Monday, November 6, 2023

The Shoes of the Fisherman

Brought over from one of my other blogs:

(A favorite part of this movie for me is that you get to sit in on different debates the cardinals are having throughout, as they tackle Consciousness/Enlightenment! Near the end, a head cardinal confesses to the Awakened Pope that he secretly *gets it* himself!)


Friday, March 1, 2013

The Shoes of the Fisherman - A Conscious Pope?

It would be a wonderfully enlightening experience for those of you who are seriously *doing the work* toward superConsciousness, while still attached to and/or confused by conventional religion, to very closely watch the beautiful and intriguing 1960s movie called, "The Shoes of the Fisherman," starring Anthony Quinn, given the very current situation in Rome in which the Pope has stepped down and a new conclave is to be taking place to choose a new pope!

In this brilliantly written movie, the Vatican is met with the awakening of a younger generation priest whose writings to share and convey his *realized higher truth* are being contested, well...outright the Vatican!

Without giving too much of the story away...  A cold war threatens, the needs of China and Russia push forward, and a new conclave is being conducted to select a new pope in Italy capable of handling such turbulent times, just as the position of pope comes face to face with the *reality* of Universal Truth, and if you pay close enough attention, you will discover that it is a *truth* the struggling Vatican and new pope manage to...  Well, you'll have to watch the movie to discover that for yourself!  ;)

It may be a movie needing to be watched over and over again, held for later, and then watched even/*even* more, as you continue on your journey, until its subtle nuances can be thoroughly caught, grasped and appreciated, but it is an extraordinary opportunity not to be missed by anyone genuinely seeking Universal Enlightenment!

Hope you choose to *gift* yourself with such a brilliantly maneuvered and carefully tackled masterpiece!

Is the world *ready* for a Conscious, Enlightened Pope and Vatican?

You decide!

The Shoes of the Fisherman - starring Anthony Quinn.  Also stars: Sir Lawrence Olivier, Sir John Gielgud (from Gandhi), David Janssen, Oskar Werner and Vittorio De Sica.


Friday, September 8, 2023

Crossing the Threshold: Transcending Space, Time, Parallels, Multidimensionalities

Please see the two previous articles here that are profoundly revealing of just how much modern science has gotten itself so lost in collective unconscious convention.

Quantum Entanglement/Empathy

Dalai Lama: Scientist

Let's do a step-by-step "how to" / walk-thru, to help you very genuinely and literally transcend space and time. It is already happening, here:

You have to directly experience these NonLinear Physics Truths for yourself.

• First HOMEWORK! Consistency is Key! 

You'll be surprised to discover just how "all around you" the Universal Truth is, where you'd least expect it! And it has been there all along! I'm going to take you into a lot of them, and help you make connections and tie many loose ends together. The proof will come from your own intelligence and take your logic to much higher places. (I can only play tour guide!)

*Listen* carefully to every word of this song.  It's from Julia Roberts' Eat Pray Love movie.

Here are the lyrics:

Better Days (From "Eat Pray Love")

I feel part of the universe
Opened up to meet me
My emotion so submerged
Broken down to kneeling
Once listening
Voices they came
Had to somehow read myself
Read myself
Heard vibrations
Within my cells, in my cells
My love is safe for the universe
See me now I'm bursting
On one planet so many turns,
Different worlds
From my heart with discipline
Put there for the teaching
In my head see clouds of stairs
Help me as I'm reaching
The future's paved with better days
I'm running from something
I'm running towards the day
Wide awake
A whisper once quiet
Now rising to a scream
I am me
I'm falling, free fallin
World's calling me
Above, my needs
Oh I'm soaring
Yeah and darlin'
You'll be the one
That I can need
Still, be free
Our futures paved
With better days
Songwriters: Eddie Vedder

While you're working on that, watch the movie! She's looking for higher Universal Truths, travels to Italy, India, and Bali, and finds *Balance*!

Then...she struggles with how to process and hold onto it.

What would YOU do?

*Hint*: Look for the perfect timing of Hindu's Ganesh: Remover of Obstacles, serving as confirmation exactly when she reaches a major *aha!*.

(Gonna give you lots of intriguing homework to *directly experience* the Truth for YOURSELF here!)

*Think*...scavenger hunt! It's all around you! Always has been! It's TIME you put it together!

Gonna tie a lot of Universal Threads together toward *One* beautiful fabric / tapestry!

REMEMBER: You cannot hope to keep yourself a passive observer, disjointed and hiding out, hoping to find Answers! The Universe is onto you! It won't let it happen!

The Answers have to be directly experienced!

As HH Dalai Lama loves to say, "You've gotta *do the work*!"

• HOMEWORK 2: Write a few pages (for your eyes only) about your mother!

(We'll come back to this. But be 100% truthful, because the Universe has physics for those who try to figure out its Truths while not being Truthful with their own! It is all a *reflection* of yourself, inescapably, so you will have to experience any disingenuousness you put out there!)

Nuclear Family: Gateway to Transcending Relative Space & Time, Traversing Parallels & Multidimensionalities

Scientists love to feed their egos with comments like "Psychology is 'soft science'" and "there's no proof" and "we hate analogies!"

But that's precisely where the actual, legitimate Answers are!

Those show just how incredibly naive, immature, and cerebrally neglectful they are! Psychology is actually about as hard core quantum physics/relativity as you can get! It has been known and thoroughly *realized* for thousands of years what the Universe is actually doing and _how_ it is doing it. Modern science may have forgotten, but superConsciousness-based Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism...have thoroughly *remembered*. And your mirror never ever forgets!

It totally proves itself every time, because it traces its Core until it dissolves in perfect *Balance* / Translucence / Emptiness within...YOU!

But there is *Structure* in that Balance / Translucence / Emptiness...observable, measurable, teachable, replicable *Structure*.

You need to have the courage and foresight to go INSIDE that *Structure* ...and YOUR *Structure* directly experience it for your very own self. It is your very own Truth that will convince you of and teach you its veracity. Empathy is incredibly important. It is the hallmark of entanglement.

Universities are complicit in modern science's cerebral neglect (half mind processing), persisting in graduating scientists into positions of power and authority all the while their having no mindfulness whatsoever who exactly the *observer* of their very own work actually is: That person in their mirror.

How on earth can you hope to process and understand anything "out there" if you don't first thoroughly understand yourself "within*? All your conclusions have no choice but come!

But this all goes so much more deeply than that! 

Humans have gotten themselves totally lost in collective unconscious convention. They've made up stories, established all life around those stories, and worse yet habituated themselves to concepts and notions that rigidly lock into place what they've told themselves is going on, refusing to allow in any other way of processing. Any suggestion of any other way of perceiving or defining can quickly get you attacked, laughed at, belittled...whatever it takes to keep you in line. Change is frightening, and it's just so much easier to dismiss evolving logic and multidimensional complexity than risk stepping out of one's "safe place" to learn *higher*.

The only real difference between higher *access* now and higher *access* centuries from now is socio-cultural permission to process and define situations and concepts in ways that transcend convention's rigid comfort zone.

Untangling all the tangled webs billions of people have trapped themselves into takes a lot of mindfulness and the courage to stand alone, if need be, and with enough stick-to-it-ness the scary, unfamiliar, questionable path out of all that begins to prove itself the much healthier, far more Conscious way to go.

If you want genuine Universal Answers, obviously you have to allow yourself to grow beyond your comfort zone and all that is familiar and unchallenging.

Your Nuclear Family is your way out of rigidly processing, naively neglectful, collective unconscious convention, aka..."doing what everybody else is doing!" Perhaps the first task you have to master is your finding the courage to stand alone, be your own support system, take a chance, and humble yourself enough to allow in that unfamiliar.

But the reward is one that is well-earned, because after a while, after you've found that courage to go it alone for a while, eventually you begin to realize yourself as crossing that extraordinary threshold, drawn further and further toward what makes so much more commonsense, has so much more depth, reality, purpose and meaningfulness. And actual, genuine... Answers! 

You'll never look back! 

Why...Your Nuclear Family?

What does that have to do with transcending space and time, traversing parallels and multiple dimensions?

Mindful experience is key...especially when you are interested in going places you don't ordinarily go.

Take, for instance, your autonomic nervous system. You don't stop to attentively think about turning corners as you walk, or about your every next breath or heartbeat. You just do them. 

There are layers upon layers of activities going on in the Universe that you need to more directly attend to if you want to see them, notice them, mindfully experience them. And be able to apply them to other situations.

There are experiences inside experiences... inside experiences inside experiences... Going inside the Universal Physics Truth/Dynamic is the only way for you to learn what's there and what all it tells you.

Are you beginning to recognize yourself as transcending relative Space and Time here? The Universe is beginning to slooow down now, to allow in so much else going on that you previously just skipped right on over. Do you feel impatient some? You should! That is your having to adjust to higher reality!

See your direct experience beginning to happen? There is a very different Universe happening that convention hasn't let you see!

It's like the Universe has an intentional built-in checks and balances "feature", such that only those who have earned the right to have that level of information will be entrusted with it. And your pass key is your direct confrontation with your Truth.

That has always intrigued me, on so many levels.

Essentially, with every next layer you reach, you *realize* yourself *even* further, "how to" process higher and higher complexity, more multidimensional logic, more seemingly unfathomable *access*.

Life itself is a wormhole, > • <. 

The more *balanced* you are, the more you are allowed inside. What actually changes is therefore! 

*Now*...about your mother / *mother*!...

There is no greater indicator of the Truth than your very own mirror.

The Universe already knows precisely who you are! You don't have to express what's on your mind. The Universe captures your physics before it ever reaches that far.

You can never hide out from Universal Truth. You can never pretend, deny, cover up your Core physics. The Universe has been onto you all along!

So there is no greater proof of what the Universe is doing overall, throughout, than your very own mirror! 

Try lying to the Universe and there will be major consequences, aka hell to pay!

As you *do the work* of your Nuclear Family, your very own Truth takes you deep inside the Universal Physics, in real time, to show you precisely what the Universe is doing, and exactly how it is doing it. It becomes your direct experience you cannot escape. Every new *aha!* builds on the next, and those help you learn to process multidimensionality and simultaneity, increasing depth and *access*, leading to ever-increasing complexity and insight.

Your "mother" dynamics super(im)pose your ultimate innermost self, an exact inescapable copy of your "I, me, my" personal physics.

Everything you write or say about your mother exposes who you are, as well, one layer removed.

Example: If you tell a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist "My mother lives near a police station," she or he will not only hear the surface truth but also hear you saying your ultimate innermost self stays close to rules and regulations, and that you may well be a perfectionist, which would be further/revealed explored the more you talk.

Next • HOMEWORK: Write a few pages about your father. He is your ultimate OUTERmost self, your environment, an exact physics super(im)position that reveals the world you keep yourself in. 

Look for the significance of collective unconscious convention's use of "Father", as well.

Remember the above lyric? Recognize the importance and acknowledgement here:

"Once listening

Voices they came

Had to somehow read myself
Read myself
Heard vibrations
Within my cells, in my cells"

I'll keep coming back to guide you to what comes next!

Gonna stay informal, have fun, be super serious, and get it done!

Writing/so subject to editing to add more assistance.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Dalai Lama : Scientist (Higher Physics / Inclusivity of Western & Buddhist Science)

"Dalai Lama: Scientist"  MOVIE

In continuation of my previous post here about UNconscious scientists throughout the world (particularly western) missing profoundly important life-saving information, misinterpreting / overlooking the higher Universal Physics, costing countless lives...

Extraordinary, extremely important movie to watch, this is the higher / unification of... All Sides of the Universe, of oneself, toward Answers.

(Trailer) (Movie available on Amazon)

It's change narrowminded notions and misperceptions of "science"!

Broaden your perceptions. You are seriously missing Higher Physics / Answers / medical cures readily available to you, *Now*, otherwise!

Overview: (of "Dalai Lama: Scientist" - Scientists throughout the World Repetitiously Meeting to Grow Higher/Become Conscious Together)

I. Cosmology

Beginning of the Universe: Big Bang vs Repetitious Origination

II. Quantum Physics

Importance of Observer Influence


III. Cognitive Science


Negativism/Destructive Emotions

Narrowmindedness in Scientists

Multiple Dimensions of Science

Unification of Science and Buddhism

IV. Neuroscience


Brain Specificity

Brain Science's New Developments

Whole New Era


V. Molecular Biology & Genetics

Parental Influence - Gene Level / Lifespan


Buddhist Philosophy & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Embryonic Stem Cells

Negative Karma

Genome has Biological Plasticity

Sentience at Fertilization

Environmental Factors

SEE Learning: Social Emotional & Ethical Learning

Emotional Intelligence

Social Intelligence

System (Outer) Intelligence


Harvard University

Georgetown University

Mayo Clinic

Emory University

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

University of Zurich

Johns Hopkins

Dalai Lama - Nobel Laureate

Dr. Thupten Jinpa - Buddhist Science

David Bohm - Physicist

Francisco Varela - Neuroscientist

Carl von Weizsacker - Physicist

Arthur Zajonc - Physicist

Mathieu Ricard - Tibetan Buddhism Monk, Molecular Genetics

Anton Zeilinger - Physicist

Michel Bitbol - Philosophy of Science

Stephen Chu - Nobel Laureate / Electron

Aaron Beck - Father of Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Paul Ekman - Psychologist

David Goleman - Author, Educator

Richard Davidson - Neuroscientist

Jon Kabat-Zinn - Mindfulness/Medical Meditation

Michael Meaney - Neurobiologist, Psychiatrist

Wendy Hasenkamp - Neuroscientist/Emory

Amishi Zha - Neuroscientist

Geshe Lobsang Tenzin Negi - Emory Tibetan Science Initiative

Amy Varela - President, Mind & Life Europe

Susan Bauer-Wu - President, Mind & Life US

MESSAGES from Mind & Life President Susan Bauer-Wu and Chair Dr. Thupten Jinpa


Crossing the Threshold: Transcending Space, Time, Parallels, Multidimensionalities

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Quantum Entanglement, Empathy & Earthquake, Tsunami, Catastrophe Prediction (and Medical Cures)

There is a perfectly logical, commonsense reason that earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, catastrophes and other dangers are predictable...(and why medical cures are being missed)!

(And watch, quite literally, how Carl Sagan supports what I'm teaching you here! See below. This blog also includes lots of things to do to directly experience all of this for yourself!) 

You can't *process* the true nature of the Universe, of Nature, until you are ready to *process* the true nature!

Humans INVENTED rigid one-sided, line-ar...

> past > present > future >

There is no such thing! At a much higher physics level, it is easy to recognize (with superConsciousness) that linearity is a human construct. "The future" is neither WHAT nor WHERE most people assume it is!

The Universe is NonLinear:

> < (((( ((( (( ( 0 ) )) ))) )))) > <

*Balanced* / Forever *Now* / Multidimensional / Simultaneous

(Dynamic: Relative Simultaneity, Dependent Repetitious Origination)

Your Answers are available / accessible NonLinearly


In other words, life is not one-directional:

o > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 

That is only the physics of...conventional line-ar *storytelling*.

So scientists should NOT be waiting for something to happen, on the surface, only to measure the AFTERmath, when it's already too late!

Answers are accessible multidimensionally... *Now*!

Life (Reality) is like concentric circles pulsating out, and back, simultaneously:

< < < < < < < < < 0 > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > 0 < < < < < < < < <

And that's all very important *critical data* that is *accessible*, warning (inadvertently) of what's to come.

You, the Conscious Observer / Scientist

Unless and until the *observers* / scientists learn to recognize, acknowledge and appreciate their own inherent NonLinear nature, there is no way they will be able to empathically recognize, acknowledge, appreciate or *even* (hear that?) identify with the inherent NonLinear nature of earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, hurricanes, catastrophic events and other dangers, even medical cures, required to detect them as congealing toward manifestation.

All sentient beings are born inherently NonLinear, so it is *forever* present, but while animals RETAIN theirs and hence their super-sensivity to imminent dangers, etc, >99% humans lose mindfulness / Consciousness of it, distracted into the linear *storytelling* of collective unconscious convention, and as a result lose their *access* to photographic, videographic, audiographic memory, higher IQ / multidimensional logic, etc., all requiring mindful NonLinearity to process.

The essential _tools_ required of higher functioning!

They ARE retrievable!

We are "meant" to process multidimensionally, NonLinearly!

Those pulsating >< (((( ((( (( ( 0 ) )) ))) )))) >< *energy waves* of our Universe with its vast, enormous "parade view", are carrying detectable, knowable *critical data* missed by minds lost in collective unconscious convention's mistaken linear *storytelling*. In fact, as I'll explain further soon, everything going on in life is our interacting every moment of our lives with these *energy waves*, and as catastrophes are forming, congealing into being, people are unwittingly *acting out* / using the language that will become the event, but, unconscious, they don't *even* hear themselves doing it. (But I do!) This is why folks often say, after things happen, that they "had a feeling" or "had a dream". Their brains were exposed to the physics dynamics but they weren't mindful / Conscious enough to recognize them. 

All of life has been established around mistaken linear notions of the Universe (projection without reflection), with vested interests so deep that people will sooner go to war (within themselves, without themselves) than relinquish their *storytelling* (cultural, religious, familial, personal...), but the only way to learn to process, let alone *access*, higher multidimensional NonLinear physics/Answers is to evolve enough to allow them in.

Life in Truth (with higher superConsciousness) is like a backed-up dam being released, reality flowing back in, the whole *other side* of the Universe...and the Universe of yourself...freeing up its not-so-hidden secrets, when you learn to let go of your own projected self-inflicted barricades to your awareness. That's actually what meditation is all about. It gets you out of your own way, stops you from projecting, and rebalances you so the *other side* you are totally missing otherwise can flow back in to your awareness.

It becomes profoundly enlightening and rewarding on so many levels to *directly experience* for your own self the Physics Truth. More than 99% of the world's population are born, live out their entire lives, and die, having never figured it out, despite that Truth *underwriting* every breath they take, every move they make, inescapably.

It is your being lost / distracted into linear notions of one-sided time and space (cerebral neglect / half mind) that causes you to dismiss how anyone could possibly predict / know about, let alone detail, "the future" (including earthquakes, tsunamis, dangerous, horrific events, etc.), but when you approach "prediction" from a place of actual higher reality physics, and not human *storytelling* or misuse of the concept of "prediction", it becomes obvious it is simply basic commonsense.

The more *balanced* you become, the more NonLinearly *aware*, and the broader your *access* to what is happening on those higher, more complex layers of multidimensionality:

< (((( ((( (( ( n0w ) )) ))) )))) >

Conscious Multidimensional *Access* in Forever *Now*

Invertedly...with that *broader access* you can also *recognize* what is congealing, forming, approaching surface manifestation from way further out from *Core Now*:

> )))) ))) )) ) n0w ( (( ((( (((( <

Conscious *Recognition* of What is Congealing Toward Manifestation

That *critical data* carried on those pulsating *energy waves* (like wifi) underwriting everybody, everything, everywhere, microscope to cosmos and everything in between, is revealing what is coming into being, congealing, forming, approaching the *surface Core Now*.

This is "relative simultaneity." 

Time and space, having plasticity, each the other's "me", are relative to awareness. You see what you allow yourself to see. Collective unconscious convention sees its collective notions.

But the Universal NonLinear Physics undaunted, relentless in its *underwriting*.

"How to" Read that Pulsating *Critical Data*

Language and math are *energies* that humans, experiencing, interacting with and responding to ages ago with primitive grunts and groans, evolved into how we perceive them today, as similar others empathically identified with those primitive grunts and groans, resulting in communication. Our brains do not have "granny cells" (specific neurons for specific concepts). Instead, they are processing those *energy waves* and their intensities, and language and math are our surface result. This is precisely HOW it is that humans are unwittingly already using words of upcoming catastrophes without *even* hearing those events, often having "a feeling" or "a dream" prior to events, but miss the clues.

Quantum entanglement wise, we are all being *underwritten* by these waves of energies, as they flow through us much like ocean waves flow through you as you hop waves in the sea. But these waves are also flowing through everything else in nature, including earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanoes, horrific events approaching "the even-ing" (hear that?) news.

And...microscopic medical diseases and disorders!

We are processing the frequencyXintensity of these *energy exchanges*. The more Conscious / NonLinearly evolved / mindful you are, the more multidimensionally sensitive to their activities. 

*One* Universal *MIND* ...SHARED... throughout All, microscope to cosmos and everything in between.

The dynamics that will become an approaching event can, with higher superConsciousness, be *recognized* as...repeating and Repeating and REpeating and REPeating and REPEating and REPEAting and REPEATing and REPEATIng and REPEATINg and REPEATING as the event congeals closer and closer (and faster and faster) toward manifesting *on the surface*. See that event *wave* of *critical data* repeating, becoming "louder", as it approaches?

With Higher Multidimensional NonLinear Consciousness, you would!

Furthermore, each imminent event is traveling on its own frequency! (Intensity consistency.) I can know several imminent events at once, (documented, witnessed, proved to highest authorities) without getting lost in what information goes with which, because each event has its very own frequency signature.

This is very VERY REAL actual physics, observable, measurable, teachable, replicable NonLinear Physics! Countless lives could be saved around the globe, millions of lives, if misguided, linearly-mistaken scientists would only...wake up!

Albert Einstein himself showed that time is relative! 

It is also the very basis of Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, *realized* thousands of years ago! 

How is it that modern scientists continue to persist in missing all that, swearing by rigid linear, one-sided time? All higher multidimensional logic and *access* are lost in the process!

While writing about these physics HERE in January, and having just been telling someone about a previous friend and co-worker from Tonga, I *recognized* ...and posted right then and there... about the Tongan earthquake/tsunami that was about to happen. (Don't miss the revealing follow-up post that came next!)

I also had recognized the Las Vegas concert massacre while on this blog.

It's just NonLinear Consciousness physics! Other events I detected congealing toward manifestation, in detail, include all of 9/11/2001 starting in '96, Oklahoma Federal Bldg '95, Kenya & Tanzania, Africa (simultaneous embassy bombings, including that simultaneity) '98, the 2004 12/26 tsunami killing nearly a quarter MILLION people (Indonesia) complete with that intensity of death toll, observed for 18 months prior, both space shuttle disasters, and on and on and on... Many others are detailed on this blog. All recognized prior to manifestation, in detail (names, dates, faces, places...) with these NonLinear physics.

Years ago, Tibetan Buddhist monks, *realizers* themselves, advised me "NOT to WARN", saying "those are lessons for the world to learn". I have always struggled with that, as it is excruciating to be so incredibly mindful and detailed, yet keep it to myself. Instead, they advised, "teach people HOW you know!"

Hence, these blogs!

But I can't *do the work* FOR you!

How Carl Sagan Tried to Tell the Scientific Community.  (VIDEO)

"Buried within the message itself 

(really is) 

the key to decoding it!"

Nobody *listened*.

Scientists laughed, calling it "fantasy"! It is deadly accurate Universal Truth! And it's all around you! Don't be the last to know! (See my Pinned tweets to NASA and engineers, with videos showing quantum physicists and other scientists from China, Taiwan and Russia recognizing and discussing NonLinear Physics, in several video conferences over several days!)

Let's walk through the movie "Contact" to try again... Millions of lives depend on it!

The movie "Contact" is "The NeverEnding Story" for scientists, and others searching for Universal Reality.

They are not really looking for "aliens" but, in actuality, the alien-ated *other side* of themselves!

But scientists in "the control room" (hear that? in...won't relinquish control, as in, lost in, distracted by the linear *storytelling* of collective unconscious convention) couldn't recognize any of it.

While curious, evolving, becoming Awakened scientist Ellie was recognizing Translucence, falling through wormholes, experiencing nonlinear *balance*, multidimensionality and its math, transcending relative space and time, the scientists packed into the control room only saw static. Later, the official top secret intelligence from the White House quietly discussed that the supposed "seconds" the control room scientists insisted they'd experienced had actually, for Ellie, lasted..."18 hours"!

Feelings...are anything but..."an awful waste of space", as "Contact" tried to warn! Feelings are the *other side* of yourself, of the Universe, relentlessly trying to rebalance you, trying to wake you up! Gravitational waves, gravity, magnetism, the dark energy and dark matter of YOU *underwriting* every breath you take, every move you make, trying to redirect you. Relative simultaneity!

Relative Simultaneity

"Karma" is actually a very real physics! The *forever Now* NonLinear Universe is breathing, pulsating, flexing its plasticity

In a NonLinear *forever Now* Universe, everything's already said and done. It is ourselves (sentients) who are catching up!

If you behave 7 in any given Universal Truth of 9, you've invited the other missing 2 into your life as your inescapable destiny/karma. If you (or any aspect of collective unconscious convention) behave 3, then the missing 6 becomes that destiny.

The *even"-ing news is aptly named!

Dependent Origination

The "chicken and the egg"...simultaneously arising.

There is no "up" without a "down", no "over" without an "under".

Relative simultaneity!

The neglected *other side* of yourself, of the Universe, when allowed back in, brings with it *higher reasoning*, more complex (albeit commonsense) simplicity, ability to accurately, more mindfully, multidimensionally, logically perceive, and with it the Answers you probably never *even realized* you have been capable of *accessing*...all along!

You are *worthy*, and that may be your most important *realization* / Awakening of all!

Science and Religion: NonLinearly Resolving the Impasse

As with *the other side* of all things...

Science and religion each hold the Universal Answers the other side needs, but, allergic to each other, they misperceive the other as a threat, and millions of lives are lost in the impasse.

Scientists have a higher responsibility to selflessly allow themselves to learn what the concept of "religion" actually is, in the first place, because that knowledge, those physics, would advance their work profoundly! Tremendously so!

Will YOU allow yourself to "go there" on behalf of all those precious souls trapped/crushed to death in collapsed buildings, such as all those huge apartment buildings in Turkiye just months ago? More than 50,000 people, and countless domesticated animals, died in that devastation.

Nearly a quarter MILLION people died in a single day, on December 26, 2004, in the devastating tsunami originating in Indonesia. And look what happened in Japan, 2011...  On and on and on...

The Universe warns (however inadvertently)! 

We are born to process at that level of awareness.

If you study religions all around the world, eventually you learn to ask the higher, harder question: "What on earth are people REALLY doing?"

ANSWER: Distracted, they are trying to find their way back!

Because the Universe, all in Existence, is actually NonLinear, microscope to cosmos and everything in between, all sentient beings are born inherently NonLinear! But thanks to the human *storytelling* of collective unconscious convention, >99% people are distracted away from their true nature in very early childhood, losing with it their photographic, videographic memory, higher IQ processing, and a host of other extraordinary abilities they were born with but lost *access* to, because those all require higher, NonLinear, multidimensional processing. The result: Cerebral neglect (half mind)!

Religions are what distracted people do with their ever-current status, with likeminded folks about in the same *place* (time X space signature) of understanding "congregating" to share in those meaningfulnesses.

To the west, it's original sin.

To the east, one grain of sand.

To scientists, it's "the god particle", when mass turns into matter.

To millions around the world, it's when mass begins to matter.

*One energy* super(im)posed. Perception relative to status (time X space signature).

While some folks are open to change, learning and growing, questioning and wondering as they go along, most are content, even adamant, about protecting their vested interests they've established their whole lives around. Those folks will sooner go to war, within themselves, without themselves, than relinquish those vested interests.

If you line up all the world's religions along the yellow brick road from Oz (yes, that movie was another Consciousness-based *hint*), Taoism, Buddhism and Hinduism would lead the way, because these are actually simply founded upon the NonLinear physics *realized* thousands of years ago!

Taoism is the least projecting, so most accurate:

"The name that can be named is not the Eternal Name. The tao (way) that can be told is not the Eternal Tao."

See the NonLinear Core in its Truth?

>< (((( ((( (( ( 0 ) )) ))) )))) ><

The minute you start projecting, you lose the reflection, in other words.

So the Answers are in Core Balance!

The Universe is Translucent (Emptiness of all projection), but there is observable, measurable, teachable, replicable *Structure* in that Translucence!

And...the Answers to earthquake, tsunami, volcanic, catastrophe prediction!

Even medical cures! (Discussed next!)

Earthquakes and tsunamis are predictable because they are just as NonLinear as we are, and if you take back your fluency, your inherent NonLinear nature, you can Empathically *recognize*/identify with, what they are doing, as they move toward *surface* manifestation.

Multidimensionally, everything is happening simultaneously, and the more Conscious (*Balanced*) you are, the more that b.r.o.a.d.e.n.i.n.g *access* you have...

< (((( ((( (( ( 0 ) )) ))) )))) >

...can also, simultaneously, multidimensionally, INVERTEDLY *recognize* what is happening way further out (from immediate-most Core *Now*)...

>)))) ))) )) ) 0 ( (( ((( (((( <

...on those layers (gravitational waves) pulsing through you, as they are forming, congealing, coming into *surface* manifestation...carrying *critical data* you cannot *recognize* without Consciousness and fluency of your own NonLinearity.

As written above, those *energy waves* repeat and Repeat and REPEAT... getting louder and LOUDER, faster and FASTER, as they approach the NonLinear (forever) *Now* (immediate-most surface manifestation).

So, if you allow yourself to truly understand the physics behind religion, you will also allow yourself the Answers you seek in your work. Those physics are important! You need to empathically identify with the dynamics involved throughout.

Everything is ultimately...*Empathy*! Microscope to cosmos!

Folks can only do what they know how to do. In the process of their having gotten distracted by collective unconscious convention in very early childhood, setting their lifelong journey in place to find their way back, *where* they are, moment by moment, whether alone or shared, is often accompanied by religion, a very comforting and supportive establishment in life.

There is no need to selfishly take that away from them, as long as no one is being harmed, that is.

You...are the scientist millions rely upon for their safety! 

You...need to know the Universal Truth *Now*!

Medical Applications: Cures Hidden in *Forever Now*

Eight months ago, I was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic "as bad as it gets" (quoting my doctor) cancer. 

Today, I am cancer free.  O  (As of 3 months ago!) And I hadn't even lost my hair!

"A miracle", my oncologist from India called me. (Ah, visit. Now I'm "a walking miracle!" :) )

When I told him I have been curious what effect my extreme superConsciousness would have on cancer: 

"Apparently, phenomenally!", he said, so boisterously.

About 20 years ago, I decided to go inside the physics of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, to see what all I could discover. I watched patients, their families and their doctors on serious documentaries, very closely *listened* to them talking, multidimensionally, NonLinearly. 

It was truly extraordinary what all I could *hear*, just how much depth and *critical data* I could *access*, and I took lots of incredibly important revelatory notes.

In much the same way as geologists and other "authorities" laugh at me to this day, it was ultimately *worthless information*.

No one could (or *even* would) begin to *process* what I was trying to share with them.

Frustrated, one day I simply walked past my desk, picked up my notes and...tore them up!

"You do NOT have the right to enable people NOT to grow!", my psychology professor insisted. "You have a responsibility to elicit *change* in this world." The words of my university department head were haunting me yet again.

I tried!

The ONLY difference between now and "centuries from now" level of (NonLinear) awareness / *access*.

*Forever ...Now*

YOU, the Scientist, Directly Experiencing the Parallels/Multiple Simultaneous Dimensions (Answers) for Yourself

The very first step you need to take to reclaim your inherent NonLinearity and all its extraordinary *accesses* and abilities is a direct confrontation with yourself quite personally (achievable in your own personal space, for your eyes only!). You can't hide out in a safe place behind projection and hope to *access* the Answers! That's linear unconsciousness.

You need to become fluently *aware* of the superimposed physics of your Nuclear Family.

You'll never be able to empathically grasp the complexity of the Universe's Truths until you have learned to confront and tackle your own. The more you master your own task, the more you'll discover yourself allowing in higher complexity, fearfulnesses you are ready to challenge and dispose of, fearLESSness that makes you hungry for more and MORE, and one profound *aha!* after another as you *do the work* toward your higher NonLinear Multidimensional superComsciousness and Answers you couldn't *even* allow yourself to dream about...until *Now*!

There are MANY walk-throughs of your Nuclear Family dynamics on my various blogs. Take your pick by searching "Nuclear Family" top left on this blog. But below is a recent post / walk-through originally intended as a compassionate Twitter response. I brought it here as it got longer. It's a wonderful and simple place to begin taking yourself deep inside your very own multidimensionality needed to *access* higher NonLinear Answers in your work!

Here is the link: Your Nuclear Family.

*Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness II...for Evolving Scientists: Made for Twitter: How the Universe, and MIND, Actually Work (&...Accessing Parallel Universes) (

If you have any questions, my fb is The Physics of superConsciousness.

From your Nuclear Family work (which can take months to accomplish, and the rest of your life to master in real time)...

Follow links there to Shangri-la explained, and every next post after that, for a very fluent walk-through / "how to", complete with lots of things to do, watch, and experience directly for yourself. 

Note: I've now added a new walk-thru post providing you with intriguing and highly revealing things to do toward directly experiencing your very own inherent NonLinear nature, and that of earthquakes, tsunamis, catastrophes, medical cures...

(More to come... Writing, so subject to editing.)

Monday, July 10, 2023

NonLinear Physics of Earthquake, Tsunami, Catastrophe Prediction

 Coming soon...

(To explain and detail my recent series of tweets on this physics further.)

In the meantime... Begin here: (an earlier post)

(An earthquake goes into a psychiatrist's office...)

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Attention Seismologists, Geologists, Weather and Medical Researchers...

Mind is Sentience is Universal
No one has proprietary ownership of MIND! Mind is Universal ENERGY, synergistically SHARED (like wifi) throughout all in Existence...including with earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, weather, tragedies on the *even*-ing news!

So, an earthquake, feeling its sentience, goes into a psychiatrist's office...

Psychiatrist: What seems to be the matter/*matter*?

EQ: I feel invisible! I make every effort to be seen, to be heard, but nobody *even* notices!

Psychiatrist: Tell me more...

EQ: I dunno, doc! Um, well... Okay, well...I admit it! I have an anger issue! I'm just tired of it, ya know?! So I LASH OUT!

Psychiatrist: Wow! That's a lot of energy! Where do you think it's coming from?

EQ: I just feel soooo unappreciated, ya know? So...unacknowledged! Nothing I ever do seems to be good enough! I mean, I try and I try, but I get...nothing! NOTHING! So I get mad! So I make a lot of noise! And still they don't even/*even* bother to notice I exist! It breaks my heart!

Psychiatrist: So that's when you lash out!

EQ: Yeah, I mean... Something's gotta give! Something's gotta change! I just never get any feedback, you know?! Nothing I ever do seems to be enough! Only time I get any attention is when I get loud, throw things! Overturn tables, knock things around! Next thing ya know it's all out chaos! I just can't stop myself! 

Psychiatrist: How do you see things being different if they did notice you?

EQ: Well... I probably wouldn't get as angry! I mean, if only they'd give me credit for all the little things I do... Maybe that would be enough! I just wanna be appreciated now and then, that's all!

Feedback, *Interconnected* Interaction and Redirection
The Universe is a system of feedback, of reflection (vs projection), where nothing is "an awful waste of space"!** Every everything is at all times accounted for. (Relative simultaneity)

Tragedies on the *even*-ing news wouldn't necessarily wind up there if that energy was redirected via mindfulness!

When earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, weather, tragedies are building toward manifestation, all that increasing *energy* is going unnoticed, unacknowledged, and hence unobstructed! Unextinguished.  

(See link above to read the rest of this earlier post.)

Friday, June 16, 2023

Made for Twitter: How the Universe, and MIND, Actually Work (&...Accessing Parallel Universes)

Originally Written for Grieving Folks, but 100% Applies to All Sentient (Experiencing) Beings

(Keeping the post divisions: A, B, C... for now. I'll probably edit them out later.)

NOTE: The more deeply you delve inside your own Nuclear Family and actually, directly, and genuinely *do the work*, the more you will directly experience and witness again and again for your very own self the NonLinear Physics I am explaining on this blog!

Nuclear Family is where you begin. It establishes your needed baseline that opens your heart and mind, expands your Awareness, steadily increases your Consciousness, and positions you to receive and *process* how the Universe works, interactively, within and without yourself.

A. For anyone who feels *ready*... (this is long but _profoundly rewarding_ for every human being to learn!)

Eternal Psychology of Ourselves/Loved Ones

B. We are ALL superimposed upon one another, inescapably (actual physics wise), *realized* (NOT human invented!) for thousands of years. This is SO accurate that Conscious psychiatrists & doctoral level clinical psychologists...

C...fluently use these physics in their understanding of patients.

So, here goes...a way to stay _very close_ to your loved ones, wherever they are (and fluently understand your own psychology!):

D. Universe is NonLinear:

>< (((( ((( (( ( 0 ) )) ))) )))) ><

Balanced, multidimensional, Forever *Now*

So everybody, everything, everywhere is superimposed & simultaneous. 

E. (Relative Simultaneity, Dependent Origination)

Humans mistakenly invented linear one-sided:


There is no such thing...

F...though all society ("collective unconscious convention") has established itself around that mistake w/such vested interests they'll sooner war (*within* themselves X *without* themselves)...

G...than relinquish the *stories they tell themselves* to grow/contribute to Peace.

You can know yourself very deeply, AND your loved ones, becoming _very_ close to them (living or not) simply by learning how your Nuclear Family superimposes.

H. Here's HOW brain *processes Energy*)

(Write or talk about any of your loved ones, *hear* the analogical inescapable Universal Truth about YOURSELF! Invertedly, write or talk about yourself, *hear* your LOVED ONES!)>

I. If you are genuinely honest w/yourself, the physics proves all this _directly_ to you:

This is your opening gateway to processing parallel/multiple dimensions, simultaneously.

Your Nuclear Family (how MIND works):

Mother = your innermost self / your "I, me, my"

J. Father = your outermost self / environment

Sister = your Right brain, feelings

Brother = your Left brain, thinking

K. Female children = your younger feelings

Male children = your younger thinking

(Age determines commitment, like longer term vs newer feelings/thoughts)

L. Example: If you tell a psychologist your "mother lives near a police station", she/he hears both *surface* truth AND that...your own deep self stays close to rules & regulations!

See the super(im)position? (Quantum physicists call it "superposition".)

M. This is because all language is born out of our expressions of *Energy*, from grunts & groans empathically recognized by similar others thousands of yrs ago evolved into language in the Now. 

N. By much higher multidimensional physics, it's all happening at the Ultimate *Energy*/*Empathy* level, *Forever Now*!

Fluency in all this IS Consciousness, Awakening, Enlightenment!

Note: Follow the provided links (Shangri-la) and eventually you will also run into your Extended Family physics / super(im)positions, as well (aunts, uncles, grandparents, more on siblings, etc.).

O. While we are ALL born inherently NonLinear, >99% humans get DISTRACTED (into Cerebral Neglect/half mind) by linearly lost society's *storytelling*, & with it lose photo/videographic memory, IQ *access*, etc, ...

P...all requiring NonLinear (Balanced/both sides) processing. (Animals retain theirs! Why they're so in tune w/Nature, and can sense dangers, like earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.!)

Q. Taking yours back totally changes perception about who & what we all are and how the Universe works... And keeps you *Forever Now* close to your Loved Ones!

If you want to *access* parallel universes *without* yourself, you need to learn how to *access* parallel universes *within* yourself!

Nuclear Family is your beginning *gateway*.

It's all Ultimately *Energy*.

After Nuclear Family, begin here: Mastering Shangri-la