"No one could have predicted the earthquake in Indonesia on December 26, 2004," they told the world with such confidence on an educational channel documentary the other day.
Again and again, I hear these very same comments, and often immediately after an event, when the conventional "experts" are scrambling to cover their distractions and mistakes. The frustration builds and intensifies within myself, because I
have detected those events loooong before they manifested, so I have
instant proof that accurate prediction is available! "How on earth can I possibly wake these people up, in time to save countless lives," I wonder. "What's it gonna take, to be able to get them into that *essential place* they need to be in, to be able to hear what I am trying so hard to share with the world?"
"No one could have predicted...( the earthquake, tsunami, etc. )..." ????
Wrong! Very, VERY wrong!!!!
had detected that nightmare, and its multi-country devastation and death toll (aka its *intensity*) at the BEGINNING of 2004, and most accurately months before that, given the manner in which the Universe reveals itself, which you'll *grasp* more attentively as we move along. (Briefly, the *energy* building toward a manifestation is recognized as coming from various places, including the hints and clues of everyday life, moving toward congealing with one another (aka,
sharing the same level of physics/*energy,* aka timeXspace signature!), and with every subsequent recognition (sometimes presenting itself as a split-second visual flash) of an approaching event, a memory trace is created, such that, with every successive recognition, yet another new piece of data is "let in," to further define, and refine, the event.). This is the multidimensional math and language at work! Repeatedly, I *knew* the multi-country tsunami was approaching, as if the Universe was SCREAMING it louder and LOUDER at me to *know* it, so much so that I repeatedly began not only recognizing the math/language, but also visually *seeing* it flashing in front of my eyes, as if watching a giant transparent television screen (my entire visual field) intent on showing me what is going to happen! I *realized* via frequencyXintensity that it was soooo huge that it would devastate many countries and kill huge amounts of people! Over a quarter of a million people were going to be killed, and the Universe already *knew!* And so did I! Where was I to take this information I had? As I've said many times in these blogs, I could dissolve it all within myself and disappear off the planet, but the events still/*still* manifest!!!! Can you hear that? This is a NonLinear Universe! Everything is...still/*still!*
I think a really good way to express this, in terms that won't chase people away so quickly, is this:
Momentum! Look how horrifically powerful those horrible storms are, out there. Most recently, what happened in Oklahoma! Well, given that
"stuff happens because the conditions are in place for them to happen," it is fairly reasonable to accept that the Universe and its "brain" are in a much better place in life to *know* what all is going on with its own *energies,* over and through many dimensions, so it has ENORMOUS "parade view" over most humans! When horrific events occur, the *energy* behind them has long been a part of the Universal "brain," so to speak, and that momentum it has going,
as those conditions build toward an event, has loooong been set into place, far beyond anything a mere human would be able to detect!
I need to repeat this:
MOMENTUM has long been set into place,
as it builds toward an event, such as an earthquake!
If your ability to *process* "momentum" is locked into that of unconscious convention, you are NOT going to see it coming!
If that "mere human" is superConscious, however, the *reflective access* (alignment with that momentum) is there, majorly broadening that person's "parade view" of what the Universe, and its *energies,* are doing...
multidimensionally! At that point, the *energy* that is building toward a specific manifestation is
"felt *energy,*" mathematically detected through
What science is primarily missing, and often admits to having no idea about, is where the *energy* preceding an earthquake/tsunami (etc) is coming from, and "how to" detect that information early enough to make it applicable to their work of prediction/detection.
The very first step to having *access* to, and genuinely *grasping,* those Answers, is to respectfully and responsibly concede that the conventional line-ar approach to life (past to present to future) is WRONG!
Seriously misguided! And, that there is
soooo much more going on in the Universe, in everyday life, than that! Until that concession, all your time and energy are going to be wasted "doing what you've always done, getting what you've always got!" Aka...surprised, shocked, devastated and...remorseful! When you are ready for actual Answers, you will be prepared to *quiet* yourself into the far more contemplative *place* required of you to traverse and usurp the boundaries of time and space established by unconscious convention, to
walk your talk of *relativity!* (relative time X relative space)
Yes, there are parallel universes, but as I've pointed out in other blog posts here, they are not objects...they are
*accesses!* Extremely finely minute multidimensional layers of *realized accesses!* And on those multiple dimensions are your earthquakes, etc.,
as they form toward the evening/*evening* news! The data you need for accurate prediction, in other words, is waiting for you to notice it...on different-than-convention-allows-itself-to-process
dimensions, aka...levels of relative time and relative space!
It is VERY DIFFICULT to take you into the physics of NonLinear Cognition if you are determined to keep yourself in linear convention. You must "let go" of everything you think you know, and you have to sloooow doooown and not allow your conventional (timeXspace) manner of processing and reasoning to rush you back to your learned comfort zone. Every time you alter timeXspace, in other words, you are on or in another dimension. Convention permits itself only the extremes of its own version of "now," and so the life-saving data you need for accurate prediction remains elusive to you! What I am teaching you here is precisely "how to" get yourself out of being stuck into that narrow field of conventional distraction, so you
can see the *clear path* to the Answers you seek!
*Do the work* (provided in these blogs), in the order it has been presented to you (with much more coming, to help your *far more highly evolved accesses* multiply exponentially), meditate yourself into an *empty* (of conventional projection) *place,* and prepare yourself to go where you haven't gone before. Are you genuinely *ready?* Only you can answer that!
Your Earthquake, Tsunami, etc are PULSATING!
"Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects." Dalai Lama (Twitter: May 10, 2013)
ALL life is like this! Now, as you imagine those ripples moving out in a circular manner, and through everybody and everything in their way, try now to
reverse those ripples, to see them flowing into the point in which they began, returning back to the single pebble dropped into the water. Just as the Universe is pulsating, so are your events, such as your earthquakes and tsunamis, etc., as they build in momentum toward manifesting, sending and receiving rippling *energies* that Nature has inherently created us all to detect!
Your earthquake/tsunami is that pebble, and before it drops and begins the widespread damage it is about to do, those incoming *energies* (more complex-ly,
incomingXoutgoing pulsations) from all else going on in the Universe around it, are not only what set it off, but carry enormities of data throughout all that is going on, on its way to becoming the devastating event. On the day of an earthquake/tsunami about to happen, you're unattentively sitting down to coffee over breakfast and watching the news on television, reading a newspaper, checking your emails or playing a video game. Your kids come in the room, or a colleague, and conversation occurs, but little do you realize the
missed clues in every bit of that, that the Universe is sending to you! In fact, those missed clues have been flowing throughout your life every day, in every way, for days, weeks, months, years,
telling you precisely what is going to happen, but you were distracted into hearing ONLY what you've been taught by convention to hear! You've dismissed the vital clues!
It's time to learn another way of *listening!*
(Take a break here, and
check this out!)
Language is to Humans (and All Creatures) as Exhaust is to a Vehicle!
When you are able to take it *higher,* to get yourself past the barriers of conventional expectation, you can then move into the crucial phase of recognizing language (letters, words, phrases, sentences, etc) as parts and particles of *energy.* These parts and particles flow through us at every moment of our lives! They move us, influence us, and...they try to
WARN us! But next to no one is *listening!* The same goes for the mathematics! In movement
toward the *Universal Core,* math is language dissolved even/*even* more toward the disintegration of distraction and the reality of frequencyXintensity, of the fluctuating *energies* of our pulsating, reflecting Universe!
WE...are the Universe turning around to *reflect* upon itself! With superConsciousness, rather than confining ourselves to the rigid inventions and vested (and convenient) interests of unconscious convention, like dominoes waiting to be knocked over, we can gaze at the *higher reality* of it all, respectfully and humbly observe what it is doing, and then, like a foreign language interpreter,
turn back around to convert and convey that *energy* information (frequencyXintensity, patterns in the (what only appears to be) chaos, *energies*
building, conditions
forming...), re-establish all of that into NonLinear math (which our brains read as patterns) and then into language, and hence reveal to the world what is going on *there,* at, as well as closer to, the Universal *Core,* the home of the every moment data-base of life itself! And you don't need to be a little old man hanging yourself over human-invented mathematical formulas looking for your answers! Your very own brain is designed to do all that, right there in your very own head!
Can you *hear* what I am saying? The world of distracted human convention has long ago forgotten its very own
inherent, original language, used/shared by all in Existence!
(Missed) Momentum
Convention is an illusive, ugly place. Sure, it can seem beautiful, and it sure has filled itself with a seemingly endless array of escape hatches, where folks can "make up" answers to everything they don't understand, and then establish such depths of meaningfulness around them (and also laws, politics, and...self-supporting "sciences!") to guarantee those escape mechanisms will never be taken away! At least, until they are JOLTED into momentary *reality,* or should I say (missed)
"momentum" *reality,* by the many horrors life has to offer! "Momentum," because the Universe is doing what it does, and if you don't bother to notice it, or learn to understand it, you're going to be caught up in it, as if caught in a powerful tsunami mowing down your dream. Those convenient hide-outs of convention have nearly rendered Universal Truth extinct, or at least it would hope! But, truth is...that's never gonna happen! *Reality* has kept itself in place all along, ever-present, and despite its neverending attempts to communicate itself to the world of convention, unfortunately that convention has totally forgotten
how to *hear* and interpret the original, inherent communications of life.
If you confine yourself to only your dream, and not include the Universe as the ultimate dream, you have no choice but to suffer the consequences of linear distraction, and the shock and devastation of having buried your head in the sand, until JOLTED into the temporary awakening of what never had to be!
Does this mean that, with superConsciousness, one can redirect or intervene upon, the actual manifestation of an earthquake or other devastating event? The physics are very clearly there (we, along with all dynamic processes, truly are the weather/*whether*), but, in the practical world (as opposed to chasing Enlightened Ones into such extreme levels "requiring thousands of lifetimes" to accomplish, dissolving the entire Universe and everyone and everything physically, as well as spiritually, into Oneself), that would require a lot more cooperation and participation by others to alleviate that level of *energy!* (Many smaller events can be "redirected" or "intervened upon," though the argument is there that the Universal happenstance "planned," without anthropomorphization, those as well!). Read my many examples around these blogs, for examples, and decide for yourself! I've detected many, many events that could have been redirected, had I been taken seriously!). But, short of actually stopping a powerful earthquake altogether, for instance, what CAN be redirected, for now/*Now,* is
how we respond to them, such as the five seconds-to-zero warning system, currently used by conventional science, into days, weeks, months and years, via the Conscious recognition of the extraordinary details that precede such devastating events that clearly define, refine and "tell on" what is about to occur!
Prior to an earthquake, tsunami, hurricane or other weather/whether-related manifestation (among all others!), the actual details of the event, its mathematics, the language that will be used post-manifestation to discuss it, the frequencyXintensity data involved, etc., are already rushing toward us, and through us, as if the waves of a tsunami trying so hard to WARN that it is carrying a giant ship directly your way, that will run you over if you don't *know* "how to" attentively get out of its way! Its language is your language, its math is your math, because those flowing *energies* rippling through you are precisely what is *determining* YOU!
The *process* is as blatantly simple as it is extraordinarily complex! Because ALL manifestations behave this way, sharing this same dynamic (including with ourselves), it takes one/*One* fluent in superConsciousness to be able to comfortably delineate and decipher a specific imminent event, such as an earthquake or tsunami, etc., from all else happening all around it. But this
*profound energy* of a devastating earthquake assures that it stands out enough to be acknowledged for what it truly is! With profound fluency in all this, the process gets pretty easy! Instead of hearing everyday language on only one level, as it applies to the boundaries of unconscious convention, you hear language (and see the corresponding *activity*) on layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of
multidimensional *reality!* You process the math and its many patterns that way, as well. You *feel* and acknowledge the relative frequencies and intensities of the *energies* flowing through and around you, and through other events, and...while all this may seem next to impossible, it's as easy for one/*One* with superConsciousness, who is very comfortable with NonLinear Universal *reality,* as, perhaps, recognizing an old song you haven't heard in a long time, and smiling at the ease with which you've remembered the lyrics!
(...to be continued with Synergy: The Holy Grail of Seismology V)