Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories etc. Extended IX

 ...And Detailed for Replication Purposes... IX (Continuing...)

Going INSIDE the Living Process, AS it Processes Itself

...and as it processes YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable ...

*Structure* in *Emptiness!* 

Time X Space Signatures in the NonLinear Universe

Close your eyes and observe your breathing. (It is very important not to skip this *work.* Make it a routine while you go along here. Verrrry revealing and informative! Many other paralleling dynamics will also reveal themselves to you along the way, as it all begins multiplying itself exponentially!)  You are observing Time and Space! They are simply breathing, relative to your every thought, every feeling, every perception. Try meditating by saying to yourself "time" (while breathing in), "space" (while breathing out). Next, reverse those to "space" (while breathing in), "time" (while breathing out). Notice what they are telling you! You are not just using abstract words, you are identifying the Truth of what they really are! More time, less space. More space, less time. You are literally driving / *driving* through your own life! (Hear that?) They are simply morphing velocities! (Speed relative to level of mindfulness / Consciousness!)

"Nothing exists at it appears." - HH Dalai Lama

Everything you see "out there" is an ever-changing projection X reflection of the state of the art of the heart of the collective. Within X Without. The Universe is one gigantic MIND, and we are its neurons and neural pathways as it turns around to reflect upon itself.

Sometimes it is really hard for me to sloooow down my NonLinear multidimensional math mind so conventional minds can HEAR me! My brain processes all this with a lifetime (or more! ;) ) of habituation, in a *flash,* because none of this is new to me. In my efforts to be *heard* and *listened to* I am breaking everything down into details required for that to happen, as much as I can, on the time X space signature of collective convention.

As I mentioned in my sharing of my profound experiences at 3 years old, all it takes for me to see and recognize extraordinary details / super(im)positions is a super-fast *flash* ("memories that precede themselves" both forward and back) aka higher *accesses* to what is congealing, or has congealed, on those *energy* layers upon layers of multi(ple)-dimensions because I am super-hyper sensitive to NonLinear *energies."

This is the very same dynamic involved in wormholes. They are merely extreme *balance* points in the Universe, black holes, too! (Cosmic dark energy and dark matter apply!). What *suspends* any of us in wherever we each are in (those wormholes of multidimensional *access*) / life is... Well, it's like a clogged drain! What moves us further is our ability to *balance* ourselves, in each progression, via "doing the work," which propels us on to wherever we again run into "clogged* imbalance. (Think "Alice in Wonderland" falling through her looking glass!)

What constitutes higher and lower Consciousness levels of *access* is our relative time X space signatures / placement in the grand scheme / fabric / tapestry of all things. A way to understand this is simply to see time and space as ingredients in a recipe, with each of us having our very own personalized amounts of each of these "ingredients."  That doesn't constitute choice, overall, though, in terms of getting to make up what we want to believe the Universal Truth is, but... how we choose to navigate ourselves through life wherever we happen to be on our journey in our ever-current understanding.**

Your New-Clear / Nuclear Relatives, continued... (Hear that?)

Broadening your consciousness / conscious *access* on those multidimensional layers / dimensions:

Your father / Father Super(im)position:

Invertedly (to your innermost mother / Mother analogies), your father / Father is your ultimate outermost self revealing itself to you in your pages of notes about your Dad. "He" is your environment.

Go through all your notes about your Dad and *listen* to the Universe revealing and exposing your outer world.

You will be amazed at how the universe doesn't miss a single atom or molecule, not the tiniest wave, such that you can almost hear it talking to you!

Again, you cannot conveniently safely sit idly by trying to just learn ...about... or observe the process from a distance while hiding out. You have to actually *do the work* required to deeply, directly, empathically and consciously *experience* the reality of your inescapable nonlinearity. The universe is watching your every move, and...your every intention! Hiding out is NOT the karma*** you are going to want coming into your life trying to escape responsibility.

To be continued...


** Draw a circle. Fill it with dots. That is the ever-changing fabric of the universe. As you change moment to moment, thoughts, feelings, actions, etc., where your dot is, aka your time X space signature / placement in the grand scheme of all things, changes, relative to how balanced you are, or not.

*** Relative simultaneity.  As often described in these blogs, if the Universal Truth of any given situation is 9 and you behave 6, it will bring that missing 3 into your life as your destiny. If you go 7 then 2. If 4 then 5. It's inescapable in a NonLinear Universe maintaining itself.