Thursday, April 28, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XXVIII

Detailed for Scientific Replication Purposes... XXVIII (Continuing... Answering Taiwanese quantum physicists' questions with @DalaiLama ) (SAME super(im)positional PHYSICS as early earthquake, tsunami, etc. detection.)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...
*Structure* in *Emptiness* / Translucence / Universal Physics Empathy

Recognizing Manifestation: Coming into Being - Part 9

NonLinear Physics Reality *Accesses*
> < ((((((  (((((  ((((  (((  ((  (  0  )  ))  )))  )))) )))))  )))))) > <

Mistaken Linear ("Modern") "Science" Accesses
o ) >

Cognition, Balance, Higher Intelligence and Early Earthquake, Tsunami+, Catastrophe Prediction / *Recognition*

Earthquake, tsunami and other catastrophic event "prediction" days, weeks, months or more in advance has nothing whatsoever to do with "magical thinking", but about recognizing that linear external dependency (the unfortunate current "state of the art" of geological and other critically-intended life-protecting sciences) only uses a very limited part of your brain and MIND, when your capability is FARRRR BEYOND that limitation with Higher Consciousness!

NonLinearly, everything is happening simultaneously in the forever *Now* and hence *accessible*/available in every *Now*. That *access* requires much higher intelligence than what distracted, mindfully disjointed collective unconscious convention believes of itself, and if you buy into all that (as >99% of the world's population has!) you essentially lose "the other side" of yourself, of your own MIND, your own inherent capabilities... "cerebral neglect".

You are soooo much MORE than unconscious convention's mistaken linear distraction has you perceiving of yourself! Everything is!

Much higher Consciousness provides you with *access* to much higher levels of *recognition* of what is happening in the NonLinear Universe...right Now!

The Higher your Consciousness the broader your mindful *accesses* in the *Now*. In other words, the more *balanced* your MIND, the more multidimensional your intelligence, and the more depth your harmonic (empathic Energy recognition) vision into higher NonLinear Reality (activities, dynamics) taking the *Now*, in every *Now*... on those harmonics:

>< (((((( ((((( (((( ((( (( ( 0 ) )) ))) )))) ))))) )))))) ><

So, higher "advanced" intelligence simply has the ability to recognize what earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and other congealing/building/forming catastrophic events are doing in the immediate moment.

Stuff happens because the conditions are in place for them to happen. So ask: What is the status of those conditions, right now? Not just with gadgets and linear projected observation, but on multiple dimensions simultaneously happening that you can't begin to conventionally see!

Linear (past>present>future) thinking doesn't permit you to ask the higher questions because it doesn't permit you to *process* multidimensionally. It limits you to one-sided imbalance, so a humongous amount of information available to you isn't even considered, and worse is considered charlatanism!

Because YOU can't process higher / multidimensionally, you "reason" that no one else can, either! Think about that!**

Linear thinking is projection without *reflection*.

Linearity repels the Answers further and further *away from* yourself!

But when YOU stop, IT stops too/two, and the Answers *Balance*.

Practicality, Reality and Truth

Sure on first impulse (and with collective unconscious convention 2nd, 3rd, 4th and more) it seems real world-based ("gotta keep my feet on the ground!" - NES) that linear past>present>future is the truest and most practical way to go, but that is only because your entire life and life experiences have been established around it, in that mistaken linear mindset, supported by >99% of the world of people likewise lost in linearity! 

But it's one thing for the everyday world to be happy campers in their delusional cerebral neglect syndrome and quite another for scientists and other important-to-survival authorities to have bought into that delusional logic!

Scientists have a much higher responsibility to wake up, when entire cities full of people and property, even multiple countries in a single event, trust them with their lives! It is genuinely inexcusable negligence NOT to!

Why Buddhist Monks Meditate
Here would be an excellent place for you to take your notions of meditation *higher* than fad and fashion conventional perception, because meditation gets you out of your own way and shuts up your impulses to linearly, routinely, unconsciously, mindlessly project, allowing your lost-to-you NonLinear nature to flow back in to your higher MIND, restoring your inherent higher intelligence, via *balance* needed to process Higher NonLinear Reality!

Essentially, all the buddha statues and monks all over the world are saying to you... "We're not buying into your collective unconscious conventional delusion! We are retaining our higher intelligence and multidimensional *accesses*!"

Meditation allows you to directly *experience* your own, and empathically all else's, nonlinearity...vastly increasing your intelligence... which requires Universal *Balance*!

Time X Space Relativity
Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years...are all *relative* to your ability to process timeXspace REALITY!

Your ability to process timeXspace REALITY is *relative to* your level of Consciousness!

Your level of Consciousness is *relative to* your NonLinear intelligence!

Your NonLinear intelligence is required for you to *even* be able to process on multiple levels simultaneously, and on multiple dimensions!

Chasing after earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and other catastrophic events in an unconscious linear state, distracted into non-existent past>present>future, is never going to provide you with the critical life-saving data and technologies needed to WARN millions of people about imminent, congealing dangers! You are inadvertently repelling the Answers *away from* yourself the more you unconsciously project!

Once again...when YOU STOP projecting, and start...*reflecting*..., IT stops too/two, and the Answers appear!

It is all/Awe a reflection of yourself!

*Do the work!* Good starting place!

** This is the deluded thinking of "ancient alien" enthusiasts, who "reason" that higher intelligence has to come from aliens, not from planet Earth. They've yet to Awaken to the Reality that <1% of the world retains their higher inherent intelligence. While it has nearly gone extinct, it does show extraordinary human capability right here on our own planet. Animals, too, retain their mindful nonlinear nature!


PLEASE READ: IMPORTANT "Felt Energy" Review (Written here in July 2021)

Nuclear Relatives/*Relatives,* Felt/Sensory Energy, Sleep & Even/*Even* Hypnosis

Sensory Physicality, A Closer Look...continued...

Feelings are *felt energies* of your very real inherent physics underwriting every breath you take, every move you make, every moment of your life, no matter where you are or what you are doing. No one can conveniently, selectively escape the real reality of all in existence itself, no matter what religion, culture, education level, street wisdom or what have you. None of us exists without it, like it or not.

Because the Universe is inescapably non-linear (past>present>future linear life a mere human invention billions have bought into and established themselves around), everything you do that is out of perfect *balance* becomes what determines the *energies* you feel coming at you and into your life every day, every moment, every choice, every instance. There is no escape, no matter how lost you get in your *storytelling.*

As I've previously written:

"The Value of Imperfection
Imagine that very first step, or breath, of life...

The West calls it "original sin." To the East, "one grain of sand." To scientists...the "god particle": when mass turned into matter. To millions worldwide, it's when mass began to matter!"

All life is imperfection, imbalance, projection. We'd turn into a pillar of stone if we sat on extreme equilibrium 100% of our lives. We have to move to live. Everything does, even if it doesn't even appear to be moving. But the nonlinear Universe is never ever asleep on the job! Every move you make in one direction causes an energy deficit in another, and the Universe makes sure you know about it by those *felt energies* you experience with your every decision.

So your real reality is determined by the choices you make, because what you don't choose becomes your destination!

So while you may think you're making your own choices, what you are really making is your own *karma,* and there is no hiding place from that! It *knows* what you are thinking and feeling, even if you don't even express them overtly. Hide in a closet, travel the world to the most remote places, it's right there with you every step of the way.

Your feelings/*felt energies* are always awaiting your recognition and acknowledgment.

Here's a simple example so you can see the underlying physics of feelings/sensory physicality involved:






With < 0 > being Ultimate Balance, any over adherence to one side creates an under adherence to the other. Can you *feel* that exchange? That's exactly what's going on in your life, every moment of your life. 

If you get angry and find yourself expressing outbursts, the thinking side of yourself tries to lure you back in the direction of center,  encouraging you back toward *equilibrium.* Invertedly, if you find yourself over-intellectualizing, your feelings, your *felt energies,* immediately are present to help you recognize where you are going wrong...always relative/*relative* to the level of frequencyXintensity of your expressions.

One side is always relative/*relative* to the other side. If you overindulge in one side, say at an intensity of 5, the other side of yourself is going to experience a deficiency of equal intensity on the other.

Can you see the physics, the energies, the mathematics behind sensory/feelings experiences? 

The purpose behind meditation is not to keep up with some college, preppy types or disproven fad, but rather to get you out of your own way so your very own natural physics can be freed to rebalance/recenter themselves.

What's really "new" to quantum physicists is their having to learn to rebalance themselves, to restore, or establish a foundation for, their appreciation, recognition and respect for the importance and validity of feelings/all sensory life. Nonlinearity! Translucence! Higher Universal Empathy!

The Other Side
That "other side" is not a waste of space after all, but rather the real reality, that everything is energy, and that if you can get yourself out of mindless adherence to that linear, one-sided "surface crust" convention has gotten itself so lost in and dependent upon, you can begin to *access* the real reality of what's really going on in the Universe, and what is congealing toward manifestation.

It's where ALL the Answers are forever present and waiting to be noticed and acknowledged. Cures for Alzheimer's, Parkinson" name it! Technologies! The Cosmos! It is so painful to see it and not be able to successfully communicate that to anyone! Excruciating!

While I was writing this article (longhand), an er doctor on TV (real one) was flabbergasted at his uninformed, amateurish attempt to try hypnosis on a patient, in need of a medical history he needed to help her, that she could not remember, in particular a telephone number. Desperate, he decided to try hypnotizing her, which he said he'd never done before and only heard about. She was successfully able to produce the number, leaving the er doctor delighted but beside himself trying to figure out why it had actually worked!

I was (somewhat) surprised and disappointed that in all those years of his medical training he had somehow not been taught at least toward the real Universal physics truth of his patients overall, as well as his own, and I wanted to reach through the screen and wake him up!

How could something so easy, so important, so so missed, by so many! Soooo frustrating!

If you realize the Universal Truth as being Ultimate *Balance,* aka "in the middle" (Sanskrit: Madhyamaka) and relaxation as the art of undoing imbalances/escape attempts/distractions from balance in everyday life, with hypnosis a journey (similar to meditation) *back*... Well, there's your Answer to how hypnosis works, and why it can be so successful. At least to those open to suggestion!