Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XLV

* Dalai Lama in Q&A Discussions w/People of Thailand in Dharamsala, India

Obviously, I'm a multi-tasker, writing several articles here at once.

This session is interesting, and HH Dalai Lama is very comfortable and down-to-earth at his home, doing these smaller-audience visits, so I really enjoy them.

* Dalai Lama in Dharamsala with Deepak Chopra

Casual conversation with a group of folks attending with Deepak Chopra.

* Dalai Lama w/Israeli and USA Students in Dharamsala, India

Addressing issues and student Q&As.

Dalai Lama begins by providing various examples of how everyone is born the same, and that the basic nature of human beings is compassion, backed by research studies (often seen in university psychology and sociology courses, as well), inherent in survival, such that anything less is learned.

In keeping with Nuclear relatives and relationships, the Dalai Lama uses the "Father Nature" super(im)position in his reference to his visitors' faith and compares theistic and non-theistic approaches.

A theistic approach for folks around the world is really helpful to millions, billions of people, as long as they aren't harming others in the name of that approach, and given that it'll truly take aeons for everyone on the planet to become *realized,* but for those in positions of privilege and authority, a non-theistic approach becomes essential in their responsibility to *elicit change* and protect entire cities full of people otherwise distracted from precautionary attentiveness.

However, that in no way suggests that quantum physicists and other scientists, social leaders, etc., should negate religion and spirituality, because the heuristics in them alone are extraordinary ("Falkors" - NES) in profoundly advancing them far beyond their wildest dreams, if they are paying close enough attention.

If you study religions all around the world, eventually you find yourself asking the *higher* question: "What is everybody really doing?"

That more highly evolving attentiveness is what guides/leads you to higher Universal Realization.

As you *work* on your Nuclear relatives and relationships, an enormity of unexpected *aha!*s and insights rush into your awareness like a massive jigsaw puzzle whose tiny pieces all hold clues and Answers, redirections and "bingo!" moments that no intriguing "game show" could ever compete with or capture attention away from. It is the most profoundly extraordinary experience you could ever hope to have, because it is all 100% real. The Universal Dynamic is highly *interactive* and alive. Defy it and you will quickly realize the consequences of that defiance! Billions of people are born and go through their entire lives having never figured out/*realized* their own/the Universe's/everything's inherent reality/nature.

So religion/theism is an important part of the journey, not the destination,** and scientists do themselves a disservice when/if they negate the experience because the most extraordinary clues/Answers are *forever Present* and waiting to be *recognized.*

Reincarnation, for instance, while connected to certain theologies, serves as a powerful heuristic that teaches/guides science to ask the harder, higher questions that otherwise could leave those scientists with "centuries" to go through to reach that timeXspace signature *access.*

Reincarnation forces folks to "turn around" to *reflect* upon themselves and higher reality they otherwise are too habituated to collective unconsciousness to explore, and confronts them in their rush to conventional linear "logic" to help them "stay awhile" to wonder...longer. Everything that is going on is in its current timeXspace signature (address) status, meaning that it is all like a code or key that only applies to that timeXspace situation, time and space being nothing more than projection and reflection relative to the Core Truth, and the manifestations of that situation. This is why when something profound happens, folks often say "it's like time stood still!"

Collective unconscious convention itself is a "timeXspace signature," or temporary (relative to its ability to *change*) address in the Grand Scheme of All Things, where it has unwittingly, inadvertently *suspended*/locked itself in its "wormhole"/'lookingglass" fall, unable to propel itself further until it rebalances its approach.

Black holes, for instance, in the grand scheme of things (at that level), would be points of *balance* in The Nothing trying to put itself back together again (like a jigsaw puzzle, with a rush recognition of an area of puzzle pieces going together), all the while simultaneously The Something is trying to project-to-protect itself from dissolution/resolution.

When you turn your timeXspace black hole hourglass on its side, you *realize* you have an illustration of your very own cerebral hemispheres and corpus callosum (*interconnectedness*).

So, as you can see, theistic and non-theistic approaches so beautifully and heuristically work together to suggest, compliment and support one another, whether you are a quantum physicist or just trying to get through your day with personal meaningfulness and social comfort. Again, I love the expression in the movie "Yentl": "Wisdom is the means. Living is the end!"

The Physics of Reincarnation
The more Conscious one is, the more *access* one has to a more expansive *Now* experience, visually somewhat like the difference in size between a tiny disc and a vinyl LP album. The more you become Awakened, the more you are able to directly see and experience a much broader appreciation for the Universal Dynamic in action, in the *Now,* in every *Now.* Your "parade view" increasingly expands NonLinearly the more Awakened you are.

Despite what collective unconscious convention does with it, we are all born with our NonLinear inherent truth intact, and it is only once all that mistaken linear distraction rushes in to overtake and redirect you that you lose your beautiful *accesses* to the real multidimensional *reality.*

While you are still/*still* NonLinearly Aware as a very young child, there's only so far your still intact broader Conscious *accesses* can go before you find yourself back in a previous existence! Think higher physics dynamics here, not conventional object-ification and value constructs from their place of unconsciousness (aka the *stories* they tell themselves). In other words, watch the physics, the dynamics, from an opening mind, not the mistakenly established invalidation of the collective unconscious and its many artificial walls and boundaries. If you are ever going to more highly evolve, you have to learn to let go of what convention has done with NonLinear Universal Truth, where it has mindfully practically gone extinct. When you run into something your mind tries to negate or question the "common sense" of, set aside conventional "logic" and learn to simply observe as you learn (*pure observation*), until you evolve enough to have all the supporting information you need toward having that "common sense" explanation. Convention has never had its "feet on the ground." The whole of convention is established delusion/illusion!

When a child of 3 (as I was, for instance) is still NonLinearly Aware (and thank goodness I never lost mine!), before becoming/being distracted away from it by those linear delusions/illusions, her or his Conscious *access* would be expansive (as with the disc sizes visual mentioned above), and at only 3 years old, there's only so far you can go before your have no choice but to *access* previous life, or pre-current life physics. (I have detailed the physics previously on this blog!)

<<<< ...-7...-6...-5...-4...-3...-2...-1...<...0...>+1...+2...+3...+4...+5...+6...+7... >>>>

In other words, NonLinear processing has to include lateral symmetry <<--0-->> (ultimately, spherical) and it is only after the mistaken linear *cerebral neglect* of convention sets in...


...that children no longer *remember* the True Reality. It's still there, but by then hidden/lost in layers upon layers of basic consciousness levels, the very same layers upon layers of consciousness levels/multiple dimensions you need to learn to weed yourself back through, via your Nuclear Relatives and Relationships *work,* to become re-Awakened. Same as well for folks who drink or otherwise vice themselves into altered states of consciousness to escape whatever they are escaping.

So, for *access* to move into this life, it has to likewise simultaneously (simultaneity being relative) expand invertedly equivalently, equi-distantly, because that is what NonLinearity IS!  If you aren't lost in conventional notions, there is nothing to inhibit your natural physics from *accessing* the physics involved.

Until convention rushes in with its rules and regulations inhibiting your ability to NonLinearly process, with its pink and its blue, its this and its that, its values and invalidations, your *access* remains intact, and your *within* experiences manifest in space *without,* allowing you to *see* those manifestations.

I often actually *see* in extraordinary detail what I am detecting congealing toward manifestation in the NonLinear physics, as if watching it all happening on a translucent giant screen, because vision doesn't just come from without to within, but also from within to without, so if I can already *see* what is congealing toward the evening/*even*-ing news with my superConsciousness, long before it manifests, as I often have, that would be the same thing as a toddler being able to *visually recognize* that equi-distant space "in a previous life." They would be seeing the *state of the art of the heart* of the physics within, manifesting naturally without.

The Tibetan Buddhist practice of accepting young children as novices into monk-hood has often been questioned by conventional minds as something that should wait until they are of age and can then choose for themselves, but by then their minds are soooo chaotically entangled into illusional/delusional perceptions of life and reality that it is very, very difficult, as it is with scientists just beginning to awaken themselves, to take back their inherent *access* to Universal Truth.

"Crisis of Emotion" - Dalai Lama
The Dalai Lama emphasizes in his meeting with Israeli and USA students, as he consistently does in his Dialogues with global scientists (quantum physicists, neurobiologists, psychologists, etc.), that the world is going through a "crisis of emotion" right now, where (for one contributing factor) news agencies focus on reporting all the influential, emulated negativities but neglect/negate an equal balance of healthy, positive human interest stories, skewing global mindset toward robotic, emotionally detached intellectualizations and away from feelings, empathy and compassion. (Click the link above this paragraph to see how people, en masse, are being unconsciously influenced by larger goings-on around them.)

My Quantum Christ/Nag Hammadi Library blog article shows how people the world over are unconsciously, unwittingly "acting out" the Universal Polar Energies Exchange, with Patriarchical aggression shifting toward Matriarchical passivity, creating that evening/*even*-ing news, and that Dynamic Shift is emptying of churches and temples and other religious facilities, now pouring millions of folks out into the streets in massive demonstrations worldwide to overthrow governments and other perceived oppressions, and billions of people are unconsciously, unwittingly mere dominoes being knocked over by these Overall Energies, "acting them out" so dutifully.

Awareness arises within/comes from *balance,* and societies' leaders, authorities, scientists, etc., at the helm have an enormous responsibility to Awaken themselves enough to behave/present that *balance,* emulated by millions/billions of people. There is no excuse to be selfish with the whole world watching and trusting, copying and idolizing.

All the extraordinary researching of the Cosmos still all comes back to quality of life for planet Earth in the *Now.*

Dalai Lama's Physics Point
So, "basic human values"/compassion become a lot more (scientifically) powerful and important than many otherwise appreciate and respect. Global mindfulness is seriously distracted in its linearly "acting out" and needs to "turn around" to *reflect* and become Aware of itself.

(Writing, subject to editing, typo fixing asap...)

** The 2012 apocalypse scare phenomenon of so many people fearing "the end of the world" from their belief systems that never came was the result of folks' mistakenly anticipating the Ultimate End from their unconscious, incomplete notions/beliefs/religions that were unable to come full circle, meaning that what they thought was "the end" looked more like the refresh icon arrow on your computer that does not make a full circle. In physics reality, and everything has physics, theism included, anyone can take their personalized "vehicles" toward the Universal Core, but upon approaching it they are required to step out of their personalized "rides" and leave them behind (temporarily, because they can go back to them when they return) to align/resolve/dissolve themselves within the *One*-ness of it all. So all those "end of the world" concerns were not the end of their journey toward Higher Universal Truth.