Monday, January 10, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc...Extended XIV

 ...And Detailed for Replication Purposes XIV (Continuing...)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

...and as it Processes... YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...

*Structure* in *Emptiness*

Reverberating Universe, Grandfather Clocks, Time Travel and Mathematical Patterns of Mind

*Being* (mindfully) NonLinear does have its drawbacks! 

Literally! All my life, the weirdest phenomenon has happened that would creep me out if I wasn't so immediately and profoundly intrigued! That three year old child hasn't moved off that sidewalk yet, when it comes to relentless fascination to follow the physics further and further into the Universe to see what all I can *access* and bring back out to share with the world.

I should say "phenomen-a" because there are just soooo many (coming up!), but one/One thing at a...well, that thing called "time" that is not at all what most people assume!

Observing life in layers upon layers of super(im)posed multiple dimensions... 

>< (((( )))) >< 

...all at once is truly extraordinary! "The best toy ever!" I've often said.

That one/One thing? Believe it or not, all my life, circular O clocks go backwards (counter-clockwise) when I walk into a room! Absolutely for real! It has to happen naturally. I can't make it happen. It has to catch me off guard, like if my mind is completely elsewhere. This has gone on for decades, and what intrigues me the most is how it serves as an element of "physical" proof that everything "out there" is an ever-changing reflection of ourselves. The second hand backs up a second or two or so, which is particularly compelling and thought-provoking for folks who know me nowadays. 

One day, I kid you not, a clock started going backward like that...and never stopped! But I suppose that's a whole 'nother "matter."

I have always wished my brain could "capture" and "print out" a video of what I *see* when stuff like these happen, to show the world. As for the clock that continued to back up, I was not alone in seeing it. The darned thing stayed wonky after that! Still intriguing and fun though. Maybe the childlike Dalai Lama, with his love for mechanical devices, could figure that one out. (And my therapist! Haha! BP) 

But...WARN!NG! This post is about to get waaaay creepier than that, because in order to take you inside the super-compelling NonLinear *Accesses* possible and immediately available to science, to humanity, to all sentient beings, I am going to, well... Take you deep INSIDE the REAL reality of Time and Space!

This is going to redefine who YOU are, as well, as we delve even / *even* further into that Pandora's Box of your own, and you can't so easily UNsee it once you are exposed to it, so be sure you are *ready* to have that much information...about yourself!

Simply because I have retained my NonLinear inherent nature all my life, I have not been confined to the tiny immediate "now" that collective unconscious convention has imprisoned itself in. When stuff happens, such as tragedies on the "even-ing" news, folks are genuinely jolted, surprised, shocked, emotionally devastated. They didn't see it coming!

At least, they didn't realize they HAD the information all along but dismissed it! Science, too!

"AfterMATH"...I call it! As in..."too late!"

Our brains are processors of **ENERGY!** That energy has frequencies X intensities. Those form patterns, which create mathematics, which create concepts and...US!

Enter sentient beings, which spin off to humans...and it's all downhill from there! Handbasket and all! 

Grunts and Groans, Roboticism and...the Beginning of the End

As processors and experiencers of *felt energies*, humans began expressing those energies with grunts and groans while working through them. Those shared grunts and groans, empathically recognized and assigned species-specific values, were embellished, collaborated upon and, hence, made meaningful, eventually evolved into language and, as humans physically interacted with their environments, drawing-turned-writing was born, with writing being seriously nothing more than bits and pieces of mathematical / geometrical shapes expressing *felt energies*.

As with grunts and groans, tiny marks became drawings, empathically recognized, increasingly so, such that numbers, letters, Asian characters, etc. became increasingly more quickly recognized as words and phrases, sentences and paragraphs expressed, and interactive language was born and solidified as a projection of human *felt energies*.

One may recognize all this as primitive "social media" energy going on thousands of years ago! Surely, that's how it played out, captured interest, and created a bandwagon effect, such that, as humans tried making sense out of finding themselves and their predicament of existing at all, their individual and collective *storytelling* began, got expressed in their ever-evolving written wonderment mirroring back to them that existence in itself, and... "surface" acceptance and routine gave birth to convention.

Routine acceptance meant folks increasingly became less and less contemplative, as "surface" acceptance suggests. Folks just (d)evolved themselves out of their need to process more deeply, and the bandwagon effect replaced *balanced* reasoning and feeling with roboticism and automaticity.

People simply began "doing what everybody else was doing", without questioning themselves, assuming "if everybody else is doing it, it must be the right and correct way to go." Unfortunately, as I've written here over the years, there are words for that, too: slavery, holocaust, terrorism, war!

Buying into the energy stream of collective unconscious convention is where it all went to...well, straight into that handbasket!

Time and space, in the minds of convention, have been increasingly discombobulated ever since, and it is still spinning way out of control today!

One such concern I have had is what commercials are doing to destroy the human condition of already being so dangerously lost in itself. You can barely breathe these days without ads being tossed at you at every turn. Try watching a TV program or movie, or even a basic human conversation, and just as you find yourself getting into it...which requires you to go deeper and deeper inside yourself, into your thoughts/reasoning, into your feelings/intuitions, your wonderment, and...WHAM! Another and another and another commercial to quickly snap you like a slingshot back to the "surface" and switch you off into something else! Making and keeping you increasingly more and more... Well, a word for that: Shallow!

And with that "shallow" roboticism and automaticity comes altered time and space. And with that altered timeXspace conundrum, the prison of losing your ability to think for yourself, to feel more deeply for and about yourself, about others, and a total loss of contact with the REAL...Reality!

Unconsciousness! Loss of timeXspace reality, of empathy, of compassion, patience, depth of *experience*. *Access* to Truth! To Answers!

Higher and higher *Universal Empathy* is required to *access* a broader *Now* perspective on what's happening on those extended NonLinear harmonics: >< ((((((((( )))))))) ><

We'll talk a lot more about these harmonic multidimensional *accesses* and that Universal Empathy as we go along.

Human technology doesn't have to create robots! Conventionally lost humans...ARE...the robots!

They are their own worst enemies, and its costing countless people their lives! And quality of life!

Reverberating Energies, TimeXSpace Reality and Extended *Accesses*

As I have previously written, time and space are constantly reflecting, ever-changing with your every thought, every feeling, every action, very similar to constantly changing speeds while driving / "driving" (hear that?), so obviously if you allow yourself to get lost in collective unconscious convention's rut of robotic distraction, you are confining your mind to what essentially would look something like... o)) < ... where you are barely able to process outside that unconscious rut, trapped in one-sided linearity.

Harmonics ))))))))) ((((((((( are reverberating *energies* (like sound waves from the ringing of a bell) and humans are processing those reverberating (*felt*) energy waves relative to their level of awareness.

Meditation and your nuclear family *work* sloooow you down, stop you from mindlessly projecting and storytelling, and get you out of your own way so your own natural, inherent nonlinear reality can flow, like water being unblocked, back into your awareness. It's not enough to just meditate, though. It's not an escape. There is no easy way out. You need to directly experience and be able to actually understand the reality of what the Universe is actually doing, the reality of what you are doing, and how it all works interconnectedly. You have to earn your harmonics back, in other words. Kinda like, earning your stripes! Like, your linearly-assuming o)) < becomes (o) and with more *work* rebalances you further to...

 > (o) < and then < (( o )) > and then < ((( o ))) > and then...

>< (((( O )))) ><

...and so on... As you extend your harmonic *accesses* you see more into what is really going on, and how it is doing what it is doing.

 Congealing Energies and Imminent Recognitions

Scary realities...

To be continued... Soooo much more to come. If you feel in any way impatient reading this, that's your automaticity / altered spaceXtime fighting your inherent NonLinearity, as I sloooow you down and help you rebalance yourself so you can take back your Higher Consciousness / *Accesses* !

(Writing... subject to editing, additions and typo repair.)