Saturday, October 13, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXVIII

The Real Universal Physics Truth (and Not-So-Hidden Dangers behind)…       Psychology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Science, UnRealized

Much like human invented "future," the concept of "mental illness" is neither what nor where most people assume it is.

Scientists (and many others) have often, and rather naively, denigrated psychology, psychiatry, psychotherapy and most things related, for what they assume to be weak disciplines likely to never have any scientific proof, but nothing could be further from the truth/Truth. The Universal Truth. Reality is...the ONLY ones lacking "scientific proof" are those who speak off the tops of their heads before putting forth the effort to "do the work" required by the Universe itself to attain that proof.

Apparently even the Dalai Lama himself was approached by a man arguing "Where do you arrogantly come off claiming you know so much?," to which the Dalai Lama replied, essentially, "Ya gotta *do the work!*"

So, what is really going on, and how come some people may know about it and others don't?  And who decides what the Truth is, and isn't? And how do we even know how to answer these questions?

Again, and I can't say it enough: There is Translucence!

But what does that mean, and how does it have anything to do with any of us? And where's any proof of whatever that means?

It means that when all is said and done, when the whole Universe and everybody and everything in it is dissolved, disintegrated into The Nothing, the whole entire thing proves itself to be a very well organized, structured, recognizable, definable, realizable, undeniable...Plan.**  In fact, anyone trying to argue against that unanthropomorphized "Plan" (structural integrity) has to actually, inescapably, USE that Plan's Physics Dynamics to do that arguing. It is that foolproof!

Nearly everyone on the planet assumes everybody and everything is all just somehow randomly and magically plopped down into the world like a bunch of individual stuff all disconnected, disjointed, unaccountable to any other, that events in everyday life are acts of vengeful deities and weather is just random, detached atmosphere that gets in the way of the main event...humans.

Humans have no idea just how much of a mess they have made of everything, and anyone daring to reflect enough, even a little, to slow down and reconsider, is seen as having something wrong with them.  Activities such as meditation, yoga, contemplative retreats, "new age" music and the like are often laughed at, disrespected, not taken seriously and dismissed, and many of the participants themselves are in such early seeking mode that they aren't in a position to effectively defend themselves. Everything is mistakenly object-ified, seen as possession instead of process.

Millions of homeless folks are living on the streets because they find it too difficult to live in the demands of society, and their plights are made worse by the masses, aka collective unconscious convention, all advocating and supporting each others' expectations while punishing and belittling those who don't, or won't, fit in.

There's a tragedy going on on this planet, a truly crazy, daunting situation, and less than 1% of the entire world's population even knows to recognize it as such, let alone the seriousness, the severity, involved: Everything you see going on out there in the world of people, despite all appearances, is NOT "reality!"  At least not the real reality!  Far from it! In fact, at best it is nothing more than the mean statistical average of every individual's understanding, aka illusion, of life, added together and averaged throughout, assumed to be all that could possibly ever be known, given perceived human limitations.

Making peace with that overall assumption and dutifully doing what everyone else is doing helps people feel safe and protected, comforted by each other, having a sense of belonging and closeness, even in an environment of strangers, because there's an immediate, given camaraderie, an acceptance, an advocacy of billions that will not be relinquished or go easily.

Anyone not fitting in, not dutifully falling in line, whose mindfulness and/or behavior in any way threatens the status quo, is subject to societal retribution.

Problem is...the whole convention thing is a sham, to put it so bluntly! A delusion! And that real Reality has been recognized and realized for thousands upon thousands of years! But by only a relative few, a tiny handful, estimated to be "waaaay less than 1% of the entire world's population!"

"Oh, what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive."

Enter...Psychology!... which no more began with Freud than relativity began with Einstein. Reality/Universal Truth is simply *realized* with increasing *Balance,* NOT invented.

And remember, the Dalai Lama loves to say that "western psychology is kindergarten compared to ancient Indian psychology!"

It is all about *realization,* Awakening, the coming into your truest superConsciousness the more honest you are with your own reflection.

The Universe is a very different place than most people (>99% of the world's population) so readily assume. It tempts and taunts you to notice. It SCREAMS its presence at you when horrific things happen and you feel betrayed by your conventional logic, religious notions, traditions and "common sense." It follows you everywhere you go, in everything you do. It brings all sorts of people and situations into your life to challenge and guide you.

But the vast majority of people look away, opting for denial instead. Horseblinders are so much more appealing than your mirror. Projection is a whole lot less work than reflection.

Unfortunatetly, leading the way are all the conventional "leaders"/scientists/authorities in place to supposedly protect you and yours. When the higher Answers are available but status quo wins out over *change,* effort and discomfort become the reason/*reason.* Doing what you've always done, getting what you've always got, that square peg refuses to fit into that round hole.

Complacency is a disease in world society. Nobody wants to stand alone. No one wants to be seen as a troublemaker. Conventional expectation is protected at every turn with rules and regulations, and painful sanctions, dare anyone disagree.

World society (let alone domestic/local) is an incredibly unhealthy place to be. But where else do you go when you live on a "planet"?

Professional psychology and psychiatry, advanced level, are more than aware of all of this. Relearning inherent consciousness (naturally present at birth but lost to conventional distractions and demands) in their advanced studies, which includes the *realizations* of the ancients dating back and documented thousands of years ago, they know fully well (pardon the pun) that conventional society is sick, sound asleep, a world of naively invented lalaland and *stories people tell themselves* so much, so often, that they can't find their way back out of them, and that with >99% of society totally unconscious/unaware of themselves, the inmates are running the asylum, all throughout the world.

University graduate school programs in psychology and philosophy are cautiously mindful about casually accepting students who may find themselves evolving *just enough* into awakening that they can't go back, but are no where near evolved enough to be able to move forward.

Even the Dalai Lama has noticeably backed off his lifelong global efforts to teach people higher physics truths, higher reality, the older he gets, undoubtedly so he doesn't leave millions of followers with the rug pulled out from under them, with an abrupt loss of guidance, application and purposeful meaningfulness when he is gone.

And I, myself, have intentionally gotten out of the way when I've felt concern that a student may be struggling existentially.

The Universal Truth, in all its physics definition/dynamics/structural integrity, is available in the Now, and yet somehow the warring *within* as well as *without* seems so much more comfortable, so much less effort, than purposeful reflection.  But don't fool yourself! Psychology, psychiatry, psychotherapy *know!* They have been watching the great global chess game for thousands upon thousands of years. Only the labels have changed. Problem is, convention, like a disease, far too often wins out over higher Universal *Realization* and novice therapists can have way too much power to horrifically damage people's lives, such as the homeless folks, by trying to force them back into lalaland, and designate them "mentally ill" if they don't dutifully comply.

Freud and Einstein did not reinvent the wheel. Tibetan Buddhism isn't turning out high lamas solely dependent upon ancient texts they so famously memorize as their teachers, learning rote repetitions from outside themselves, instead of *within.*

Though a journey of one/One, there is no selfish subjectivity, no opinion, in Awakening. One Answer! Either you *get it* or you don't. Either you see it won't!

There is structural integrity underlying the whole Universal process. Psychologists and psychiatrists, if advanced enough in their re-learning and re-*realizations,* "hear" (Quantum Christ: "Whoever has ears to hear should hear!"). They may not necessarily be as fluent with it as I am, since I was born with it, never lost it, never got distracted, and don't get distracted from it as therapists having lots of patients they have to attend to everyday that keeps them "on the surface."

About 35 years ago, I asked a psychiatrist when they start becoming "realized" and the answer was "about the third year of residency" they start having increasing and persistent *aha* moments to set them on their way.

Hindu religion suggests we keep coming back until we get it right, and Buddhism isn't far behind that. Being energy that is simply trying to untangle itself back out of the chaos and into order and balance, it makes a lot of sense. It is just really important to perceive the process and to avoid object-ifying/possessing it as an object.

Psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy, if advanced enough, mindfully, intentionally use a physics referred to as "nuclear family," to help patients become increasingly more aware of themselves and their place in the family atmosphere/balance/dynamic, and for most folks that is more than enough. But for folks (natural *solitary realizers*) such as myself, highly trained/highly educated/functioning therapists, high lamas, already so mindfully reflective, see far more advanced "relationships," connectivity, translucent structural integrity, quantum physics/entanglement, timeXspace relativity/transcendence, multidimensionality, Core Energy/Empathy, Consciousness and all that entails, superConsciousness, Universal Core Integrity, NonLinearity ensue. Again, they aren't  necessarily as advanced as I am,*** but they are evolved enough to recognize and validate it when needed.

The Truth has been realized for thousands upon thousands of years, and then some, physically inescapable back to the first sentient being. But even/*even* then, nature was not waiting for us to "determine" the Truth, and still/*still* isn't.

Consciousness, a physics process moving and motivating all in existence, mass, matter or mindfulness, is the domain of NonLinear Reality. Awakening yourself to it (rebalancing) quiets/settles its wrath.

It is easy to see why and how ancient conventional minds felt such a need to sacrifice themselves to their wrathful deities. They were attempting to literally feed the physics they otherwise couldn't understand.

Nowadays what is sacrificed is basic human morality. No one wants to put forth an effort toward *change.*

10/26 Updated/edited. To be continued...


**   No reference in any way to anything religious. Just meaning "having structural integrity."

*** There's only so much anyone can hold in their mind all at once, myself included. What I mean by this is that therapists (for instance) have lots of patients they have to process, multidimensionally! That's a lot of multi-tasking to do all at once. But when needed, they can quickly rebalance themselves to recognize and process higher physics of, say, where all the details are coming from in detecting events congealing toward manifestation. The physics involved are actually pretty easy, very elementary throughout, but are like a template that applies itself again and again, repetitiously. As mentioned earlier, like this: "repeating R-epeating RE-peating REP-eating REPE-ating REPEA-ting REPEAT-ing REPEATI-ing REPEATIN-g REPEATING! See the multiple dimensions? Isn't that fun? Modern scientists have said for a long time that they suspect the ultimate Answer to be a really simple one, and this is it! Everything just superimposes everything else, that's all. So the more Conscious you are, the deeper empathy, or more layers/dimensions you see simultaneously. Like analogical mother/mother you can hear together, at once! :)

I intended to footnote that comment so I don't look like some crazed egotist! I write almost everything by hand first, then have to type in all that, and only later I'll read what I typed, fix typos, add more thoughts on things, etc.

My NOT being distracted oftentimes makes my recognitions of congealing events worse, which realized therapists quickly recognize as focused energy. Creepy stuff like locating dead bodies or driving past buildings and spontaneously seeing what's inside (later validated on news, for instance, which thank goodness I haven't had to deal with for a long time) are just like quick rushes through Alice in Wonderland's mirror/lookingglass, just natural wormholes, like chutes and ladders. Same thing as, say, your father analogies catching you off guard, outta no where, when you weren't expecting them. You just laugh them off and enjoy the Great Universal Chess Game! :) Hey, they can get really, really funny, too! That's why comedians are incredibly quick and super smart! They may not recognize it as higher consciousness, but see themselves having quite a gift with language.