Friday, April 15, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XXVI

Detailed for Scientific Replication Purposes... XXVI (Continuing... Answering Taiwanese quantum physicists' questions with @DalaiLama ) (SAME super(im)positional PHYSICS as early earthquake, tsunami, etc. detection.)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...
*Structure* in *Emptiness* /Translucence / Universal Physics Empathy

Recognizing Manifestation: Coming into Being - Part 7

NonLinear Physics Reality *Accesses*
> < ((((((  (((((  ((((  (((  ((  (  0  )  ))  )))  )))) )))))  )))))) > <

Mistaken Linear ("Modern") "Science" Accesses
o ) >

The Elephant in the Room - that Modern Science Cannot See - 1

There are physics >>>INSIDE<<< the physics! Inside your own intelligence! The deeper you go, the earlier the (earthquake, etc.) WARNING!

The more Conscious you become, the more multidimensional, super(im)positional, and mathematical (via *balance* recognition), and the broader your ability to *access* as well as *process* those higher physics!

Mistakenly losing itself in collective unconscious convention, modern science has likewise become obsessed with External Dependency. That is where it all goes dangerously wrong.

The more Externally Dependent, the shorter the warning of imminent (too late) dangers, like earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, weather and other tragedies on the *even*-ing news!

Myopic dangerous oversight!

Gadgets, technology, field work, etc., while certainly more helpful than none, are exclusive external dependencies inadvertently distracting and redirecting scientists *away from* their own higher intelligence! Higher, more complex answers require that higher intelligence needed to recognize congealing, imminent earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and other dangers to millions not just mere seconds away but quite literally days, weeks, months or more, even years, in advance!

The Answer is in multidimensionality!

Nuclear Relativity, taught here, is the key to incredibly...and very credible...very early earthquake, tsunami and other imminent dangers *recognition* / acknowledgment, "prediction" being an over-used expression that grabs conventional attention away from the Truth, the Higher Reality involved, and, if you allow yourself to "go there", distracts you away from the critical, more highly complex, but totally *accessible*, process.

It's all about perception of space and time!

Time and space are not physical objects but rather fluent, ever-flowing, ever-exchanging signatures in the grand scheme of all things reflecting *where one is* relative to mindfulness. What we see "out there" in any given (nonlinear) "moment" is really nothing / Nothing...more than an ever-changing snapshot of the *state of the art of the heart* of the collective. As we change, it changes in reflection.

Convention objectifies everything. Its timeXspace signature in the grand scheme of all things, that has become the rut that the world's most essential scientists have mistakenly bought right into, does not allow it to process higher Reality.

The nature of Nature is *emptiness* (absence of all projection). Translucence. Empathy / Energy.

Higher Consciousness is required to process that Translucence / Empathic Energy. There is *structure* in *Emptiness*! This is where quantum physicists are also getting lost!

Your nuclear relativity work, here, if genuinely done, evolves you out of linear conventionally shallow, distracted external dependency ("wait until something happens 'out there' when it is blatantly obvious"...and too late!) and into the depths and layers of yourself that are required to empathically *access* your own higher intelligence, which is needed to *even recognize* the higher multidimensional harmonics.

Please Read: Written December 9, 2020 here:

I was born super hyper sensitive to these energy processes (edit: NonLinearly superConscious, mathematically synesthetic at age 3) and am fluent in them. Please let me teach you "how to."

I am trying soooo hard to Awaken/Enlighten the world (and its scientists, to save millions of lives)!

This is the physics of...(Universal, multidimensional) EMPATHY!

TimeXSpace Signatures and the Fabric of the Universe

Every time you change your mind, think another thought, feel another feeling, you change your placement/address in the Universe. Time and space are ever-morphing and relative to the state of the art of your heart/status. What everyone collectively sees is the mean statistical average of their immediate-most perceptions. It's like improv theater! Everyone's (and every-thing's) spontaneous contributions determine their immediate-most experience!

The more *balanced* you are, the closer to the Truth overall, and the more you align yourself with the Universe's "parade view."

When you watch a parade while sitting on a sidewalk, you essentially only see what winds up right there in front of you. But if you watch that parade from the top of a building, you get to see its parts coming together, congealing, forming into the bands and floats and decorations, etc., their early movements as a parade, its/their increasing approach and imminent presence, and then its fading/exiting...disintegration!

The more you align yourself with your own truthful reflection, the more you align yourself with the ability to allow in higher and higher realities around you, cozying up to the Universe and how it "sees." You are falling through a very real wormhole, inching your way through it with every successful confrontation propelling you on.

Are these now starting to look...familiar?  (Less "fantasy", more higher reality-based?) :

Are YOU ready?

Be careful what you wish for!

Really need to add here that the Ultimate Universal Truth is not frivolously floating around out there somewhere. There IS solid proof! It's just proof founded upon an enormous wealth of reflective confrontational "data" experienced and re-experienced by generation after generation over thousands upon thousands of years that is lightyears/nightyears well beyoooond anything conventionally-conceived notions of linear physicality have to offer.  That confrontational "data" uses your ability to look deeply into your own mirror to own your own truths to recognize and realize its/everything's Ultimate Truth!  It forces you to directly experience/witness the higher physics involved, directly, which establishes the necessary foundation of TRUST and RESPECT involved/required.

It's all about learning how to ASK the Universe what it actually IS, not persisting in TELLING IT what it has to be! You cannot be a safely detached audience. You have to directly participate in its Truth! 


Do you remember WHY scientists in the movie "Contact" couldn't decipher the message? Do you remember the Ultimate Answer (that even the best scientists in the world couldn't decipher)?


And what did Ellie *recognize* on her wormhole journey?


All these years later, and scientists still haven't gotten the message! Thousands upon thousands of people and animals have died unnecessarily since! Hundreds of thousands in Indonesia and Japan in just two days! Billions in damages!

How is that NOT irresponsible negligence???

This is not about us, right? This is about SAVING MILLIONS OF LIVES!

Please let me teach you how to "access" higher Universal multidimensionality!

(To be continued...)