...And Detailed for Replication Purposes... XI (Continuing...)
Going INSIDE the Living Process, AS it Processes Itself
...and as it processes YOU!
You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable ...
*Structure* in *Emptiness!*
Your Intelligent Emotions
There's an interesting connection to explore relative to higher Consciousness and people who discover themselves comfortably "going there."
Essentially, a sense of permission.
Nag Hammadi Jesus and the Dalai Lama began their lives told from the beginning they were expected by convention to be different than collective unconscious convention (Swiss psychiatrist / psychoanalyst Carl Jung's expression), and the Beatles found themselves soooo celebrated beyond convention that mind-boggling millions showed up to see them as they traveled city to city. (It was suggested that folks were escaping the trauma of JFK's recent assassination, and that the extreme divide between very male (whiffle haircuts) and very female (females rarely wore pants, illegal in schools at the time) caused the desperation for change in these androgynous musicians with long hair!). John Lennon and even moreso George Harrison were especially affected by the need for higher Answers to what on earth was happening to them.
All of these folks discovered themselves in India (in Historical Jesus' case India and Buddhism are suspected as having found themselves in Judea), in search of higher Answers than convention seemed content to accept for itself. Finding themselves in celebrated circumstances assisted them in seeking higher Truth than convention could provide and almost on instinct they knew exactly where to find it!
John Lennon and George Harrison studied the Bhagavad Gita with their guru (Sanskrit:Teacher) Prabhupada, who advised them to learn the Sanskrit language so they could read the ancient texts directly for themselves, this after John Lennon said he didn't know which translation to believe. I seem to remember his response was something like, "Whoooa! Now, you're talkin'!" (Used to have a longer version of this on ancient cassette! VIDEO: John Lennon and George Harrison with Guru Prabhupada.)
Ah, one / *One* such discussion found...
Prabhupada Discussing Bhagavad Gita in Sanskrit (Hinduism)
Longer discussion between Guru Prabhupada and John Lennon and George Harrison
(Note: This is not Hinduism, specifically. Awakening / Enlightenment / Universal NonLinear Physics Truth is eclectic. But as I explained in Shangri-La II, religions are relative to level of congregational awareness, and there are religions, such as Buddhism, Taoism and Hinduism, right there at Oz!)
HH Dalai Lama, of course, became a refuge in India in 1959 and highly praises and respects its ancient Vedic (Sanskrit:Wisdom) *realizations.* (5000 years)
The rest of humanity has lost itself in storytelling that is rooted in the processing of time and space from a place of distraction.
Try as they might, folks can't find their way out of the predicament they've gotten themselves into with the same mind that got them into that predicament in the first place. Similar to how much of sentient functioning comes from their autonomic nervous system, such as breathing, so they don't have to directly think about doing it constantly, likewise their acceptance of surface beliefs that get them through the basic survival needs of their everyday life.
Trapped in a loop of self-fulfilling prophecy, if they truly want to change their rut of distraction, they genuinely likewise need assistance and guidance. I have previously written, probably a few years ago here, that a research paper I did in college referenced psychiatrists, particularly from the UK, who believed many folks with mental disorders, including homeless folks, don't need mental institutions but rather classrooms, instead, with higher *realizers* who could simply assist them, when they find themselves escaping conventional expectations (ex: jolted by a tragic event or trauma) but with no exposure to anyone who could help them understand what is happening to them or where to go next.
As I mentioned in this Quantum series of posts, folks (such as thousands of meditators in Thailand believing aliens are communicating with them) can only do what they know how to do, but when they know better, they do better. Most folks very genuinely want the Truth. They just need help and guidance toward that goal.
"Empty Nature"
His Holiness, Dalai Lama, in his 3 day conference with Taiwanese quantum physicists, discusses the "empty nature" of all things, such that *realization* of reality being completely other than "as it appears" frees one of the rigidity of their "grasping" and "clinging to notions of self and self-centeredness." In other words, when you see how things really are other than what you use as a foundation for your rigidly held beliefs, you let go of those notions and enjoy a higher quality of life as a result. So do others around you!
"Doing the work" of your Nuclear Family / Relatives / Relativ-ity helps you directly experience the bases of the "empty nature" of all things, along with many other higher Universal Processes, in action, that you would likely never otherwise begin to *recognize*. You need that direct exposure, experientially.
Conventional minds have distracted themselves from higher reality with the obvious demands of civilization settlements where they began to become saturated with ~ each other ~ essentially and were no longer in a position to slow down time enough to remain contemplative as their basic nature. In much the same way as television and computers and airplanes over saturate folks' minds and alter time perception today, settling into one place and being expected to "come out of oneself" to contribute to budding societal demands altered how people processed time and space, and perceived direction, as they fought to maintain some semblance of self while "fitting in" to get along with those with whom they were locking themselves in close contact.
Naturally, like-mindedness begets like-mindedness, and so shared, increasingly large scale religion was born with civilization as a way to group and empower that like-mindedness, because being with others similarly minded is just less stress and struggle (again related to timeXspace alteration), which of course feels good, making it harder and harder for folks to relinquish that immediate comfort to learn and grow in any other direction.
So, it takes a lasting, persistent situation that constantly interrupts and interferes with comfortable rigidity to redirect folks out of that "timeXspace signature" / place in the grand scheme of all things toward another way of being, of behaving, and of perceiving. Vested interests and all...
Convention, so deeply invested in its predicament of commune-ity distraction, cannot find its way out of its situation with the same rules of engagement that only support and protect...what else but...convention!
So, one by one, those who are in a position to evolve enough to recognize the rut and genuinely want higher Truth for themselves than convention is capable of providing or currently has the ability to process, will be those who go out of their way to make that happen for themselves.
So, here, having taken oneself more deeply *within* (mother/Mother superimposition), *without* (father/Father superimposition), and sister(s) analogies to one's right, this begets...what else is left/"left" ?
Your Brother Super(im)position
The more deeply you go toward *balance* within yourself, the more deeply you are able recognize what is really going on without yourself.
Brother is your left brain, your thinking/thoughts, your intellectualizations. Go back over everything you have written about your brother(s) and hear your very own cognitions being exposed and revealed in what you have expressed about each of your brother(s).
As with your feminine "siblings," older brothers reveal depth of commitment, determination, conviction, rigidity, while younger male "siblings" expose your more recent thinking, less conviction, less rigidity. Amazing to observe the Universal process in action and its incredible accuracy. That's because everything's going on on a much, much more complex energy level / dimension than most humans *even* allow themselves to notice, most content to live unquestioningly "on the surface" with their "surface notions" that take on vested meaningfulnesses and values not readily relinquished.
The ancients recognized the Universal polar opposite *energies* and even built them into their languages and acknowledged them toward their higher realizations. Check out Plato's "Symposium," in which Aristophanes and others pondered the higher meanings of male and female, androgyny, balance and Love.
Mathematical I Ching and Tao Te Ching acknowledge them and express them as *energies* exposing balance vs imbalance.
Panini built them into Sanskrit!
Here, masculinity, left, aggressive, sun, logic, school, yang... reflect inverted femininity, right, passive, moon, intuition, work, yin analogies aka *energies*. (Check out June Singer's book "Androgyny" for more.)
If you find yourself tempted to try to debunk these *energy Truths" about yourself, go sit in front of a mirror or camera while you argue out everything you have written and what is being revealed to you about yourself, and try to debunk the inescapable reality of your lateral eye movements, or LEMs!** You cannot usurp your own higher neurological impulses, attempt as you may! The Universe *already knows* precisely who you really are!
No shallow performance art of commune-ity living can escape Universal Truth, no matter how hard it or you may try. These analogies / super(im)positions of you are going to follow you everywhere you go, every breath, every circumstance, every moment for the rest of your life! And...beyond! ;)
And they equally apply to everyone else around you, as well as everything (a higher dynamic yet to come), so remember...YOU are the one choosing to *do the work.* DO NOT selfishly try to force anyone not yet *ready* into higher realizations they are not equipped to handle. The Universe is watching your every move, every intent, and there will be (karma) to pay!
The intrigue deepens and deepens...
Conventionally-minded surface rules and expectations cannot begin to *access* the depths and heights of relative time and relative space of NonLinear awareness. Conventional rules and regulations are only in place to support and protect...convention.
As you actually *do (this) work* toward your Enlightenment, learning how you think and process intellectually, your feelings grow right along with you, as they too reach far more deeply than ever before, increasing your *accesses* to layers upon layers of multi-dimensional you!
As one side of you learns to acknowledge and NonLinearly collaborate with the other side of you, more and more *reality* sets in, more and more *balance* and equanimity, and the further you find yourself propelled through that genuine wormhole, that lookingglass/mirror reflecting the state of the art of the heart of your Awakening.
*Now*... what?
Your Nuclear Family / Relatives / Relativity (Einstein) YOU is just beginning...
Much more to come. Subject to editing and additions.
** LEMS (Lateral Eye Movements)
Scientists (including neurologists) run into a serious problem with their conventional linear notions of brain and mind when it comes to the truth of LEMs, or lateral eye movements.
It is impossible to escape the higher physics dynamics expressed, exposed, while we are talking, because the left brain automatically projects out to our right visual field, and the right brain automatically projects out to our left visual field, faster than reflex. Try as one might to usurp the situation, the darting of our eyes like that "tells on"/exposes the depths and levels of truth/conviction/reality we inadvertently express in the process. The more intense our feelings the further left our eyes dart, and even entire heads turn, while the more deeply we are thinking the farther our eyes, even entire heads, are jolted to our right.** Balanced expressions maintain a forward gaze, in nonlinear Now.
But faster than any attempts to "fake it" we could hope to muster, particularly because sudden far right jolting suggests lying, there is no escaping the reality that our brain and mind are designed by Nature itself, exposing the higher truth that the left hemisphere stores our thinking/thoughts/intellectualizations and our right hemisphere houses our feeling experiences, despite scientists persisting otherwise. (It's actually how the brain mathematically processes felt energies / patterns.)