Friday, December 31, 2021

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories etc.. Extended XII

... And Detailed for Replication Purposes... XII (Continuing...)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...

*Structure* in *Emptiness*

Going Deeper, Soaring Higher

Einstein had nothing on you! If you only knew...what you really are capable of! And he tried so hard to tell the world that, himself, but no one knew how to hear him!

He was as amused, and as frustrated, as I have been! The Answers are right there! How on earth can they still not be recognized?

You are not what you think you are! You are soooo much more! Everyone is! It's heartbreaking to watch billions of folks the world over living in the chaos of their own making, when it just doesn't have to be that way!

As higher and higher realizations within yourself *reflect* and reveal to you higher and higher realizations without yourself, layers upon layers of hidden dimensions on those extended harmonics (((( )))) come forth to claim their rightful place in your Awakening. Seemingly outta no where, far more abstract and increasingly complex recognitions arise within you equipped with the depth of your newly discovered *accesses*, along with your amazement at not only your newfound ability to process them but the *realization* of your *worthiness* to even/"even" have them!

It has always been a playful yet highly respectful curiosity of mine that it seems almost intentional that ONLY those who genuinely give of themselves (in *doing the work*) with that much selflessness and courage are those mysteriously "allowed" to *access* these Higher Realizations! Makes for fascinating wonderment, that's for sure! You'll see what I mean when you *get there.* All anthropomorphizing aside, reality discover yourself *entrusted* in a way you enormously and humbly *respect*!

I genuinely hope for you that you directly experience this for yourself!

Direct experience is key!

Like Carl Sagan himself said, "Buried within the message itself is the key to decoding it!"

Fascinating as all heck how it got there!

Everything you find yourself pondering now has increasingly more depth and balance and *aha!* factors, as better tools build better bridges to carry you beyond your wildest dreams!

I love the elements in Carl Sagan's movie "Contact," which is like The NeverEnding Story for scientists, that speak directly to my heart, albeit breaking my heart that scientists still think that movie was pure fantasy! The recognition that the message could only be decoded from a place of mathematical multidimensionality, that Ellie saw Translucence as her wormhole journey began, that scientists in the "control room" (hear that?) only saw static, insisting on malfunctioning, as mindful Ellie alone was propelled through her wormhole, that the White House secretly confided in each other that while only seconds were observed by those at "control," there actually had been... "18 (h)ours" of Time missing!

Now what do you suppose hap... Well, relinquish some of your need for control ("self" in HH Dalai Lama's message) and perhaps you'll figure that out! ;) 


Your Extended Nuclear Relatives / Relativ-ity

Where are they going to take you?

First, to quote Bastian in The NeverEnding Story, your homework to watch back in Shangri-La ... 

"A math test! Oh, no!"

Don't panic just yet! You can pull this one off!

It is all / Awe...about *energy*, and to give you a guide to help you fathom that *energy* as you venture into your extended relatives / relativ-ity: Draw a glimpse into the warping fabric / tapestry of the Universe in your notebook, and see if you can recognize its stillness /*still*-ness super(im)position. 

How? Well, here's a *hint*...for *Now*: Count from zero to nine horizontally. Then, vertically. We'll come back to this!

Your Extended Relatives / Relativ-ty: Grandmother and Grandfather

More homework:

Write a few pages about your grandparents, separate for each.

(To be continued...)

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories etc. Extended XI

  ...And Detailed for Replication Purposes... XI (Continuing...)

Going INSIDE the Living Process, AS it Processes Itself

...and as it processes YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable ...

*Structure* in *Emptiness!* 

Your Intelligent Emotions

There's an interesting connection to explore relative to higher Consciousness and people who discover themselves comfortably "going there."

Essentially, a sense of permission. 

Nag Hammadi Jesus and the Dalai Lama began their lives told from the beginning they were expected by convention to be different than collective unconscious convention (Swiss psychiatrist / psychoanalyst Carl Jung's expression), and the Beatles found themselves soooo celebrated beyond convention that mind-boggling millions showed up to see them as they traveled city to city. (It was suggested that folks were escaping the trauma of JFK's recent assassination, and that the extreme divide between very male (whiffle haircuts) and very female (females rarely wore pants, illegal in schools at the time) caused the desperation for change in these androgynous musicians with long hair!). John Lennon and even moreso George Harrison were especially affected by the need for higher Answers to what on earth was happening to them. 

All of these folks discovered themselves in India (in Historical Jesus' case India and Buddhism are suspected as having found themselves in Judea), in search of higher Answers than convention seemed content to accept for itself. Finding themselves in celebrated circumstances assisted them in seeking higher Truth than convention could provide and almost on instinct they knew exactly where to find it!

John Lennon and George Harrison studied the Bhagavad Gita with their guru (Sanskrit:Teacher) Prabhupada, who advised them to learn the Sanskrit language so they could read the ancient texts directly for themselves, this after John Lennon said he didn't know which translation to believe. I seem to remember his response was something like, "Whoooa! Now, you're talkin'!" (Used to have a longer version of this on ancient cassette! VIDEO: John Lennon and George Harrison with Guru Prabhupada.)

Ah, one / *One* such discussion found...

Prabhupada Discussing Bhagavad Gita in Sanskrit (Hinduism)

Longer discussion between Guru Prabhupada and John Lennon and George Harrison

(Note: This is not Hinduism, specifically. Awakening / Enlightenment / Universal NonLinear Physics Truth is eclectic. But as I explained in Shangri-La II, religions are relative to level of congregational awareness, and there are religions, such as Buddhism, Taoism and Hinduism, right there at Oz!)

HH Dalai Lama, of course, became a refuge in India in 1959 and highly praises and respects its ancient Vedic (Sanskrit:Wisdom) *realizations.* (5000 years)

The rest of humanity has lost itself in storytelling that is rooted in the processing of time and space from a place of distraction.

Try as they might, folks can't find their way out of the predicament they've gotten themselves into with the same mind that got them into that predicament in the first place. Similar to how much of sentient functioning comes from their autonomic nervous system, such as breathing, so they don't have to directly think about doing it constantly, likewise their acceptance of surface beliefs that get them through the basic survival needs of their everyday life.

Trapped in a loop of self-fulfilling prophecy, if they truly want to change their rut of distraction, they genuinely likewise need assistance and guidance. I have previously written, probably a few years ago here, that a research paper I did in college referenced psychiatrists, particularly from the UK, who believed many folks with mental disorders, including homeless folks, don't need mental institutions but rather classrooms, instead, with higher *realizers* who could simply assist them, when they find themselves escaping conventional expectations (ex: jolted by a tragic event or trauma) but with no exposure to anyone who could help them understand what is happening to them or where to go next.

As I mentioned in this Quantum series of posts, folks (such as thousands of meditators in Thailand believing aliens are communicating with them) can only do what they know how to do, but when they know better, they do better. Most folks very genuinely want the Truth. They just need help and guidance toward that goal.

"Empty Nature"

His Holiness, Dalai Lama, in his 3 day conference with Taiwanese quantum physicists, discusses the "empty nature" of all things, such that *realization* of reality being completely other than "as it appears" frees one of the rigidity of their "grasping" and "clinging to notions of self and self-centeredness." In other words, when you see how things really are other than what you use as a foundation for your rigidly held beliefs, you let go of those notions and enjoy a higher quality of life as a result. So do others around you!

"Doing the work" of your Nuclear Family / Relatives / Relativ-ity helps you directly experience the bases of the "empty nature" of all things, along with many other higher Universal Processes, in action, that you would likely never otherwise begin to *recognize*. You need that direct exposure, experientially.

Conventional minds have distracted themselves from higher reality with the obvious demands of civilization settlements where they began to become saturated with ~ each other ~ essentially and were no longer in a position to slow down time enough to remain contemplative as their basic nature. In much the same way as television and computers and airplanes over saturate folks' minds and alter time perception today, settling into one place and being expected to "come out of oneself" to contribute to budding societal demands altered how people processed time and space, and perceived direction, as they fought to maintain some semblance of self while "fitting in" to get along with those with whom they were locking themselves in close contact.

Naturally, like-mindedness begets like-mindedness, and so shared, increasingly large scale religion was born with civilization as a way to group and empower that like-mindedness, because being with others similarly minded is just less stress and struggle (again related to timeXspace alteration), which of course feels good, making it harder and harder for folks to relinquish that immediate comfort to learn and grow in any other direction.

So, it takes a lasting, persistent situation that constantly interrupts and interferes with comfortable rigidity to redirect folks out of that "timeXspace signature" / place in the grand scheme of all things toward another way of being, of behaving, and of perceiving. Vested interests and all...

Convention, so deeply invested in its predicament of commune-ity distraction, cannot find its way out of its situation with the same rules of engagement that only support and protect...what else but...convention! 

So, one by one, those who are in a position to evolve enough to recognize the rut and genuinely want higher Truth for themselves than convention is capable of providing or currently has the ability to process, will be those who go out of their way to make that happen for themselves.

So, here, having taken oneself more deeply *within* (mother/Mother superimposition), *without* (father/Father superimposition), and sister(s) analogies to one's right, this begets...what else is left/"left" ?

Your Brother Super(im)position

The more deeply you go toward *balance* within yourself, the more deeply you are able recognize what is really going on without yourself.

Brother is your left brain, your thinking/thoughts, your intellectualizations. Go back over everything you have written about your brother(s) and hear your very own cognitions being exposed and revealed in what you have expressed about each of  your brother(s).

As with your feminine "siblings," older brothers reveal depth of commitment, determination, conviction, rigidity, while younger male "siblings" expose your more recent thinking, less conviction, less rigidity. Amazing to observe the Universal process in action and its incredible accuracy. That's because everything's going on on a much, much more complex energy level / dimension than most humans *even* allow themselves to notice, most content to live unquestioningly "on the surface" with their "surface notions" that take on vested meaningfulnesses and values not readily relinquished.

The ancients recognized the Universal polar opposite *energies* and even built them into their languages and acknowledged them toward their higher realizations. Check out Plato's "Symposium," in which Aristophanes and others pondered the higher meanings of male and female, androgyny, balance and Love. 

Mathematical I Ching and Tao Te Ching acknowledge them and express them as *energies* exposing balance vs imbalance.

Panini built them into Sanskrit!

Here, masculinity, left, aggressive, sun, logic, school, yang... reflect inverted femininity, right, passive, moon, intuition, work, yin analogies aka *energies*. (Check out June Singer's book "Androgyny" for more.)

If you find yourself tempted to try to debunk these *energy Truths" about yourself, go sit in front of a mirror or camera while you argue out everything you have written and what is being revealed to you about yourself, and try to debunk the inescapable reality of your lateral eye movements, or LEMs!**  You cannot usurp your own higher neurological impulses, attempt as you may! The Universe *already knows* precisely who you really are!

No shallow performance art of commune-ity living can escape Universal Truth, no matter how hard it or you may try. These analogies / super(im)positions of you are going to follow you everywhere you go, every breath, every circumstance, every moment for the rest of your life! And...beyond! ;)

And they equally apply to everyone else around you, as well as everything (a higher dynamic yet to come), so remember...YOU are the one choosing to *do the work.* DO NOT selfishly try to force anyone not yet *ready* into higher realizations they are not equipped to handle. The Universe is watching your every move, every intent, and there will be (karma) to pay!

The intrigue deepens and deepens...

Conventionally-minded surface rules and expectations cannot begin to *access* the depths and heights of relative time and relative space of NonLinear awareness. Conventional rules and regulations are only in place to support and protect...convention.

As you actually *do (this) work* toward your Enlightenment, learning how you think and process intellectually, your feelings grow right along with you, as they too reach far more deeply than ever before, increasing your *accesses* to layers upon layers of multi-dimensional you!

As one side of you learns to acknowledge and NonLinearly collaborate with the other side of you, more and more *reality* sets in, more and more *balance* and equanimity, and the further you find yourself propelled through that genuine wormhole, that lookingglass/mirror reflecting the state of the art of the heart of your Awakening.

*Now*... what?

Your Nuclear Family / Relatives / Relativity (Einstein) YOU is just beginning...

Much more to come. Subject to editing and additions.


** LEMS (Lateral Eye Movements)

Scientists (including neurologists) run into a serious problem with their conventional linear notions of brain and mind when it comes to the truth of LEMs, or lateral eye movements.

It is impossible to escape the higher physics dynamics expressed, exposed, while we are talking, because the left brain automatically projects out to our right visual field, and the right brain automatically projects out to our left visual field, faster than reflex. Try as one might to usurp the situation, the darting of our eyes like that "tells on"/exposes the depths and levels of truth/conviction/reality we inadvertently express in the process. The more intense our feelings the further left our eyes dart, and even entire heads turn, while the more deeply we are thinking the farther our eyes, even entire heads, are jolted to our right.** Balanced expressions maintain a forward gaze, in nonlinear Now. 

But faster than any attempts to "fake it" we could hope to muster, particularly because sudden far right jolting suggests lying, there is no escaping the reality that our brain and mind are designed by Nature itself, exposing the higher truth that the left hemisphere stores our thinking/thoughts/intellectualizations and our right hemisphere houses our feeling experiences, despite scientists persisting otherwise. (It's actually how the brain mathematically processes felt energies / patterns.)

Friday, December 24, 2021

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories etc. Extended X

 ...And Detailed for Replication Purposes... X (Continuing...)

Going INSIDE the Living Process, AS it Processes Itself

...and as it processes YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable ...

*Structure* in *Emptiness!* 

Your Emotional Intelligence

If you attempt to just read about, but not actually participate, in all this, you are cheating yourself out of not only your own Nonlinear *Accesses* and genuine Truths, but your own higher intelligence, as well.

As you ...actually... *do this work* of your Nuclear Family Relatives / Relativity, you will find yourself feeling more and more deeply, more and more intensely, and as you are going through those experiences your intelligence is multiplying exponentially as well, paralleling as it observes the Universal processes, in action, such that you are admitting to yourself all sorts of processes about yourself that the rest of you is simultaneously admitting and *recognizing* as present and going on with everyone else, and all else, all around you. If you don't learn to experience it inside yourself, you will never *even* know how to look for it outside yourself! the key! As you move more and more deeply inside yourself, it's like going into a cave full of extraordinary treasures you are finding, the more deeply you venture.

With every deeper-than-ever feeling accessed, your thought processes expand, opening your mind exponentially in ways you otherwise would likely never experience.

To help you learn to deepen your feeling experiences, to unlock and unleash your higher mind...

Your Nuclear Relativity / Relative-ity : Sister(s)

Go through your writing about your sister(s), one by one if plural. your feelings super(im)positions, like your deepest feelings talking to you. Go through every word, every line, every page, and, as with your mother/Mother and father/Father super(im)positions, go over and over everything you've written, repeatedly, even days, weeks, months from now, because the more you hear the first time or two or three, the more you will learn to recognize even further in what you are experiencing. Higher and higher Universal processes / NonLinear *accesses* are unfolding within you that you can't *even* imagine. Your mathematical, multidimensional mind is waking up! Everything (and everybody) around you is gonna seem...different!

Here, older sisters reveal more conviction, more commitment in those feelings of yours, longer held, while younger sisters reflect less conviction, less commitment, newly held.

It is all about *energy* and *balance* recognition. 

Within X Without!

Beware that far beyond anything you have written in your *doing the work* here, for the rest of your life you will suddenly realize yourself as *recognizing* layers upon layers of higher Truths about yourself (and everything else) when least expecting it, in everyday conversation, everyday experiences. no matter who is doing the talking...or doing! Thousands upon thousands of "aha!" moments are yet to come!

Every day of your life, for the rest of your life, you will experience that Pandora's Box! Your Consciousness / Awakening / Enlightenment forever in the process of witnessing the living process! 

The more you Awaken, the more the whole universe all around you will come alive and reveal itself! Kinda like...*do the work* of 1000 "aha!"s and 10,000 will begin flowing into your mindfulness.

It can be a real roller coaster ride! Full of ups and downs and all arounds! Make sure you are *ready* to have and handle "that much information"!

Remember to give yourself all the time and space (quite literally) you need to allow your natural defense mechanisms to catch up! They will! Your new meaningfulnesses will, as well!

Fear at first will turn into joy and intrigue, such that you'll find yourself wanting to know more and More and MORE! :)

Welcome to the beginning of your Enlightenment!

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories etc. Extended IX

 ...And Detailed for Replication Purposes... IX (Continuing...)

Going INSIDE the Living Process, AS it Processes Itself

...and as it processes YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable ...

*Structure* in *Emptiness!* 

Time X Space Signatures in the NonLinear Universe

Close your eyes and observe your breathing. (It is very important not to skip this *work.* Make it a routine while you go along here. Verrrry revealing and informative! Many other paralleling dynamics will also reveal themselves to you along the way, as it all begins multiplying itself exponentially!)  You are observing Time and Space! They are simply breathing, relative to your every thought, every feeling, every perception. Try meditating by saying to yourself "time" (while breathing in), "space" (while breathing out). Next, reverse those to "space" (while breathing in), "time" (while breathing out). Notice what they are telling you! You are not just using abstract words, you are identifying the Truth of what they really are! More time, less space. More space, less time. You are literally driving / *driving* through your own life! (Hear that?) They are simply morphing velocities! (Speed relative to level of mindfulness / Consciousness!)

"Nothing exists at it appears." - HH Dalai Lama

Everything you see "out there" is an ever-changing projection X reflection of the state of the art of the heart of the collective. Within X Without. The Universe is one gigantic MIND, and we are its neurons and neural pathways as it turns around to reflect upon itself.

Sometimes it is really hard for me to sloooow down my NonLinear multidimensional math mind so conventional minds can HEAR me! My brain processes all this with a lifetime (or more! ;) ) of habituation, in a *flash,* because none of this is new to me. In my efforts to be *heard* and *listened to* I am breaking everything down into details required for that to happen, as much as I can, on the time X space signature of collective convention.

As I mentioned in my sharing of my profound experiences at 3 years old, all it takes for me to see and recognize extraordinary details / super(im)positions is a super-fast *flash* ("memories that precede themselves" both forward and back) aka higher *accesses* to what is congealing, or has congealed, on those *energy* layers upon layers of multi(ple)-dimensions because I am super-hyper sensitive to NonLinear *energies."

This is the very same dynamic involved in wormholes. They are merely extreme *balance* points in the Universe, black holes, too! (Cosmic dark energy and dark matter apply!). What *suspends* any of us in wherever we each are in (those wormholes of multidimensional *access*) / life is... Well, it's like a clogged drain! What moves us further is our ability to *balance* ourselves, in each progression, via "doing the work," which propels us on to wherever we again run into "clogged* imbalance. (Think "Alice in Wonderland" falling through her looking glass!)

What constitutes higher and lower Consciousness levels of *access* is our relative time X space signatures / placement in the grand scheme / fabric / tapestry of all things. A way to understand this is simply to see time and space as ingredients in a recipe, with each of us having our very own personalized amounts of each of these "ingredients."  That doesn't constitute choice, overall, though, in terms of getting to make up what we want to believe the Universal Truth is, but... how we choose to navigate ourselves through life wherever we happen to be on our journey in our ever-current understanding.**

Your New-Clear / Nuclear Relatives, continued... (Hear that?)

Broadening your consciousness / conscious *access* on those multidimensional layers / dimensions:

Your father / Father Super(im)position:

Invertedly (to your innermost mother / Mother analogies), your father / Father is your ultimate outermost self revealing itself to you in your pages of notes about your Dad. "He" is your environment.

Go through all your notes about your Dad and *listen* to the Universe revealing and exposing your outer world.

You will be amazed at how the universe doesn't miss a single atom or molecule, not the tiniest wave, such that you can almost hear it talking to you!

Again, you cannot conveniently safely sit idly by trying to just learn ...about... or observe the process from a distance while hiding out. You have to actually *do the work* required to deeply, directly, empathically and consciously *experience* the reality of your inescapable nonlinearity. The universe is watching your every move, and...your every intention! Hiding out is NOT the karma*** you are going to want coming into your life trying to escape responsibility.

To be continued...


** Draw a circle. Fill it with dots. That is the ever-changing fabric of the universe. As you change moment to moment, thoughts, feelings, actions, etc., where your dot is, aka your time X space signature / placement in the grand scheme of all things, changes, relative to how balanced you are, or not.

*** Relative simultaneity.  As often described in these blogs, if the Universal Truth of any given situation is 9 and you behave 6, it will bring that missing 3 into your life as your destiny. If you go 7 then 2. If 4 then 5. It's inescapable in a NonLinear Universe maintaining itself.

Monday, December 20, 2021

The Great 14th...Dalai Lama : Award-Winning Self-Narrated 90-min Documentary

In His Own Words! 

Not to be missed!

This is beyond EXTRAORDINARY!

100% Narrated by HH Dalai Lama himself, throughout! 

Constant incredible film footage of HH Dalai Lama's life and experiences, at all ages. 

Now running on PBS! Check your listings: Constantly updating... PBS Airdates (

The Great 14th...Dalai Lama 


(Applause / Awards Well-Deserved, Filmmakers! / 

HH Dalai Lama!)

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories etc. Extended VIII

 ...And Detailed for Replication Purposes... VIII (Continuing...)

Going INSIDE the Living Process, AS it Processes Itself

...and as it processes YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable ...

*Structure* in *Emptiness!* 



Remembering that everything is a nonlinear superimposition of everything else, everything nonlinearly paralleling and morphing simultaneously (simultaneity being relative): **

So is everybody...

Your Nuclear Relatives / Relativity / Time X Space NonLinearity  


Remember: You have to ACTUALLY *do the work!* This isn't something you can just safely and conveniently read about, while hiding out from a distance! The Answers are in your DIRECT EXPERIENCE!

*Now*...let's go through and detail all of these, with many more to come.

Let's talk about your mother / Mother.

Your mother existed in this life loooong before YOU were *even* conceived. That right there is a physics hint. 

And all of these physics are accurate whether you never even met your mother, you are an astronaut in outer space or living on the space station, haven't seen your mother in years, or what have you! There is a much, much higher process going on that there is no escape from, no convenient hiding place or opting out.

Go back over your pages of notes you have written about your mother, and now read everywhere you have written "mother, mom, ma, etc.," as...YOUR very own ultimate innermost self! Everything everywhere you referenced your mother, you were simultaneously talking about your ultimate innermost self!

"Brutally honest?" Ouch, right?!

Don't run away just yet. You are just getting started.

Can you *feel* yourself processing more deeply? See yourself just beginning to go inside "the living process?"

These physics are very, very real! This is your MIND you are waking up to, yet your "mother" superimpositions were already in place long BEFORE you were even born! Or conceived!

See how MIND exists without BRAIN?

Take all the time, and space, you need to go through every word, every line, every sentence you wrote in your notebook about your  / your mother / "mother."

Don't even try to escape the Truth! The Universe is watching your every move, every hidden intention, and there will be (karma) to pay!

You are just beginning to Awaken. As you go through all of these, with many more to come, you will eventually learn to hear pretty much every word in every sentence is also hiding in plain sight higher realizations for you to recognize. For example, if you wrote:

"My mother lives near a police station,* you also exposed / revealed that your ultimate innermost self stays close to rules and regulations!

Yep! Language is mathematical *energy* unconsciously constructed and superimposed by energy values and made up of grunts and groans empathically recognized by others and added to over thousands upon thousands of years...into what passes for "surface language" we use today for communication.

If Conscious enough, you'll hear layers upon layers of different things,  being revealed all at once, simultaneously!

Go ahead and spend all the time you need to thoroughly learn who you really are, deep down inside.

You are just beginning to fall through a very genuine WORMHOLE!

The only thing that *suspends* you in that wormhole is your need to *do (more) work.*

Much more to come... Subject to editing and additions.)

** Two / too  / to  / 2 / tu / II... Kept in mind, this may help you begin to recognize nonlinear superimposition and simultaneity, etc. They were my mathematically-minded wormhole as a very young child keeping me in constant *pure (unobstructed) observation!*

Friday, December 17, 2021

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories etc., Extended VII

 ...And Detailed for Replication Purposes... VII (Continuing...)

Going INSIDE...the Living Process

...AS It Processes Itself

Starting with the Living Process of...YOU!

There is no proof more convincing than to directly experience and witness it happening, in the very immediate moment it is happening!

(I shared the following on HH Dalai Lama's fb page):

Unfortunately, sometimes Buddhism has a way of going all the way around the Universe to get across the street! Also, language barriers make the easiest everyday basic concepts seem extremely remote and complex, unnecessarily unreachable. 

Another issue is that there is soooo much dependency on the Buddha and text that it can take on the western deity worship dynamic of making people, however inadvertently, feel "forever less than" a "Forever More Than" that they will never, ever find themselves simply equal to.

The basic Reality is that there is an inescapable physics process "underwriting" everybody and everything, that every person, even if running out the door in protest...of ANY...religion or direction (including science) can NEVER EVER conveniently opt out of, by reality of their own existence! With every escape attempt, they are unwittingly taking that physics WITH them as they run out the door!

Another concern I have, coming from a place of *realization,* is that when the Whole Answer is being tossed at people all at once, they become soooo overwhelmed, and feel so unworthy and/or so unable to *grasp* its complexity, that they either just hopelessly give up altogether or they settle for being that "forever less than," when in Reality each and every sentient being was BORN "a buddha" (simply, *realizer") but got distracted away from it by conventional expectations of them, as everyday life set in, and now they have the overwhelming frustration of trying to find their way back "home" again. That's a lot of neurons and neural pathways to have to untangle!

When people are kept, however inadvertently, in a place of feeling "less than" a "Forever More Than," THAT IN ITSELF becomes the biggest teaching failure of all, because of what that mistakenly convinces people about themselves, generalizing in soooo many other aspects of their lives, when they already have so many tangled webs to untangle as it is! It also creates a childlike-to-parent imbalance / relationship with Truth they wear as well. And it also leaves people feeling so imbalanced that in order to compensate they victimize those around them to feel better about themselves, even if they don't realize they are doing that. A vicious cycle!

Step by step, one moment at a time, each moment an "aha!" moment experienced directly *within* themselves , originating 100% from *deep within,* NOT rotely mimicked from without, is the way for folks to take back the reality of their, and Everybody and Everything's, Reality, that no one can ever again distract away from them! It restores self esteem, self respect, self trust, self confidence, self love, self compassion, etc, all the while teaching them that "self" (as well as MIND) is inescapably SHARED, Universally throughout, not anything in any way individually proprietarily owned.

If anyone is feeling overwhelmed, lost or needing that step by step guidance to recognize the Answers  100% totally *within* themselves, I am teaching it on my blogs, and you are more than welcome to be a part of joyful successful forever *aha!* at a time!

It is all a million times easier than it may seem.

(It is also the actual physics behind re-incarnation and past life memories.) *One*

Welcome, everyOne!

Now, ...YOUR... Nuclear Relatives / Relatives. 

(Caution: You are now going INSIDE the LIVING PROCESS of not only yourself, your own Truth, but the Truth of Everybody and Everything going on in the whole entire Universe! Make sure you are ...*ready*... to handle that much information! This becomes a  Pandora's Box that will keep you Awakening further and further in EVERY moment, EVERY encounter, for the rest of your life!)

Be certain you really WANT to KNOW the Truth! If you feel overwhelmed, back away and give your natural defense mechanisms a chance to process and catch up! It is not unusual for folks to go away for weeks at a time. Or more! That is called...

"Doing the Work!"

Having written out pages and pages about your immediate family in your ("for your eyes only!") notebook, and if you haven't yet read the previous articles here about the quantum physics of re-incarnation and past life memories, etc., please do that before going forward... (Very important foundation for these!) In review:

... Write a few pages about your mother / Mother.

... Write a few pages about your father / Father.

... Write a few pages about your sister (individually, if plural).

... Write a few pages about your brother (individually, if plural).

Next, let's go through these, one by one...

Who are you reeeeally, and how is everybody and everything all *interconnected* ??

(Coming up...)

My fb page : The Physics of superConsciousness

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories etc., Extended VI

 ...And Detailed for Replication Purposes... VI (Continuing...)

Most folks have more than likely seen documentaries on the horrors of September 11, 2001, not only the devastations to the buildings and the nightmare of all the folks in those airplanes and towers, etc., but while I, with my NonLinear mathematical superConsciousness, *recognized* all that, in accurate detail, beginning years earlier (repeatedly documented starting in 1996), Pentagon, Capitol and Pennsylvania included, I find myself devastated by the trauma on the faces of the thousands upon thousands of dust covered people running for their lives through the streets of New York and Washington, DC! Up close and personal, and inescapable!

I see them as collective unconscious convention at their most vulnerable, their most pathetically lost in unconscious naivete.

The exact same NonLinear Physics that so fluently knew about / detected the horrors of 9/11/2001 in detail YEARS BEFORE any of that happened, as well as the imminent tsunami on December 26, 2004 AND its nearly quarter million death toll, 18 months before manifestation...and soooo much more, is the physics behind reincarnation and past life memories. Detectable earthquakes, space shuttles' demise, etc.... It's the EXACT SAME ...REPLICABLE... NonLinear Physics behind past life memories and reincarnation!

There is NO linear past to present to future in the higher reality! Humans invented all that to have "space" and "time" to process the mistaken notions of their collective unconscious convention! 

There is NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT to be teaching the world of billions of people right now than the REAL REALITY of their, and Everything's, NonLinearity!

It is far more important, far more essential, that people are taught to WAKE UP, than to be taught to simply tolerate each other in the tangled web cacophony they have all woven themselves into!

There is NO one-sided line-ar PAST to PRESENT to FUTURE! Everything is NonLinear (Forever) *Now* and therefore *accessible* in the *Now*...relative to how Conscious one/*One* is to recognize / realize it!

In other words, the more NonLinearly Conscious one is, the broader their *Now* / *accesses* of the harmonics (((( )))).

In a NonLinear Universe, every possible possibility has to the *Now*... whether people allow themselves to see it or not. There is no convenient subjective escaping the underwritten physics of their own reality of existence, no matter how much they may live in denial. That denial is called "the *even*-ing news!" 

Everything is already all said and done! It is ourselves, as deviations from the Core, who are having to catch up! Imagine what scientists waking up to this could do with that recognition! Cures for devastating diseases and disorders! Protection for millions from imminent nature-al and human initiated tragedies! Life changing technologies beyond their wildest imaginations!

The ONLY difference between "the future" and *Now* is Conscious Recognition / Awareness! 

There is *structure* in *Emptiness* / Translucence / Universal Empathy (absence of linear projection).

This is "how to" see and process that *structure.*

Your Holiness, please help me Awaken the world! It's just waaaay too important NOT to!

What's the purpose of being born with such a profound, world changing gift...that can't be shared!?

Nuclear Family Relativity / *Relativity* is your gateway taking you INSIDE the NonLinear Physics Reality of all Things, all Sentience, the undeniable living physics in the process of processing itself! In the process of processing...YOU!

Have you *done the work* advised in the previous post? This is where things are gonna start getting frightening for you! Be certain you want the truth. Pretty hard to UNsee once you go any further.

Coming up: Going INSIDE the living process...

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories etc., Extended V

 ..And Detailed for Replication Purposes  .... V (Continuing...)

The Nature of (Your) NonLinear Mind: "How to" *directly experience* the Universal Truth for your very own self, inescapably.

Where's the Proof?

A big problem with scientists is that they persist in trying to TELL the Universe what it has to be, instead of bothering to ASK IT what it truly is!

But if you genuinely and humbly want the real Truth, you don't get to make the rules and then expect, even demand, that everything fits into your notions of what constitutes the real reality. That's warped, biased faith, not Universal Truth!

The Universe makes the rules! The most you or anyone else can do is *do the work* to directly and inescapably *realize* / *recognize* what is happening for your very own self! 

The reason your mirror is such a powerful tool here is because it makes you directly experience the living physics in real NonLinear reflective relative "time" and "space" so intently that even / *even* you, yourself, have to recognize and own that you are living in denial if you refuse what you consistently, directly and very powerfully experience for yourself, seeing yourself INSIDE the living process while it is doing what it is doing! The only escape at that point is delusion.

It is an incredible, extraordinary experience! Why would anyone want to go through life NOT knowing, NOT Consciously *realizing* who and what they really are? What everything really is?

Remember, the Ultimate Answer is exactly the SAME for Everyone, and Everything! But the journey to get there is a journey of one / *One* because you are the only one who can untangle all the tangled webs that YOU have personally woven in your mind! No one else can do it for you! 

You are going to learn a much higher Respect, Appreciation and Trust in yourself, a profound Empathy, and with that the SAME in the Ultimate NonLinear Nature underwriting all / Awe in Existence.

So, where do you begin that *work*?

Your NonLinear Nuclear Family / Relativity / Relative -ity

First, you need to see how we are all inescapably interconnected and superimposed, which then teaches you to see how Everything, Everywhere is all interconnected and superimposed.

This will also help you begin to recognize relative time and relative space.

Get out your notebook and, for your eyes only, and being brutally honest (because there is no escaping that the Universe *already knows* what you should be writing!), do the following:

... Write a few pages about your mother / Mother.

... Write a few pages about your father / Father.

... Write a few pages about your sister (individually, if plural).

... Write a few pages about your brother (individually, if plural).

Much more to come, with these and soooo much more!

If you very genuinely *do the work* of your own Nuclear Relatives / Relativity (Yes! As in Einstein!) you will be in a position to awaken / enlighten yourself to the higher physics of all! 

The *process*...actually in process!

Including past life memories and re-incarnation!

To be continued... (Subject to editing).

Monday, December 13, 2021

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories etc., Extended IV

 ...And Detailed for Replication Purposes... IV (Continuing...)

Inside the NonLinear Mind of a *Remembering* Child 

My Own Profound NonLinear ("Energizer Bunny") Experience at Age 3

It is important here to share with you a very profound *recognition* I experienced when I was only 3 years old, that locked in assuredly that unconscious collective linear convention was not ever going to be successful in distracting me away from my beautiful *realizations.*

I was (seemingly) the youngest child in my neighborhood too young to go to school. "Big school," the children all called it. My best friend, Judy, got to go to school. Kindergarten. (When I finally made it there myself, I had even more profound experiences I can still clearly remember, as well! And many thereafter!)

Anyway, day after day I would sit all alone on the concrete sidewalk out in front of my house, making friends with nature. A lone little tree, and the "pretty lime green moss" I persisted in digging out of the cracks in the sidewalk to take home with me.

One day I commented to my mother that it kept reappearing back out there, and she told me it was alive! I decided to dig deeper so I wouldn't hurt it, and I have been "digging deeper" ever since!

One day, while sitting out there on that sidewalk all alone, a very profound sensation came over me.

Like, "Whoa! What IS this place?" (Close your eyes. Now open them. That place! Everything, everywhere all around me!)

"What IS this thing?" (Me!) "How did I get in here?" (In my body? In my head?)

"Where was I before I came here? And why did I have to leave there, to come here?"

I was not at all happy. I felt as though I wasn't *ready* to leave wherever I had been, to suddenly find myself in "...this place!" I had such depth of recognition of a previous life. 

"Why doesn't everybody all stop doing what they're doing to figure this all out?" 

(Paraphrasing some because much of it was sensation without words needed, like internal felt energy dialogue.)

"Why has everybody just (bought right into) whatever is going on without first stopping to know the answer?" "How can they just do what they do without first knowing what's happening?"

As I sat there in deep contemplation, suddenly I had a profound, revealing *flash!* That's all it takes...a blip second flash! I've been known to call them "memories that precede themselves," especially for the *recognitions* about devastations mentioned below.

I was walking down a long dirt and gravel road, single lane, more worn than intentionally created. Everything around me was greenery. I was very little, about the same age (3), and to my left was a very tall, very thin man (no one I knew) walking with me. He was wearing a very worn-looking medium to dark brown suit, and he never said anything. I was having to leave where I had been, and I turned to look over my shoulder and far behind me, to the right, was a town I was supposedly leaving, all one storey buildings.

This all happened in a flash, and I was thoroughly convinced I had been there.

Many times throughout my life I have had similar past life experiences, and they are always analogical superimpositions to my NonLinear Now, including as my grandmother herself as a young child, seeing her neighborhood, and as a distant relative in what appeared to be in the 1800s or earlier, super fascinating and detailed.

Most profound, however, has been my lifelong NonLinear *recognitions* of imminent devastations, extraordinarily detailed (names, dates, faces, places...), many documented, even repeatedly witnessed by psychiatrists, professors, authorities. 9/11/01, Oklahoma Federal Building, Vegas massacre, kidnappings (including first, middle and last name of a kidnapper, what they were wearing, and so on...), earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricane paths before they even begin, locations, magnitudes, death tolls, both space shuttle disasters, and more.

It is all nothing more than Conscious NonLinearity. Multidimensional *access.*

There is *structure* in Emptiness, Translucence. Observable, measurable, teachable, and replicable *Structure,* capable of saving countless lives, *access*-ing cures for diseases and disorders, ending relentless wars around the world with higher mindfulness, empathy, compassion!

HOW can this NOT be important?

You'll come back to my NonLinear super(im)positions here as you *do the work* of processing the living process, as it processes YOU, as you progress in your ability to Consciously *recognize*  / *realize* what was analogically / super(im)positionally happening here. Suffice it, for now / *Now* to say reveals that...I caught convention in the process of trying to distract and overtake me and my mathematical intelligence wasn't allowing it to happen!  

Next...Taking YOU *inside* your very own NonLinear Physics super(im)positions. Get your notebook ready!

Writing, subject to editing...

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories etc., Extended III

...And Detailed for Replication Purposes... III (Continuing...)

Going *within* to locate the Universal Truth, *without* well as across Time and Space.

You need to take a really important tool with you, as you journey toward recognition of the physics behind past life memories and reincarnation


So, let's talk the physics of meditation, and exactly why it is so important, as you learn to realize the physics! Then, you're going to need that notebook and pen I mentioned in Shangri-La / Shambhala I 

We are all "underwritten." So is everything else! This is "how to" recognize this for yourself! There is no tool more profound, more powerful, more convincing, than your very own mirror!

Past life memories and reincarnation are underwritten physics! You'll see!

((((((((( )))))))))

Empty space = avid Time. 

))))))))) (((((((((

Empty time = avid Space!

The more Space, the less Time.

The more Time, the less Space.

They are breathing, pulsating, simply *energies* recognizable / realizable relative to mindfulness.

(Dark energy and dark matter apply here! So do black holes and wormholes! Even gravity! Scientists, listen up!)

Imagine, if you will, that the pyramids are being built right now, as we speak!

Everything that has ever happened, everything yet to happen, is all happening right *Now.* NonLinearity!

You can "plot" everything's existence / happening on these *energy* pulsations away from and toward the Core / NonLinear Forever *Now.*

Example: (Very simplistically, to make my point)

...(Neanderthals((Krishna(((Pyramids(((Buddha((Tao Te Ching((Jesus(((Lincoln(9/11/01(*Now*))))))))))))))))))...

Including ourselves!

So, essentially, everything is existing the *Now*...  on layers upon layers (dimensions) of energy / harmonics, such that you could *access* them relative to how Conscious / Awakened / Enlightened you are!

Relative to how NonLinearly mindful you are!

The more NonLinearly Conscious you are, in the immediate moment, the more you can *access* the superimpositions, including the superimpositions of YOU! (Stretched out in "time" over space, and "space" over time, you CAN have / *access* "past life memories" because you are an *energy stream* in the tapestry / fabric / grand scheme of all things, smoothly transitioning as simple, basic physics reality! You need to let go of your notions of self! Keep reading, because I will show you precisely "how to" do this!

This is where "past life memories" and "reincarnation" come in! Every possible possibility of you has to exist in the immediate *Now.*

Just HOW much potential humans and animals have to *access* what is happening on these *energy pulsations* / layers / dimensions is ...relative to... how UNdistracted they are!

This is where meditation comes in!

Thailand / Removing the Dam Barriers

A recent episode of "Expedition X" on Discovery Channel on TV showed a potential cult building in Thailand, by thousands, where folks are very seriously misinterpreting what is happening to them during meditation. They seriously believe that "aliens" are communicating with them while they are meditating! 

That's NOT "aliens"! That is simply the other side of themselves flowing back into their awareness, broken dam-like, the more their natural innate nonlinearity is restored as they center and rebalance themselves from conventional distractions that more than 99% of the entire world's population has gotten itself so lost in, via thousands of years of storytelling.

Of course, they are not *realizing* what is actually happening to them. They are trying to reason it through by way of all the tangled webs they have woven themselves into, influenced by the collective unconscious convention, aka the established, embellished, collaborated upon distracted human convention that more than 99% of the world has bought into.

Meditation gets you out of your own way, bringing a halt to your projections, your storytelling, and the more you hold your mind in balance, freed of all that distraction, the more the Truth of your innate NonLinear reality is able to restore itself to your awareness, as well as to your physiology. Your heart and all your other parts know their inherent nonlinear reality, their origin, so they become less and less stressed in the process of your Awakening!

And so do...Children!

The REAL reason very young children are first able to experience past life memories and see themselves as re-incarnations of another life is because they are born NonLinearly re-minded...

> < (((( )))) > <

...of themselves, of their actual reality, and are able to *access* their own superimpositions**...the *presence* of themselves on other extended layers / dimensions / energy pulsations...until collective unconscious convention gets a hold of them and rushes them increasingly into its linear, one-sided distractions / notions (cerebral neglect of half their own minds) straight into its storytelling. The more overtaken and lost into conventional misbeliefs, the less children are able to *access* their own nonlinearity...with only half of their minds applicable / available to them by then.

I never got lost by convention! I was already waaaay too mathematically, NonLinearly mindful  / Conscious at three years old to buy into all that! It's like the energizer bunny, I've described it! Coming into awareness of myself at 3, I just kept going and going and going... No way was I ever going to buy into convention.

So, how do you get back to the real reality? Why is it soooo incredibly important? 

It could change the whole world! Save countless lives! End relentless warring! But will they ever allow themselves to see it?


** "Superpositions" in quantum physics. I'll often write it as "super(im)positions" here, for the same reason it's soooo important to *recognize* the higher nonlinear physics reality of "nuclear" and "relatives."

(To be continued...)

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories etc., Extended II

 ...And Detailed for Replication Purposes... II (Continued...)


I cannot emphasize enough just how incredibly important it is for the world to wake up enough to the physics "underwriting" past life memories and reincarnation.

Countless lives could be saved! Thousands, hundreds of thousands, from calamities *realized* "in time" (hear that? You will, differently, if you *do the work* to Awaken yourself!). Billions of lives could be saved, "over time" (how's that for an important preposition?!) with higher realizations in *accessing* elusive cures for horrific diseases and disorders! I ...have... the Answers! Very genuinely! But will anyone bother to listen / *listen*?

Einstein recognized relative time, but that's kindergarten compared to this! For real! (Don't get lost in western compulsion toward worship! That causes you to lose the other side of yourself, of your beautiful brilliance! You are not a "forever less than" to a "Forever More Than"!)**

There is soooo much to this, requiring years of *doing the work* / lifetimes *even*, to directly see it for yourself. But if you allow yourself to relinquish some control and establish TRUST in your very own heart and soul, you will get there sooner rather than later. The resistance you will experience is your natural defense mechanisms trying to rush to redirect and protect you, because we are always moving both Toward and simultaneously Away From the Universal Core Truth. That's because we are constantly pushed and pulled, by physics, to protect BOTH our Nothing and our Something at the same time, in the same space. "The Two Truths"! Trust your *higher heart* and you will align yourself with the Real Reality! As you do, your natural defense mechanisms will grow right along with you (as well as your meaningfulnesses!).

This blog (one of a related series I've written) has already and long ago repeatedly detailed much of what I am addressing here, so essentially everything I am providing here can be even more thoroughly explored by searching this blog and my others for further confirmation.

Here, the most important things to recognize and remember are:

... Dependent Origination (no up without a down, no over without an under) applies to time and space as well. More time, less space, More space, less time. They are breathing, right along with you!

... The Universe is Non-Linear X ((((0)))) X, meaning pulsating harmonically from a Balanced Core. Radiating out and back simultaneously, simultaneity being relative. You can directly and fluently see and experience this with NonLinear Consciousness. It is NOT happening in a straight line (line-arity), going in one direction, and this means that...

... Linear  o)))) one-sided, past to present to future is wrong, including that ONLY conventionally-conceived now is accessible, such that "no one can know the future / predict earthquakes," (which scientists love to mistakenly say / insist upon!). Same for tsunamis, nature-al catastrophic events, etc., or seeing what's coming from human-initiated tragedies, attacks, experiences, etc. Everything is available in the NonLinear Now!

... "The Nothing" is the perfectly Balanced Core, Translucence, Emptiness (of all projection), but there is *structure* in that Translucent Emptiness still / *still* happening. Hear that? There is movement in that Core *still*-ness / stillness. (Ever notice how it takes a heckuva lot of *energy* trying to hold yourself in meditation?) The Nothing / Emptiness is what I've called the "jigsaw puzzle" with all its pieces completely in place. Analogical *Love*. Reflection.

... "The Something" is the beginning of imbalance, of "life," of projection, where that jigsaw puzzle is all jumbled up into pieces, relative to who or what is doing that projection. To the west, that felt / experienced energy is "original sin." To the east, it's "one grain of sand." To modern scientists, it's "the God Particle" (when mass turns into matter). To billions around the globe, it's when mass began to matter!

The only thing different about any of us is that we are each born with our own unique combination of jumbled up jigsaw puzzle pieces, all strewn all over the place, our unique place to be along the yellow brick road to learning who the wizard really is, in Oz. Our very own time X space signature / place to be in the grand scheme of all things / fabric / tapestry of the Universe.

We are constantly shifting in and out of multiple dimensions, the harmonics X (((( )))) X , moment by moment, *accessed* relative to *where we are* in getting our jigsaw puzzle pieces back together correctly (in balance), similar to constantly changing speeds while driving / "driving." (Hear that?)

Time and space are human labels people have put on *energies* they experience as they go through life, neverendingly projecting their storytelling onto every next *place* in the grand scheme / tapestry they are, as *change* happens. Example: thinking vs feeling levels. Time X Space has plasticity, pulsing and breathing relative to...YOU! What we see together "out there" is the state of the art of the heart of the "collective"! As the collective projective changes, Time X Space changes, like elastic, relative / *relative* -ly, co-incident-ally.

Everything is already said and done in a NonLinear Universe! It is ourselves who are simply trying to catch up!

If we allow ourselves to see our truest selves, everything changes! So next, let's get to that, because when you allow yourself to realize your very own higher Truths, you are then in a place *within*  yourself to empathically, trustfully, compassionately recognize that Shared Truth / Physics Reality with all/Awe else in the Universe *without.*

Writing, subject to editing. 

(To be continued...) 


** That mindset is the beginning of the end, because it sets people up with an imbalance they then spend their entire lives trying to rebalance in other ways, to compensate, and the most likely place is at the expense of others! For Christian minded folks, Jesus himself was teaching higher physics / Consciousness / Enlightenment / Awakening, according to ancient books found in Nag Hammadi, Egypt, 1945, dating back to his time. See for yourself, Quantum Christ. This is also actually what The Book of John is about, when read from a higher Consciousness.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories etc., Extended

 ... & Detailed for Replication Purposes

Continued from previous article, where I had written:

It's all happening in the higher and lower harmonics: 

X (((((((((0))))))))) X 

...relative / *relative* to level of Consciousness. The more *highly Conscious* aka NonLinear you are, the more you can *access* in the *Now*! (Edit: This is where the Answers to dangerous diseases and disorders, imminent catastrophic events, etc., will be found, just waiting to be recognized! NOT in unconscious conventionally-conceived-invented timeXspace! Linearity repels the Answers away from yourself!)

The world of humans has gotten itself soooo lost in tens of thousands of years of storytelling, individually and collectively collaborated upon, embellished, embedded, established and warred to protect, that it is next to impossible to redirect them. As if that isn't bad enough, its conventionally-conceived notions are used as the foundation for the mindfulness of its scientists and protection authorities. Far be it for a child to be born with the higher Consciousness and potential to wake them up! Now look in your mirror! YOU were that child! So, what happened? And how can you take back the brilliant YOU you were born to be?

I'm about to show you! You have to DIRECTLY EXPERIENCE the Truth of the Universe for your very own self! That's where you lost it! And when you rediscover it, you will learn to empathically, trustfully, respectfully realize and recognize that very same physics Truth in all/Awe else, throughout!

It has always been incredibly frustrating to me when I hear scientists, including scientists of MIND, saying 'no one knows why young children lose their photographic memory,' and others who approach the concepts of  "past life memories" and "reincarnation" from a tongue-in-cheek giggle / wink as if looking for tin foil to line their heads before aliens can whisk them away! the epitome of collective unconscious convention at the heights of its naivete, in full force!

The Answers are right there!

To be continued... 

First, a very relevant, intriguing encounter...

About 20 years ago, I was finishing up writing a two-book set on how to take back your superConsciousness (text and parallel workbook...I had two publishers accepting them already in just two weeks of sending out the required synopsis packages), when I decided to drive over to my university to find a theoretical physicist to contribute to them before publication. I was laughed out of the physics department, despite a long talk with a physicist who, laughing the most, ironically had an Einstein paper on his desk between us, where *even* I could see (however reading it upside down while he hardily giggled away) that Albert Einstein himself would have been in agreement with me! 

As we rushed down the stairs together, his being off with that Einstein paper in hand, no pun intended...(okay, okay, maybe just a little!)...,to his next lecture, myself, feeling dejected, back to my car, I couldn't help but imagine myself a little fly on the wall auditing that lecture to see if it suddenly dawned on him how not-so-funny-after-all he was being! 

Long story short, as I sadly walked back to my car, I cut through a glass building, where I spotted ("could it really be???") a Buddhist monk, sitting all alone in the back of a classroom, appearing to be studying for an exam. I mean, what was the likelihood of that happening, at just that perfect moment for me? (Ganesh?** Is that you????). I walked over, opened the door, and asked perhaps the stupidest question I could possibly have mustered: "Excuse me? Are you a Buddhist monk?" 

I mean, come on! He is sitting there in full regalia! Duh!

He said he was (obviously), and I asked if I could have a few minutes to sit with him to explain what had just happened at the "physics building." (You'll come back to that analogy again and again, I promise!!) 

The  Buddhist monk very graciously invited me over and we sat together for what seemed forever in my nonlinear *now*, a blip second for him to immediately *hear me* inside and out (obvious to me in the moment), and he very preciously and masterfully restored my trust in my own heart. I can still see him doing my favorite Tao 47*** gesture... 

Palm facing you, *Within*

Palm facing away from you, *Without* 

*Within* X *Without* X *Within* X *Without* 

It is all/Awe a reflection of ourselves.

I will always remember and cherish my beautiful, immediately restorative encounter with "my" Buddhist monk! Thank you, Thich from Vietnam!****

The replicable physics of reincarnation and past life memories...continues in next article.

(Writing! Subject to editing, additions, and typo repair...)


** India's / Hinduism's Lord Ganesh, Remover of Obstacles!

*** Without going out of my door...

I can know all things on earth
Without looking out of my window
I can know the ways of heaven

The farther one travels (projects)
The less one knows

2000 yr old Tao Te Ching (The Way Things Work)

**** I had surgery last year and at my most vulnerable moment suddenly a profoundly empathic young surgeon from Thailand appeared! (Hence, my new twitter: @drbuddhathai , my nickname for him!) The physics is "alive!" No wonder so many people give it a name! (It's actually the math!)

Sunday, December 5, 2021

NonLinear Physics Answers to Profound Dalai Lama / Quantum Physicists Questions

Note: Realizing the incredible importance and significance of the information I have to HH Dalai Lama, quantum physicists (re: his 3 day / 9 hour meeting with Taiwanese quantum physicists and their replication / publication questions), etc, and other discussions I've just seen on Twitter, I am hoping to get a chance to ...extend... my conversation below Answering / providing the actual physics which anyone can then do/replicate for themselves, of reincarnation and past life memories, etc. This is just way too important not to! (Because these are the physics required to find cures for deadly diseases, recognize imminent dangers to thousands / hundreds of thousands of people, etc. For real!)

Link to Taiwanese Quantum Physicists with HH Dalai Lama

Shared with HH the Dalai Lama on his fb page: (Recently, soon to be extended and detailed for replication purposes for scientists!).

Your Holiness... I can Answer some of your own questions regarding the quantum physics behind educating the heart, mind being separate from brain, past life memories and reincarnation.

Educating the Hearts of Children

Back in a grad clinical psychology class, I used to go with the professor after a night class to meet with parents of students from a right-brain-inclusive school he'd started (as opposed to left-brain western teaching where students are lined up in rows and taught rotely to learn ONLY what was in the teacher's brain). The parents of the right-brain-inclusive / taught students kept pulling their kids out of the school because they didn't know how to handle them at home. Taught to be creative and to process from within, instead of rotely from without just mimicking their western teachers, generalized into other areas of their lives, proving a much more deeply involved situation that permeated throughout their lives, so it was far more complicated than just their experiences at school, one involving everyone around them in all their other interactions.

Sensory Physicality

This can be recognized in western scientists' obsession with everything needing to have only conventionally-conceived "physicality" to be considered as having validity or worth their time and effort. A reflection of "cerebral neglect syndrome" where the other half / hemisphere of the brain is "left" out. The west does not value what I call "sensory physicality," which is also why quantum physicists mistakenly assume all movement at the quantum level is only linear!

So educating the heart is a far more complicated, far more deeply involved complexity than just surface action! 

Cures for devastating diseases and disorders are far more likely to be found when both sides of the brain are looking for them! Years ago, I had pages of important notes I'd compiled after watching serious documentaries on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases from my Non-Linear Consciousness perspective. No one would listen to me or *even* knew -how- to *listen* and I eventually gave up and tore them up in frustration! The ONLY difference in our nonlinear universe (vs non-existent human-invented linear past, present, future) is Conscious recognition. On that note, humans, particularly in the west, have a long, long way to go for any meaningful *change* to be elicited! 

Reincarnation and Past-Life Memory Physics: 

This is ALSO the physics behind young children having "past life" memories they then cannot remember! I was born with a NonLinear mathematical superConsciousness, profoundly wanting nothing whatsoever to do with sleeping convention at only 3 years old (professionally documented). I had past life memories then and I still clearly remember them because I was already wayyyy too NonLinearly Conscious / across that threshold to allow collective unconscious convention to distract me into their one-sided processing. Reincarnation is superimposed analogical *accesses* in the NonLinear Now! (Deeply-*accessed* accurate analogies / superimpositions to the person's immediate *Now*!)

I also never lost my photographic / videographic memory, which requires NonLinear *access.*

This is also how MIND does not require BRAIN (Nuclear Family extended ancestry superimpositions are accurately in place, physics wise, long BEFORE the brain is *even* conceived!) (Chicken and the egg simultaneously arising / DNA!)

I then added:

It's all happening in the higher and lower harmonics: 

X (((((((((0))))))))) X 

...relative / *relative* to level of Consciousness. The more *highly Conscious* aka NonLinear you are, the more you can *access* in the *Now*! (Edit: This is where the Answers to dangerous diseases and disorders, imminent catastrophic events, etc., will be found, just waiting to be recognized! NOT in unconscious conventionally-conceived-invented timeXspace! Linearity repels the Answers away from yourself!)

And then... 

Animals, BTW, are way more intelligent than most humans realize, because they retain their NonLinear *accesses*, like I do, which is why they know to escape dangers (eqs, tsunamis, etc) that unconscious-linearly lost humans don't see coming! Including snakes! (I very accurately detect eqs, tsunamis, 9-11, OKC Federal Bldg, Vegas massacre, etc. in detail, documented, zero anything whatsoever to do with psychic malarkey). I've studied dolphin language and intelligence (in graduate school comparative psy) and they can read entire paragraphs and go off to perform tasks with military jet precision, when only ONE of them received that instruction! (I directly witnessed it myself! Live dolphins, in the Pacific!) Echolocation meet quantum physics! No time or space to measure between them! Birds, too! Birds even have human facial expressions! Their facial feathers rise in precision to onery, angry, silly, loving, etc! Humans, lost in linearity, are the ones with a lot to learn! And dogs, BTW, absolutely DO SMILE! This shows that animals are thinking and feeling farrrr beyond what humans give them credit for!

Next, I am going to provide actual ...REPLICABLE... DETAILS on past life memory and reincarnation physics, etc., mentioned above! Coming asap...

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Quantum Physics, Sensory Mind, TimeXSpace Symmetry & Shangri-La/Enlightenment

Each born out of the other!

See how they all *interconnect* and go together.

Most folks would find it difficult to grasp how Shangri La/Shambhala or Enlightenment could have anything to do with quantum physics, let alone time and space, and/or that quantum physics would have anything to do with sensory mind. 

But the Truth is, at the pinnacle/Core of the Universe, each becomes the other. 

One way to make it somewhat easier to understand is to reverse the reality of everything being a reflection of ourselves to our being a reflection of it! If you see the Universe as one gigantic MIND, withinXwithout, with ourselves its neurons and neural pathways, in return, it becomes easy to recognize/conceive that at the pinnacle of quantum physics, there is MIND!

In quantum physics, everything becomes so tiny (where particles become waves) that it essentially crosses the threshold of simply being translucent energy / empathy withinXwithout: Shared MIND, throughout all in Existence.

The Key is to let go of the conventional notion of "mind" as most folks proprietarily believe they know it to be, and to recognize "brain" as processor of that Shared (mathematically patterned) translucent Energy/Empathy, throughout.

Quantum physics becomes mind becomes quantum physics. Hence, my frequent comments about psychology being quantum physics in disguise, and vice versa.

Heard, trusted and readily accepted by billions of people, as with so much else in convention, the basic definition of "mind* has gone unchallenged by most and needs to be reconsidered.

When Consciousness is taken higher, it becomes obvious that brain is a processor of energy aka mathematical patterns / geometry, and a way to be assisted in seeing this is to try to read, say, Mandarin Chinese characters presented as captioning, as they so quickly flash across a TV screen, constantly disappearing, replaced with more. One wonders how on earth anyone can be expected to read them that quickly, exposing, upon contemplation, that the brains of folks fluent in the language would simply recognize the complicated shapes and patterns immediately upon exposure to them. Apply this, then, to English, for instance, and we're doing the very same thing...recognizing geometric shapes and patterns, mathematics, and as "language" on the surface, without delving more deeply into pattern recognition.

I was born with a nonlinear mathematical superConsciousness, a super-heightened sensitivity to mathematical patterns/energy, which I can see translucently superimposed over all sorts of things and situations. It's like watching a translucent visual field transposed over everything going on. Incredibly intriguing, to say the least! And incredibly informative!

Conventionally, the notion of mind has been so smothered in relentless storytelling and unconscious vested interests that lifetimes and billions in monies are wasted chasing and protecting all that storytelling, all those wrong directions.

Sentient beings (humans, animals, all creatures), non-obvious sentient/experiencing beings/life (plants, trees, organisms), natural events (earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, storms, etc.) and other processes (evening news, accidents, incidents and the like) are all interconnected, processing and sharing and responding to the very same Shared One Energy/Empathy, throughout, simultaneously, in their/its own timeXspace signature (place of being in the grand scheme of all things), simultaneity being relative.


Saturday, September 11, 2021

Universal Empathy - The Answer to World (& Personal) Peace & Order in a Time of Relentless Chaos

If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got!

There is an Answer! A Way out!...

Let's start with a recent tweet I wrote because then I happened to catch a documentary on it this morning on Science channel. It just happens to set up the perfect baseline for this discussion! :

Pyramids throughout the world can easily be similar without various cultural contact because humans are unconsciously acting out a Universal Physics they are not aware of.

We are ALL mathematically, nonlinearly encoded. Consciousness is the fluent realization of that code.

I also just tweeted that advanced psychiatrists and clinical psychologists not only are conscious and functionally mindful of these nonlinear physics but they utilize them in understanding and helping their patients. That's why they get paid the big bucks! They are not just sitting there playing best friend.

These are important conversation starters, shall we say, because they lead us to discuss just how it is that we are all mathematically, multidimensionally, nonlinearly encoded.

This is also important because scientists need to evolve enough to be able to recognize the physics *structure* behind feelings/sensory experiences toward their ability to process their work NonLinearly. Modern scientists are lost trying to figure out quantum physics/"unified" theory because they are using collective unconscious convention as their baseline, mistakenly leaving out the other side of the universe!  Even the Dalai Lama is relentlessly trying to wake them up to their need for sensory development. As I've written, feelings are the NonLinear Universal Physics using magnetism, gravity, mathematics and energy to re-balance us into Higher Truth. They are not "wasted space!" They are actual physics! Quantum physics have been *realized* and Answered for thousands of years!

While most people believe they have somehow been mysteriously born into the world each completely separate from everybody else, everything else, and most often into a solid religious belief that provides all the answers they will ever need to get through life, there is a *higher* than most folks can *grasp* natural process the universe is using that is underwriting everything going on in life, including everything about ourselves, like it or not, and we don't get a choice to opt out of any of that.

Psychiatrists and clinical psychologists, beyond the doctoral level, become pretty fluently aware of/enlightened to the universal process in their advanced educations and own personal growth and use it to diagnose and assist their patients toward a more healthy functional place through their lives.

Scientists, of course regular people like any other themselves, often have a tendency to try to keep human psychology out of their work, but the *higher* universal process is just that...universal! No one gets to usurp how life actually works, how the universe itself actually works, to do what it does! And with all the Answers hidden within that *higher* universal process, the only way to those Answers is to humbly Awaken/Enlighten ourselves to what is really going on.

Everything ultimately reduces to Energy, that Ultimate Energy is Translucent, but there is *structure* in that Translucence, and only when that *structure* is carefully taken apart and examined can we see what is really going on, and what and who we really are, both collectively and individually. No matter how much folks may try to independently choose for themselves to invent their own way, their own...everything, that is nothing short of delusional! There is no escape! The more you resist, the harder your struggle.

Scientists assume psychology is simple guesswork, opinion, made up by humans, with no physiological anything worthy of their respect, but that is a very serious mistake they are making, founded in faith-based naivete, because all the answers they are spending billions and their lifetimes seeking are precisely where they refuse to look for them...human Truth! Unless and until they wake up to their own personal reality, their own personal truths, they will never discover those Answers!

Unraveling the fabric of the universe begins with unraveling ourselves. There are *Answers* everywhere, just waiting for recognition. Scientists often hate analogies, but everything is a superimposition of a superimposition of a superimposition as you unravel that tapestry, everything interconnected and born out of each other, so dismissing that truth dismisses the reality of universal truth.

For instance, that documentary I caught on the pyramids expressed frustration that nothing can be known about the ancient Egyptians, but their actions speak louder than their hieroglyphics! They dismantled mountains, the natural world, to put them back together under their own terms! The pyramids! Giant statues of themselves! The sphinx! That suggests they spiritually hoped they could usurp Nature itself to, perhaps, live forever. It seems, therefore, that their mummification processes were intended more as a way to "freeze" themselves temporarily, so when they fully mastered usurping Nature so they could live forever, they could bring them back into life, their organs and possessions readily available! (Keep reading to learn how there could be pyramids similar to each other all over the world without contact with each other, and without aliens!)

But no one has the ability to usurp Nature, so the most one can do is *realize* what it's doing and align oneself accordingly. It's when one's storytelling is used to escape reality that folks really find themselves struggling.

Ironically, the *higher* natural process is actually so incredibly and profoundly intriguing that you're most likely going to want to know more and more, not less! It's just the allowing yourself to get over the initial hurdles part that stands in your way.

For most folks, the real Truth is shocking, even frightening, but living your life Awakened/Enlightened to the real reality is far more comfortable than the endless shock that constantly happens in their invented/made up *storytelling* that has no basis whatsoever in actual Universal Reality!

When you *realize* the Truth of yourself, of your existence, you are then able to ...empathically... *realize*/recognize (identify with) the Truth of all else in existence, as well, because everybody and everything is all SHARING the exact same One physics dynamic, throughout!

All the wars in the world are the result of people's refusing to relinquish their made up *storytelling.*

The Importance of Meditation...with Conscious, Enlightened, Awakened Teachers

Stop the world! You wanna get off!...long enough to "take a picture!"

Meditation is an excellent way to put an end to your relentless *storytelling* and guesswork, getting you out of your own way, allowing the real truth, the Real Reality of what is really going on, in life, in the world, in your own physiology, your own mind-truth, to flow back into your consciousness, finally getting your attention.

Of course then there's always the problem of even more naivete, aka making up even more *stories* about what you are experiencing during meditation, like the group of folks on a recent Expedition X episode who think aliens are communicating with them in meditation. That's not aliens! That's simply the ...other side of yourself... you've left out in your mistaken linear (line-ar) notions of non-existing >past>present>future> (cerebral neglect syndrome) flowing back into your mindfulness! Meditation re*balance*s you, allowing that lost side of yourself to come back into your awareness.

Still trying to *process* what they are experiencing in meditation while clinging to linear, one-sided,  non-existent >past>present>future> is why folks go looking for explanations that fit into their current stories they tell themselves about the world. Hence, aliens get the blame!

Therefore, it's very important for novices to have a truly Conscious, Enlightened, Awakened teacher of meditation to help you make rational sense out of what you are actually experiencing as you begin to find your way out of collective unconscious convention and into *Higher Reality.*

Pyramid Similarity Throughout the World (Without Cultural Contact Necessary, Nor Aliens!)

There is *One Energy* (actually a constant stream of pulsating energies) flowing through all of us, through everybody and everything, simultaneously throughout all/Awe in Existence, that pulsating *One* (overall) simultaneity being relative/*relative.* As in Einstein relativity simultaneous with  Nuclear Family relative-ity! 

In other words, if Conscious/Enlightened enough, we all have the nonlinear physics-truth within ourselves to decipher imminent earthquakes, tsunamis, human-initiated tragedies, etc., by recognizing those same physics-equivalent *energy* pulsations through ourselves, no time or space differentials required to measure those differentials necessary! Nothing and no one is disjointed/disconnected from any other. Those energies are flowing through all of us whether Consciously mindful of them or not, which is why folks often say they "had a feeling" about events on the *even*-ing news they unconsciously dismissed instead.

So while people on one side of the world are "acting out" pulsating, mathematically-patterned energies flowing through them in their corner of the world, folks on another part of the planet can easily be projecting/acting out those same flowing energies similarly wherever  they happen to be! No contact/exposure otherwise required!

Similarly, astronauts living on the International Space Station cannot escape their own physics counterparts back on planet earth (and vice versa)!

How We Are All Mathematically, Multidimensionally Encoded / Underwritten, Inescapably

Our brains are not storing memories, etc.. They are processing mathematics, patterns, *energies* (fine frequency X intensity levels) pulsating through us with every breath we take, every move we make. The more Conscious/Awakened we are to these *energies* (able to decipher what they mean or entail) the less we are mere dominos being knocked over by it as its ><((((harmonics ))))>< pulsate their way, tsunami-like, toward and through us...

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...every second of our lives. With every choice, every decision, we are pushed and pulled, haunted and taunted by its determination to redirect us. While you pull away, trying to project, it grabs you and tries to get you to reflect, a game of The Something vs The Nothing that ultimately we cannot win! It is what it is! Universal Truth of Existence.

Thanks to dependent origination, if we go up it goes down, if right it goes left. If it demands 9 and we behave 3 there is no escaping its 6, aka karma! Our only solace is to wake up, align ourselves with our underwritten reality mindfully, accordingly, and respect and appreciate the reality of *balance* for what it really is, and what we really are!

But this is where it gets exciting, and profoundly intriguing, because it is inadvertently teaching us to master our own destiny, to experience life from an extraordinary *place* of mindfulness. Kinda like our throwing temper tantrums to revolt against responsible guidance, only to surrender to eventually *recognizing* that guidance as what we were searching for all along!

For instance, NonLinear forever *Now*/*balance* is where cures for the world's most horrific diseases and disorders are to be found, where warnings of tragic natural and human-initiated disasters are to be *realized* as imminent long BEFORE they reach manifestation! Answers to higher technologies, to the "toys" of "the non-existent future" are to be *accessed.* Sitting around naively waiting for "future" mindfulnesses that are immediately NonLinearly present and available if only folks would Awaken themselves to them is ridiculously self-defeating. Sure beats the tragedy of "too late"!

Animal Intelligence and Extraordinary Abilities

I recently tweeted (and will further explain):

"I studied dolphin language/intelligence (grad comparative psy) and they are incredibly intelligent and mindful! They could read and process and remember entire paragraphs of tasks to perform. Animals are using a form of quantum physics (sensory inclusive) that modern scientists have long ago forgotten!"

Documentaries on snakes and other animals have been done trying to figure out how animals and other sentient creatures are able to detect and protect themselves from imminent dangers that humans totally have no clue about and have lost their lives, en masse, to!

In higher reality, they are nonlinearly retaining their heightened sensitivities to these universally-flowing energies underwriting each and every one of us, including their ability to *process* and interpret the messages they carry.

I just so happened to have been born with a super-hyper-sensitivity to these *Universal Energies,* including the ability to dissolve everything back to the *Core,* see what's going on there and what's congealing toward manifestation, mathematically, multidimensionally, intensity-inclusive, and convert it all back to surface language to reveal what that is. Zero anything whatsoever to do with "psychic" malarkey. Just very basic NonLinear mathematical superConsciousness, that's all! Everyone has it...they've just distracted themselves from it! Animals retain it, as well!

Consciousness, Enlightenment, Awakening is the fluent *recognition* and *realization* and ability to process these Higher Universal Physics Truths. Aka...Shangri-La / Shambhala!