Friday, December 31, 2021

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories etc.. Extended XII

... And Detailed for Replication Purposes... XII (Continuing...)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...

*Structure* in *Emptiness*

Going Deeper, Soaring Higher

Einstein had nothing on you! If you only knew...what you really are capable of! And he tried so hard to tell the world that, himself, but no one knew how to hear him!

He was as amused, and as frustrated, as I have been! The Answers are right there! How on earth can they still not be recognized?

You are not what you think you are! You are soooo much more! Everyone is! It's heartbreaking to watch billions of folks the world over living in the chaos of their own making, when it just doesn't have to be that way!

As higher and higher realizations within yourself *reflect* and reveal to you higher and higher realizations without yourself, layers upon layers of hidden dimensions on those extended harmonics (((( )))) come forth to claim their rightful place in your Awakening. Seemingly outta no where, far more abstract and increasingly complex recognitions arise within you equipped with the depth of your newly discovered *accesses*, along with your amazement at not only your newfound ability to process them but the *realization* of your *worthiness* to even/"even" have them!

It has always been a playful yet highly respectful curiosity of mine that it seems almost intentional that ONLY those who genuinely give of themselves (in *doing the work*) with that much selflessness and courage are those mysteriously "allowed" to *access* these Higher Realizations! Makes for fascinating wonderment, that's for sure! You'll see what I mean when you *get there.* All anthropomorphizing aside, reality discover yourself *entrusted* in a way you enormously and humbly *respect*!

I genuinely hope for you that you directly experience this for yourself!

Direct experience is key!

Like Carl Sagan himself said, "Buried within the message itself is the key to decoding it!"

Fascinating as all heck how it got there!

Everything you find yourself pondering now has increasingly more depth and balance and *aha!* factors, as better tools build better bridges to carry you beyond your wildest dreams!

I love the elements in Carl Sagan's movie "Contact," which is like The NeverEnding Story for scientists, that speak directly to my heart, albeit breaking my heart that scientists still think that movie was pure fantasy! The recognition that the message could only be decoded from a place of mathematical multidimensionality, that Ellie saw Translucence as her wormhole journey began, that scientists in the "control room" (hear that?) only saw static, insisting on malfunctioning, as mindful Ellie alone was propelled through her wormhole, that the White House secretly confided in each other that while only seconds were observed by those at "control," there actually had been... "18 (h)ours" of Time missing!

Now what do you suppose hap... Well, relinquish some of your need for control ("self" in HH Dalai Lama's message) and perhaps you'll figure that out! ;) 


Your Extended Nuclear Relatives / Relativ-ity

Where are they going to take you?

First, to quote Bastian in The NeverEnding Story, your homework to watch back in Shangri-La ... 

"A math test! Oh, no!"

Don't panic just yet! You can pull this one off!

It is all / Awe...about *energy*, and to give you a guide to help you fathom that *energy* as you venture into your extended relatives / relativ-ity: Draw a glimpse into the warping fabric / tapestry of the Universe in your notebook, and see if you can recognize its stillness /*still*-ness super(im)position. 

How? Well, here's a *hint*...for *Now*: Count from zero to nine horizontally. Then, vertically. We'll come back to this!

Your Extended Relatives / Relativ-ty: Grandmother and Grandfather

More homework:

Write a few pages about your grandparents, separate for each.

(To be continued...)