Thursday, January 3, 2019

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XL

The Polar Exchange, the Matriarch and the (Goddess) Particle
(*Doing the Work,* continued...)

Brace yourself, because the Matriarch *within* can seem like the ancient analogy for Truth: Water...soft and gentle, life giving and refreshing, but dangerously capable of moving mountains and redefining rock.

Nuclear Family mother/Mother can be incredibly challenging, *even* painful, for anyone just beginning to *do the work* toward becoming more Universally Aware. If you can get yourself over this threshold still holding onto your latest (Dalai Lama's) ladder rung, without sliding back down into the comfort and security of the collective unconscious convention, you may well be on your way to being *far more highly evolved.*

Write several pages about your mother/Mother, again being as truthful and honest as you can be. The Universe can never be lied to. It *already knows* all your innermost Truths. This is for you to *know* them, too/two!** Good, bad and indifferent, include everything your heart needs to say. *Remember* to keep your writing for your eyes only. This is very real physics you are waking up to, everyone's (and everything's/every event's) inherent physics. The more *work* you do, the more you will *realize* just how very, VERY real it is!

When you feel you have written sufficiently enough (for now/*Now.* You'll be doing this *work* inescapably for years/decades to come, intentionally or otherwise, notes or not), and that you have been completely honest, go back over what you have written and read it all to yourself, *hearing* everywhere you have referred to your mom as your "ultimate innermost self," your "I, me."

Because these *aha!*s and awakenings can hit really close to home, they can be very, very painful. If you haven't thrown your notebook across the room by now, as NES's Bastian, this just may be when you do! (I wouldn't advise it, though! Could be like throwing your best friend away!)

Confronting your true self can feel like giving birth to yourself, as previously mentioned, because you are going deeper and deeper inside yourself (and INSIDE the Universal Dynamic), pulling out everything you have hidden away, not only from the world, but from yourself, as well.

You will need to read and re-read all of these again and again, because gradually they will be realized as talking back to you, far beyond your immediate relatives/*relatives* work, awakening in you the ability to hear and locate hidden dimensions of yourself, of multidimensional language/processing, of Universal Physics Dynamics you may have never *even* noticed existed before.

These are the very physics that will help modern science understand the workings of the Cosmos, realize the "purpose" of black holes, locate wormholes, resolve dark energy and dark matter, see why and how "the universe is expanding," how to protect space flight and exploration, and how to save countless lives back on planet earth. Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, all workings of nature, of horrific human-initiated or any other-initiated tragedies and catastrophes. Nothing can escape these NonLinear Core physics. Years ago I used these dynamics to *listen* to serious documentaries on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, and they went right to their core causes and cures. Patients, relatives and physicians could not hear themselves exposing their answers. Same with serious documentaries on science and discovery channels. Scientists are unconscious and unable to process NonLinear Reality.

There's a consistent, persistent, synergistic Universal Physics Dynamic flowing throughout all/Awe, and as a fully integrated entity within that Universe, its Physics Dynamics are likewise your physics dynamics. Dare to courageously venture deeply *within* and you will align with, and Awaken to, the Truth of what is going on "out there," *without.* Throughout.

More to come...

Writing, subject to editing... (and typo fixing!)

** Too/two (and so much more) become recognized as a very revealing math along the way, an important tool among many more yet to come, as you evolve toward Awakening.