Monday, September 24, 2012

Multidimensional Language...for Scientists

Every breath you take, every move you make, every everything you are exposed to in your work, is revealing itself to you multidimensionally, inescapably!  You have immediate *access* to the Answers, ALL of them, when you have superConsciousness!

When you do television documentaries, etc., you are actually unwittingly revealing the very Answers you insist won't be available to you "for centuries," with every word you speak, even those, and in the mathematics of how you speak them, but you don't even/*even* know how to NonLinearly *process* yourselves, let alone your work!

You are talking through multiple dimensions, the very real multidimensionality of Universal physics, but you hear only what *conventional expectation* allows you to hear!  Only what you allow yourself to hear!

I'm trying so hard to ...teach you... how to hear yourselves nonlinearly / superConsciously!  Master multidimensionality, linguistically, mathematically, etc., and you'll master your Answers in the *Now!*  The whole *fabric* of the Universe will bend in kind to keep up with you, reflectively, as I've previously mentioned!  All 100% absolutely real!  Your dream *accesses* await your own superConsciousness to simply recognize them as having been present all along!

But you still have to *do the work,* or you'll remain naively locked into the collective unconscious convention, without your Answers, until you do!

Scientists are people, too, but if you want your Universal Answers, you have to learn to *process* like..."people, too/two!"  Sounds silly, but it is the true nature of Nature!  The Universe is multidimensional, nonlinear, and so you can't approach your work with the attitude that you don't like that kind of world, so you're going to "rigidly" hold out until you've justified your own!  If you want genuine Answers, you have to ASK the Universe what it is, not attempt to TELL it what it 'has to' be!

You, yourself, have to become very comfortably multidimensional!  You actually already are, but it isn't doing you or your work any good until you fluently recognize that within yourself, and learn how to apply it to *reality,* reflectively, so you can then understand your work *empathically!*  It's inescapably using the very same process as yourself! Awaken yourself to your own, and you'll be awakened to your work's dynamics, as well!  You'll *access* your Answers!   If you can't process that reality, it's because you are approaching it using linear, conventional reasoning!  So, toss that mistaken notion, and begin again!  That's what *Emptiness* is...the true meaning of The Nothing, the absence of all projection!  You have to be able to hear and process everything in layers upon layers of harmonics, and all at the same time, in the same space, while comfortably processing in the *realization* that even/*even* simultaneity is relative!  Sounds confusing, probably, but in reality you were born to *process* nonlinearly! Linear conventional notions are mistaken notions causing endless wars, within and without.  Allow yourself to process the world the way you were born to process it, before the collective unconscious convention rushed in to distract and redirect you!  You likely didn't have much choice as a small child, but you have total choice *Now* to get it right! =)  And correct, too/two!

All life is mathematical, including yourself! All language is mathematical, including your own!   In fact, language itself, and all its processes, are completely *other than* what most folks think language is! These include all processes involved in whatever work you do!  Every bit of it!   And it's all patterned, and paralleled, superimpositions upon superimpositions, and it even/*even* goes further than that, and no matter where you go with it, it maintains its beautiful NonLinear Order!  Everything in whatever work you do, from NASA to CERN to USGS to NOAA to PTWC to FEMA to...whatever university you represent, or whatever private enterprise you are involved in.  There is no escape!  (Fancy armor doesn't help!  Those sphinxes really can see straight into the heart of the matter/*matter!*  And the *perceiver* of the matter!)  Science needs to stop running away from its dreaded "philosophy," because it's just a word, made up by convention, and there are tens of thousands of words that convention mistakenly has attributed values and properties to that persist in blinding people to *higher Universal Truths!*  So, stop running...and start allowing yourself to *process* the world from a totally new perspective...that has been *realized* as the Ultimate Universal Truth for -ever!

If you want to *do the work* of becoming Conscious, Enlightened, awake to, and fluent in, nonlinear, mathematical, multidimensional, harmonic *access,* then you need to "stop the world, long enough to take a picture," as I've said in another post, and most scientists resist doing that because they rush forth with all sorts of conventionally-perceived explanations and excuses that only trap them further into their unconscious, linear processing, and as I have explained, when you process the Universe linearly, you are inadvertently REPELLING your Answers away from yourself as you go along!  THAT is why the most noted scientists inadvertently insist that the Universe is just a bunch of chaotic possibilities, because when they attempt to discover and capture non-movement using mistaken linearity, there it goes...repelled away from them again and again, in their inadvertent creation of...The Something more!

So, if you want to become fluent in nonlinear multidimensionality, stop the world, get off that vicious cycle, and *do the work* you need to do to "take (and capture) that still/*still* picture!

Where do you begin?

START HERE!    Do that *work,* and then continue with each successive lesson, and I will be adding many more!

If you want to understand the mind and soul of an "atom," as I've suggested, you have to first understand the mind and soul of the *perceiver* of that atom!

A Message for NASA

Fluent in the nonlinear physics I am discussing here, I had detected BOTH the 1986 Challenger space shuttle disaster and the 2003 Columbia space shuttle disaster, each long BEFORE the manifestation of their demise, in plenty enough time in each incident to protect and save the lives of your astronauts, as well as those shuttles!

The NonLinear Universe, with its ENORMOUS *parade view,* already knew!

Thousands of miles away, and very busy with work elsewhere, but superConscious / Enlightened nonetheless, I therefore empathically also *knew!*

Please don't look away!

As always, I am NOT talking about "psychic" malarky here.  I am talking about actual nonlinear physics!

These physics are *far more highly evolved* than anything your linear science of AFTERmath has to offer!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tradition Over Tragedy

Tradition is the primary cause of tragedy, the ultimate obstacle of Awakening.

Please read:  The ElusiveTragedy of Tradition , and then answer:

If someone came to you and said...

"You will be an essential part of changing and literally saving billions of people's lives for ages to come, if you simply *trust* yourself enough, and believe yourself *worthy enough,* to set aside your traditional perspectives "just long enough" to learn what else is available to you!" 

...would YOU be self-less  enough, on behalf of those billions of folks, to do it?


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Synergy: The Holy Grail of Seismology II

Scientists are not totally *grasping* what it REALLY is they are trying to *know!*

You need to take it *higher!*  If you ask the right questions, you'll get the right answers!  Correct, too/two!

You must become *far more highly evolved!*

It NEVER ....BEGINS.... with the earthquake (tsunami, volcanic eruption, etc.), alone! Your gadgets only measure AFTERmath! The *energy* comes from ripples so much greater than itself!

Likewise, as it reacts in kind to the energy it is responding to, long BEFORE an eruption reaches manifestation, it is giving off energy that, at every second, is going on to ripple throughout all else. Everything else receives and transmits that energy relative to its own needs.

With Consciousness / Enlightenment of Universal Truth (fluent nonlinear, mathematical, multidimensional, harmonic *access,*) you understand all this, and you *realize* how to *process* these far more Universal dynamics taking place! You *know* how to find that *energy* that precedes a major eruption, how to *listen* to the Universe, the synergy of it all, noticing what's happening months in advance or more. You detect the specifics of it, the details involved, the frequencyXintensity involved.

This is where you need to begin learning to *take it higher.* Master this, and you become *far more highly evolved* in the understanding of what it REALLY is that you are trying to measure.

In my second paragraph, I said, "as it reacts in kind to the energy it is responding is giving off energy going on to ripple throughout all else. Everything else receives and transmits that energy relative to its own needs."

Focus your attention on what is being revealed to you here! The "phenomena" happening in everyday life are never the result of disjointed "accidents." (There are no such thing!) Everything, everybody,'s all connected! Everything moves as a result of everything else happening around it. As energies far greater than an earthquake itself (or tsunami or whatever else you are trying to predict) ripple through that earthquake-(etc)-in-the-making, (its geological dynamics, etc. long before manifestation), with EACH ripple, or wave of energy, at every moment, those waves or ripples *learn something* that is then carried away from that situation and off into everything else, including everything totally and seemingly unrelated to that earthquake-etc-in-the-making. When those energy waves ripple through sentient (*experiencing*) beings, the imminent earthquake (etc) begins to have a *voice* that, if you are AWAKE enough and paying attention, begins to "tell on itself!"

THAT is precisely where your research needs to be happening right now!

There's so much more to this!  But this is enough, for now, because you need to *do the work* of becoming Enlightened to *process* what I am trying to teach you here already!  Get that underway, including *doing the work* of the primary text page, and we'll talk more...  Please don't wait until another quarter of a million+ people are killed in yet another tsunami (etc) to get started! 

The *higher* the processing, the more responsible one/*One* has to be with having (and revealing) *that much information,* because it begins to have implications elsewhere.  For now, just please *realize* that your Answers are in Universal superConsciousness, where you become a master at fluently processing the Universe from a place of nonlinear, mathematical multidimensionality, which completely redefines the relative timeXspace and frequencyXintensitiy involved, such that the life-saving information you need becomes available to you literally months or more in advance, and that information is deadly accurate!

Please *do the work* to make that happen, on behalf of millions, billions of folks around the world who will fall victim to natural disasters, otherwise!

It's not enough to assume that quake-proofing buildings is the way to go!  Folks the world over don't live in sophisticated cities with wealthy architects and engineers, etc., to trust their lives to!  They deserve to live, too!

Synergy: The Holy Grail of Seismology I

There is soooo much more going on in the Universe than most humans (including scientists) assume, especially those who reason through conventional interpretation (aka misinterpretation) of life.

With nonlinear, mathematical superConsciousness, you hold the information into "how to" launch extremely important research studies (by major universities, USGS, other interested parties, etc.) that would totally redefine how earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, weather patterns and related dynamics, such as floods, etc, are perceived, bringing those perceptions into the *Now,* where timely predictions and life-saving actions can be made available to countless millions of people around the world.

It's All/Awe...Patterned
Earthquakes and tsunamis are predictable well in advance, in time to save countless lives!

It's all *patterned,* and the Universe is not waiting for conventional human acknowledgment or perception of time and space to do what it does, but it desperately tries to "tell on itself" with everything it does!

Will YOU know how to *listen?*

Observing "modern" efforts by noted scientists on programs regarding earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption prediction, I've repeatedly noticed major flaws and oversights that need to be realized by those involved. As important as their work is, it is, nevertheless, in many respects, rather primitive.  It isn't about just measuring rocks or historical geological processes!  Those are linear approaches.  And... They say they don't know where the *energy* is coming from?  I do!

There is so much more available to these scientists that's not being realized.

Parade View
Hold your hands up in front of yourself, as if getting ready to applaud.

See that space in between your hands?

If that's all you are studying and observing, are too close to it.... to see it for what it REALLY is!

An earthquake is never just an earthquake! A tsunami is never just a tsunami, and so on. You need to learn a far more universal/*Universe*-al perspective of what it is you are trying to understand!

Humans have turned those events of nature into nouns, isolating and individualizing them! Science has mistakenly and conventionally bought into that isolation! You need to undo those nouns, to see them for the more *universal processes* that they actually are!

Relative to "parade view," if all you are focusing on is your immediate-most focal point (EQ, etc.), you are sitting on a sidewalk waiting for what only appears immediately in front of yourself. You are totally unable to observe and detect the energies congealing in empathy with one another long before they get to your EQ or whatever, and unable to see where that empathy takes them, unable to realize the *relative intensity* of their approach, and likewise unable to observe the dismantling and where those energies go on to re-congeal elsewhere from there! Is it then any wonder that you would perhaps only manage to muster out a "5 second warning?" You need to take it *higher!* You need to be putting forth just as much effort into everything else that surrounds your focal point.

Energy and AFTERmath
What is an earthquake, a tsunami, a volcanic eruption (etc) relative to all else going on in the universe? Take any one of those, whatever your focus may be, and ask: How does it fit into the world of everything else? Where would that much *energy* be coming from, AWAY FROM itself? Whatever you're thinking, you're probably wrong!

It NEVER ....BEGINS.... with the earthquake (tsunami, volcanic eruption, etc.), alone! Your gadgets only measure AFTERmath! The *energy* comes from ripples so much greater than itself!

Likewise, as it reacts in kind to the energy it is responding to, long BEFORE an eruption reaches manifestation, it is giving off energy that, at every second, is going on to ripple throughout all else. Everything else receives and transmits that energy relative to its own needs.

With Consciousness / Enlightenment of Universal Truth (fluent nonlinear, mathematical, multidimensional, harmonic *access*) you understand all this, and you *realize* how to *process* these far more Universal dynamics taking place! You *know* how to find that *energy* that precedes a major eruption, how to *listen* to the Universe, the synergy of it all, noticing what's happening months in advance or more. You detect the specifics of it, the details involved, the frequencyXintensity involved.

Stuff Happens...
As I often say, "stuff happens because the conditions are in place for them to happen," but those conditions are forming on a much grander level than most (conventionally-minded, linear-assuming) humans have a clue about! If you are sitting there with your earthquake, etc., under a microscope, hoping to get ahead of it, you are looking for linear AFTERmath, distracting yourself from the Nonlinear Universe's HUMONGOUS running start! You are like an ant suddenly hoping to outrun a human walking over it, hoping not to be squashed!

With superConsciousness, that ant would detect the approaching human loooong before the earth began to shake, and would have a really good running start!

If you are Conscious/Enlightened, it is as though you are sitting in outer space gazing at the planet Earth, watching it all/awe happening, from a far more universal/Universe-al physics perspective! But if you are simply gazing at your gauges and other instruments, focusing on your ("applause")...

You are not totally ....*grasping*.... what it REALLY is that you are trying to *know!*

You need to take it *higher!* You MUST become *far more highly evolved!*

Please also see:

Synergy: The Holy Grail of Seismology II 
Roboticism & Automaticity: Tragedy of the Linear Lost

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Roboticism & Automaticity: Tragedy of the Linear Lost

On December 26, 2004, over a quarter of a million people died unnecessarily in the Indonesian tsunami.

If they only had *known*...

It didn't have to happen!  Certainly not that way!

The earthquakes in Mexico City, Haiti, Chile, Pakistan, Italy, China, etc., that claimed thousands upon thousands of lives?  They were NOT meant to be!  Sadly, the sleeping convention is too unconscious to *realize* that, to empower themselves!  The horrific nightmare of otherwise contemplative Japan's own 2011 earthquake and tsunami from...heck! Volcanic eruptions! Hurricanes, floods, droughts...

The horrors of the evening / *evening* news...  Wake up, world!  Please!

*Something* ELSE is going on.  It's called...


As in... *Nonlinear Now!*  As in... *Accessible Nonlinear Now!*

Consciousness / Enlightenment is the art of rising above, or allowing oneself to step outside of, the naive, narrow processing of the collective unconscious convention, the mistaken "reasoning" of more than 99% of the entire world's population, to become *aware* of what is REALLY going on in the Universe, in everyday life.  No longer confining oneself to the roboticism and automaticity of the sleeping convention, the Universe is *realized* as completely *other than* the mystery and mindlessness of assumption.

"The future" is neither what nor where most folks assume it to be! 

Everything is *Now,* and higher and lower dimensions of *Now,* higher and lower *ACCESSES,* available in the *Now,* but you have to superConsciously *realize* your way into having those *accesses!*  Consciousness / Enlightenment IS the way to those *realizations* and *accesses.*

There are physics processes going on in the Universe that WARN of imminent manifestations.  These physics processes are teachable and measure-able, capable of saving and changing literally billions of people's lives, for ages to come.  They warn of imminent earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, all sorts of weather-related situations, literally MONTHS or more in advance!  The more horrific, the longer the warning!  They warn of approaching human-initiated devastations!  They "tell on" medical diseases and disorders, and even offer the cures for them...those very cures medical researchers are spending fortunes and wasting valuable life-saving time looking for in their mistaken linearity.  They warn of all of these, and so much more, and they do so IN SUCH INCREDIBLE DETAIL  that you could literally write their headlines and factual stories  MONTHS, YEARS, in advance!

But the collective unconscious convention places equally unconscious representatives in the very positions of power and authority they trust will protect them from those imminent, often devastating manifestations, totally unaware of what they've done, and it continues to cost them their lives!

What a tragedy!  Automatons, robots...unconscious collective convention!  Wind-up toys...winding up dead!  Wake up, world!

Please! Wake up!  The Universe is completely *other than* the assumptions of the unconscious collective convention and its equally sleeping representatives. 

Do YOU have the COURAGE to *do the work,* to *know* the real Universal Truth, to *realize* your own superConsciousness?  To take responsibility for yourself?  To selfLESSly rise above and beyond yourself, to compassionately and empathically strive to change and literally save billions of people's lives?  Or, is it really still all about you?!

What's it gonna take? =(

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Myth of Mysticism

No such thing...not related to Consciousness / Enlightenment / Universal Truth!

Either you *get it* or you don't! 

No guesswork involved!

There is nothing "mystical" or magical about any of it!  When you selflessly rise above and beyond yourself to *realize* yourself as far more *worthy* of Universal Answers than you ever imagined, and having to be far more responsible than you may have wanted, to have to figure them out, unwittingly suffering horrible consequences individually and collectively otherwise, and far moreso than you have understood, the Universe proves itself to you in everything you do, everywhere you go, every experience, every moment!

No quesswork involved!  Either you *get it* or you don't!  Or...won't!  =(

The world is suffering tremendously, lost in its own tangled webs.


We are not  what we think we are!  We are soooo much more!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Importance of Nonlinear *Processing*

When you chase after or observe something/Something from a linear perspective, you are unwittingly ~ repelling ~ it from yourself as you go!

Why?  Because you are inadvertently creating an imbalance in the Universe's perfectmost math, hence ~ creating ~ something/Something MORE, (projecting), causing the Nonlinear Universe to "protect" its nonlinearity in a game of chess with you!

As I mentioned in my Empathy = Mass X the Speed of Darkness² blog post, when you move left, it moves right, when you move up, it moves down, etc...

But when you stop, it stops, too/two, reflectively!

Instead of relentlessly playing a game of linear "tag" in your mirror... STOP!


The Answers are *within!*


Please see also:  The True Meaning of *Surrender!*