Thursday, April 14, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XXV

Detailed for Scientific Replication Purposes... XXV  (Continuing... Answering Taiwanese quantum physicists' questions with @DalaiLama ) (SAME super(im)positional PHYSICS as early earthquake, tsunami, etc. detection.)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...
*Structure* in *Emptiness* /Translucence / Universal Physics Empathy

Recognizing Manifestation: Coming into Being - Part 6

NonLinear Physics Reality *Accesses*
> < ((((((  (((((  ((((  (((  ((  (  0  )  ))  )))  )))) )))))  )))))) > <

Mistaken Linear ("Modern") "Science" Accesses
o ) >

I created a new fb page, to directly walk anyone interested through the process of processing *higher* / NonLinearity. (Eclectic superConsciousness, Enlightenment, Awakening. Multidimensionality!)

Awakening Science to NonLinear Earthquake, Tsunami, Tragedy Prediction

There's a human side to all this, all around, and that needs to be expressed. That's where all the Answers are!

There's so much more to the human element, the sentient element, *within* and *without*, than most realize! Time and Space are completely *other than* most assume.

A Tragic Oversight of Scientists, Universities, and Collective Unconscious Convention...and "How To" Turn That Around

There is a HUGH oversight going on in the world, costing MILLIONS of people (and animals) their lives, devastating homes, wasting billions in monies, and wasting critical life-saving TIME, one that involves the world's (and YOUR communities') most essential, life-entrusted scientists, universities, and the people who rely on them with their lives...who don't know what's really happening and what they need to do to elicit the critical *change* necessary to protect themselves!

Over twenty years ago, the highest agencies in the land learned the hardest way ever that they were not sharing critical information, not working together where they should have been, and the consequences were disastrous, costing thousands of people their lives, traumatizing millions around the world!

Similarly, and currently, agencies, and departments within our educational systems, our universities, are making the SAME horrific mistake, with millions of lives on the line...all around the world!

Scientists are being graduated into the most critical, most powerful (pardon the pun) unshakable positions of authority...supposedly in place to PROTECT YOU and your loved ones from devastating earthquakes, tsunamis, and other horrific tragedies on the *even*-ing news...using primitive linear science in our actual NON-Linear Universe!

What does that mean?

It means they are barely etching out (and proudly boasting) a 5-second WARNING system when an earthquake begins, and barely minutes for you to rush to safety from resulting tsunamis (remember Japan? Indonesia?)...when, in REALITY, that WARNING could be as much as days, months, even years in advance!

Here's an important Early Warning System / Time visual to help you see where the problem is:

Linear (unconscious) science can only *access* (one-sided past>present>future)...

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NonLinear TRUTH (Consciousness-based) science can *access*...

><  (((((( ((((( (((( ((( (( ( 0 ) )) ))) )))) ))))) )))))) ><

Modern science is leaving out "the other half" of the Universe, the "other half" of their very own MINDS, in actuality! *Balance*! And with it, multidimensional, exponential *energies* "data" / *accesses*..

Modern science has mistakenly, inadvertently, founded itself in collective unconscious convention! In *imbalance*!

And so how can there be any wonder why they love to insist that "No one...can predict earthquakes!" Let alone tsunamis well in advance! Or anything else, for that matter!

Time and Space are completely *other than* what unconscious minds assume!

Waving red flags all the while (literally, on Twitter)! Even laughing at those who claim otherwise! There is nothing funny about their negligence resulting in relentless deaths around the world!

Sure, there are all kinds of "charlatans" out there, but there is also a much MUCH *Higher Physics* they are seriously missing!


It is only when the people themselves Awaken to their own Higher Consciousness to see it directly for themselves that their scientists will be forced to...WAKE UP!

Never losing my own inherent NonLinear nature (multidimensional *accesses*), I have *recognized* many of the most horrific tragedies on the *even*-ing news...loooong BEFORE they got there! For decades! Witnessed! Documented!

Ignored! Invalidated!

It is excruciatingly painful, watching the news with everyone else, but knowing I knew! In detail, yet! Names, dates, faces, places, locations, intensities, death tolls!

The Universe, and its TimeXSpace, from a place of superConsciousness to *recognize* it, is a very different Reality than most folks assume.

The biggest tragedy of all is that...while it is 100% teachable, replicable physics, next to nobody *even realizes* (hear that?) it exists, including YOUR most essential scientists / authorities YOU are entrusting your life and that of your loved ones to!

And worse yet, trying to tell them about it gets you laughed away and seen as a joke!

Please help me Awaken them, by becoming Awakened yourself!

Universities hold the Answer, but disjointedly in bits and pieces they are not uniting into *One*...toward educating the world's most essential scientists and authorities entrusted with the lives of MILLIONS!

Medical schools teach psychiatrists toward their own mental health. Psychology departments teach clinical psychologists toward the same. Both evolve to regaining their higher nonlinear nature and use the physics to help their patients. (Doctoral+ level. / Evident if you do your Nuclear Relativity work!) Philosophy departments are relegated (along with psychology) to "soft science" when they are, in Reality, quantum physics in inadvertent disguise, while the hardest thing about the "hard science"s is in helping them to Wake Up to the Higher Reality that nothing whatsoever exists without MIND, sentience (experience), and that they are seriously negligent in first learning how their own minds work before they are graduated into positions of authority over everyone else's well-being.

Universities are seriously negligent and complicit in NOT mindfully uniting them all into *One* Universal Consciousness, *One* Unified Theory, toward saving and protecting countless lives!

A serious, serious oversight!

The way to change that is for the people themselves, collective unconscious convention, to wake up! (Taught here, and on my fb pages, step-by-step!)

Consciousness, Enlightenment, Awakening is the fluent *realization* / *recognition* that the Universe, and everybody and everything within it, is NonLinear!

>< ((((((((( 0 ))))))))) ><


Please... *do the work* !