Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XXIII

Detailed for Scientific Replication Purposes... XXIII  (Continuing... Answering Taiwanese quantum physicists' questions with @DalaiLama )

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...
*Structure* in *Emptiness* /Translucence / Universal Physics Empathy

Recognizing Manifestation: Coming into Being - Part 4

NonLinear Physics Reality *Accesses*
> < ((((((  (((((  ((((  (((  ((  (  0  )  ))  )))  )))) )))))  )))))) > <

Mistaken Linear ("Modern") "Science" Accesses
o ) >

The Tragedy of Momentum: Science on the Bandwagon

Just as a powerful tsunami picks up everything and everybody in its wake and carries them along to a horrible outcome, likewise the dilemma of civilization and the demands of its many settlements, distracting billions of people away from their inherent nonlinear nature into unquestioningly "doing what everybody else is doing", the comfort of collective unconscious convention. 

Increasingly, folks have individually and collectively lost, and continue to lose, well...their "minds", essentially (*balanced reasoning* literally), their very own depth of processing, as so quickly jumping onto that bandwagon has required less and less deep thought, less and less depth of feeling, and altered their *recognition* of timeXspace reality, reducing *access* to Universal Truth.

As I've written here, as if folks' so quickly buying right into all that shallow processing isn't already enough, the relentless commercials shoved in their faces constantly and repetitively redirect millions from that depth. As you try to personally get into whatever program you're watching on TV, thinking things through more and more deeply, feeling your feelings more intensely...WHAM! Another and another commercial, and longer and longer streams of commercials, are shoved in your face, constantly jolting all your potential depth back to surface acceptance. The result: Millions are being unwittingly and inadvertently constantly conditioned into an increasingly shallow-er and shallow-er existence, shallow processing, and with it the loss of contemplation, balanced logic and higher reasoning. 

External dependency!

That "floating cartoon aroma" as I've often called it, with everybody all bunched up, closely huddled and dutifully following along, has enormous consequences on so many levels, with a very serious reality of all that being that modern scientists themselves, along with other essential "authorities" entrusted with millions of lives, have mistakenly founded themselves in the DISTRACTION, the chaos, NOT in the REAL REALITY!

Modern scientists, unconsciously founding themselves in all that shallow unconsciousness, have bought right into the delusion of human-invented, one-sided linear past>present>future, and its supporting "logic", such that the HIGHER ANSWERS, even/*even* when right in front of them, seem laughable, and anyone trying to wake them up is seen as a joke!

Sensory physicality is lost! Feelings are degraded as "an awful waste of space"! So much for that "Unified Theory"! (You don't get to conveniently and selectively choose what to include or leave out of that "Unity"!) Feelings are inescapable *felt energies*, experiences and interpretations of the *One* Universal Energy flowing throughout all in Existence, everybody and everything all *interconnected* ...earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, weather, even the *even*-ing news, etc., in relative simultaneity, trying to redirect us toward *balance* (reality), holding the Answers to gravity, magnetism, multidimensionality, higher mathematics...Truth!

Collectively, unconscious humans, along with their scientists, are essentially in a trance, one of their own making, resisting, even laughing off, every attempt by Conscious *realizers* to Enlighten them.

It's one thing for the collective to be lost in all that, but it's inexcusable for modern science to have bought into unconscious convention, with millions of lives naively depending on them.

In a NonLinear Universe, every possible possibility has to exist...*in the (Forever) Now*! Everything is superimposed and simultaneous, simultaneity being relative (the reason you've created a karma, or destiny, of 6 for yourself if you've behaved 3 in any given Truth of 9!) Try as it might, The Something can never escape the Reality that it is UNDERWRITTEN by the Balanced Truth of The Nothing! And so are you! Everything is!

It's the Great Global, and Cosmic, Chess Game! Nothing gets a free pass! Dark energy, dark matter, wormholes, black holes! The sun! The moon! Everything is being underwritten!

And it is all a reflection!

Nothing "out there" exists without...mind!

There is no experience without sentience!

This has been *realized* by the highest of sages for thousands of years! (Tao Te Ching, I Ching...Nag Hammadi!)