Saturday, April 9, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XXIV

Detailed for Scientific Replication Purposes... XXIV  (Continuing... Answering Taiwanese quantum physicists' questions with @DalaiLama ) (SAME PHYSICS as early earthquake, tsunami, etc. detection.)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...
*Structure* in *Emptiness* /Translucence / Universal Physics Empathy

Recognizing Manifestation: Coming into Being - Part 5

NonLinear Physics Reality *Accesses*
> < ((((((  (((((  ((((  (((  ((  (  0  )  ))  )))  )))) )))))  )))))) > <

Mistaken Linear ("Modern") "Science" Accesses
o ) >

Translucence / Emptiness / Empathy: Where Quantum Science Meets Sentience

Simply fluently *remembering* my own NonLinear nature, I have known about many of the world's most horrific tragedies, in extraordinary detail, most without even looking for them, long BEFORE they happened, because it is a NATURAL REALITY of REALITY that we are all born to *access* those much broader NonLinear harmonics (shown above) and not intended to keep ourselves so lost, so imprisoned, in one-sided linear cerebral neglect, as >99% all folks around the world have become. 

An even bigger tragedy is that their most essential (intended entrusted, life saving) scientists and protection authorities have equally mistakenly, unconsciously, bought right into and founded themselves in that conventional linear "logic".

Relentlessly witnessing millions of people and animals** losing their lives totally unnecessarily while science sleeps is excruciating. Trying to wake them up is next to impossible. They are so enmeshed in their tangled webs, in the *stories they tell themselves*, that they laugh and call me a "nutcase". There is nothing funny whatsoever about linear kindergarten*** science in a NonLinear Universe! It's inexcusable negligence! Millions of lives are being ruined and lost from their negligence! What's so funny about that?

The reason all this looks like laughable charlatan malarkey to modern scientists is because they are mistakenly using nonexistent linear "logic" and notions to reason it through, so of course it isn't going to make sense! They can't *even* (hear that?) process higher REALITY / physics using primitive (cerebral neglect) notions of linearity.

Why "cerebral neglect"? Because half the Universe is being left out of their processing! Half their own minds! Quite literally! 

There is no such thing as one-sided linear past>present>future! Humans invented all that! So imagine all the millions of neurons and neural pathways tangled and lost in all that "reasoning"!

Further, scientists forget that nothing "out there" exists without MIND to *experience* it! Sentience!

There is a much MUCH Higher Empathy at the Core, one that enables us, if Conscious enough, to directly identify with all else in Existence, because we all SHARE that exact same *One* Energy flowing throughout all, inescapably, including with earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, tragedies on the evening News... Every Everything!

The highest of all Universal *accesses* is...Empathy! Shared Energy!

Distracted into one-sided primitive notions of linear past>present>future locks you out of *even* being able to process, let alone fathom, the REAL Universal Reality!


So using linear science is like feeling around in the dark, all the while trying not to feel...essentially anything!

"An awful waste of space!"

Universities are inescapably negligent and complicit in graduating the world's most essential scientists into positions of power and unshakable authority without first bothering to teach them how their own MINDS work! No wonder they're feeling around in the dark! Nothing exists "out there" without MIND!

So the more they unconsciously project, the more the Answers are REPELLED further and further *away from* themselves!

How can scientists genuinely know what they are really looking for when they don't *even* realize how their own minds work, let alone the Higher Universe?!

This is not about egos. Yours or mine! This is about saving countless lives of people and animals all around the world, precious souls who rely on folks like us to protect them when they have no way to protect themselves, and hopefully preventing enormous losses of property, etc.. The Answers ARE *accessible*!

*Even*... is a constant *hint* revealing where the *Higher Answers* are to be found! In *Balance*! "Cerebral neglect" is an actual psychology/psychiatry term, conveying mind imbalance.

Linear science objectifies the physical world, detaches from it, assumes everybody and everything as disjointed, disconnected from each other, as if each of us is somehow magically plopped down into the world independent of everything going on, that natural phenomena like earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, storms, tragedies on the "even"-ing news are all completely separate, and that its coveted linear past>present>future means nothing else is available, that "no one can predict 'the future'/earthquakes" (let alone anything else).

It has been *realized* by <1% (sages, etc.) for thousands of years that the Universe and everybody and everything in it are NonLinear! *Interconnected*! Move any one, move every one!

"Thousands of years" needs to be heard and processed NonLinearly: like...

 >< ((((((((( thousands of years ))))))))) ><

See the difference? Both sides of the MIND are being used to process it...multidimensionally!

When I was a child, I was already extremely empathic and multidimensionally mathematical (born with it). Every time I went left, I (somewhat) anthropomorphized (in a way) "the other side". Like..."But what about 'the other side' then? Where does that go?" I felt bad that I was leaving out whatever side I didn't choose. I just knew it was there for a reason! My mind would not let it go! I was given IQ tests and the psychologists loved and made such a big deal about my repetitious immediate *recognition* of *Balance* and the math involved in that *Balance*. Even with linear science, while it makes major strides in conventional life, it seriously leaves out the whole other side of common sense. It is "The Something" (projection) forgetting its origin..."The Nothing" (reflection)!

In quantum physics, when everything gets so tiny it can't be seen, quantum physicists admittedly (with Dalai Lama... See day 3, second half!) become distressed, not knowing where to go next. But that is where sentience (experience)! Creatures! Sentient (experiencing) beings! That is the point at which NonLinearity becomes the reality they are searching for...from *within* their own minds! 

The Truth! The Ultimate Answer! 


** While animals retain their inherent nonlinear nature, most don't have the ability to escape what they *realize* as congealing and imminent, locked in homes and enclosures by those distracted unconscious humans!

*** Dalai Lama's word, and very accurate, relatively.