Monday, January 24, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XVII

And Detailed for Replication Purposes... XVII (Continuing...)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...

*Structure* in *Emptiness'*

You...Living Inside a "Computer Game?!

Yes, it eerily is very similar to our being inside a computer game, mega-sized, inescapably programed, along with all other sentient life, and if you look closely enough you'll discover that earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes / cyclones, floods, the weather, etc., are all actually just as much a part of that sentience (experience) as you are!

Quoting myself here...

Imagine... If you "right-click" on a computer page, and choose "View Page Source," you get to see the underlying physics dynamic, or script, of the page, showing you exactly how what you see actually comes into being.

Now imagine that you could "right-click" on YOU, on your own mind, everyone's mind, to see how that all actually works! And in the process of your increasing realizations and mindful awarenesses, you become fully Present, Enlightened, Awakened to how the Universe, and the Universe of yourself, your family, your friends, acquaintances, others, and ALL sentient (experiencing) beings, events, happenings, and even the weather/whether actually works!

This is the Physics of superConsciousness! 

The Importance of *Doing the Work* and Direct Experience

(Previously written here, in 2012)

The True Meaning of Surrender

...Imagine standing at the top of a perch, at a confidence camp, gazing at the task at hand, as you watch that harness coming closer and closer to your shakey and jittery form, with your inner dialogue resembling something like, "I can't do this!  Yes, you can!  No, I can't!  Yes, I can!  I don't wanna!  Yes, you do!" ...into...  "I'm terrified, but I'm gonna make this happen, no matter what!  I CAN do this!...I think?!?!  Okay, I can't, but darn it, I will!  I'm gonna try!  I am  soooo gonna do this!,..." and just as you are reaching into the depths of your being to master the task, your camp guide rushes in to intervene, places the harness on himself or herself, coddling you with "I've got this!  I've got it!  No worry!  Let me do all the hard stuff FOR you!  I love you too much to let you have to experience fear and uncertainty!  Noooo!  I've got this!  You just stay right there, in your safe place!  I've got this!"  And off they go, flying what was to be YOUR *dream!*  YOUR *journey!*  YOUR *becoming* more highly evolved! =/

That wasn't for you, after all, was it?!  Seems someone had some unfinished business to do!

When a teacher of Enlightenment overzealously attempts to *Name* the Ultimate Universal Truth ...FOR... his or her students, in the form of a Deity, especially when that is already what they are clinging to by learned tradition, he or she inadvertently cheats folks out of their own journey, out of their actually learning to reach waaaay deep down inside themselves, to muster up, and bring forth, all the important and essential hidden strengths, depths of feeling, reaches of intelligence, spontaneous surges of *spirit,* all the extremely important attributes and personal accomplishments that can ONLY come with ACTIONS that permanently redirect misguided learning into *balance!*  Folks need to directly *experience* being confronted with personal challenges and boundaries, one by one, as it is precisely the mastering of those challenges and boundaries that teaches self control, self confidence, self regard, self respect, self trust, self compassion, self empathy, etc., strengthening initiative and commitment, one's *innermost* resolve, toward living a selfless, far more highly evolved, life of *Awakening!*

Consciousness is NOT transferable! 

What does that mean?  It means that the Universe has a specific set of laws, by the *reality* of its own undaunted physics, YOUR undaunted physics, that require each person who wishes to *access* Universal Truth, that Library of *Ultimate Answers* that are as old as *Existence* itself, to surrender all their own personal projections and tangled webs completely, all control, all belief systems acquired in a state of forgetting, aka conventional unconsciousness, to master *Pure (Unobstructed) Observation!* 

NO ONE can do that *work* FOR you!

It is as though the Universe itself has intentionally ensured that anyone coming face to face with its *Core Truths* has genuinely ~ earned ~ that *access,* and has proven themselves responsible enough to handle having *that much information!*


"You must go alone!  You must leave all your weapons behind...  Fancy armor doesn't help!  The sphinxes can see straight into your heart!"  (The Neverending Story)

Feel your own *worth!*

How else are you going to learn, from *within,* just how very *worthy* YOU really are?!

"That was Only for You!"

There are a couple TV shows that are incredibly stressful to watch, because in each of them a person is on a horrible downward spiral, and worse than what they are doing to themselves is what those closest to them are doing to contribute to their decline, supposedly "outta love". The dynamic of that decline parallels what I have been writing here about the tragedy of what bandwagon convention has done to itself, to how unconscious and robotic they've become, and the horrific consequences of their mindless actions.

It's made me contemplate even more deeply into the advice about a dozen or so years ago given to me by the Tibetan Buddhist monks: "Not to intervene" with imminent events I recognize as congealing toward manifestation, saying "They are lessons for the world / society to learn."

I have always struggled with that, because the consequences often seem far beyond anything folks deserve, especially children. I sometimes try to justify my feeling so compelled to help, remembering a Tibetan Buddhist monk / teacher of another prominent center telling me I was way more evolved and Conscious than he, himself was. That was not exactly what I was hoping to hear at the time. I was highly impressed and very respectful of his graciously admitting that, though.

Folks learn from relevant consequences, from actually being able to directly witness in real time not only the consequences of their actions but that of the choices and decisions they make for themselves.

In both of those programs, those closest to them seem obsessed with trying to help them by thinking and choosing and even behaving FOR them, on their behalf, relentlessly frustrated that the ones they are so desperately trying to help never learn anything and persist in making the same toxic decisions, doing the same toxic behaviors, over and over again.

How can they genuinely learn when the whole dynamic of learning in itself is taken from them?!

There's an expression I've always respected that goes: "That was only for you!"

So, the teachers themselves need to selflessly get out of their way, as a way for folks to directly experience consequences and learn from them.

My primary focus here, at least on this "...for Scientists" blog, is to reach and Awaken those in positions to elicit change on behalf of the masses. It's frustrating and stressful to constantly hear scientists' adamant, and blatantly wrong, insistence that "no one can predict earthquakes," etc.. They got off in L'Aquila, Italy after being charged with hindering another's desperate earthquake warnings, using that excuse. Over 300 people died! Thousands have lost their lives in situations I tried to protect them from. 

How could a science that negligent be what still passes as "science"?

Those in positions of authority need to Awaken themselves to their responsibility to grow, to evolve beyond comfortable, established conventional notions of Universal Reality, on behalf of those they serve. Scientists need to recognize the higher physics behind and beyond their conventional notions / definition of what constitutes "physicality", as Taiwanese quantum physicists themselves acknowledged in their 3 day / 9 hour meeting with the Dalai Lama.

Nobel laureate Dr. Yuan T. Lee, quantum chemist, summed up his presentation with HH Dalai Lama,  quoting scientific colleague and friend, Frank Sherwood Rowland, with...

"What's the use of having developed a science well enough to make predictions if, in the end, all we're willing to do is stand around and wait for them to come true?"

Nearly a quarter MILLION people died in a single event, the 2004 Indonesian tsunami *recognized* in these NonLinear Physics 18 months BEFORE it manifested, death toll intensity included! And still "modern" science sleeps.