Sunday, January 30, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XVIII

And Detailed for Replication Purposes... XVIII (Continuing...)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...

*Structure* in *Emptiness'*

Genius is Easy! 

You just have to follow the clues!

Without going out of my door
I can know all things on earth
Without looking out of my window
I can know the ways of heaven

The farther one travels
The less one knows
The less one really knows

Arrive without traveling
See all without looking
Do all without doing

2000+ Year Old Tao Te Ching (The Way Things Work)

George Harrison, playing his India-n sitar, wrote Tao 47 into a song, "The Inner Light."

NonLinearity vs Time Deprivation


Frequency X Intensity: Doing the Math

When is the last time you saw an animal wearing a watch? (You may not want to answer that!)

Everything, everywhere, stays the same. What needs to change is perception. That is what and where "Shangri-La" actually is: *Recognizing* the Universe as it REALLY is! NonLinear!

Remember: (Let's review)

Linearity (conventional notion of one-sided, one directional...

> past > present > future >

...leaving the whole other side of the Universe, and cerebral mindfulness/Consciousness, out) as in...

o) >


NonLinearity (Truth / superConsciousness of forever *Now*)

>< ((((((((( ))))))))) ><

Seriously, which would you really prefer?

How do you suppose animals process their experiences without external clocks telling them what they should or need to be doing? 

Animals retain their close, interactive, interconnected relationship with nature, with the elements, from *within*, so animals are naturally me. Everything, everywhere, works in synergy with one another. And it is all a reflection of yourself!

But humans keep trying to usurp and redefine nature, assuming their ability to make their own rules, to TELL the Universe what it has to be rather than mindfully and humbly ASKING it what it actually is!

As I've said, it seems in the days of the pyramids throughout the world, folks had the misguided notion that dismantling nature and putting it back together again in their own way, under their own terms, would be the way to live forever (so how'd that work for them?) to control nature, as opposed to the other way around. But reality simply doesn't work that way. Resisting the real reality, persistently, obviously has serious and dire consequences.

Animals' retention of higher reality is why they are able to *recognize* imminent, approaching natural calamities. Humans, well...

In the Einstein comedy movie, *IQ* mentioned above, a time deprivation research subject was screaming all over the lab, losing his mind because he was so conventionally dependent upon plugging his definition of everything into clocks, such that he couldn't function any other way. Instead of interconnectedly interacting with the elements, from *within* himself, he was so externally dependent upon conventionally-conceived "time" that he didn't know how to remain, let alone function, in the present.

Remember, the everyday name for the Dalai Lama (keeper of the real reality) is "Presence."

It is understandable that clocks and watches help us to coordinate appointments, meetings, and other social activities and responsibilities, but what is important is for folks to remember how to properly define, to *recognize* and to delineate, to keep themselves mindful of higher reality, and to broaden their perspective, their *presence* in the *Now*. There's so much more going on, all around us, and tuning it out selectively has consequences. That doesn't mean overwhelming and saturating our minds with chaos, but rather with respect and appreciation for Truth. The research subject in the time deprivation experiment would have comfortably experienced mindful harmonic *access* had he appreciated meditation and quiet contemplative *balance* and symmetry. 

Pure unobstructive observation. 

With no way to cognitively move forward in his one-sided linear o)> expectations, he was lost in unfamiliar territory, resulting in stress, anxiety and disorientation. His opposition to NonLinear Reality put him in a distress of his own making because he didn't know how to relinquish his artificial and superficial need for control. In reality, the more we try to control nature, the more we lose control, because opposition has its consequences. His "losing his mind" was his losing 100% linear misinterpretation / control, as his inherent NonLinear nature was working its way back in (that even the researcher wouldn't recognize accurately!). Convention has all sorts of ridiculous notions and definitions of that: ghosts, spirits, aliens, angels, psychics, ... Aka: storytelling.

Consciousness isn't just about recognizing imminent dangers. That's only a part of it, because seeing reality for what it really is is extraordinary! It's not enough to simply ask people throughout the world to be kind toward one another, to have compassion, patience, etc.. Truth that's inescapably recognized is what is needed to elicit change. There are just way too many stories to run and hide in. Instead, people, scientists included, need to confront the reality of what they have done to themselves, individually and collectively, and inescapably redirect themselves!

Wake up! Recognition of medical cures doesn't have to wait for distant artificial, make-believe "futures"/ "centuries"  when everything is available in the immediate NonLinear Now! Again, the ONLY difference between *Now* and that make-believe "future" is Conscious *recognition* of its ever-presence in the *Now*!

It's almost as if humans have intentionally lost the other side of themselves just so they have something / Something to search for it again over countless aeons! But what would happen if they found it? Would the world stand still? Would all life be over? Of course not!

As I've often said, very accurately, far from its "soft science" definition by hard-core "scientists" who have no clue, psychology is actually quantum physics in inadvertent disguise! *Do the work* to directly see that for yourselves!

Frequency X Intensity: Doing the Math

Despite what shallow humans mindlessly, unconsciously, do with it, everything is actually happening at the *energies* level, in the immediate *Now*.

Continued, next...