Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XLII

*Doing the Work*...continued.**

Extended Relatives/*Relatives* and Relationships/*Relationships
Learning to Process Language, TimeXSpace and the Universe Multidimensionally/NonLinearly

We are fully integrated entities within the entire Universal System/Dynamic, NOT as mere passive observers, guessing our way along, but as *directly experiencing* entities in its/OUR Translucent, Empathic, Synergistic Structure throughout.

Learn here *how to* actually go INSIDE the entire process to inescapably *recognize* and respect it for yourself.

In addition to your Nuclear Relatives and Relationships *work* exposing the Truth of yourself, to yourself, all language, math and physics dynamics around your painful-to-confront pronouns are likewise multidimensional, Translucent, Synergistic and NonLinear. Look closely enough and the next horrific events on the evening/*even*-ing news are being revealed in your grocery list, your laundry receipts, your new mop instructions, your commercials on TV. Turn off the TV and turn on the radio, and there they are again. Turn off your radio and pick up an old book, open to any page, and there they are again.

NonLinearity really does mean NonLinear!

Your Universal Answers you seek are right there in your very own mirror. *Do the work* to transcend conventionally mistaken notions of time and space, of "past" and "future," of language and concepts lost to collective unconscious convention's artificial boundaries and oppressions, and discover whatever your heart is searching for, when you allow yourself the courage to be real with yourself. The Universe forces you to confront your own ultimate innermost truths to position yourself to reflectively *realize/recognize* and inescapably appreciate and respect its overall Process.

Discover your current *timeXspace* signature and how that relates to quantum entanglement.

There is no better way than your Nuclear Relatives/relatives and Relationships/relationships *work* to learn what the Universe is actually doing, because AS you are working on your relatives and relationships, you cannot help but see that true Universal Dynamic IN ACTION for yourself, from the INSIDE. The more *work* you do, the more you see and recognize, inescapably. The more devoted you become to the process of going INSIDE the Universal Dynamic, the more "conviction" (Dalai Lama's word) you will have, because its consistency is incredible and absolutely fascinating. You cannot escape *recognizing* that the Universe is a living, breathing, pulsating *Entity* in its own right, NOT necessarily anthropomorphic, but Translucent Energy *knowing* exactly what to do, when and how to do it, where and why...

You cannot safely sit outside the Universal Dynamic making assumptions and hoping to remain "in control" and self-determined. You have never been "in control" and "self-determined." That is all an illusion.

Imagine yourself standing in a very crowded room with many others, determined to stay in place and not be affected at all when everyone else keeps moving around, pushing and shoving, bumping into you constantly, but there you are, assuming yourself totally unaffected. That would be an illusion because with every move you make, your physics have been *changed,* like it or not. Measure the physics in a tank of water, then swoosh your hand through the water, then measure it again, and the physics have *changed,* redefining, repositioning, relative to everything else.

There is no power in clinging to a conventional illusion of control. Convention is made up of billions of people genuinely sleepwalking their way through their entire lives, their very foundation a house of cards, their mistaken notions of time and space, past and future, all human-invented, their rules and regulations and expectations of each other (and everything else) their walls and boundaries, and heavy sanctions, dare anyone try to escape.

The only thing that wakes up unconscious convention, however temporarily, is when horrific events happen, like 9/11/01 and natural devastations, to powerfully JOLT them out of their sleepwalking, but so quickly they rush back to their slumber, their complacency, their delusions/illusions-relative comfort zones, blaming their deities and each other for the calamities. ("That town is so evil that God made them learn their lesson!")

How Mind Processes Universal Synergism, Translucence, Empathic *Energy*
You've explored the patriarchical *without* and matriarchical *within* energies of yourself and hopefully also read the Cosmic Christ connection (Nag Hammadi), and the God Particle and Goddess Particle articles here, and are now at least exposed to the baseline reality that the Universe is a system of polar opposite *energies* exchanging places throughout, affecting everybody, everything, everywhere. The more unconscious you are, the more you are like a domino getting knocked over by them when those *energies* flow your way. As in the benevolent martial art, Aikido, the more Conscious you are of them, the more you can simply...step out of the way...when they come your way.

*Remembering* that you are mapping BOTH what the Universe is doing, and what MIND is doing, simultaneously (*quantum hint*) with those energies, and closely watching the Universal Dynamic revealing itself to you (with so much more to come), let's move on to left brain, right brain, yang and yin, aggression vs passivity.

Write several pages about your brother(s), each separately. As with father/Father and mother/Mother *work* previously done here, when you feel you have written sufficiently enough for now, with the rest of your life destined to continue to awaken you further, this time read everything you've written back to yourself, replacing all references to brother/he/name as...your very own left brain, thinking, thoughts, cognition, intelligence, intellectualizing, aggression, yang. Older brothers expose/superimpose intensity of conviction, while younger brothers reveal more recent, less rigidly adhered to conviction, relative to their age.

Next, invertedly write several pages about your sister(s), again each individually, and then read your writings back to yourself as your very own right brain, feelings, emotions, intuitions, passivities, yin. Older sisters expose more deeply established conviction in your feelings and emotions, while younger sisters reveal less commitment, lighter feelings and emotions, more recently experienced.

*Now* with your basic Nuclear relatives and relationships evolving your consciousness toward the true Universal Dynamic throughout, you at least so far are positioning yourself to evolve *even* further toward being able to *recognize* and *realize* the pushes and pulls of relativity (how everything is relative to everything else that's also happening), and how everybody and everything is synergistically related to everybody and everything else. With enough advancement as you progress (over weeks, months, years, decades, lifetimes), you will be hearing your mother/father/sister/brother super(im)positions/energies relentlessly from now on, constantly experiencing "aha!"s forever now, constantly confronting you, waking you up when you are least expecting it.

Your Nuclear father, mother, brother, sister *work* can keep you *working* "forever," because with every next new thing they say or do, your physics are simultaneously (as in quantum's spooky action made simple) affected as well.

You now have your very basic template of *within*X*without* MIND X Universal Dynamics, microscopes to Cosmos, left and right.  If you think this is all a bunch of malarkey, be true to yourself and watch the process unfold, and as you go along it all begins multiplying exponentially, so you need to get your act together fast, because your illusions multiply you into chaos if you aren't paying enough attention, and that's a lot to get yourself back out of. Best to be real and honest with yourself from the start.

Extended Relatives and Relationships Refine and Define, and Reveal
While your older and younger siblings refine your template to help you hone in to Higher Reality, your extended relatives and relationships carry you even more deeply into multiple dimensions and parallel worlds, within and without, introducing you to the world of Universal Dynamics within yourself that you likely never before *realized* have resided in you all along. Actual multiple dimensions and parallel worlds await that you get to experience directly!

Write about and *hear* the following as your multidimensional:

Grandfather > maternal x paternal (mother's father, father's father)
Grandmother> maternal x paternal (mother's mother, father's mother)
Aunts > maternal x paternal (mother's sisters, father's sisters (age intensities apply) )
Uncles > maternal x paternal (mother's brothers, father's brothers (age intensities apply) )

We are imprinted (entangled) upon each other at a much higher physics level than folks *realize.*

Aunts' and uncles' children (your cousins) reveal *even more* clearly defined, honed into aspects/truths of you *within* yourself that super(im)pose everybody, every event, every everything *without* yourself.

Do not skip *doing this work* as they take you into profoundly intense levels of feelings and intelligence, into multidimensional layers of yourself that you need if you are going to process the Universal Physics from a much *higher* place of NonLinear *Access.*

All the while you are *doing the work* the Universal Dynamic is revealing itself to you!

And of course you are no where near done with your relatives and relationships *at home* because you also have your great (and great-great...) grandparents and great aunts and uncles to contend with!  But the physics revealed to you in doing these is extraordinary, because you get to directly experience the mathematics involved, and all sorts of other applications, as well.

If you are seeing all this as inconsequential psychobabble with zero proof, relegating them to "soft science" psychology (which even itself is not at all!), you are very naive and trapping your own self out of *higher Consciousness*/Awakening/Enlightenment, quickly forgetting/losing sight of the True Overall Universal Dynamic you are supposed to be watching for "between the lines."

Humans have essentially hidden, buried, inadvertently, unwittingly disguised the Universal *Energies* flowing (NonLinearly) throughout themselves (and all else) into sounds that come out of them as expressions of those *energies,* into language that has distracted them from the *higher truths*/origins they are really *interacting* with. *Doing the work* reverses the damage done to *higher Consciousness* of the true Universal Process by re-exposing you to the real information they carry, teaching you "how to" once again *experience*/*recognize*/directly *realize* inescapably that everything is happening at the *Energy*/NonLinear Empathy-Translucence level. Conventional minds (about 99% of the planet's population, according to a major university's dept. head) have totally lost and habituated themselves in their unconscious interpretations of those *energies* flowing through them, flowing throughout all/Awe, that they've rendered themselves dominoes being knocked over /////////... when those *energies* come their way.

This is the level of *interaction* that quantum physicists are currently baffled by, unable to figure out Einstein's Spooky Action (at a Distance) of Quantum Mechanics (atoms/quasars...everything, actually, when they Awaken themselves to become superConscious of it, *interacting* simultaneously).


**  A Place to Begin: HERE!