Thursday, April 28, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XXVIII

Detailed for Scientific Replication Purposes... XXVIII (Continuing... Answering Taiwanese quantum physicists' questions with @DalaiLama ) (SAME super(im)positional PHYSICS as early earthquake, tsunami, etc. detection.)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...
*Structure* in *Emptiness* / Translucence / Universal Physics Empathy

Recognizing Manifestation: Coming into Being - Part 9

NonLinear Physics Reality *Accesses*
> < ((((((  (((((  ((((  (((  ((  (  0  )  ))  )))  )))) )))))  )))))) > <

Mistaken Linear ("Modern") "Science" Accesses
o ) >

Cognition, Balance, Higher Intelligence and Early Earthquake, Tsunami+, Catastrophe Prediction / *Recognition*

Earthquake, tsunami and other catastrophic event "prediction" days, weeks, months or more in advance has nothing whatsoever to do with "magical thinking", but about recognizing that linear external dependency (the unfortunate current "state of the art" of geological and other critically-intended life-protecting sciences) only uses a very limited part of your brain and MIND, when your capability is FARRRR BEYOND that limitation with Higher Consciousness!

NonLinearly, everything is happening simultaneously in the forever *Now* and hence *accessible*/available in every *Now*. That *access* requires much higher intelligence than what distracted, mindfully disjointed collective unconscious convention believes of itself, and if you buy into all that (as >99% of the world's population has!) you essentially lose "the other side" of yourself, of your own MIND, your own inherent capabilities... "cerebral neglect".

You are soooo much MORE than unconscious convention's mistaken linear distraction has you perceiving of yourself! Everything is!

Much higher Consciousness provides you with *access* to much higher levels of *recognition* of what is happening in the NonLinear Universe...right Now!

The Higher your Consciousness the broader your mindful *accesses* in the *Now*. In other words, the more *balanced* your MIND, the more multidimensional your intelligence, and the more depth your harmonic (empathic Energy recognition) vision into higher NonLinear Reality (activities, dynamics) taking the *Now*, in every *Now*... on those harmonics:

>< (((((( ((((( (((( ((( (( ( 0 ) )) ))) )))) ))))) )))))) ><

So, higher "advanced" intelligence simply has the ability to recognize what earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and other congealing/building/forming catastrophic events are doing in the immediate moment.

Stuff happens because the conditions are in place for them to happen. So ask: What is the status of those conditions, right now? Not just with gadgets and linear projected observation, but on multiple dimensions simultaneously happening that you can't begin to conventionally see!

Linear (past>present>future) thinking doesn't permit you to ask the higher questions because it doesn't permit you to *process* multidimensionally. It limits you to one-sided imbalance, so a humongous amount of information available to you isn't even considered, and worse is considered charlatanism!

Because YOU can't process higher / multidimensionally, you "reason" that no one else can, either! Think about that!**

Linear thinking is projection without *reflection*.

Linearity repels the Answers further and further *away from* yourself!

But when YOU stop, IT stops too/two, and the Answers *Balance*.

Practicality, Reality and Truth

Sure on first impulse (and with collective unconscious convention 2nd, 3rd, 4th and more) it seems real world-based ("gotta keep my feet on the ground!" - NES) that linear past>present>future is the truest and most practical way to go, but that is only because your entire life and life experiences have been established around it, in that mistaken linear mindset, supported by >99% of the world of people likewise lost in linearity! 

But it's one thing for the everyday world to be happy campers in their delusional cerebral neglect syndrome and quite another for scientists and other important-to-survival authorities to have bought into that delusional logic!

Scientists have a much higher responsibility to wake up, when entire cities full of people and property, even multiple countries in a single event, trust them with their lives! It is genuinely inexcusable negligence NOT to!

Why Buddhist Monks Meditate
Here would be an excellent place for you to take your notions of meditation *higher* than fad and fashion conventional perception, because meditation gets you out of your own way and shuts up your impulses to linearly, routinely, unconsciously, mindlessly project, allowing your lost-to-you NonLinear nature to flow back in to your higher MIND, restoring your inherent higher intelligence, via *balance* needed to process Higher NonLinear Reality!

Essentially, all the buddha statues and monks all over the world are saying to you... "We're not buying into your collective unconscious conventional delusion! We are retaining our higher intelligence and multidimensional *accesses*!"

Meditation allows you to directly *experience* your own, and empathically all else's, nonlinearity...vastly increasing your intelligence... which requires Universal *Balance*!

Time X Space Relativity
Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years...are all *relative* to your ability to process timeXspace REALITY!

Your ability to process timeXspace REALITY is *relative to* your level of Consciousness!

Your level of Consciousness is *relative to* your NonLinear intelligence!

Your NonLinear intelligence is required for you to *even* be able to process on multiple levels simultaneously, and on multiple dimensions!

Chasing after earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and other catastrophic events in an unconscious linear state, distracted into non-existent past>present>future, is never going to provide you with the critical life-saving data and technologies needed to WARN millions of people about imminent, congealing dangers! You are inadvertently repelling the Answers *away from* yourself the more you unconsciously project!

Once again...when YOU STOP projecting, and start...*reflecting*..., IT stops too/two, and the Answers appear!

It is all/Awe a reflection of yourself!

*Do the work!* Good starting place!

** This is the deluded thinking of "ancient alien" enthusiasts, who "reason" that higher intelligence has to come from aliens, not from planet Earth. They've yet to Awaken to the Reality that <1% of the world retains their higher inherent intelligence. While it has nearly gone extinct, it does show extraordinary human capability right here on our own planet. Animals, too, retain their mindful nonlinear nature!


PLEASE READ: IMPORTANT "Felt Energy" Review (Written here in July 2021)

Nuclear Relatives/*Relatives,* Felt/Sensory Energy, Sleep & Even/*Even* Hypnosis

Sensory Physicality, A Closer Look...continued...

Feelings are *felt energies* of your very real inherent physics underwriting every breath you take, every move you make, every moment of your life, no matter where you are or what you are doing. No one can conveniently, selectively escape the real reality of all in existence itself, no matter what religion, culture, education level, street wisdom or what have you. None of us exists without it, like it or not.

Because the Universe is inescapably non-linear (past>present>future linear life a mere human invention billions have bought into and established themselves around), everything you do that is out of perfect *balance* becomes what determines the *energies* you feel coming at you and into your life every day, every moment, every choice, every instance. There is no escape, no matter how lost you get in your *storytelling.*

As I've previously written:

"The Value of Imperfection
Imagine that very first step, or breath, of life...

The West calls it "original sin." To the East, "one grain of sand." To scientists...the "god particle": when mass turned into matter. To millions worldwide, it's when mass began to matter!"

All life is imperfection, imbalance, projection. We'd turn into a pillar of stone if we sat on extreme equilibrium 100% of our lives. We have to move to live. Everything does, even if it doesn't even appear to be moving. But the nonlinear Universe is never ever asleep on the job! Every move you make in one direction causes an energy deficit in another, and the Universe makes sure you know about it by those *felt energies* you experience with your every decision.

So your real reality is determined by the choices you make, because what you don't choose becomes your destination!

So while you may think you're making your own choices, what you are really making is your own *karma,* and there is no hiding place from that! It *knows* what you are thinking and feeling, even if you don't even express them overtly. Hide in a closet, travel the world to the most remote places, it's right there with you every step of the way.

Your feelings/*felt energies* are always awaiting your recognition and acknowledgment.

Here's a simple example so you can see the underlying physics of feelings/sensory physicality involved:






With < 0 > being Ultimate Balance, any over adherence to one side creates an under adherence to the other. Can you *feel* that exchange? That's exactly what's going on in your life, every moment of your life. 

If you get angry and find yourself expressing outbursts, the thinking side of yourself tries to lure you back in the direction of center,  encouraging you back toward *equilibrium.* Invertedly, if you find yourself over-intellectualizing, your feelings, your *felt energies,* immediately are present to help you recognize where you are going wrong...always relative/*relative* to the level of frequencyXintensity of your expressions.

One side is always relative/*relative* to the other side. If you overindulge in one side, say at an intensity of 5, the other side of yourself is going to experience a deficiency of equal intensity on the other.

Can you see the physics, the energies, the mathematics behind sensory/feelings experiences? 

The purpose behind meditation is not to keep up with some college, preppy types or disproven fad, but rather to get you out of your own way so your very own natural physics can be freed to rebalance/recenter themselves.

What's really "new" to quantum physicists is their having to learn to rebalance themselves, to restore, or establish a foundation for, their appreciation, recognition and respect for the importance and validity of feelings/all sensory life. Nonlinearity! Translucence! Higher Universal Empathy!

The Other Side
That "other side" is not a waste of space after all, but rather the real reality, that everything is energy, and that if you can get yourself out of mindless adherence to that linear, one-sided "surface crust" convention has gotten itself so lost in and dependent upon, you can begin to *access* the real reality of what's really going on in the Universe, and what is congealing toward manifestation.

It's where ALL the Answers are forever present and waiting to be noticed and acknowledged. Cures for Alzheimer's, Parkinson" name it! Technologies! The Cosmos! It is so painful to see it and not be able to successfully communicate that to anyone! Excruciating!

While I was writing this article (longhand), an er doctor on TV (real one) was flabbergasted at his uninformed, amateurish attempt to try hypnosis on a patient, in need of a medical history he needed to help her, that she could not remember, in particular a telephone number. Desperate, he decided to try hypnotizing her, which he said he'd never done before and only heard about. She was successfully able to produce the number, leaving the er doctor delighted but beside himself trying to figure out why it had actually worked!

I was (somewhat) surprised and disappointed that in all those years of his medical training he had somehow not been taught at least toward the real Universal physics truth of his patients overall, as well as his own, and I wanted to reach through the screen and wake him up!

How could something so easy, so important, so so missed, by so many! Soooo frustrating!

If you realize the Universal Truth as being Ultimate *Balance,* aka "in the middle" (Sanskrit: Madhyamaka) and relaxation as the art of undoing imbalances/escape attempts/distractions from balance in everyday life, with hypnosis a journey (similar to meditation) *back*... Well, there's your Answer to how hypnosis works, and why it can be so successful. At least to those open to suggestion!

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XXVII

Detailed for Scientific Replication Purposes... XXVII (Continuing... Answering Taiwanese quantum physicists' questions with @DalaiLama ) (SAME super(im)positional PHYSICS as early earthquake, tsunami, etc. detection.)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...
*Structure* in *Emptiness* / Translucence / Universal Physics Empathy

Recognizing Manifestation: Coming into Being - Part 8

NonLinear Physics Reality *Accesses*
> < ((((((  (((((  ((((  (((  ((  (  0  )  ))  )))  )))) )))))  )))))) > <

Mistaken Linear ("Modern") "Science" Accesses
o ) >

The Elephant in the Room - that Modern Science Cannot See - 2

More than worth repeating...

Do you remember WHY scientists in the movie "Contact" couldn't decipher the message? Do you remember the Ultimate Answer (that even the best scientists in the world couldn't decipher)?


And what did Ellie *recognize* on her wormhole journey?


All these years later, and scientists still haven't gotten the message! Thousands upon thousands of people and animals have died unnecessarily since! Hundreds of thousands in Indonesia and Japan in just two days! Billions in damages!

Nuclear Relativity work (here) evolves you into directly experiencing for your very own self that there are higher dynamics existing, taking place, in multidimensional layers / harmonic *energies* (shown above) of the Universe, of yourself, that collective unconscious convention and its emulating scientists have not positioned themselves to recognize...and millions of people and animals are dying unnecessarily all over the world as a result of that inadvertent negligence! 

But the more highly evolved you become the more layers / multiple dimensions you *access* and *realize* are very, VERY REAL, superimposed, simultaneous and happening ...NonLinearly *Now*.

All those harmonics are carrying critical data...including detailing congealing imminent manifestations, like earthquakes and tsunamis, complete with locations, intensities, death tolls...and modern science itself isn't recognizing any of it!

If you don't fluently *remember* your own nonlinear nature and *realize* the SAME of all in Existence, including the dynamics ever engaging all things *interconnectedly*, there is no way you are ever going to empathically *recognize*, let alone identify with, the multidimensional activities of earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, hurricanes (before they even begin!), or other dangers and tragedies on the *even*-ing (mathematically hear that?) news!

The Universe is completely *other than* the objectified sensory-less rigid "physicality" notions of collective unconscious convention...that its equally unconscious scientists have bought right into and mistakenly founded "modern science" upon!

Critical, ever-present life-saving data / information is not-at-all-hidden and immediately *accessible* within layers upon layers of Higher REALITY, nonlinear multidimensionalities exposing what earthquakes are (ever-currently) doing, all along, in every *Now*, what tsunamis are doing (same, independently, very early on), what conditions are congealing, forming imminent tragedies toward manifestation...all while modern science, externally dependent and distracted by conventional linearity and its "logic", sleeps!

This is not about worrying about hurting your feelings! This is about saving millions of lives!

POWERFUL MESSAGE to Linear, Conventionally-Dependent Scientists

(Please read! I wrote this here in October, 2012):

"You seem to be afraid to get on a *real* one!" - NES

Critical earthquake, tsunami (and various other disasters) nonlinear prediction physics here!  Please read!  I'm being very assertive in this post after once again seeing the horrors of totally unnecessary trauma and loss of life to so many people, caused by unconscious scientists and the equally unconscious convention they are entrusted to protect!  I am trying so hard to SAVE PEOPLE'S LIVES!!!!  Please selflessly read this entire post!  As long as all those beautiful souls trapped under those buildings, lost to unnecessary tragedies, etc., can't scream for themselves, I'll scream FOR them, and for all those who will be next!  Could well be someone YOU love!

Rigid, narrow-minded, gadget-driven investigation is to conventional scientists as dogmatic deity worship is to fundamentalists! There is absolutely NO difference whatsoever! Universal Answers are all around you, everywhere you go, SCREAMING  at you to hear them, and you blatantly refuse to listen, because you cannot "reason" yourself out of linear convention!

What's also behind that is your sense of yourself, your career, your worry about reputation and tenure, the fear of daring to be seen thinking out of the "old boy school" box that has defined you and your field of study.  But it is not about you when you have been entrusted to save enormities of people's lives throughout the world!

What makes a brilliant scientist brilliant is his or her *realized, far more highly evolved Consciousness* and guts to precisely step out of that conventional box!  Otherwise, they'd just be joining the ranks of the linear dominoes lining up with everyone else to be knocked down as the ripples come rushing through!  It takes courage, and selfLESSness!  It takes caring far more about genuine Answers than about prestige, reputation or "fitting in!"  Who wants to be a "team player" when it's a losing team again and again?!?!  Thousands die, and didn't have to!

Having once again just watched earthquake documentaries on television, in which scientists reveal just how lost in linear convention and its sleeping, misguided "reason-ing" they really are, I must is soooo painful, excruciating, when the Answers capable of saving millions, billions of people's lives, are right there, screaming at you to hear them, and you persist in keeping yourselves oblivious to them!  Geologists say that "one day someone will come along who will finally have 'the holy grail' of earthquake prediction!"  Would you even/*even know* how to recognize that person when they did?  

I am SCREAMING the Answers to you!!!!  

What's it gonna take?  With success being preparation to meet that opportunity...

Will you even bother to prepare yourself to recognize that person/"holy grail" Answer...when it does come to you?!
I can even/*even* teach YOU to BE that person with the "holy grail" Answer to earthquake/tsunami, etc., prediction!  Will you *go there?*

You say you have no clue about the physics of animals' sensitivity in their early detection of earthquakes, but that's only because you have no clue about your own inherent natural physics and instincts!  What kind of "rigid" science is it, when you don't bother to study the physics of the *perceiver* of your own work...your own brain and mind?  THAT is where your Answers are going to be discovered, and they are waiting there in your very own mirrors, but somehow "rigid science" very conveniently completely overlooks that cherished and hard-fought rigidity when it comes to its own adherents!

When you clearly don't *know* what you're doing, then you need to be quiet, stop resisting that reality, and listen to someone who does!  When I see all those precious souls crushed to death under those collapsed buildings from earthquakes, bodies floating in debris from tsunamis, folks' loved ones jumping 100 floors to their deaths to choose one nightmare over another, or millions dying from diseases that practically throw their cures in the faces of medical researchers who look away, it just breaks my heart, and infuriates me that I was born with such an extraordinary, beautiful gift, onto a planet full of people who perceive themselves *unworthy!*

It is soooo tremendously frustrating that scientists refuse to wake up to Universal Truth, because we are not talking about playing with basic intrigue here.  On one of the documentaries repeatedly shown on earthquake prediction, the geologist constantly referenced his field work like it was some kind of fun game to him, treating only the fact that earthquakes kill people and destroy cities like an inconvenient side effect of his play! How disjointed and distracted can one get?!  Don't lose sight of the real world reality that we are talking about saving people's lives by the millions, billions over time! time!!

You "reason" that predicting earthquakes months in advance would be useless anyway, because you still wouldn't know exactly when or where they were going to happen, etc., so it's better to just give people a few seconds to step out of an elevator or whatever?  That type of reasoning shows just how naïve you really are to Universal NONLinear *processing!*

Not one iota "psychic," having nothing whatsoever to do with any of that conventional magic or "mystic" malarkey, I have, with my nonlinear, mathematical superConsciousness, detected in the physics actual names (of people, places, equipment, etc.!), dates, times, seen the faces of those actually involved, detected the intensity of the situations, the numbers of people who will be killed!  That plane that went down in Pennsylvania was *known* months in advance! Trust me...  It was no accident!  The Nonlinear Universe already *knew!*  Everything is happening on a much grander level than most mere humans understand!  With Nonlinear superConsciousness, YOU, too, can *process* on that extraordinary Universal level of Translucent *ACCESS,* as well! The Indonesian tsunami in 2004?  I literally watched it happening repeatedly right before my very eyes, just like watching a giant translucent movie, all year long, all throughout 2004, even/*even* detecting and observing that it was going to be so massive it would effect multiple countries in its process!

Lost, aren't you?  Wondering how the heck could anyone possibly have a clue about any of that level of detail?  That is because you are trying to process what I am saying to you using only linear, unconscious, collective conventional "reason-ing" and expectation that traps you again and again into more unconscious collective convention!  Remember!  Conventional "reason-ing" is only in place to protect convention!

In the real world, "the future" is neither what nor where most people assume it is!  The unconscious collective convention has so locked itself into the mistaken notion of linear past>present>future processing that places "the future" totally out of reach, except to its likewise naive "psychic" mess of magical thinking and exploitation.  But the Universe, in REALity, is NONLinear, the circle with the dot *in the middle,* making "the future" right *NOW,* and higher and lower dimensions/ACCESSES of *Now!*

Just as "The NeverEnding Story" movie says...  

"You seem to be afraid to get on a *real* one!"

So, are you still devoted to your conventional, misguided, linear science, or are you ready to "get on a real one" and *realize* the Universe as NonLinear,   Translucent, and therefore processing itself on a HUMONGOUS timeXspace level/dimension/signature of *access* that only superConsciousness can empathically detect?

What on earth are you waiting for?

You are waiting for information about your earthquakes and tsunamis, etc., by passively waiting for linear (unconscious) life to piece the pixels together FOR YOU, to make the only kind of picture you have trapped yourself into being able to conventionally, linearly process...with only seconds to spare!   

With NonLinear superConsciousness, you go way beyond that, to massively extend your "parade view" to see those pixels long before that puzzle is pieced together for you!  Rather than studying the AFTERmath (aka "too/two late") science of "already put together blatant puzzles," how about studying the science of the pixels themselves?  Study the science of what causes them to even/*even* begin to congeal in the first place, of their congealing in action, of the approach and recognition of imminent manifestation long before it reaches that point?  You have it all sitting right there, available to you the moment you step out of your conventional expectations to say YES to Universal Translucent Truth!

The most important gadget needed in earthquake prediction is your very own mirror!  Geologists and seismologists, etc., don't need billions in monies to far more accurately predict earthquakes.  They need to step back from their (applause) to far more highly evolve themselves into the *reality* of NonLinear Now!

It is NOT about projecting onto the Universe what is going to happen way before it does!  It's about being superConscious enough to empathically *realize* what IS happening in the Universe via *Pure (Unobstructed) Observation!*

I should not have to be sitting here writing blogs begging scientists and others to WAKE UP!!!!  I should be holding profoundly important, massive life-saving symposiums around the world for geologists and other scientists, emergency event personnel, political officials, medical researchers, and others entrusted by the collective unconscious convention to save their lives by the thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, billions to come!  Instead, I'm told to shut up and go away, called a "quack" and worse!  But there are people out there who live every moment of their lives knowing fully well that I begged them repeatedly to listen to me in time to save soooo many people's lives, in incident after incident, and what they gave me was..."We don't employ that technology!"  (What 'technology?'  The TRUTH?!), and "I'm not interested in no numerology," and... the likewise arrogant "Hahahahahahahahahaha!" as I was laughed out of a major university physics department!  They and many others now have to live with the *reality* /Universal Truth event after event, they let thousands of people die, HUNDREDS of thousands of people die, because they *knew,* too!  And I *know* they did, because I'm the *One* who told them!

*Now*... I've told YOU!

Friday, April 15, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XXVI

Detailed for Scientific Replication Purposes... XXVI (Continuing... Answering Taiwanese quantum physicists' questions with @DalaiLama ) (SAME super(im)positional PHYSICS as early earthquake, tsunami, etc. detection.)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...
*Structure* in *Emptiness* /Translucence / Universal Physics Empathy

Recognizing Manifestation: Coming into Being - Part 7

NonLinear Physics Reality *Accesses*
> < ((((((  (((((  ((((  (((  ((  (  0  )  ))  )))  )))) )))))  )))))) > <

Mistaken Linear ("Modern") "Science" Accesses
o ) >

The Elephant in the Room - that Modern Science Cannot See - 1

There are physics >>>INSIDE<<< the physics! Inside your own intelligence! The deeper you go, the earlier the (earthquake, etc.) WARNING!

The more Conscious you become, the more multidimensional, super(im)positional, and mathematical (via *balance* recognition), and the broader your ability to *access* as well as *process* those higher physics!

Mistakenly losing itself in collective unconscious convention, modern science has likewise become obsessed with External Dependency. That is where it all goes dangerously wrong.

The more Externally Dependent, the shorter the warning of imminent (too late) dangers, like earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, weather and other tragedies on the *even*-ing news!

Myopic dangerous oversight!

Gadgets, technology, field work, etc., while certainly more helpful than none, are exclusive external dependencies inadvertently distracting and redirecting scientists *away from* their own higher intelligence! Higher, more complex answers require that higher intelligence needed to recognize congealing, imminent earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and other dangers to millions not just mere seconds away but quite literally days, weeks, months or more, even years, in advance!

The Answer is in multidimensionality!

Nuclear Relativity, taught here, is the key to incredibly...and very credible...very early earthquake, tsunami and other imminent dangers *recognition* / acknowledgment, "prediction" being an over-used expression that grabs conventional attention away from the Truth, the Higher Reality involved, and, if you allow yourself to "go there", distracts you away from the critical, more highly complex, but totally *accessible*, process.

It's all about perception of space and time!

Time and space are not physical objects but rather fluent, ever-flowing, ever-exchanging signatures in the grand scheme of all things reflecting *where one is* relative to mindfulness. What we see "out there" in any given (nonlinear) "moment" is really nothing / Nothing...more than an ever-changing snapshot of the *state of the art of the heart* of the collective. As we change, it changes in reflection.

Convention objectifies everything. Its timeXspace signature in the grand scheme of all things, that has become the rut that the world's most essential scientists have mistakenly bought right into, does not allow it to process higher Reality.

The nature of Nature is *emptiness* (absence of all projection). Translucence. Empathy / Energy.

Higher Consciousness is required to process that Translucence / Empathic Energy. There is *structure* in *Emptiness*! This is where quantum physicists are also getting lost!

Your nuclear relativity work, here, if genuinely done, evolves you out of linear conventionally shallow, distracted external dependency ("wait until something happens 'out there' when it is blatantly obvious"...and too late!) and into the depths and layers of yourself that are required to empathically *access* your own higher intelligence, which is needed to *even recognize* the higher multidimensional harmonics.

Please Read: Written December 9, 2020 here:

I was born super hyper sensitive to these energy processes (edit: NonLinearly superConscious, mathematically synesthetic at age 3) and am fluent in them. Please let me teach you "how to."

I am trying soooo hard to Awaken/Enlighten the world (and its scientists, to save millions of lives)!

This is the physics of...(Universal, multidimensional) EMPATHY!

TimeXSpace Signatures and the Fabric of the Universe

Every time you change your mind, think another thought, feel another feeling, you change your placement/address in the Universe. Time and space are ever-morphing and relative to the state of the art of your heart/status. What everyone collectively sees is the mean statistical average of their immediate-most perceptions. It's like improv theater! Everyone's (and every-thing's) spontaneous contributions determine their immediate-most experience!

The more *balanced* you are, the closer to the Truth overall, and the more you align yourself with the Universe's "parade view."

When you watch a parade while sitting on a sidewalk, you essentially only see what winds up right there in front of you. But if you watch that parade from the top of a building, you get to see its parts coming together, congealing, forming into the bands and floats and decorations, etc., their early movements as a parade, its/their increasing approach and imminent presence, and then its fading/exiting...disintegration!

The more you align yourself with your own truthful reflection, the more you align yourself with the ability to allow in higher and higher realities around you, cozying up to the Universe and how it "sees." You are falling through a very real wormhole, inching your way through it with every successful confrontation propelling you on.

Are these now starting to look...familiar?  (Less "fantasy", more higher reality-based?) :

Are YOU ready?

Be careful what you wish for!

Really need to add here that the Ultimate Universal Truth is not frivolously floating around out there somewhere. There IS solid proof! It's just proof founded upon an enormous wealth of reflective confrontational "data" experienced and re-experienced by generation after generation over thousands upon thousands of years that is lightyears/nightyears well beyoooond anything conventionally-conceived notions of linear physicality have to offer.  That confrontational "data" uses your ability to look deeply into your own mirror to own your own truths to recognize and realize its/everything's Ultimate Truth!  It forces you to directly experience/witness the higher physics involved, directly, which establishes the necessary foundation of TRUST and RESPECT involved/required.

It's all about learning how to ASK the Universe what it actually IS, not persisting in TELLING IT what it has to be! You cannot be a safely detached audience. You have to directly participate in its Truth! 


Do you remember WHY scientists in the movie "Contact" couldn't decipher the message? Do you remember the Ultimate Answer (that even the best scientists in the world couldn't decipher)?


And what did Ellie *recognize* on her wormhole journey?


All these years later, and scientists still haven't gotten the message! Thousands upon thousands of people and animals have died unnecessarily since! Hundreds of thousands in Indonesia and Japan in just two days! Billions in damages!

How is that NOT irresponsible negligence???

This is not about us, right? This is about SAVING MILLIONS OF LIVES!

Please let me teach you how to "access" higher Universal multidimensionality!

(To be continued...)

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XXV

Detailed for Scientific Replication Purposes... XXV  (Continuing... Answering Taiwanese quantum physicists' questions with @DalaiLama ) (SAME super(im)positional PHYSICS as early earthquake, tsunami, etc. detection.)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...
*Structure* in *Emptiness* /Translucence / Universal Physics Empathy

Recognizing Manifestation: Coming into Being - Part 6

NonLinear Physics Reality *Accesses*
> < ((((((  (((((  ((((  (((  ((  (  0  )  ))  )))  )))) )))))  )))))) > <

Mistaken Linear ("Modern") "Science" Accesses
o ) >

I created a new fb page, to directly walk anyone interested through the process of processing *higher* / NonLinearity. (Eclectic superConsciousness, Enlightenment, Awakening. Multidimensionality!)

Awakening Science to NonLinear Earthquake, Tsunami, Tragedy Prediction

There's a human side to all this, all around, and that needs to be expressed. That's where all the Answers are!

There's so much more to the human element, the sentient element, *within* and *without*, than most realize! Time and Space are completely *other than* most assume.

A Tragic Oversight of Scientists, Universities, and Collective Unconscious Convention...and "How To" Turn That Around

There is a HUGH oversight going on in the world, costing MILLIONS of people (and animals) their lives, devastating homes, wasting billions in monies, and wasting critical life-saving TIME, one that involves the world's (and YOUR communities') most essential, life-entrusted scientists, universities, and the people who rely on them with their lives...who don't know what's really happening and what they need to do to elicit the critical *change* necessary to protect themselves!

Over twenty years ago, the highest agencies in the land learned the hardest way ever that they were not sharing critical information, not working together where they should have been, and the consequences were disastrous, costing thousands of people their lives, traumatizing millions around the world!

Similarly, and currently, agencies, and departments within our educational systems, our universities, are making the SAME horrific mistake, with millions of lives on the line...all around the world!

Scientists are being graduated into the most critical, most powerful (pardon the pun) unshakable positions of authority...supposedly in place to PROTECT YOU and your loved ones from devastating earthquakes, tsunamis, and other horrific tragedies on the *even*-ing news...using primitive linear science in our actual NON-Linear Universe!

What does that mean?

It means they are barely etching out (and proudly boasting) a 5-second WARNING system when an earthquake begins, and barely minutes for you to rush to safety from resulting tsunamis (remember Japan? Indonesia?)...when, in REALITY, that WARNING could be as much as days, months, even years in advance!

Here's an important Early Warning System / Time visual to help you see where the problem is:

Linear (unconscious) science can only *access* (one-sided past>present>future)...

o) >
NonLinear TRUTH (Consciousness-based) science can *access*...

><  (((((( ((((( (((( ((( (( ( 0 ) )) ))) )))) ))))) )))))) ><

Modern science is leaving out "the other half" of the Universe, the "other half" of their very own MINDS, in actuality! *Balance*! And with it, multidimensional, exponential *energies* "data" / *accesses*..

Modern science has mistakenly, inadvertently, founded itself in collective unconscious convention! In *imbalance*!

And so how can there be any wonder why they love to insist that "No one...can predict earthquakes!" Let alone tsunamis well in advance! Or anything else, for that matter!

Time and Space are completely *other than* what unconscious minds assume!

Waving red flags all the while (literally, on Twitter)! Even laughing at those who claim otherwise! There is nothing funny about their negligence resulting in relentless deaths around the world!

Sure, there are all kinds of "charlatans" out there, but there is also a much MUCH *Higher Physics* they are seriously missing!


It is only when the people themselves Awaken to their own Higher Consciousness to see it directly for themselves that their scientists will be forced to...WAKE UP!

Never losing my own inherent NonLinear nature (multidimensional *accesses*), I have *recognized* many of the most horrific tragedies on the *even*-ing news...loooong BEFORE they got there! For decades! Witnessed! Documented!

Ignored! Invalidated!

It is excruciatingly painful, watching the news with everyone else, but knowing I knew! In detail, yet! Names, dates, faces, places, locations, intensities, death tolls!

The Universe, and its TimeXSpace, from a place of superConsciousness to *recognize* it, is a very different Reality than most folks assume.

The biggest tragedy of all is that...while it is 100% teachable, replicable physics, next to nobody *even realizes* (hear that?) it exists, including YOUR most essential scientists / authorities YOU are entrusting your life and that of your loved ones to!

And worse yet, trying to tell them about it gets you laughed away and seen as a joke!

Please help me Awaken them, by becoming Awakened yourself!

Universities hold the Answer, but disjointedly in bits and pieces they are not uniting into *One*...toward educating the world's most essential scientists and authorities entrusted with the lives of MILLIONS!

Medical schools teach psychiatrists toward their own mental health. Psychology departments teach clinical psychologists toward the same. Both evolve to regaining their higher nonlinear nature and use the physics to help their patients. (Doctoral+ level. / Evident if you do your Nuclear Relativity work!) Philosophy departments are relegated (along with psychology) to "soft science" when they are, in Reality, quantum physics in inadvertent disguise, while the hardest thing about the "hard science"s is in helping them to Wake Up to the Higher Reality that nothing whatsoever exists without MIND, sentience (experience), and that they are seriously negligent in first learning how their own minds work before they are graduated into positions of authority over everyone else's well-being.

Universities are seriously negligent and complicit in NOT mindfully uniting them all into *One* Universal Consciousness, *One* Unified Theory, toward saving and protecting countless lives!

A serious, serious oversight!

The way to change that is for the people themselves, collective unconscious convention, to wake up! (Taught here, and on my fb pages, step-by-step!)

Consciousness, Enlightenment, Awakening is the fluent *realization* / *recognition* that the Universe, and everybody and everything within it, is NonLinear!

>< ((((((((( 0 ))))))))) ><


Please... *do the work* !

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XXIV

Detailed for Scientific Replication Purposes... XXIV  (Continuing... Answering Taiwanese quantum physicists' questions with @DalaiLama ) (SAME PHYSICS as early earthquake, tsunami, etc. detection.)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...
*Structure* in *Emptiness* /Translucence / Universal Physics Empathy

Recognizing Manifestation: Coming into Being - Part 5

NonLinear Physics Reality *Accesses*
> < ((((((  (((((  ((((  (((  ((  (  0  )  ))  )))  )))) )))))  )))))) > <

Mistaken Linear ("Modern") "Science" Accesses
o ) >

Translucence / Emptiness / Empathy: Where Quantum Science Meets Sentience

Simply fluently *remembering* my own NonLinear nature, I have known about many of the world's most horrific tragedies, in extraordinary detail, most without even looking for them, long BEFORE they happened, because it is a NATURAL REALITY of REALITY that we are all born to *access* those much broader NonLinear harmonics (shown above) and not intended to keep ourselves so lost, so imprisoned, in one-sided linear cerebral neglect, as >99% all folks around the world have become. 

An even bigger tragedy is that their most essential (intended entrusted, life saving) scientists and protection authorities have equally mistakenly, unconsciously, bought right into and founded themselves in that conventional linear "logic".

Relentlessly witnessing millions of people and animals** losing their lives totally unnecessarily while science sleeps is excruciating. Trying to wake them up is next to impossible. They are so enmeshed in their tangled webs, in the *stories they tell themselves*, that they laugh and call me a "nutcase". There is nothing funny whatsoever about linear kindergarten*** science in a NonLinear Universe! It's inexcusable negligence! Millions of lives are being ruined and lost from their negligence! What's so funny about that?

The reason all this looks like laughable charlatan malarkey to modern scientists is because they are mistakenly using nonexistent linear "logic" and notions to reason it through, so of course it isn't going to make sense! They can't *even* (hear that?) process higher REALITY / physics using primitive (cerebral neglect) notions of linearity.

Why "cerebral neglect"? Because half the Universe is being left out of their processing! Half their own minds! Quite literally! 

There is no such thing as one-sided linear past>present>future! Humans invented all that! So imagine all the millions of neurons and neural pathways tangled and lost in all that "reasoning"!

Further, scientists forget that nothing "out there" exists without MIND to *experience* it! Sentience!

There is a much MUCH Higher Empathy at the Core, one that enables us, if Conscious enough, to directly identify with all else in Existence, because we all SHARE that exact same *One* Energy flowing throughout all, inescapably, including with earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, tragedies on the evening News... Every Everything!

The highest of all Universal *accesses* is...Empathy! Shared Energy!

Distracted into one-sided primitive notions of linear past>present>future locks you out of *even* being able to process, let alone fathom, the REAL Universal Reality!


So using linear science is like feeling around in the dark, all the while trying not to feel...essentially anything!

"An awful waste of space!"

Universities are inescapably negligent and complicit in graduating the world's most essential scientists into positions of power and unshakable authority without first bothering to teach them how their own MINDS work! No wonder they're feeling around in the dark! Nothing exists "out there" without MIND!

So the more they unconsciously project, the more the Answers are REPELLED further and further *away from* themselves!

How can scientists genuinely know what they are really looking for when they don't *even* realize how their own minds work, let alone the Higher Universe?!

This is not about egos. Yours or mine! This is about saving countless lives of people and animals all around the world, precious souls who rely on folks like us to protect them when they have no way to protect themselves, and hopefully preventing enormous losses of property, etc.. The Answers ARE *accessible*!

*Even*... is a constant *hint* revealing where the *Higher Answers* are to be found! In *Balance*! "Cerebral neglect" is an actual psychology/psychiatry term, conveying mind imbalance.

Linear science objectifies the physical world, detaches from it, assumes everybody and everything as disjointed, disconnected from each other, as if each of us is somehow magically plopped down into the world independent of everything going on, that natural phenomena like earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, storms, tragedies on the "even"-ing news are all completely separate, and that its coveted linear past>present>future means nothing else is available, that "no one can predict 'the future'/earthquakes" (let alone anything else).

It has been *realized* by <1% (sages, etc.) for thousands of years that the Universe and everybody and everything in it are NonLinear! *Interconnected*! Move any one, move every one!

"Thousands of years" needs to be heard and processed NonLinearly: like...

 >< ((((((((( thousands of years ))))))))) ><

See the difference? Both sides of the MIND are being used to process it...multidimensionally!

When I was a child, I was already extremely empathic and multidimensionally mathematical (born with it). Every time I went left, I (somewhat) anthropomorphized (in a way) "the other side". Like..."But what about 'the other side' then? Where does that go?" I felt bad that I was leaving out whatever side I didn't choose. I just knew it was there for a reason! My mind would not let it go! I was given IQ tests and the psychologists loved and made such a big deal about my repetitious immediate *recognition* of *Balance* and the math involved in that *Balance*. Even with linear science, while it makes major strides in conventional life, it seriously leaves out the whole other side of common sense. It is "The Something" (projection) forgetting its origin..."The Nothing" (reflection)!

In quantum physics, when everything gets so tiny it can't be seen, quantum physicists admittedly (with Dalai Lama... See day 3, second half!) become distressed, not knowing where to go next. But that is where sentience (experience)! Creatures! Sentient (experiencing) beings! That is the point at which NonLinearity becomes the reality they are searching for...from *within* their own minds! 

The Truth! The Ultimate Answer! 


** While animals retain their inherent nonlinear nature, most don't have the ability to escape what they *realize* as congealing and imminent, locked in homes and enclosures by those distracted unconscious humans!

*** Dalai Lama's word, and very accurate, relatively.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XXIII

Detailed for Scientific Replication Purposes... XXIII  (Continuing... Answering Taiwanese quantum physicists' questions with @DalaiLama )

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...
*Structure* in *Emptiness* /Translucence / Universal Physics Empathy

Recognizing Manifestation: Coming into Being - Part 4

NonLinear Physics Reality *Accesses*
> < ((((((  (((((  ((((  (((  ((  (  0  )  ))  )))  )))) )))))  )))))) > <

Mistaken Linear ("Modern") "Science" Accesses
o ) >

The Tragedy of Momentum: Science on the Bandwagon

Just as a powerful tsunami picks up everything and everybody in its wake and carries them along to a horrible outcome, likewise the dilemma of civilization and the demands of its many settlements, distracting billions of people away from their inherent nonlinear nature into unquestioningly "doing what everybody else is doing", the comfort of collective unconscious convention. 

Increasingly, folks have individually and collectively lost, and continue to lose, well...their "minds", essentially (*balanced reasoning* literally), their very own depth of processing, as so quickly jumping onto that bandwagon has required less and less deep thought, less and less depth of feeling, and altered their *recognition* of timeXspace reality, reducing *access* to Universal Truth.

As I've written here, as if folks' so quickly buying right into all that shallow processing isn't already enough, the relentless commercials shoved in their faces constantly and repetitively redirect millions from that depth. As you try to personally get into whatever program you're watching on TV, thinking things through more and more deeply, feeling your feelings more intensely...WHAM! Another and another commercial, and longer and longer streams of commercials, are shoved in your face, constantly jolting all your potential depth back to surface acceptance. The result: Millions are being unwittingly and inadvertently constantly conditioned into an increasingly shallow-er and shallow-er existence, shallow processing, and with it the loss of contemplation, balanced logic and higher reasoning. 

External dependency!

That "floating cartoon aroma" as I've often called it, with everybody all bunched up, closely huddled and dutifully following along, has enormous consequences on so many levels, with a very serious reality of all that being that modern scientists themselves, along with other essential "authorities" entrusted with millions of lives, have mistakenly founded themselves in the DISTRACTION, the chaos, NOT in the REAL REALITY!

Modern scientists, unconsciously founding themselves in all that shallow unconsciousness, have bought right into the delusion of human-invented, one-sided linear past>present>future, and its supporting "logic", such that the HIGHER ANSWERS, even/*even* when right in front of them, seem laughable, and anyone trying to wake them up is seen as a joke!

Sensory physicality is lost! Feelings are degraded as "an awful waste of space"! So much for that "Unified Theory"! (You don't get to conveniently and selectively choose what to include or leave out of that "Unity"!) Feelings are inescapable *felt energies*, experiences and interpretations of the *One* Universal Energy flowing throughout all in Existence, everybody and everything all *interconnected* ...earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, weather, even the *even*-ing news, etc., in relative simultaneity, trying to redirect us toward *balance* (reality), holding the Answers to gravity, magnetism, multidimensionality, higher mathematics...Truth!

Collectively, unconscious humans, along with their scientists, are essentially in a trance, one of their own making, resisting, even laughing off, every attempt by Conscious *realizers* to Enlighten them.

It's one thing for the collective to be lost in all that, but it's inexcusable for modern science to have bought into unconscious convention, with millions of lives naively depending on them.

In a NonLinear Universe, every possible possibility has to exist...*in the (Forever) Now*! Everything is superimposed and simultaneous, simultaneity being relative (the reason you've created a karma, or destiny, of 6 for yourself if you've behaved 3 in any given Truth of 9!) Try as it might, The Something can never escape the Reality that it is UNDERWRITTEN by the Balanced Truth of The Nothing! And so are you! Everything is!

It's the Great Global, and Cosmic, Chess Game! Nothing gets a free pass! Dark energy, dark matter, wormholes, black holes! The sun! The moon! Everything is being underwritten!

And it is all a reflection!

Nothing "out there" exists without...mind!

There is no experience without sentience!

This has been *realized* by the highest of sages for thousands of years! (Tao Te Ching, I Ching...Nag Hammadi!)

Monday, April 4, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XXII

Detailed for Scientific Replication Purposes... XXII  (Continuing... Answering Taiwanese quantum physicists' questions with @DalaiLama )

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...

*Structure* in *Emptiness*

Recognizing Manifestation: Coming into Being - Part 3

NonLinear Physics Reality *Accesses*
> < ((((((  (((((  ((((  (((  ((  (  0  )  ))  )))  )))) )))))  )))))) > <

Mistaken Linear ("Modern") "Science" Accesses
o ) >

Attention Seismologists, Geologists, Weather and Medical Researchers...

Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Quantum Physics, Structure and Sentience

Mind is Sentience is Universal
No one has proprietary ownership of MIND! Mind is Universal ENERGY, synergistically SHARED (like wifi) throughout all in Existence...including with earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, weather, tragedies on the *even*-ing news!

So, an earthquake, feeling its sentience, goes into a psychiatrist's office...

Psychiatrist: What seems to be the matter/*matter*?

EQ: I feel invisible! I make every effort to be seen, to be heard, but nobody *even*  notices!

Psychiatrist: Tell me more...

EQ: I dunno, doc! Um, well... Okay, well...I admit it! I have an anger issue! I'm just tired of it, ya know?! So I LASH OUT!

Psychiatrist: Wow! That's a lot of energy! Where do you think it's coming from?

EQ: I just feel soooo unappreciated, ya know? So...unacknowledged! Nothing I ever do seems to be good enough! I mean, I try and I try, but I get...nothing! NOTHING! So I get mad! So I make a lot of noise! And still they don't even/*even* bother to notice I exist! It breaks my heart!

Psychiatrist: So that's when you lash out!

EQ: Yeah, I mean... Something's gotta give! Something's gotta change! I just never get any feedback, you know?! Nothing I ever do seems to be enough! Only time I get any attention is when I get loud, throw things! Overturn tables, knock things around! Next thing ya know it's all out chaos! I just can't stop myself! 

Psychiatrist: How do you see things being different if they did notice you?

EQ: Well... I probably wouldn't get as angry! I mean, if only they'd give me credit for all the little things I do... Maybe that would be enough! I just wanna be appreciated now and then, that's all!

Feedback, *Interconnected* Interaction and Redirection
The Universe is a system of feedback, of reflection (vs projection), where nothing is "an awful waste of space"!** Every everything is at all times accounted for. (Relative simultaneity)

Tragedies on the *even*-ing news wouldn't necessarily wind up there if that energy was redirected via mindfulness!

When earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, weather, tragedies are building toward manifestation, all that increasing *energy* is going unnoticed, unacknowledged, and hence unobstructed! Unextinguished.  

Imagine how different things would be if humans bothered to notice enough to provide early feedback...AS those energies are congealing toward manifestation!

MIND is THAT powerful! Because it is UNIVERSALLY SHARED! We have the power to redirect, but only with NonLinear Consciousness! Empathic realignment of ourselves with...the real Reality!

In martial arts, Aikido, potential assailants throw themselves with their own aggression, while their mindful intended targets simply, Consciously...and timely...step out of the way!

Collective unconscious convention and its equally unconscious scientists/authorities position themselves not to mindfully "step out of the way* but instead to be dominoes getting knocked over when the Universe and its Truth / REALITY / *energy* comes their way! They don't feel their own worth! They don't even begin to appreciate the *other side*... of themselves, which is anything but...

"An awful waste of space"!

The Universe is a system of opposing forces. If you don't see it coming, you provide no opposition!

Just as it is with any one individual, likewise collectively... if the Truth of any given situation is 9 and the collective behaves 3, the NonLinear (ever present, everything already said and done) Universe will bring that missing 6 into their lives via relative simultaneity! It's inescapable! If 4 then 5 becomes the karma / destiny, if 1 then 8...

So imagine how consequences would be so physics-ally different if earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and other tragedies on the...listen up...*even*-ing news were Consciously *recognized* as congealing, forming, coming into being (surfacing) months, years, in advance!

It's inescapable physics!

With "waaaay less than <1%..." of the world's population (of nearly 8 billion people / SHARED MINDS) Conscious, that's waaaay more than >99% passively providing no opposition whatsoever to what's coming their way, and that's one heckuva lot of *energy* projected onto their karma via relative simultaneity! Think about that! 

The Universe is completely *other than* what collective unconscious convention assumes! We are ALL inescapably UNDERWRITTEN and *interconnected* by... 

*One* Empathic Energy Simultaneously Shared Throughout!

... Nobody is individually and conveniently just magically plopped down into the world disconnected from all else, selectively able to make up the rules as they go! delusion.

The following is my blog article here that, in real time, set off my suddenly *recognizing* the Vegas massacre. I was re-reading and editing it when I suddenly *realized* I was detecting another, seriously didn't want the pain and trauma of all that, quickly backed away (physically pushed myself quickly away) from my computer and...*flash* - "Vegas - Mandalay Bay!"  My post note to the victims followed. Directly addresses sleeping scientists re: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, the cosmos, even NASA! 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe  - V

Special Note to the Folks Going Through the Vegas Tragedy (All of  Humanity!): There's a Much Higher Universal Physics Truth going on in life that most folks have not learned to recognize. It reveals these horrific tragedies long before they manifest, NOT from any "psychic" malarkey, but from very, VERY real Einstein/Relativity physics that are hiding in YOUR very own personal mirror.  

Awakening to your own personal reflection *within* your own heart and soul reveals what's REALLY going on "out there" in the world, *without* yourself! With soooo much sadness and heartbreak, so many life questions stirred, this (eclectic) blog can really REALLY help you to understand, to process *higher,* and most importantly, to heal! *Hugs* (Please read ***this footnote first! Despite initial appearance, all you need to process this entire blog are your deepest feelings and heart! That's where all the Answers are not-so-hiding, *realized* THOUSANDS of years ago!)

*One* Universal Truth, Synergistically SHARED by all/Awe!

A profoundly disturbing situation is going on in the world that more than 99%** of people/world society are not recognizing.  The <1%** aware of it see the devastating results and feel the stress, the conflict involved, in trying to help them become aware of it.

That >99% of world society is very genuinely asleep, truly physiologically asleep!

Most disturbing is that it is that >99% genuinely asleep collective mindset that is ruling the entire world on behalf of all sentient (experiencing) beings, and because they have no shortage of advocacy, and all the civil power to punish the *realizers,* those of us who are fluent in the true Universal reality have little choice but to relegate ourselves to the frustration of observing the very backward and immature energy overtaking this planet.

The infrastructure of planet earth is that of a bunch of naive and highly unguided children who are so deeply lost in their personal, selfish agendas, so immensely entangled in their make-believe, that even those they look up to or delegate to handle important affairs (in convention, scientists, world leaders, protection authorities), equally haven't a clue.

What makes it so hard to reach people and convince them that they are seriously distracted from real reality is that everything seems to be accurately in place all around them to manage their lives and provide for their needs, but that's only because everything's in place to support and continue...what else, but convention itself.  And folks are way too heavily invested, far too busy within that conventional infrastructure, to uproot their entire lives for any other way to be.  With dissenters of unconscious convention so few and the cost of dissent so high on nearly every level, the sleeping planet continues to snore away, and any and all nightmares it encounters have a vast array of deities and enemies to blame.  Hence, relentless wars and sudden catastrophic jolts they didn't see coming.

When those wars and "sudden" jolts get their collective attention, they look for broader stories they tell themselves collectively to get through them, but so quickly they return to their personalized agendas, strenghtened further by the collective event that they're going the right way.

There's nothing wrong with dreaming for oneself, and along with the collective, likeminded dreamers, until the chaos of all that sleeping through their entire lives meets the horrors of all that sleeping...the *even*-ing news!

Relentless warring, within themselves and without, can hardly be seen as worth all that subjective slumber.

Sudden, unforeseen earthquakes devastating entire cities full of people, tsunamis killing thousands of people, hundreds of thousands, can hardly be worth the price.

Murders, kidnappings, accidents, incidents, the weather...are they really not enough impetus to wake up?

As I write this, powerful, destructive hurricanes, one after the other, are wiping out millions of people's lives, homes, possessions, meaningfulnesses gone in the wind!

Terror threats the world over lurk and loom, and world leaders threaten nuclear wars as if they're playing with tinker toys instead of your lives!

Are those ego-driven, personal, subjective, made-up, keeping in (delusion of) control stories really worth all that?

What people don't realize is that all that chaotic energy is a direct reflection of the choices they individually and collectively make.

They don't realize themselves as far more physics-ally driven and influenced, and influential, and that the chaos of their slumber is the feedback they live, as the NonLinear Universe demands Balance in every *Now* and plays chess with them with every breath they take, every move they make, in its unnegotiable stance to be still/*still.*

Verrrry simplified example just to make the point: If its Core is 9 and you subjectively behave 7, it brings the missing 2 into your life via relative simultaneity (detailed more later). If you behave 4, then 5 comes into your life.  If 3, 9, 6 or 1, then 6, 0, 3 or 8 becomes your inadvertent destiny.

Science appears to be making magnificent strides in its technologies and space exploration, but that's because it has that place for itself in linear, projected, conventionally-driven life. But while its head is in the cosmos, it is seriously overlooking the more immediate basic needs of everyday people in everyday life, in particular their basic survival needs.

Instruments measuring earthquake movements in the ground provide important data, but their "5-second warning" so proudly currently displayed is primitive relative to the days, weeks, months, a year or more warnings of NonLinear Truth!  Waiting for an unexpected earthquake to provide a tsunami warning following it just moments away is tremendously naive and irresponsible when NonLinear Truth can provide that warning a year or more before manifestation! Nearly a quarter million people lost their lives and others their loved ones, homes and livelihoods in the 2004 tsunami on December 26, that science, with its head in the clouds, didn't see coming!

Look what happened to Japan with its historical tsunami, as the world watched.

And look what happened on 9/11/01 and all the devastation then and relatedly since, while science and other conventional authorities slept away!

Why aren't these, and relentless others similar, worth waking up to higher reality?  What has to happen to make modern scientists and other conventional authorities recognize the bigger picture of where they're going wrong and need to redirect themselves?

And what about that >99% of people making up that collective unconscious convention and their responsibility in all this and for themselves? They put those "authorities" in place, in science, in government, in protection agencies, and that will only continue until the people themselves become aware of what they're doing wrong!

The frustrating thing is that the Answers are all right there, immediately available to them all! And the more immediate problem is that the people of world society, and their scientists and other essential authorities, genuinely are unaware, for the most part, that anything other than what they are already doing actually exists. They have been born into, and bought right into, the design of collective unconscious convention, and having lived it all their lives, unimpeded, have tangled their webs so tightly that any suggestion of redirection is experienced as loss, and anger and disdain rush forth to insure any such invasion is punished, ganged up on, and destroyed.

The Buddhist practice of accepting and soliciting very young children into monastic life as novices has been ridiculed by conventional naivete as abusive to these children, with the argument being that they should first grow up and become of an age mindfully mature enough to choose for themselves.

But what convention isn't realizing is that those chosen children are being protected (far more than their own) from having their lives and minds so deeply enmeshed in the cerebral neglect that is like a disease that makes later in life redirection/Awakening incredibly difficult and painful, and likely never to happen. By then a person has told himself/herself so many tangled stories and bought so into convention's toxic, contaminated infrastructure of fables, and become so profoundly invested in those tangled stories that *even* convincing them otherwise is next to impossible.  And the responsibility involved in realizers even allowing folks to get lost in all that when they have the ability to protect them from it is immense, on behalf of all sentient (experiencing) beings. And that responsibility weighs very heavily on the minds of the Awakened *realizers.*

In 1995, devastated by the deaths of all those precious infants in Oklahoma, I promised them that I would "climb the highest mountain and SCREAM at the top of my lungs" to be heard "next time."

I failed them miserably!*** I did climb the highest mountains! I did SCREAM at the top of my lungs to be heard!  And the highest authorities in those mountains said "we don't employ that technology!" Others whisked it all away in their coveted file folders and looked for ways to heal my unhealthy thinking. I got hung up on, doors slammed in my face, fired from jobs, told to move out of my home, ganged up on, called a quack, a charlatan, mentally ill, blah, blah, blah... I have always wanted to be a little fly on their walls when the events I detailed manifestated, and they had no where to go to hide what they had done to help those manifestations manifest!

I had every detail. It was worthless information.

When I turned off the TV to immerse myself in all those languages, I still detected the demise of the second space shuttle.  I'd also detected the demise of the first in 1986. It's simple, basic physics, that even NASA couldn't process in time...and space!

Nuclear Family Relativity, very VERY real physics of all life itself, of everything within and without yourself, microscope to cosmos, knocks down the artificial walls and boundaries of convention, and challenges you to reflectively recognize and realize what's REALLY going on, in your mirror, and reflectively "out there" in your environment, in the world, on planet earth, in the cosmos, and microscopically.

As I've said, it is incredibly intriguing to observe and directly experience the world, the Universe, your own life, from a *realized* place actually mindfully INSIDE the entire dynamic IN ACTION, where absolutely nothing is going on that is not a reflection of your very own self inescapably...and it has the audacity to hold it ransom until you face the truth of yourself every step of the way!  It actually uses your Core Truth of yourself to prove itself.  Whodathunkit? (That part's for you to decide!)

Nuclear Family Relativity shows you directly what time really is, what space really is, what relativity is, and how it all works together. It takes you into multidimensionality, parallel universes, and through very real wormholes.

It teaches you what gravity is, from INSIDE, magnetism, and what dark energy and dark matter are, and why and where they are!

Doctors and patients and their families actually unwittingly reveal the cures for diseases and disorders in their general conversations, and scientists exploring their microscopes and distant cosmos reveal an enormity of revelations about passions they spend billions building and sending equipment to!

And all of it is totally missed by all of them, because they've lost themselves in collective unconscious convention and its mistaken linear logic and "reasoning" that, without guidance, they cannot hear, they cannot see, and they spend their whole entire lives having never realized who, when, what, where, why and how they really are in Universal Truth.

Are tangled *stories* really more important than all that?

** About 20 years ago, while writing books, I interviewed a very prominent university department head with whom I'd suggested <5% of the world's population being aware, from previous exposure. He quickly corrected me with such a rush. His exact words were: "Oh, it is waaaay less than that! Less than 1%!"

*** Failed again, apparently.  Editing this blog post last week, I was painfully taken back to my promise to all those infants (and others) in 1995, which then set me off into remembering soooo many others, and my feelings of anger took me way too deeply into my Nonlinear, multidimensional math mind, as I told myself...I don't EVER want to *know* another (what I used to call) "pre-realization." My brain immediately responded with...Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay.  Really, really angry right now.  Couldn't care less who believes that or not, and haven't in ages.  Reality is reality, but the ANGER I feel is intense.  Almost feel as though my own brain has betrayed me. Darned Nonlinear Math!  Same feeling as 2004 tsunami, with a quarter million lives lost.  After 9/11, I tried soooo hard never ever to *know* any of these ever again. Worthless information.  Excruciating. Born seeing the multidimensional math! Enough already, world. Wake the hell up!  (Lateral physics "portal" here would be the anger/intensity connection, all 100% observable, measurable, teachable physics!)

Thinking right now about the Tibetan Buddhist monks advising me not to "interfere" with Nature, saying that these are lessons for the world to learn, but I can't accept that infants and innocent people should have to go through such horrors to learn lessons they are no longer around to benefit from in any way.  Buddhist monks, high lama level, are fluent in the physics as well, and I respect and trust their advice. They did also advise me to teach people HOW I *know* all these things, because it really is actual teachable physics, but will conventional authorities listen?

** "Contact" - Carl Sagan movie. Aka..."The NeverEnding Story" for scientists. Pretty pathetic when blatant physics truth has to be disguised in a "fantasy" (quoting scientists of the movie) because scientists refuse to process Reality! Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands, millions, lose their lives so they can enjoy their "fantasy"..