Saturday, December 11, 2021

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories etc., Extended II

 ...And Detailed for Replication Purposes... II (Continued...)


I cannot emphasize enough just how incredibly important it is for the world to wake up enough to the physics "underwriting" past life memories and reincarnation.

Countless lives could be saved! Thousands, hundreds of thousands, from calamities *realized* "in time" (hear that? You will, differently, if you *do the work* to Awaken yourself!). Billions of lives could be saved, "over time" (how's that for an important preposition?!) with higher realizations in *accessing* elusive cures for horrific diseases and disorders! I ...have... the Answers! Very genuinely! But will anyone bother to listen / *listen*?

Einstein recognized relative time, but that's kindergarten compared to this! For real! (Don't get lost in western compulsion toward worship! That causes you to lose the other side of yourself, of your beautiful brilliance! You are not a "forever less than" to a "Forever More Than"!)**

There is soooo much to this, requiring years of *doing the work* / lifetimes *even*, to directly see it for yourself. But if you allow yourself to relinquish some control and establish TRUST in your very own heart and soul, you will get there sooner rather than later. The resistance you will experience is your natural defense mechanisms trying to rush to redirect and protect you, because we are always moving both Toward and simultaneously Away From the Universal Core Truth. That's because we are constantly pushed and pulled, by physics, to protect BOTH our Nothing and our Something at the same time, in the same space. "The Two Truths"! Trust your *higher heart* and you will align yourself with the Real Reality! As you do, your natural defense mechanisms will grow right along with you (as well as your meaningfulnesses!).

This blog (one of a related series I've written) has already and long ago repeatedly detailed much of what I am addressing here, so essentially everything I am providing here can be even more thoroughly explored by searching this blog and my others for further confirmation.

Here, the most important things to recognize and remember are:

... Dependent Origination (no up without a down, no over without an under) applies to time and space as well. More time, less space, More space, less time. They are breathing, right along with you!

... The Universe is Non-Linear X ((((0)))) X, meaning pulsating harmonically from a Balanced Core. Radiating out and back simultaneously, simultaneity being relative. You can directly and fluently see and experience this with NonLinear Consciousness. It is NOT happening in a straight line (line-arity), going in one direction, and this means that...

... Linear  o)))) one-sided, past to present to future is wrong, including that ONLY conventionally-conceived now is accessible, such that "no one can know the future / predict earthquakes," (which scientists love to mistakenly say / insist upon!). Same for tsunamis, nature-al catastrophic events, etc., or seeing what's coming from human-initiated tragedies, attacks, experiences, etc. Everything is available in the NonLinear Now!

... "The Nothing" is the perfectly Balanced Core, Translucence, Emptiness (of all projection), but there is *structure* in that Translucent Emptiness still / *still* happening. Hear that? There is movement in that Core *still*-ness / stillness. (Ever notice how it takes a heckuva lot of *energy* trying to hold yourself in meditation?) The Nothing / Emptiness is what I've called the "jigsaw puzzle" with all its pieces completely in place. Analogical *Love*. Reflection.

... "The Something" is the beginning of imbalance, of "life," of projection, where that jigsaw puzzle is all jumbled up into pieces, relative to who or what is doing that projection. To the west, that felt / experienced energy is "original sin." To the east, it's "one grain of sand." To modern scientists, it's "the God Particle" (when mass turns into matter). To billions around the globe, it's when mass began to matter!

The only thing different about any of us is that we are each born with our own unique combination of jumbled up jigsaw puzzle pieces, all strewn all over the place, our unique place to be along the yellow brick road to learning who the wizard really is, in Oz. Our very own time X space signature / place to be in the grand scheme of all things / fabric / tapestry of the Universe.

We are constantly shifting in and out of multiple dimensions, the harmonics X (((( )))) X , moment by moment, *accessed* relative to *where we are* in getting our jigsaw puzzle pieces back together correctly (in balance), similar to constantly changing speeds while driving / "driving." (Hear that?)

Time and space are human labels people have put on *energies* they experience as they go through life, neverendingly projecting their storytelling onto every next *place* in the grand scheme / tapestry they are, as *change* happens. Example: thinking vs feeling levels. Time X Space has plasticity, pulsing and breathing relative to...YOU! What we see together "out there" is the state of the art of the heart of the "collective"! As the collective projective changes, Time X Space changes, like elastic, relative / *relative* -ly, co-incident-ally.

Everything is already said and done in a NonLinear Universe! It is ourselves who are simply trying to catch up!

If we allow ourselves to see our truest selves, everything changes! So next, let's get to that, because when you allow yourself to realize your very own higher Truths, you are then in a place *within*  yourself to empathically, trustfully, compassionately recognize that Shared Truth / Physics Reality with all/Awe else in the Universe *without.*

Writing, subject to editing. 

(To be continued...) 


** That mindset is the beginning of the end, because it sets people up with an imbalance they then spend their entire lives trying to rebalance in other ways, to compensate, and the most likely place is at the expense of others! For Christian minded folks, Jesus himself was teaching higher physics / Consciousness / Enlightenment / Awakening, according to ancient books found in Nag Hammadi, Egypt, 1945, dating back to his time. See for yourself, Quantum Christ. This is also actually what The Book of John is about, when read from a higher Consciousness.