Quantum Everyday Reality: The *Two Truths* of Time and Space
Choosing Universal Truth Despite Forced Assumptions of the Collective Unconscious
(Why and How Global Society's Scientists and Social Authorities have an Inherent Responsibility to Awaken Themselves toward Selflessly Eliciting Conscious *Change*)
"Practical" Reality of Everyday Life
Like it or not, no matter/*no matter* what the Universal Truth, no matter how much we *realize* that True Universal Dynamic, the *state of the art of the heart* of global popular
assumption rules the roost, dictating the atmosphere everyone must function within.
It is the
overall mean statistical average of everyone's notions/beliefs that holds the
appearance of reality that few feel much of any power to redirect, while the struggle of aggressive individuals and interest groups all over the world keeps global society in chaos, warring, violence, crime and tests of strength and power over the other.
While everyone has an inherent responsibility, therefore, to selflessly awaken to the real Universal Dynamic on behalf of all sentient beings whose quality of life depends on the quality of the atmosphere (social and otherwise) that they are forced to live in, muddle through, every day (work, school, tradition, culture, religion, etc), it isn't hard to fathom why it is so often said that Consciousness will "take several lifetimes" to master for most folks. Most people are no where near *going there.*
Obviously, it falls upon global leaders, quantum physicists and other scientists to awaken to, and take very seriously, their privilege in society as
most trusted,
most emulated and
most leaned upon for guidance, security and everyday survival by millions, billions of folks, to *recognize* their inescapable, enormous responsibility to Awaken themselves to the REAL Universal Dynamic, and to present themselves in positions of *respect* with that *authority.*
The Quantum *Connection*
Recent extensive Dialogues with HH the Dalai Lama by quantum physicists from Russia, Taiwan and Japan, and other scientists and academics, reveal a repetitious conundrum/stuckness in the state of the art of their Awakening: When does Classical Science end and Quantum Physics begin?
There is NO distinction between classical and quantum physics. Those are simply inadvertent revelations of where *higher Consciousness* is lacking in the hearts of the scientists themselves.
A comment, for instance, was that a human body (
"grosser level") must be just fine with classical science applications, but when it comes to the tinier elementary particles it has no choice but to be quantum reliant (
"quantum level").
Problem is...earthquakes, tsunamis and other massive geological events, the weather, human-initiated disasters, accidents, incidents and everything else on those enormous scales, all likewise are quantum in their dynamics.
any one, move
every one! And that movement is as simultaneous as Einstein's "Spooky Action," but upon more superConscious direct experience, it is without the "spooky."
With *higher realization,* it is easily
recognized and
directly experienced that there is ONE Universal Dynamic flowing throughout all/Awe, not a "convenient" science for
this and another "selective" science for
that. The rules of Truth don't change. What changes is how much scientists are being confronted with their own
ability to reason as they slowly become more highly evolved.
Quantum scientists need to learn how to recognize and measure Translucent *Structure* and Universal Empathy. (I am teaching you "how to" do precisely that, right here!***)
Quantum Language: The Next Step for Quantum Mechanics/Physicists
Let us play:
We'll come back to this later.
For *Now,* again I say...
Language is to Humans :: as :: Exhaust is to a Vehicle
Everything in Existence is
*interacting* with/moved and motivated by the Universal Translucent Empathic *Energies*
as they flow throughout all/Awe (NonLinearly, hence,
simultaneously), each entity expressing them in their own way, relative to their timeXspace signature/address in the grand scheme of all things, and for humans an expression of those *energies* is...(our version of sentient) language, made up of all the many different sounds/expellations of those *energies,* that the human species has projected
values onto, and
shared meaningfulnesses, such that language of location and culture, from established habituations and traditions, has evolved into the native languages we recognize today as specific to those locations, cultures, etc.
But what we have unwittingly really done, when getting back to basics, is "decorate" those many sounds and utterances we make (NonLinearly, simultaneity being relative). In order to recognize what humans have done in inadvertently hiding/disguising their own truths/origins from themselves, we need to go back INSIDE the dynamic/process itself, and own our "decorations"/projections Consciously, which exposes the true, *higher* Universal Process, that Answers the quantum riddle/conundrum.
The whole entire Universe, microscope to Cosmos and everything in between, reveals itself to anyone who Consciously goes back
inside the language and takes back the True Universal Core Dynamic! It's all *in there,* everything you could ever hope to know, but you have to have the courage and mindfulness to escape the artificial walls and boundaries of the collective unconscious convention and its powerful sanctions against you if you dare! It is so powerful that it has had science wrapped around its little finger for ages.
Everything is happening at the Universal Core *Energy* level, the Structural Translucence/Empathy!
The ONLY way you are going to recognize that is to *do the work* required by the Universe itself to Awaken/Enlighten yourself back to the Truth! (via
Nuclear Relatives and Relationships)
So, we've decorated the Core Translucent Empathic (Throughout) *Energies* and it is about time we undecorate them to see them for what they really are!
*Now,* about that..."spaceship!"
Years ago, at just a glance of the famous 1970s SETI "Wow!" signal from outer space, 6equj5, I *recognized* its having lateral symmetry, aka a *code* hidden within it, along with a host of other Consciousness applications that were very telling, and so it seemed (however inadvertently and playfully) to beg the question of mere earthlings: "Just How Universally Conscious Are You Earthlings?"
When "decoded" using Consciousness dynamics, you'd be treated to a "spaceship"/flying saucer via alien artwork *winking* back at you, and/or it could also be a depiction of the Arecibo/Large Array telescope. If ever there was a coincidence, this would be it.
Try it for yourself! It works a lot better using graph paper, as I did when I first played with/ "decoded" it. Simply...
... write out the "Wow!" signal (or "code")
... 6equj5
... convert the alphabet to math (quantum language-to-*energies* *hint*)...relative to their placement in the alphabet (such that e, the fifth letter, would become 5, and so on...). Quantum language *energies* would be far more complex, frequencyXintensity wise.
... with lateral symmetry in mind, <<--0-->> , find the center (*middle way*/Madhyamaka/Core) of your graph paper and plot your mathematics NonLinearly. In other words, find the *balance* in each number and plot them as (6 being your first number)... -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 (Meaning half of each number is before the line, the other half after the line).
... With all your *decoded* numbers plotted, simply *connect the dots!*
.... And there's your *winking* "spaceship!"
6equj5 SETI "Wow!" Signal of the 1970s, "Decoded"
NonLinearity, Lateral Symmetry, Balance, YinXYang, Polar Energy Exchange, Within X Without, Translucence, Empathy, Mathematics, Quantum Mechanics Language Conversion to Math... It's all "in there!"
Coincidence? Synchronicity.** But it makes my point that there is soooo much more hidden inside language and math that the collective unconscious convention is seriously unaware of, and when you *do the work* of your Nuclear Relatives and Relationships, you not only Awaken yourself to your own inherent physics dynamics, but to the entire Quantum Entanglement/Overall Universal Physics Dynamics/Translucent Structure/Empathy Throughout as well!
"Buried within the message itself is the key to decoding it!" -
More to come...
(Writing...to be continued. Subject to editing.)
** I've tested lots of other "codes" and applied the same plotting out of curiosity, and they just do not illustrate a flying saucer or space telescope as does the "Wow!" code 6equj5. Fun to play with, but no where near the depths and heights of profoundly serious Universal Physics/Quantum Entanglement revealed in Nuclear Relatives and Relationships *work!*
YOU have to *do (your own) work,* of your Nuclear Relatives and Relationships, which can be very extensive, taking years, decades, if you want to realize the true Universal Physics Dynamics going on,
in action, in the
* in any and every *Now,* for yourself. I cannot TELL you, or GIVE you, your own
direct experience! You have to
EARN it for yourself!
The Universe itself made that rule, not me. It forces you to confront your own truths to *realize* what
it is really all about. That is a truly fascinating Dynamic, isn't it?! It is as though the Universe itself has established that only those who have proved themselves *worthy* enough to handle the truth/Truth will *access* it. It is a profoundly humbling experience. The Universe has a Consciousness, which becomes undeniable the more Awakened/Enlightened you become. Is it any wonder so many give it a Name?!
YOU have to actually *do the work* yourself to
far more highly evolve, because
as you do all that work, you cannot help but become aware of/recognize/realize, via just how truthful you are being with yourself, precisely what exactly is happening. I can only "play tour guide." It's like the expression, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink!" The Universal Dynamics reveal themselves to you
while you are working on your Nuclear Relatives and Relationships. Here is a fairly easy example: Suppose you wrote:
"My mother lives near a police station."
Your Nuclear Relatives and Relationships *work* would teach you to
simultaneously hear that your ultimate innermost self stays close to rules and regulations. In just that, your own truthfulness with yourself within would help you awaken to how language is multidimensionally layered truth, physics, *elementary energies,* how language (when you do enough of these...hundreds, thousands, consistently) is put together, how the Universal Dynamic works relative to not only that but to all else, how your own inherent physics you were born with works inside of you, how projectionXreflection and withinXwithout work, and on and on and on...
When you extensively work on your own
relatives you learn to recognize Einstein's (and everything's)
relativity, including that of time and space (revealing what they really are), and when you work on your
relationships you learn how everything, everywhere in the Universe, is
related to everything else, including events, happenings, your "even-"ing news, and how all that is within yourself and without yourself
NonLinearly! See "Einstein's Quantum Riddle" in all that? People are always waiting for me to simply TELL them the Answers, and get very angry when I don't, but I
can't, if you truly want superConsciousness and to be
far more highly evolved, Awakened, for yourself!
You have to actually earn it, not have it handed to you.
It doesn't work like that! It's not Consciousness unless
YOU are the one telling yourself, as it all arises (via balance) *within yourself.* Everything else is conventional rote repetition, aka...