If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got!
There is an Answer! A Way out!...
Let's start with a recent tweet I wrote because then I happened to catch a documentary on it this morning on Science channel. It just happens to set up the perfect baseline for this discussion! :
Pyramids throughout the world can easily be similar without various cultural contact because humans are unconsciously acting out a Universal Physics they are not aware of.
We are ALL mathematically, nonlinearly encoded. Consciousness is the fluent realization of that code.
I also just tweeted that advanced psychiatrists and clinical psychologists not only are conscious and functionally mindful of these nonlinear physics but they utilize them in understanding and helping their patients. That's why they get paid the big bucks! They are not just sitting there playing best friend.
These are important conversation starters, shall we say, because they lead us to discuss just how it is that we are all mathematically, multidimensionally, nonlinearly encoded.
This is also important because scientists need to evolve enough to be able to recognize the physics *structure* behind feelings/sensory experiences toward their ability to process their work NonLinearly. Modern scientists are lost trying to figure out quantum physics/"unified" theory because they are using collective unconscious convention as their baseline, mistakenly leaving out the other side of the universe! Even the Dalai Lama is relentlessly trying to wake them up to their need for sensory development. As I've written, feelings are the NonLinear Universal Physics using magnetism, gravity, mathematics and energy to re-balance us into Higher Truth. They are not "wasted space!" They are actual physics! Quantum physics have been *realized* and Answered for thousands of years!
While most people believe they have somehow been mysteriously born into the world each completely separate from everybody else, everything else, and most often into a solid religious belief that provides all the answers they will ever need to get through life, there is a *higher* than most folks can *grasp* natural process the universe is using that is underwriting everything going on in life, including everything about ourselves, like it or not, and we don't get a choice to opt out of any of that.
Psychiatrists and clinical psychologists, beyond the doctoral level, become pretty fluently aware of/enlightened to the universal process in their advanced educations and own personal growth and use it to diagnose and assist their patients toward a more healthy functional place through their lives.
Scientists, of course regular people like any other themselves, often have a tendency to try to keep human psychology out of their work, but the *higher* universal process is just that...universal! No one gets to usurp how life actually works, how the universe itself actually works, to do what it does! And with all the Answers hidden within that *higher* universal process, the only way to those Answers is to humbly Awaken/Enlighten ourselves to what is really going on.
Everything ultimately reduces to Energy, that Ultimate Energy is Translucent, but there is *structure* in that Translucence, and only when that *structure* is carefully taken apart and examined can we see what is really going on, and what and who we really are, both collectively and individually. No matter how much folks may try to independently choose for themselves to invent their own way, their own...everything, that is nothing short of delusional! There is no escape! The more you resist, the harder your struggle.
Scientists assume psychology is simple guesswork, opinion, made up by humans, with no physiological anything worthy of their respect, but that is a very serious mistake they are making, founded in faith-based naivete, because all the answers they are spending billions and their lifetimes seeking are precisely where they refuse to look for them...human Truth! Unless and until they wake up to their own personal reality, their own personal truths, they will never discover those Answers!
Unraveling the fabric of the universe begins with unraveling ourselves. There are *Answers* everywhere, just waiting for recognition. Scientists often hate analogies, but everything is a superimposition of a superimposition of a superimposition as you unravel that tapestry, everything interconnected and born out of each other, so dismissing that truth dismisses the reality of universal truth.
For instance, that documentary I caught on the pyramids expressed frustration that nothing can be known about the ancient Egyptians, but their actions speak louder than their hieroglyphics! They dismantled mountains, the natural world, to put them back together under their own terms! The pyramids! Giant statues of themselves! The sphinx! That suggests they spiritually hoped they could usurp Nature itself to, perhaps, live forever. It seems, therefore, that their mummification processes were intended more as a way to "freeze" themselves temporarily, so when they fully mastered usurping Nature so they could live forever, they could bring them back into life, their organs and possessions readily available! (Keep reading to learn how there could be pyramids similar to each other all over the world without contact with each other, and without aliens!)
But no one has the ability to usurp Nature, so the most one can do is *realize* what it's doing and align oneself accordingly. It's when one's storytelling is used to escape reality that folks really find themselves struggling.
Ironically, the *higher* natural process is actually so incredibly and profoundly intriguing that you're most likely going to want to know more and more, not less! It's just the allowing yourself to get over the initial hurdles part that stands in your way.
For most folks, the real Truth is shocking, even frightening, but living your life Awakened/Enlightened to the real reality is far more comfortable than the endless shock that constantly happens in their invented/made up *storytelling* that has no basis whatsoever in actual Universal Reality!
When you *realize* the Truth of yourself, of your existence, you are then able to ...empathically... *realize*/recognize (identify with) the Truth of all else in existence, as well, because everybody and everything is all SHARING the exact same One physics dynamic, throughout!
All the wars in the world are the result of people's refusing to relinquish their made up *storytelling.*
The Importance of Meditation...with Conscious, Enlightened, Awakened Teachers
Stop the world! You wanna get off!...long enough to "take a picture!"
Meditation is an excellent way to put an end to your relentless *storytelling* and guesswork, getting you out of your own way, allowing the real truth, the Real Reality of what is really going on, in life, in the world, in your own physiology, your own mind-truth, to flow back into your consciousness, finally getting your attention.
Of course then there's always the problem of even more naivete, aka making up even more *stories* about what you are experiencing during meditation, like the group of folks on a recent Expedition X episode who think aliens are communicating with them in meditation. That's not aliens! That's simply the ...other side of yourself... you've left out in your mistaken linear (line-ar) notions of non-existing >past>present>future> (cerebral neglect syndrome) flowing back into your mindfulness! Meditation re*balance*s you, allowing that lost side of yourself to come back into your awareness.
Still trying to *process* what they are experiencing in meditation while clinging to linear, one-sided, non-existent >past>present>future> is why folks go looking for explanations that fit into their current stories they tell themselves about the world. Hence, aliens get the blame!
Therefore, it's very important for novices to have a truly Conscious, Enlightened, Awakened teacher of meditation to help you make rational sense out of what you are actually experiencing as you begin to find your way out of collective unconscious convention and into *Higher Reality.*
Pyramid Similarity Throughout the World (Without Cultural Contact Necessary, Nor Aliens!)
There is *One Energy* (actually a constant stream of pulsating energies) flowing through all of us, through everybody and everything, simultaneously throughout all/Awe in Existence, that pulsating *One* (overall) simultaneity being relative/*relative.* As in Einstein relativity simultaneous with Nuclear Family relative-ity!
In other words, if Conscious/Enlightened enough, we all have the nonlinear physics-truth within ourselves to decipher imminent earthquakes, tsunamis, human-initiated tragedies, etc., by recognizing those same physics-equivalent *energy* pulsations through ourselves, no time or space differentials required to measure those differentials necessary! Nothing and no one is disjointed/disconnected from any other. Those energies are flowing through all of us whether Consciously mindful of them or not, which is why folks often say they "had a feeling" about events on the *even*-ing news they unconsciously dismissed instead.
So while people on one side of the world are "acting out" pulsating, mathematically-patterned energies flowing through them in their corner of the world, folks on another part of the planet can easily be projecting/acting out those same flowing energies similarly wherever they happen to be! No contact/exposure otherwise required!
Similarly, astronauts living on the International Space Station cannot escape their own physics counterparts back on planet earth (and vice versa)!
How We Are All Mathematically, Multidimensionally Encoded / Underwritten, Inescapably
Our brains are not storing memories, etc.. They are processing mathematics, patterns, *energies* (fine frequency X intensity levels) pulsating through us with every breath we take, every move we make. The more Conscious/Awakened we are to these *energies* (able to decipher what they mean or entail) the less we are mere dominos being knocked over by it as its ><((((harmonics ))))>< pulsate their way, tsunami-like, toward and through us...
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...every second of our lives. With every choice, every decision, we are pushed and pulled, haunted and taunted by its determination to redirect us. While you pull away, trying to project, it grabs you and tries to get you to reflect, a game of The Something vs The Nothing that ultimately we cannot win! It is what it is! Universal Truth of Existence.
Thanks to dependent origination, if we go up it goes down, if right it goes left. If it demands 9 and we behave 3 there is no escaping its 6, aka karma! Our only solace is to wake up, align ourselves with our underwritten reality mindfully, accordingly, and respect and appreciate the reality of *balance* for what it really is, and what we really are!
But this is where it gets exciting, and profoundly intriguing, because it is inadvertently teaching us to master our own destiny, to experience life from an extraordinary *place* of mindfulness. Kinda like our throwing temper tantrums to revolt against responsible guidance, only to surrender to eventually *recognizing* that guidance as what we were searching for all along!
For instance, NonLinear forever *Now*/*balance* is where cures for the world's most horrific diseases and disorders are to be found, where warnings of tragic natural and human-initiated disasters are to be *realized* as imminent long BEFORE they reach manifestation! Answers to higher technologies, to the "toys" of "the non-existent future" are to be *accessed.* Sitting around naively waiting for "future" mindfulnesses that are immediately NonLinearly present and available if only folks would Awaken themselves to them is ridiculously self-defeating. Sure beats the tragedy of "too late"!
Animal Intelligence and Extraordinary Abilities
I recently tweeted (and will further explain):
"I studied dolphin language/intelligence (grad comparative psy) and they are incredibly intelligent and mindful! They could read and process and remember entire paragraphs of tasks to perform. Animals are using a form of quantum physics (sensory inclusive) that modern scientists have long ago forgotten!"
Documentaries on snakes and other animals have been done trying to figure out how animals and other sentient creatures are able to detect and protect themselves from imminent dangers that humans totally have no clue about and have lost their lives, en masse, to!
In higher reality, they are nonlinearly retaining their heightened sensitivities to these universally-flowing energies underwriting each and every one of us, including their ability to *process* and interpret the messages they carry.
I just so happened to have been born with a super-hyper-sensitivity to these *Universal Energies,* including the ability to dissolve everything back to the *Core,* see what's going on there and what's congealing toward manifestation, mathematically, multidimensionally, intensity-inclusive, and convert it all back to surface language to reveal what that is. Zero anything whatsoever to do with "psychic" malarkey. Just very basic NonLinear mathematical superConsciousness, that's all! Everyone has it...they've just distracted themselves from it! Animals retain it, as well!
Consciousness, Enlightenment, Awakening is the fluent *recognition* and *realization* and ability to process these Higher Universal Physics Truths. Aka...Shangri-La / Shambhala!