Sunday, December 19, 2021

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories etc. Extended VIII

 ...And Detailed for Replication Purposes... VIII (Continuing...)

Going INSIDE the Living Process, AS it Processes Itself

...and as it processes YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable ...

*Structure* in *Emptiness!* 



Remembering that everything is a nonlinear superimposition of everything else, everything nonlinearly paralleling and morphing simultaneously (simultaneity being relative): **

So is everybody...

Your Nuclear Relatives / Relativity / Time X Space NonLinearity  


Remember: You have to ACTUALLY *do the work!* This isn't something you can just safely and conveniently read about, while hiding out from a distance! The Answers are in your DIRECT EXPERIENCE!

*Now*...let's go through and detail all of these, with many more to come.

Let's talk about your mother / Mother.

Your mother existed in this life loooong before YOU were *even* conceived. That right there is a physics hint. 

And all of these physics are accurate whether you never even met your mother, you are an astronaut in outer space or living on the space station, haven't seen your mother in years, or what have you! There is a much, much higher process going on that there is no escape from, no convenient hiding place or opting out.

Go back over your pages of notes you have written about your mother, and now read everywhere you have written "mother, mom, ma, etc.," as...YOUR very own ultimate innermost self! Everything everywhere you referenced your mother, you were simultaneously talking about your ultimate innermost self!

"Brutally honest?" Ouch, right?!

Don't run away just yet. You are just getting started.

Can you *feel* yourself processing more deeply? See yourself just beginning to go inside "the living process?"

These physics are very, very real! This is your MIND you are waking up to, yet your "mother" superimpositions were already in place long BEFORE you were even born! Or conceived!

See how MIND exists without BRAIN?

Take all the time, and space, you need to go through every word, every line, every sentence you wrote in your notebook about your  / your mother / "mother."

Don't even try to escape the Truth! The Universe is watching your every move, every hidden intention, and there will be (karma) to pay!

You are just beginning to Awaken. As you go through all of these, with many more to come, you will eventually learn to hear pretty much every word in every sentence is also hiding in plain sight higher realizations for you to recognize. For example, if you wrote:

"My mother lives near a police station,* you also exposed / revealed that your ultimate innermost self stays close to rules and regulations!

Yep! Language is mathematical *energy* unconsciously constructed and superimposed by energy values and made up of grunts and groans empathically recognized by others and added to over thousands upon thousands of years...into what passes for "surface language" we use today for communication.

If Conscious enough, you'll hear layers upon layers of different things,  being revealed all at once, simultaneously!

Go ahead and spend all the time you need to thoroughly learn who you really are, deep down inside.

You are just beginning to fall through a very genuine WORMHOLE!

The only thing that *suspends* you in that wormhole is your need to *do (more) work.*

Much more to come... Subject to editing and additions.)

** Two / too  / to  / 2 / tu / II... Kept in mind, this may help you begin to recognize nonlinear superimposition and simultaneity, etc. They were my mathematically-minded wormhole as a very young child keeping me in constant *pure (unobstructed) observation!*