Sunday, January 27, 2019

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XLIII

If Only an Earthquake, Tsunami, Catastrophic Event or Atom Could Talk!

They can! And they do! 

With NonLinear superConsciousness, you would *remember* how to *listen.*

The missing "element" that modern science and quantum physicists have yet to evolve enough to discover or *recognize* is...the human element.

Aka... Collective unconscious conventional... *interference.*

What humans do with the Universal Dynamic is nothing short of self-defeating, en masse.

...  invented a one-way (cerebral neglect) linear clock, destroying billions of minds' ability to reflect/*reflect, making *realization* of what time and space really are next to impossible.

... projected themselves into oblivion (collective unconscious convention), and trapped themselves into all that chaos via relative defense mechanisms, comfort zones, safe places they won't relinquish.

... established rules, regulations, expectations and artificial boundaries, closely guarded by harsh sanctions, dare anyone attempt to escape (toward balance).

... hidden the real Universal Truth/Dynamic under layers upon layers of object-ified language distractions /misperceptions.

... established elitist sciences to invalidate and discard surfacing realities/truths/balances/hints/haunts/taunts by the true *higher physics.*

... positioned pop cultural fads and fashions to conveniently dismiss activities capable of redirecting them (meditation, yoga, spiritual retreats, etc.)

... rigidly adhered to "modern scientific method" when all signs lead to a need for serious reconsideration

But there is hope yet for global unconsciousness to be redirected, as increasingly evolving scientists are humbling themselves enough to meet in dialogue with HH Dalai Lama, to share insights and learn from one another.

Why the Dalai Lama?

Because Buddhism is founded upon Universal Physics whose *realizations* (not projections) go back thousands upon thousands of years. The Dalai Lama and other high level Tibetan Buddhist monks are brilliant people holding Geshe degrees, PhD equivalent, in serious *higher physics* Awakenings that *arise* from *within* themselves with increasing Balance, to reflectively reveal all that is *without* themselves. ("Buddha" is simply a Sanskrit word for *realizer* bestowed upon a regular everyday man like any other who happened upon his own Awakening/Enlightenment of Universal Physics Reality.)

What is missing is a *much closer look* at the dynamic of ...dialogue... itself!

The Universal Answer is, and has always been, right there, *present* in the everyday language we speak, no matter the native language or culture.

Language is the expression of the *energies* that flow throughout everything in Existence, whether sentient (experiencing) beings, inanimate objects, things deemed "physical"/"material," Nature's trees, plants, mountains, volcanoes, rivers, rocks, soil, the weather, the Cosmos, biological/microscopic organisms, events/happenings, whatever.  If it *exists* in any manner, it inescapably is being moved and motivated by/within the Universal Translucent Empathic NonLinear *Energies Exchange.*

Imagine, if you will, that the whole entire Universe and all within it resided within "the black hole" - *Empty* Core - such that everything in itself, everybody, every event, was all Translucent, Empathic *Energy* "in place" in spaceless, timeless Nothing.  In other words, in NonLinear stillness/*still*-ness.

*Now* expand that vision out into the entire Overall NonLinear Process.

We, it, all...are that Translucence, as everything is already all said and done in a NonLinear Universe.

Each layer/harmonic/pulsation away from the Core and back again (*Energy Exchange*) is *interconnected* (like the edges of a tissue paper pumpkin or bell, like XXXXXXXXX), because, for instance, relative to yourself, you may be more evolved or aware in certain areas and not in others, making those layers/dimensions highly *interactive* with each other *frequencyXintensity relative,* and not separated, disjointed, isolated from each other.

*Now*...about those Talking Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Catastrophic Events and Atoms...

Everything that is happening, in every *Now,* is *Energy Exchange,* and we, as fully integrated entities within that energy exchange, have the ability, if Conscious enough, to *recognize* how those exchanges/*energies* present themselves in and around us, such that *energies* building toward an imminent earthquake, for instance, can be *realized* for exactly what they are! If one is superConscious enough of the dynamics going on around them, they can recognize changes, differences, increases congealing toward surface manifestation.

If you have fluently and thoroughly *done the work* with your Nuclear Relatives and Relationships, you realize and respect that there are layers upon layers of reality surfacing in between all those sentences and superimpositions, and that all language, all words are multidimensional *energies.* You also recognize the mathematics and patterning not-so-hidden inside all those multidimensional layers, and how all those super(im)positions, multidimensionalities, mathematics and patterning, etc., are fully present in everybody, everything, every event, every whatever.  When you are fluent enough, it all becomes so easily *realized* as interconnected and Translucent, Ultimately...Empathy at the Universal Core level Throughout (quantum entanglement), and you directly and *knowingly* experience your own Translucence and quantum entanglement "in a blip second." When you are Awakened and comfortable with the real Reality, you are not intimidated by the Universal Dynamic, but rather highly respectful of it, aligned with the dynamics going on, and to *recognize* congealing events surfacing toward manifestation, such as earthquakes, tsunamis and other horrific events, etc...

In other words, whatever is going on with them, moment by moment, is simply *energy,* or *language* (as is your own), and if you are Awake enough that language (of earthquakes, tsunamis, whatever is congealing toward your evening/*even*-ing news) is not a foreign language to you! It is just recognizable *energy!*

If you are reading this without having *done the work,* you are hearing it as nothing more than gobbleygook from your place of conventional "logic." Trust is a huge issue to master in becoming Awakened/Enlightened.  As with the earlier macrame strings example, simply learn to "set it aside" while you do your work on your Nuclear Relatives and Relationships, and little by little your onslaught of *aha!s* will become your supporting evidence you feel you need for now.

More to come...

(Writing, subject to editing. I write most of these in handwriting, and when I get them onto here I am surrounded by a lot of animals all vying for my attention...and I prioritize giving it to them. So please pardon any typos, as I tend to correct those in the middle of the night when my many fur family friends are sleeping.)