "parent." Unaware of how life actually works, especially at the physics levels, they fail to recognize how detrimental and dangerous such immature *imprinting* is to the lives of their children, to themselves, and to the world at large.

There is ...Structure.... to that Universal Translucence, that Energy, that Empathy, rippling its synergy, its quantum entanglement, throughout.

Let's look into that Structure...

We are all *energy* driven!  Everything happening in the entire Universe, everybody, everything, every event, every seemingly static "physical"-ity** throughout, is all happening at the Universal Core *Energy* level. Everything is Structured Translucent Energy-Empathy.

We think it's about and/or beginning and ending with ourselves, but it is all a very dynamic, living *Energy* determining everything.  We just "decorate" that *Energy* as it comes our way, and naively live in the *stories we tell ourselves* about those self-imposed "decorations."

We like to believe we are self-determined and have free will, but that's all human delusion/illusion, proved when you are Conscious enough to see it all happening, in action, from the inside.

Everybody and everything, every event, every happening, all goings-on, are being determined by the much *higher Universal Truth* and its NonLinear still/*still*-ness.

All that *energy* is ENCODED, mathematically, dynamically, via frequencyXintensity, and none of it is hidden from you in any way. It is and always has been an open book for anyone superConscious enough to realize it.

If you have the courage to master your own Nuclear Family physics, as you evolve further you realize it as a template that superimposes everything else in the entire Universe, everybody else, everywhere else, family and strangers on the street alike, next door neighbors or folks living in a remote tribe in the jungle, an adopted child thousands of miles away from his or her birth parents on the other side of the globe! No one is immune. There is no hiding place. We are all connected to each other, the true quantum entanglement!

The Cosmos has no hiding place either! No black hole or cosmic event, no space shuttle or space station, no satellite or weather balloon is immune. Not even dark energy, dark matter, nor expanding universe.

No one is somehow magically, independently plopped down into the world as a free agent. We are all inescapably and synergistically enveloped into that quantum entanglement taking part in the weaving of the Universal fabric, and either we move with it or it drags us along, kicking and screaming, but there is no way out. The more unconscious we are, the more robotic, a mere domino being knocked over when those *energies* flow our way, and they are flowing through us with every breath we take, every move we make. We are essentially "programmed," like it or not, and dare we attempt to usurp it, or deny it, we are subject to being a pawn in its Great Universal Chess Game.  As often mentioned previously, if the Universe is protecting an integrity of 9, and you "choose" 7, then the missing element of 2 comes into your life to bring the reality of Truth to you. If you choose 4, then the missing 5 will be your destiny. When thousands, millions of imbalanced moment to moment "choices/decisions" are being made by you throughout your day, and night, your life is determined for you, realized or not.

There are no free agents. No one is self-determined or has a free will, other than the choices aka projections they make, and the karma they will pay for those choices and projections. Community/society wise, the mean statistical average of everyone's notions is what becomes accepted by those masses as "reality," though in reality it is nothing more than the collective unconscious convention's perceptions as they learn and grow together, and share the evening/*even*-ing news. Individually, things can really convincingly appear to be self-determined because it may take several lifetimes, as the Hindus believe, to get it right, and in all that time of making unconscious choices, destined for karma, it can easily appear that you've completely fooled the Universe into allowing you to have your own way, blaming deities or each other when things go wrong. But in the grand scheme of things, where your parade view is from a curb, and the Universe's Parade View is from the Cosmos and beyond, it is hardly the Universe that's being the fool.

Time and space, as previously discussed, are experienced by you relative to how close you keep yourself to the Universal Core Truth. They are mere stretches of the imagination as you stray away from the Truth and then have to find your way back *home* again.

Humans have invented all sorts of "decorations," labels and *stories* "on the surface" in their trying to understand what life is all about, but the Universal Truth is really determining everything, and this is important to recognize with modern scientists meeting with the Dalai Lama, for instance, arguing that there is no mind outside the brain, that everything is biology (they have yet to evolve into *higher realizations* of the reality of "physicality"), and that there is no consciousness, let alone Consciousness, outside the brain or mind. Much *higher definition* awaits them in their Awakening.

Let's take a look at the basic template of withinXwithout Universal Reality.

Inside Quantum Entanglement

The Truth of Quantum Entanglement has been realized for thousands of years, but only by the highest of sages (and surely some *solitary realizers* along the way).

The clock is one of the worst, most detrimental inventions of humankind, teaching billions of minds to project themselves out of control, with little mindfulness about the reality of, and need for, *reflection,* the turning around/accountability needed to maintain healthy balance.

That healthy balance is important in the world/society for folks to get along, respect and appreciate one another, and it is essential for humankind to learn to live in the Truth of NonLinearity.

It has been *realized* for thousands of years that the Universe, ourselves included as fully integrated entities in that Universe, is NonLinear: *Now*...and higher and lower dimensions/*accesses* of *Now.*  All the Ultimate Answers are NonLinear, but society cannot see them, *access* them, from their distracted notions, Cerebral Neglect Syndrome (only one side of the mind) trapping them into mistaken, one-sided, linearity (line-arity) of >past>to>present>to>future>. How can there be any wonder that "the universe is expanding" when the resulting collective unconscious convention is projecting itself further and further "out there," without the needed corresponding *reflection* required of Universal Truth? Dark energy and dark matter are the other side of the Universe presenting itself at the Cosmic level of Reality, but they present themselves on every level of distraction as well. There's no escaping the Universal Truth. It follows you everywhere you go, and that includes the most complex of scientists. No one is immune. No one can escape it. Distraction isn't escape. It is only delay. Simultaneity is relative. Imbalance is always on the way in the form of karma, destiny, experiences and the lessons brought into our lives to redirect us everywhere we refuse or fail to redirect ourselves.

For folks to wake up to the Real Reality, NonLinear Truth (spherical, multidimensional *Now,* and higher and lower *accesses* to those dimensions relative to level of consciousness/Consciousness/superConsciousness) vs linearity (past>present>future one-sided projection, cerebral neglect, without reflection) they need to at least become mindful enough to slow down, humble themselves enough to explore another way to perceive what is going on in life, and be open enough to try it out, to "go there" to that neglected other side of themselves, long enough to *reflect.*

Nuclear Family makes that happen. It takes you INSIDE the dynamic, working, in process Universe, in action, in the *Now,* where it challenges you to experience the real Universal Truth, the real Reality, using your very own personal truths as your guidelines and feedback to prove itself.

It is a realized journey of one/One because you are the one who linearly projected yourself into all your distractions, so you are the ONLY one who can UNproject yourself back out of them, through *reflection,* as you "turn around" to become aware of yourself. But the Universal Truth/Reality is NOT subjective opinion. It is the exact same Answer for everyone, everything, every event in Existence. Confronting your projections into reflective Balance gives you *Access* to Universal Core Balance, the very same Balance everyone needs to accomplish to experience/*Access* the Universal Core Answer.

Most importantly, "doing the work" of your Nuclear Family teaches you not only the basis of Structure of mind, yours and every other's, but also the basic Structure of the Universe overall, of the *Energy*/*energies* motivating not only every sentient being but every everything as well: every event, from the weather to earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, all goings-on, whether nature or human-initiated, including accidents, incidents...on the evening/*even*-ing news.

Everything applies. Names, dates, faces, places...are all equally realizable, because they are just as much a dynamic part of the STRUCTURE as any other. That Structure is mathematically patterned, which reveals/exposes details of events congealing/forming toward manifestation.

Humans have taken the *energies* flowing through us all, through everything, everywhere, into invented language, object-ified and construct-ed that language into *stories* they tell themselves about life/experiences/spiritualities, and have lost themselves in those constructed *stories,* but when broken back down into their origins, via higher Consciousness/reflection, it is easy to see where it all came from and what is really going on.

As I have earlier discussed on this blog, language is to humans ::as:: exhaust is to a vehicle. As the Universal wifi-like *energies* flow through us, every second of our lives, we process them relative to the state of the art of our hearts/*where we are,* balance wise, and as those energies leave us and keep on flowing throughout, that energy is expressed (as human "exhaust") as sounds (morphemes, tiniest meaningfulnesses)/utterances of that flowing energy and how it was experienced by us in every *Now.*  Those human utterances/morphemes are expressions of how often and how profoundly we experience those energies flowing/pulsating through us every second of our lives (frequencyXintensity), and those frequencyXintensity utterances are strung into words, constructs, labels, phrases, sentences, etc., expressing meaningfulnesses. Those meaningfulnesses become SHARED with others, which establishes community, and when community repetitiously shares those experiences, those meaningfulnesses, *story* consistency increasingly becomes harder and harder to find one's way back out of. From there, the mean statistical average of everyone's notions, perceptions, level of consciousness limitations becomes the overall accepted "reality" of the community, and at that point it is next to impossible to wake anyone up to *higher Consciousness*/more highly evolved ways of perceiving.

By then, folks are so heavily invested into their community/collective unconscious conventional notions and expectations, into their by then established social relations, shared spiritual notions, common-logic and personal defense mechanisms that they will sooner go to war outside themselves than set off a war within themselves that would threaten their comfort zone/safe place within.

Locking that further into place, the invention of the clock to organize convention's projected notions into some semblance of order has taught billions of people to forge ahead in a linear, one-way-only direction (past>present>future) and not to step out of that speeding momentum long enough to *reflect* upon themselves.

The greatest problems to come from billions of people mindlessly projecting away are that folks mistake their religions as pointed truths rather than like-minded shared levels of understanding that need to keep searching and questioning, not rigidly end that searching and questioning, and their sciences projecting away, unconsciously, build bigger and broader questions whose answers are never going to be found "out there." Linear science is waiting "centuries" for Answers (Cosmos to medical to microscope and everything in between) that NonLinearly are genuinely available in the *Now.* They naively insist, in their unconscious linear adherence, for instance, that "no one can predict the future," when in NonLinear Reality there is no "future"!

Everything is *NonLinear Now* and higher and lower *accesses* to that NonLinear Now, yet naive, collective unconscious convention and its equally unaware scientists will sooner allow thousands of people to be killed in an earthquake/tsunami than to wake up to the reality that horrific events can be *realized* (with superConsciousness-fluency in NonLinear Now) long before they reach manifestation because *realization* is simply a matter of *access* in the *Now,* in every *Now,* to what is going on on multiple dimensions, relative to how Aware one is.

With millions of people losing their lives unnecessarily to horrific events that reveal themselves days/weeks/months/years before they manifest, and in the most extraordinary detail (names, dates, faces, places), in NonLinear Universal Reality, there's no excuse for scientists NOT to wake up, even if collective unconscious convention isn't ready. They have a higher, selfless responsibility than just to themselves and their careers to wake up!

The Indonesian tsunami (December 26, 2004) that killed nearly a quarter million people was recognized over a year before it manifested, including its location and level of devastation/death toll, as with other catastrophic earthquakes in Mexico City, Japan, California, etc., with details. Horrific tragedies on the evening/*even*-ing news are always present in the NonLinear Physics, and it is devastating realizing them and having no way to intervene. Realizing Tibetan Buddhist monks have advised against intervening, saying "they are lessons to be learned by society," but that is really hard to accept when the victims are innocent children and infants and others not surviving them to learn those "lessons." Even the space shuttles could not escape revealing their demise long before those manifestations.

Quantum Entanglement. Everything is *connected* to everything else. Every one of us is *connected* via NonLinear Physics, and no one has a personal, private mind all their own that no one else, or anything else, can access. One Mind...SHARED throughout.

It is a beautiful process to directly observe and experience, from the INSIDE! If you, for instance, were adopted, and your birth parents lived separately on opposite sides of the planet, you could know/access what they are thinking/feeling/doing if you were simply conscious enough of your own Nuclear Family dynamics/*work* within yourself to *access* the information! The same is true if they were across the room from you, instead. Your entire family is *imprinted* on your psyche, and you on theirs, inescapably, and when you "do the work" of owning your place in reality, domestically and throughout all, everything multiplies exponentially in every direction, the more committed you are to the process of Truth, as you *access* parallel worlds (what's going on in a relative's house to what's going on in the Cosmos), and multiple dimensions, into Translucence, via Empathic Energy, where Tao 47 says it all so beautifully!

Without going out of my door
I can know all things on earth
Without looking out of my window
I can know the ways of heaven

The farther one travels
The less one knows

Tao Te Ching (The Way Things Work)
Quantum Entanglement, *realized* 2000 years ago!

One template, throughout all, applicable (inescapably) to all.

The most important to recognize as you "do the work" of your Nuclear Family are the *energies* you experience (frequency and intensity), exposing how everything is relative to everything else (via dependent origination), and relationships/*relationships* throughout, which begin as you relate empathically to the people most closely around you, then out into your community, and then broader and broader out into the world. And then, as you advance into your Awakening, the basic template you have learned to recognize evolves you into appreciating the reality of even higher relationships that are just as real, with everything else going on in the Cosmos, in the Universe, and following you with curious superimpositions (synchronicity), with seemingly random events (that are never really random), with broader happenings everywhere you turn that seem to "somehow" know all your secrets, your current-most thoughts and feelings, your dreams for yourself, your wonderments, your escapades...

Everybody and everything is *reflecting* you, back to you!

The Universe is at all "times" demanding adherence to Balance (simultaneity being relative, remember!), and everybody and everything brought into your life is an inadvertent teacher of that Balance. (If the Universe is protecting a Core of 9 and you behave 7, the people and events karmically brought into your life are from that missing element of 2. Invertedly, you are their teacher/missing element helping them right back.  To the Universe itself, it is all just mathematics, *energy,* but to our human experience it is depth, intensity, meaningfulness, fear, anxiety, curiosity, worry, wonder and joy! Empathy!

So, if the Universe is NonLinear *Now,* you may ask, then what and where are...time and space?

The way/*Way* (Tao) to *realize* what the Universe is actually doing is to position yourself to directly witness/experience its dynamics, in action, "in real time," first hand, so "up close and personal" that the only way to invalidate it is to knowingly/realizingly invalidate your very own Ultimate Truth. The Universe is such that it forces you to confront your deepest inner reality as proof of its Reality.

Nuclear Family (Relativity/Relationships) takes you INSIDE the real Universal Physics Truth, where you fall through all sorts of very real wormholes on your way to directly *wearing* the whole thing. It's like going to a Broadway musical, only to discover yourself in the starring role! While nearly everyone on the planet keeps themselves oblivious from a safe distance and only sees what they want to see, YOU climb INSIDE that Great Universal Roller Coaster for the adventure of a lifetime.

So, to quote a fun line from the movie "Contact"...

"Wanna take a ride?"

The movie "Contact" (The NeverEnding Story journey through the process for grown-ups, and scientists, who persist in laughing at it, calling it "fantasy"), provides a wonderful glimpse into what it somewhat feels and looks like to *do the work* (leaving out the agony and gore of "giving birth to yourself" confrontation part, which you'll do here) in the near ending scene of Ellie traveling through wormholes in her pod, recognizing Universal Truths along the way/Way. 

Best to watch this from the movie itself, because as it approaches, she recognizes Translucence, etc., and afterwards, she is shown struggling to help collective unconscious conventional minds realize and validate the reality of what she directly experienced, and what she has learned.

For a glimpse, here are two youtube videos that will show you some of her journey into Universal Consciousness.  Everything matters, so pay close attention to the language/words she uses, the mathematics, what type of "system" she is recognizing, and who it is she sees there, etc...

Then, I will guide you into your very own, very VERY REAL, Wormhole Ride into superConsciousness!

Control Room Scientists' Experience:
There is no such thing as "hard science" vs "soft science," in reality! The only thing "hard" about science is its hard-nosed refusal to reflect upon itself!

A vivid demonstration of this reality can be found in the Carl Sagan movie, "Contact," which is, for adults, what "The NeverEnding Story" is for children: a serious hidden revelation of Universal Physics Truth / Consciousness / Enlightenment.  For unconscious conventional scientists, however, the movie is laughable "fantasy!"

In "Contact," while ripe for *higher truth* Ellie falls through wormholes via her contact-inspired pod, realizing and experiencing the mathematical structure in translucence, the multidimensionality of language, the living, breathing Universe right before her very own eyes, the supposed best of the best scientists staffing the control room witness only static, haven't a clue what's really going on, and proclaim the mission a failure, because "nothing happened!"

Nothing happened, all right! And left, too/two!

Deemed top secret/confidential, the White House inquisition *quietly* acknowledges within its own walls that those seconds of "nothing happening" / static were measured as lasting..."18 hours!"

*Now* ...Do you really want to be the last to know?

Please Read (Toward doing your Nuclear Family/Relativity/Relationships *Work*):

Locating Actual Wormholes in TimeXSpace...Fall Through Them Right *Now!*

(Continued in Nuclear Relativity XXXIII)

** TimeXspace relative signature "on hold" from our readily being able to see it, because our own timeXspace signature (state of the art of our current ability to process/realize) distracts us from recognizing its movement. It is here that philosophy professors love to talk about the lifetime of a rock, that everything, everywhere, is alive, but moves through Existence/timeXspace at a different pace, that's all. But this also helps us realize that if we sloooow down, or speed up, all sorts of new *accesses* come into our awareness. Hence, the "timing" needing to be reset for society to reimagine itself with maturity and balance, and rigid scientists needing to recognize NonLinearity so they aren't waiting "centuries" for Answers (to dark energy, dark matter, expanding universe, medical cures, etc). And hence basic, functional, Conscious, superConscious levels of awareness/mindfulness.