Sunday, December 5, 2021

NonLinear Physics Answers to Profound Dalai Lama / Quantum Physicists Questions

Note: Realizing the incredible importance and significance of the information I have to HH Dalai Lama, quantum physicists (re: his 3 day / 9 hour meeting with Taiwanese quantum physicists and their replication / publication questions), etc, and other discussions I've just seen on Twitter, I am hoping to get a chance to ...extend... my conversation below Answering / providing the actual physics which anyone can then do/replicate for themselves, of reincarnation and past life memories, etc. This is just way too important not to! (Because these are the physics required to find cures for deadly diseases, recognize imminent dangers to thousands / hundreds of thousands of people, etc. For real!)

Link to Taiwanese Quantum Physicists with HH Dalai Lama

Shared with HH the Dalai Lama on his fb page: (Recently, soon to be extended and detailed for replication purposes for scientists!).

Your Holiness... I can Answer some of your own questions regarding the quantum physics behind educating the heart, mind being separate from brain, past life memories and reincarnation.

Educating the Hearts of Children

Back in a grad clinical psychology class, I used to go with the professor after a night class to meet with parents of students from a right-brain-inclusive school he'd started (as opposed to left-brain western teaching where students are lined up in rows and taught rotely to learn ONLY what was in the teacher's brain). The parents of the right-brain-inclusive / taught students kept pulling their kids out of the school because they didn't know how to handle them at home. Taught to be creative and to process from within, instead of rotely from without just mimicking their western teachers, generalized into other areas of their lives, proving a much more deeply involved situation that permeated throughout their lives, so it was far more complicated than just their experiences at school, one involving everyone around them in all their other interactions.

Sensory Physicality

This can be recognized in western scientists' obsession with everything needing to have only conventionally-conceived "physicality" to be considered as having validity or worth their time and effort. A reflection of "cerebral neglect syndrome" where the other half / hemisphere of the brain is "left" out. The west does not value what I call "sensory physicality," which is also why quantum physicists mistakenly assume all movement at the quantum level is only linear!

So educating the heart is a far more complicated, far more deeply involved complexity than just surface action! 

Cures for devastating diseases and disorders are far more likely to be found when both sides of the brain are looking for them! Years ago, I had pages of important notes I'd compiled after watching serious documentaries on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases from my Non-Linear Consciousness perspective. No one would listen to me or *even* knew -how- to *listen* and I eventually gave up and tore them up in frustration! The ONLY difference in our nonlinear universe (vs non-existent human-invented linear past, present, future) is Conscious recognition. On that note, humans, particularly in the west, have a long, long way to go for any meaningful *change* to be elicited! 

Reincarnation and Past-Life Memory Physics: 

This is ALSO the physics behind young children having "past life" memories they then cannot remember! I was born with a NonLinear mathematical superConsciousness, profoundly wanting nothing whatsoever to do with sleeping convention at only 3 years old (professionally documented). I had past life memories then and I still clearly remember them because I was already wayyyy too NonLinearly Conscious / across that threshold to allow collective unconscious convention to distract me into their one-sided processing. Reincarnation is superimposed analogical *accesses* in the NonLinear Now! (Deeply-*accessed* accurate analogies / superimpositions to the person's immediate *Now*!)

I also never lost my photographic / videographic memory, which requires NonLinear *access.*

This is also how MIND does not require BRAIN (Nuclear Family extended ancestry superimpositions are accurately in place, physics wise, long BEFORE the brain is *even* conceived!) (Chicken and the egg simultaneously arising / DNA!)

I then added:

It's all happening in the higher and lower harmonics: 

X (((((((((0))))))))) X 

...relative / *relative* to level of Consciousness. The more *highly Conscious* aka NonLinear you are, the more you can *access* in the *Now*! (Edit: This is where the Answers to dangerous diseases and disorders, imminent catastrophic events, etc., will be found, just waiting to be recognized! NOT in unconscious conventionally-conceived-invented timeXspace! Linearity repels the Answers away from yourself!)

And then... 

Animals, BTW, are way more intelligent than most humans realize, because they retain their NonLinear *accesses*, like I do, which is why they know to escape dangers (eqs, tsunamis, etc) that unconscious-linearly lost humans don't see coming! Including snakes! (I very accurately detect eqs, tsunamis, 9-11, OKC Federal Bldg, Vegas massacre, etc. in detail, documented, zero anything whatsoever to do with psychic malarkey). I've studied dolphin language and intelligence (in graduate school comparative psy) and they can read entire paragraphs and go off to perform tasks with military jet precision, when only ONE of them received that instruction! (I directly witnessed it myself! Live dolphins, in the Pacific!) Echolocation meet quantum physics! No time or space to measure between them! Birds, too! Birds even have human facial expressions! Their facial feathers rise in precision to onery, angry, silly, loving, etc! Humans, lost in linearity, are the ones with a lot to learn! And dogs, BTW, absolutely DO SMILE! This shows that animals are thinking and feeling farrrr beyond what humans give them credit for!

Next, I am going to provide actual ...REPLICABLE... DETAILS on past life memory and reincarnation physics, etc., mentioned above! Coming asap...