Sunday, April 17, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XXVII

Detailed for Scientific Replication Purposes... XXVII (Continuing... Answering Taiwanese quantum physicists' questions with @DalaiLama ) (SAME super(im)positional PHYSICS as early earthquake, tsunami, etc. detection.)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...
*Structure* in *Emptiness* / Translucence / Universal Physics Empathy

Recognizing Manifestation: Coming into Being - Part 8

NonLinear Physics Reality *Accesses*
> < ((((((  (((((  ((((  (((  ((  (  0  )  ))  )))  )))) )))))  )))))) > <

Mistaken Linear ("Modern") "Science" Accesses
o ) >

The Elephant in the Room - that Modern Science Cannot See - 2

More than worth repeating...

Do you remember WHY scientists in the movie "Contact" couldn't decipher the message? Do you remember the Ultimate Answer (that even the best scientists in the world couldn't decipher)?


And what did Ellie *recognize* on her wormhole journey?


All these years later, and scientists still haven't gotten the message! Thousands upon thousands of people and animals have died unnecessarily since! Hundreds of thousands in Indonesia and Japan in just two days! Billions in damages!

Nuclear Relativity work (here) evolves you into directly experiencing for your very own self that there are higher dynamics existing, taking place, in multidimensional layers / harmonic *energies* (shown above) of the Universe, of yourself, that collective unconscious convention and its emulating scientists have not positioned themselves to recognize...and millions of people and animals are dying unnecessarily all over the world as a result of that inadvertent negligence! 

But the more highly evolved you become the more layers / multiple dimensions you *access* and *realize* are very, VERY REAL, superimposed, simultaneous and happening ...NonLinearly *Now*.

All those harmonics are carrying critical data...including detailing congealing imminent manifestations, like earthquakes and tsunamis, complete with locations, intensities, death tolls...and modern science itself isn't recognizing any of it!

If you don't fluently *remember* your own nonlinear nature and *realize* the SAME of all in Existence, including the dynamics ever engaging all things *interconnectedly*, there is no way you are ever going to empathically *recognize*, let alone identify with, the multidimensional activities of earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, hurricanes (before they even begin!), or other dangers and tragedies on the *even*-ing (mathematically hear that?) news!

The Universe is completely *other than* the objectified sensory-less rigid "physicality" notions of collective unconscious convention...that its equally unconscious scientists have bought right into and mistakenly founded "modern science" upon!

Critical, ever-present life-saving data / information is not-at-all-hidden and immediately *accessible* within layers upon layers of Higher REALITY, nonlinear multidimensionalities exposing what earthquakes are (ever-currently) doing, all along, in every *Now*, what tsunamis are doing (same, independently, very early on), what conditions are congealing, forming imminent tragedies toward manifestation...all while modern science, externally dependent and distracted by conventional linearity and its "logic", sleeps!

This is not about worrying about hurting your feelings! This is about saving millions of lives!

POWERFUL MESSAGE to Linear, Conventionally-Dependent Scientists

(Please read! I wrote this here in October, 2012):

"You seem to be afraid to get on a *real* one!" - NES

Critical earthquake, tsunami (and various other disasters) nonlinear prediction physics here!  Please read!  I'm being very assertive in this post after once again seeing the horrors of totally unnecessary trauma and loss of life to so many people, caused by unconscious scientists and the equally unconscious convention they are entrusted to protect!  I am trying so hard to SAVE PEOPLE'S LIVES!!!!  Please selflessly read this entire post!  As long as all those beautiful souls trapped under those buildings, lost to unnecessary tragedies, etc., can't scream for themselves, I'll scream FOR them, and for all those who will be next!  Could well be someone YOU love!

Rigid, narrow-minded, gadget-driven investigation is to conventional scientists as dogmatic deity worship is to fundamentalists! There is absolutely NO difference whatsoever! Universal Answers are all around you, everywhere you go, SCREAMING  at you to hear them, and you blatantly refuse to listen, because you cannot "reason" yourself out of linear convention!

What's also behind that is your sense of yourself, your career, your worry about reputation and tenure, the fear of daring to be seen thinking out of the "old boy school" box that has defined you and your field of study.  But it is not about you when you have been entrusted to save enormities of people's lives throughout the world!

What makes a brilliant scientist brilliant is his or her *realized, far more highly evolved Consciousness* and guts to precisely step out of that conventional box!  Otherwise, they'd just be joining the ranks of the linear dominoes lining up with everyone else to be knocked down as the ripples come rushing through!  It takes courage, and selfLESSness!  It takes caring far more about genuine Answers than about prestige, reputation or "fitting in!"  Who wants to be a "team player" when it's a losing team again and again?!?!  Thousands die, and didn't have to!

Having once again just watched earthquake documentaries on television, in which scientists reveal just how lost in linear convention and its sleeping, misguided "reason-ing" they really are, I must is soooo painful, excruciating, when the Answers capable of saving millions, billions of people's lives, are right there, screaming at you to hear them, and you persist in keeping yourselves oblivious to them!  Geologists say that "one day someone will come along who will finally have 'the holy grail' of earthquake prediction!"  Would you even/*even know* how to recognize that person when they did?  

I am SCREAMING the Answers to you!!!!  

What's it gonna take?  With success being preparation to meet that opportunity...

Will you even bother to prepare yourself to recognize that person/"holy grail" Answer...when it does come to you?!
I can even/*even* teach YOU to BE that person with the "holy grail" Answer to earthquake/tsunami, etc., prediction!  Will you *go there?*

You say you have no clue about the physics of animals' sensitivity in their early detection of earthquakes, but that's only because you have no clue about your own inherent natural physics and instincts!  What kind of "rigid" science is it, when you don't bother to study the physics of the *perceiver* of your own work...your own brain and mind?  THAT is where your Answers are going to be discovered, and they are waiting there in your very own mirrors, but somehow "rigid science" very conveniently completely overlooks that cherished and hard-fought rigidity when it comes to its own adherents!

When you clearly don't *know* what you're doing, then you need to be quiet, stop resisting that reality, and listen to someone who does!  When I see all those precious souls crushed to death under those collapsed buildings from earthquakes, bodies floating in debris from tsunamis, folks' loved ones jumping 100 floors to their deaths to choose one nightmare over another, or millions dying from diseases that practically throw their cures in the faces of medical researchers who look away, it just breaks my heart, and infuriates me that I was born with such an extraordinary, beautiful gift, onto a planet full of people who perceive themselves *unworthy!*

It is soooo tremendously frustrating that scientists refuse to wake up to Universal Truth, because we are not talking about playing with basic intrigue here.  On one of the documentaries repeatedly shown on earthquake prediction, the geologist constantly referenced his field work like it was some kind of fun game to him, treating only the fact that earthquakes kill people and destroy cities like an inconvenient side effect of his play! How disjointed and distracted can one get?!  Don't lose sight of the real world reality that we are talking about saving people's lives by the millions, billions over time! time!!

You "reason" that predicting earthquakes months in advance would be useless anyway, because you still wouldn't know exactly when or where they were going to happen, etc., so it's better to just give people a few seconds to step out of an elevator or whatever?  That type of reasoning shows just how naïve you really are to Universal NONLinear *processing!*

Not one iota "psychic," having nothing whatsoever to do with any of that conventional magic or "mystic" malarkey, I have, with my nonlinear, mathematical superConsciousness, detected in the physics actual names (of people, places, equipment, etc.!), dates, times, seen the faces of those actually involved, detected the intensity of the situations, the numbers of people who will be killed!  That plane that went down in Pennsylvania was *known* months in advance! Trust me...  It was no accident!  The Nonlinear Universe already *knew!*  Everything is happening on a much grander level than most mere humans understand!  With Nonlinear superConsciousness, YOU, too, can *process* on that extraordinary Universal level of Translucent *ACCESS,* as well! The Indonesian tsunami in 2004?  I literally watched it happening repeatedly right before my very eyes, just like watching a giant translucent movie, all year long, all throughout 2004, even/*even* detecting and observing that it was going to be so massive it would effect multiple countries in its process!

Lost, aren't you?  Wondering how the heck could anyone possibly have a clue about any of that level of detail?  That is because you are trying to process what I am saying to you using only linear, unconscious, collective conventional "reason-ing" and expectation that traps you again and again into more unconscious collective convention!  Remember!  Conventional "reason-ing" is only in place to protect convention!

In the real world, "the future" is neither what nor where most people assume it is!  The unconscious collective convention has so locked itself into the mistaken notion of linear past>present>future processing that places "the future" totally out of reach, except to its likewise naive "psychic" mess of magical thinking and exploitation.  But the Universe, in REALity, is NONLinear, the circle with the dot *in the middle,* making "the future" right *NOW,* and higher and lower dimensions/ACCESSES of *Now!*

Just as "The NeverEnding Story" movie says...  

"You seem to be afraid to get on a *real* one!"

So, are you still devoted to your conventional, misguided, linear science, or are you ready to "get on a real one" and *realize* the Universe as NonLinear,   Translucent, and therefore processing itself on a HUMONGOUS timeXspace level/dimension/signature of *access* that only superConsciousness can empathically detect?

What on earth are you waiting for?

You are waiting for information about your earthquakes and tsunamis, etc., by passively waiting for linear (unconscious) life to piece the pixels together FOR YOU, to make the only kind of picture you have trapped yourself into being able to conventionally, linearly process...with only seconds to spare!   

With NonLinear superConsciousness, you go way beyond that, to massively extend your "parade view" to see those pixels long before that puzzle is pieced together for you!  Rather than studying the AFTERmath (aka "too/two late") science of "already put together blatant puzzles," how about studying the science of the pixels themselves?  Study the science of what causes them to even/*even* begin to congeal in the first place, of their congealing in action, of the approach and recognition of imminent manifestation long before it reaches that point?  You have it all sitting right there, available to you the moment you step out of your conventional expectations to say YES to Universal Translucent Truth!

The most important gadget needed in earthquake prediction is your very own mirror!  Geologists and seismologists, etc., don't need billions in monies to far more accurately predict earthquakes.  They need to step back from their (applause) to far more highly evolve themselves into the *reality* of NonLinear Now!

It is NOT about projecting onto the Universe what is going to happen way before it does!  It's about being superConscious enough to empathically *realize* what IS happening in the Universe via *Pure (Unobstructed) Observation!*

I should not have to be sitting here writing blogs begging scientists and others to WAKE UP!!!!  I should be holding profoundly important, massive life-saving symposiums around the world for geologists and other scientists, emergency event personnel, political officials, medical researchers, and others entrusted by the collective unconscious convention to save their lives by the thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, billions to come!  Instead, I'm told to shut up and go away, called a "quack" and worse!  But there are people out there who live every moment of their lives knowing fully well that I begged them repeatedly to listen to me in time to save soooo many people's lives, in incident after incident, and what they gave me was..."We don't employ that technology!"  (What 'technology?'  The TRUTH?!), and "I'm not interested in no numerology," and... the likewise arrogant "Hahahahahahahahahaha!" as I was laughed out of a major university physics department!  They and many others now have to live with the *reality* /Universal Truth event after event, they let thousands of people die, HUNDREDS of thousands of people die, because they *knew,* too!  And I *know* they did, because I'm the *One* who told them!

*Now*... I've told YOU!